Isn’t it odd that basic common sense ideas like safe streets, strong educational values and equality of opportunity are now MAGA infused right wing values?

The best thing to happen to this country and the world is to see more Americans of Asian, Black and Hispanic descent publicly embrace common sense. Of course the press will then call each one right-wing as a reflex. Hopefully we are getting to the point when brave people like those mentioned in the article will laugh at the press and wear right wing as a badge of honor.

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It would also be good to see more Americans of European (white) descent publicly embrace common sense.

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I think with the exception of city and suburban women, most have. Of course many are afraid to say so in public.

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The stats show Democratic support among white suburban voters to be 44% in 2020. That's a lot of votes, imo.

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Can't speak for other places, but my suburb is 50/50 Rs and Ds and it's clean, safe, and has good schools so we keep re-electing the same town council. Why wouldn't we--they're doing the job.

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Most 50/50 locations will end up being well governed because the elected officials know that they can get thrown out in the next election. Sadly, there are parts of the country that are one party dominated (usually D dominated) like NYC, Philly Chicago, DC, etc. There is no need to them to demonstrate good governance because the party will always win, no matter how poor the performance.

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

Scott D - your nice mostly whitey clean and safe neighborhood with good schools allows you (and me, my neighborhood is the same) to enjoy "luxury beliefs" (the usual leftist stuff) if we want to. The inevitable negative results don't affect us yet. That's not what the people in this story are experiencing.

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

AWFLs. The easiest-to-manipulate demographic in the world.

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"Isn’t it odd that basic common sense ideas like safe streets, strong educational values and equality of opportunity are now MAGA infused right wing values?"

Or put another way, isn't it odd that Make America Great Again has become an epithet in democrat circles?

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You anticipated me... it's the language, yet again.

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But why they would take a statement of making one's country great as a bad thing seems really odd when you think about it.

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the democrats made " Make America Great Again" into an epithet. We are now seeing their alternative to MAGA. Maybe it should be named "Destroy America Now" DAN

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I'd be shocked if any of the most unhinged progressives even know what MAGA stands for. Their ignorance results from having the attention span of a gnat. Luckily for democrat politicians, ignorance is bliss.

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What Bari should have added in her mention about the KY governor's race is that the GOP candidate, Daniel Cameron, running against Andy Bashear (D) is black. The Republican candidate, in Kentucky, is a black man. I hate it say it but after I saw his picture, I had to look him up to make sure my eyes weren't fooling me or it wasn't just the lighting of the photo. The old guards of black Americans who marched with Dr. King are gone. The younger generations who don't feel the bond to that are also realizing there are opportunities for them on the GOP side. ID politics will be a losing strategy in the long run.

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My understanding is that Republican's are polling much better with black men. Not so much black women sadly.

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Black men can be horrible politicians too. viz. Obama.

Herman Cain was kind of an id---.

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Obama is not black. He's a member of Hamas.

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Obama is full of it, and I'm not a fan. But member of Hamas? No.

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Barack Hussein Obama is a white upper middle class progressive painted brown. Obama is Black in Skin Only BISO

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You might be surprised then that the Republicans in Congress have always far more representatives of color from non-minority districts than the Democrats.

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This isn't all that new. Its just that the Dems (and thus the MSM) don't count them as truly black.

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Very few "truly black" Americans (that are called black) are. Virtually all interbred with caucasians, asians, and native Americans way back. In the early days of slavery, red-headed Irish were sold, mostly young women used as livestock in the barn to make mulatto babies. The redheads were 10% the price because their fair skin made them useless as field hands. This is why so many black people have freckles.

Then in the earliest days, being black was just "bad luck for you" and plantation owners like the Ball ancestor bought the prettiest he could afford (black and Irish). He never married because, well, why would he want to? He had a harem out there that wouldn't give him much grief. It was this phenomenon that caused the white mothers of Charleston to get together and ostracize any man who didn't take a "proper white wife". That was the origin of the racism that comes down to us. It wasn't the men originally.

Later on, free indentured servants, indentured runaways, and runaway mulattos became a major part of the south's population. They took up racism to fit in, and it grew over generations. But those people didn't benefit from slavery. Slavery benefited an elite, much like the current day stock market does.

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Where is this information coming from??

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Also, "Slaves in the Family" by Edward Ball


The same pattern happened in India. British officers married beautiful, educated Indian women. Mothers of eligible daughters created a society that excluded them and the "half-breed" children to get their daughters married off to officers who often got wealthy. This was part of why the Sepoy rebellion killed many of the memsahibs. Dig deep on the Sepoy rebellion.

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Wow!! I will look into. Pretty fascinating. I always thought that the memsahibs were just obnoxious, entitled, insufferable white wimmin. I know I'm mixing continents and ethnicities, but did you ever read "The Frill" by Pearl S. Buck? Describes the type perfectly.

Thank you for the interesting rabbit hole!

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After the Battle of Kinsale 1601, the English had captured some 30,000 military prisoners, and thus created an official policy of banishment, or transportation. James II encouraged selling the Irish as slaves to planters and settlers in the New World colonies. The first recorded sale of Irish slaves was to a settlement on the Amazon River, in 1612.

In 1625, an offical Proclaimination ordered for Irish prisoners to get rounded up and sold as slaves to English Planters. Between 1629 and 1632 a large numbers of Irish, men and women, were sent to Guiana, Antiqua and Montserrat. By 1637 approx 69% of the population of Montserrat were Irish slaves.Negro slaves had to be purchased, 20 to 50 pound sterling, Irish slaves were captured and sold for 900 pounds of cotton. The Irish became the largest source of slaves for English slave traders.

From 1641 to 1652, over 550,000 Irish were killed by the English and 300,000 more were sold as slaves. As more men were transported, leaving their wives and children behind, they too were also rounded up and sold as slaves. Irish women and their daughters were of lighter complection than the black slaves and were considered more valuable as domestic slaves.

In 1649, Cromwell began a campaign of terror on Ireland. All captured soldiers were transported to be sold into slavery. A few months later, in 1650, 25,000 Irish were sold to planters in St. Kitt. During the 1650s , over 100,000 Irish children, generally from 10 to 14 years old, were taken from their parents, and sold as slaves in the West Indies, Virginia and New England. In fact, more Irish were sold as slaves to the American colonies from 1651 to 1660 than the total existing “free” population of the Americas! In1652, Cromwell ordered that the Irish were to be transported overseas, starting with 12,000 Irish prisoners sold to Barbados.

The infamous “ To Hell or to Connacht ” proclamation was issued on 1 May 1654, confiscating all Irish held lands, and the native Irish were to relocated west of the Shannon or be transported to the West Indies. To expediate the process in 1657 the law was further clarified to read: : “Those who fail to transplant themselves into Connaught or Co Clare within six months... Shall be attained of high treason... are to be sent into America or some other parts beyond the seas... those banished who return are to suffer the pains of death as felons by virtue of this act, without benefit of Clergy.” It was not a crime to kill any Irish, as soldiers were encouraged to do, but the slave trade proved too profitable to ignore. As a result 52,000 Irish, were sold to Barbados and Virginia alone. Another 30,000 Irish men and women were taken prisoners and ordered transported and sold as slaves. In 1656, Cromwell’s Council of State ordered that 1000 Irish girls and 1000 Irish boys be rounded up and taken to Jamaica to be sold as slaves to English planters. Still there were more as little record was kept of this activity.

Few people realize from 1600 -1699, more Irish were sold as slaves than Africans.

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OMG!! So does this mean that the old swashbuckler, "Captain Blood", was based on fact?? Does this mean those of us of Irish extraction should get reparations???

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He is black but the Democrats will still attack him as "racist" like they did to Larry Elder.

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They already branded him "Uncle Tom". These people have no self-awareness how absolutely racist they are.

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With the progressive democrats trying to destroy the future of Asian-Americans, either by racial quotas at major universities, or decrying their success as "white-adjacent," meaning they are "evil" for taking advantage of the American dream, what did the democrats expect to happen?

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They expected people to believe whatever they said so that they stopped thinking and voted for them.

It works.

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Just like the CCP in China! "The Glorious Future". Utopian ideals usually result in more of the same old repression.

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CCP, Putin’s Russia and every other Communist country have two classes, the Ruling Class and everyone else who serve them and pay for the Ruling Class and their families to live in luxury.

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The Progressive Democrats are not just trying to destroy the future for Asian Americans, they’re trying to destroy it for everyone, including themselves. They are just too dim to see it.

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Expect more phony "white supremacy" cowbell from our corrupt media.

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It’s too complex, what you are asking for - thinking one step ahead. It’s too Newtonian and therefore it’s toxic. 🤪

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Fantastic piece about brilliant American candidates. All of the Asian hate comes from democrats, who attacks Asians in the school boards and city streets. The woke revolution has many similarities to the Chinese cultural revolution.

For those in NYC, I highly recommend visiting the Tiananmen Square Massacre museum and meeting its legendary curator: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-visit-the-tiananmen-square-museum-nyc

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Regarding the similarities between what is happening in America and the cultural revolution , I also highly recommend this book Mao's America: A Survivor’s Warning https://a.co/d/3VDiGY3

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In the same vein, and also highly recommended, the North Korean defector Yeonmi Park's "While Time Remains"

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The party who calls anyone who disagrees with them a racists are the real racists. The only minority in the US the Dems/Socs are interested in is the black minority. All other minorities are lumped in with the evil whites and are fair game for the neo-Nazis. Remember when you translate NAZI, the word socialist is in the translation.

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Actually, the Ds are also very VERY interested in minorities of the the Gender Specials kind. I'd say they're on top of the Oppression Hierarchy for them.

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"Jeeves, find me a black lesbian (whoops I mean queer woman) in a wheelchair STAT for my campaign ad. And dye her hair pink. That is all."

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They are only interested in black folks when they vote correctly.

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James Lindsay’s New Discourse podcast also highlights how the Progressive Left is similar to Mao’s cultural revolution. It’s like, scary similar.

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The words "liberal" and "progressive" are misnomers. The left is neither "liberal" or "progressive". They are the neo-Nazis so let's call them that.

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

They're Neo-Marxists. They bear many more similarities to the USSR than National Socialist era Germany.

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When you set up death camps and murder millions of you own people is there really a difference?

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

Fair point. But definitely their playbook is influenced more by Marx, Mao, Stalin, etc than Hitler.

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They are both dictatorial, brutal, murdering systems and the differences are subtle if any at all.

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I hear your sentiment, but if you say “neo-Nazis” only, some may think you are referring to the small number of actual neo-Nazis from the far Right.

Perhaps “Regressive Left?”

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If I can't call them neo-Nazis then let's call them brutal, lying, bullying, vicious. thugs. If you don't believe me, just look at what is happening on college campuses and in the streets, all over the US and the world. If the left has its way, they would set up extermination camps. Maybe they could name one, New Auschwitz.

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Just call them the Nazi Left. They literally are marching on the streets now calling for the heads of Jews.

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Oh I am well aware what is happening. (And you can call them whatever you want, I just don’t want to give the thugs any more ammo— they tend to jump on anything remotely confusing for their own twisted purposes, so I personally don’t want to risk giving them any more vagueness in which to play into their way of twisting words and the truth.)

Thugs would be accurate.

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The difference in the U. S. is that we have rights to choose who we will support. And many of us, like the Asians are doing so. Just wait til the Presidential Elections.

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The big parallels I see are all the erasure and rewriting of the past. Destroying statues, removing literature from schools, rewriting books to be more inclusive, etc. The Brits are now asserting that Africans built Stonehenge, while Jane Austen books are being re-released with gay romances. Everything that was once culturally relevant must be either co-opted or deleted.

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Thank you for the info. I didn't know that this place existed. Will visit it with my daughters soon.

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The waves of immigrants who came to the US hoped for a better future. The Germans, Irish, Italians, Jews, and now the Russians, Central Americans, and eastern Europeans all fled dire conditions, persecutions, tyrannies, or just hopelessness, and they, like the previous waves of immigrants, have made lives in this country while contributing to our strength and national pride. Nothing was ever handed to them on a platter except the freedom to begin all over. I welcome the growing influence of the Asian-Americans who, like all of our American ancestors keep the fires of liberty burning. Eventually, we and they will stop using the hyphenated American identifiers. They will just be Americans.

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Exactly. Those early immigrants came to America because of our values. The more recent ones it is more because of our money.

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I reject that statement as both unsupportable by verifiable evidence and sound reason. Nearly everyone who comes to America wants a better life, a chance to live free and make a living and to advance their children's futures. They want to make their own way with their own money. While there may be few with their hands out for welfare, there are many more American citizens on welfare than immigrants.

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Yes but the percentage of illegal immigrants on welfare is much higher than the percentage of American citizens that are on welfare. Legal immigrants need to show some hope of being self supporting. Illegal immigrants, not so much, I think. You can't conflate legal immigrants with illegal immigrants. In fact, in my experience, legal immigrants are often the most vocal in wanting stronger border enforcement.

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Oh, I totally agree that illegal immigration must be stopped, and one way would be to ensure that illegal immigrants receive no welfare benefits other than a ticket back to their native lands Very many legal immigrants who follow the rules of naturalization have no sympathy for those who sneak across our borders.

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Your last line is my hope. This article was informative, and I suppose highlighting the geographic origins of the Asian people supported that point. But like you, I want to experience and appreciate that their drive to serve comes from their place here in America as just “Americans”. That truthful term on its own signals inclusivity. We were once referred to as a “melting pot” until 2008, when left wing progressives started sorting us all out and labeling everyone with hyphens.

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Teddy Roosevelt gave an inspired speech to the Knights of Columbus of New York City in 1915 in which he made the point that there is no place in America for "hyphenated Americans." He believed that any American, native or naturalized, who gives his sole allegiance to the United Sates is an American, period. I don't believe Teddy was saying we shouldn't be proud of our ancestors or their heritage or not publicly celebrate those things, but he (and I) rejects the idea of split loyalties. I have problems with some immigrant communities that place their primary loyalties to the nations of their origins and reject assimilation into mainstream America and attempt to shape America into their own culture of origin.

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Btw, Teddy was a Progressive.

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It is about time. Asian Americans were in lockstep with the Dems for decades. The discrimination against brilliant Asian-American college applicants has been exposed. in addition, most of the anti-Asian violence has been perpetrated by African-Americans who have been largely protected by Progressive, Soros-funded district attorneys. This plain fact is rarely articulated due to fears of racist labeling (see below).

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"It is about time. Asian Americans were in lockstep with the Dems for decades"

It's not just Asians, it's Blacks and Latinos too. It seems the only cohort not abandoning Biden and democrats are in the wealthy "white privilege" crowd. The same virtue signaling crowd that plastered their yards with BLM and "Hate Has No Place Here" signs.

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I always felt that if you have to brag about how much you “don’t hate” with a sign in your yard, then something must be missing morally for you to feel the need to advertise something that should be taken for granted.

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Interesting! Food for thought.

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Here's to hoping that my fellow jews who.lean and vote left will learn from.our fellow Asian citizens

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It’s the elite school to DC pipeline. The Dem party is their patronage. The rest of the libs are just sheep and follow their betters and NYT and Wapo. It’s the in-group affiliation at work. Really pathetic and makes you wonder about the quality of American higher ed.

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Racism and white-supremacy, as defined today, is practically MEANINGLESS! It is used as a fear tactic, a weapon with which Progressives can beat about the head and shoulders ANYONE who opposes their schemes.

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What do you mean "Soros-funded D.A.'s"? The D.A. in our town, and the city where I lived previously, was paid for by tax dollars, same as the Public Defender's office.

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Soros funding refers to the election campaign. Why would a decrepit old billionaire care so much about DA's in cities he doesn't live in? And yet he does...how peculiar.

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The whole George Soros thing is weird. I've never seen an interview with him where someone asked why he does it. He's given money to somewhat right of center causes overseas, but mainly left-wing causes here. Whatever his beliefs, his actions are hurting our country.

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And was he/she elected? Who funded his/her campaign?

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Marcia 1- Scottie 0

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Soros massively funded their campaigns!

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That may be true, but in the end I blame the voters for putting them in office.

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In 2002 I had a college sociology class that taught what we now know as critical race theory, and I posited the following:

"If systemic racism exists and the cards are stacked against minorities, how can you explain the success of Japanese Americans, for example? They experienced actual and intense racism far more recently than anyone else. Yet today, they are among the most successful people in this country" (it was a rhetorical question; the obvious answer is that America is a meritocracy and they busted their asses).

The college professor laughed hysterically and answered "you just don't get it" and mocked me with a dopey voice. But it was very clear to everyone in the room that I'd destroyed her argument.

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Sounds like she was the one who didn't get it.

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Oh, she got it. She wasn't there to teach truth, she was there to indoctrinate with dogma.

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The answer is that Japanese didn't lose their culture, language, etc..

Chinese Americans are similar. They experienced racism, and working conditions as bad as any black slaves did. They didn't lose their culture or language though.

It's actually true that black Americans' long slave period broke their cultures and languages. Slaves were brought here before Jamestown. At the time of the revolution 1/3 of Boston was slaves. This was on the order of 10 generations born into slavery. They adopted and adapted some traditions, but they were also extremely diverse, with tribal mortal enemies working side by side, which got mostly lost. As Kevin Hart said, "You don't believe in evolution? Go look at the NFL!"

Their cultures were also mostly close to stone-age, with some exceptions, but most of those who were educated in Africa? They were busy capturing and selling their neighbors to get rich. So it goes.

This doesn't mean that victim mentality is helpful to moving ahead. Societies like Haiti that had successful slave revolts have not done well. The foundation is gone. Hierarchy in society is necessary for optimum success.

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They'll just dismiss it as a "model minority" argument- must be nice to be able to just put a bad label on, and ignore, reality when it disproves ideology.

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My daughter with a learning disability got help from her Phi Beta Kappa father on a paper she wrote for one of those top schools you all know. The Professor somehow linked Urban Planning with Marxism as all her profs. did in most subjects. Her paper took an opposite view. She received a C -

Does anyone think this paper could have been so bad?????😂😂😂

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America desperately needs everyday citizens as candidates for political positions at all levels of government, regardless of race. Thank you for writing a fantastic piece!

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I totally agree with what you wrote. That is why I am supporting Ron DeSantis for POTUS.

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Brilliant article. When people see through the progressive lies. The Beethoven connection felt like a spiritual awakening that can unify us! So hopeful.

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And this quote from Lily Tang Williams: “They want to be thought of as human beings who are bigger than just how they vote,” she said. “That’s really what’s at stake here. It’s about everybody saying hello to each other, smiling at each other, rejoining their communities, enjoying their friends and family, going to church, having a barbecue. This is what matters.”

What a great, simple thought. We need to stop slicing and dicing every group of Americans, including our friends and neighbors, into political entities where we focus on our perceived differences and grievances. Unfortunately, for us, this is now the stock and trade of most politicians and most of the press. Too bad it's been working.

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The place she describes exists in many places throughout the U.S. Come down to NC and you'll find people smiling and saying hello as they pass each other on the sidewalk.

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I know. A dear (uber liberal) friend rants at me that "They'r only friendly because you're white!"

To which I reply, "Yes, white woman."

(And it's not true. Black people smile too sometimes. Many do a double-take like, "WTF? This dude is friendly?" And hispanics are very friendly people. Japanese and Asians also, but they're more reserved, it's a cultural thing to not act like a clown with strangers for them.

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Best comment on the board. (And there are lots of good ones!)

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When I read the Beethoven connection I immediately went to YouTube to listen to it again. (It takes me hours sometimes to go through an article lol.)

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Beethoven. The immortal. I noticed that too...

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“We are being punished for succeeding,” Kenny Xu said. “The excuse when white people succeed is that they took advantage of a society that was stacked for them. We have no claim to that. If we succeeded, we did so fairly.”

To paraphrase Malcom X, the enemy of the minority is the white liberal.

That’s the elite class to end.

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Although...Xu's comment is infused with the usual identity BS, e.g. "The excuse when white people succeed is that they took advantage of a society that was stacked for them." While Xu's claim that the Chinese made their own way is apt, it's ignorant to insist that whites hold some special "success" card. The country was 90 percent white in the early 1960s. And of that percentage, how many were a "success"? Back in the 60s, a trip down south would have exposed Xu to a heaping helping of poor whites. Just stop with this "society built for whites" BS. Even whites had divided themselves by ethnicity, lived in Swedish, Italian, and German neighborhoods -- and the Chinese were no different apart from the fact that they also didn't seem interested in assimilating, either. They're still not.

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

I think you misread his meaning. He’s commenting on progressive America’s view on white’s succeeding, not his feelings about white people.

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I read Xu's comment, specifically the use of the word "excuse", as being commentary on the usual leftist garbage. As in when white people succeed, there is a false but ready excuse, of "white supremacy."

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Yes, that’s my point. And the term

“White supremacy” is Pol Pot, Mao, etc. Everyone needs to say NO to this BS.

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Why would Asians want to assimilate? That which is claimed to be Their Way appears pretty sound to me... family, nose-to-the-grindstone.... say, wasn't that The American Way? Who, at this point, should be assimilating who, exactly?

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The people coming to a new country should assimilate. Now, what that means can be different. For the USA, imo, it should mean that you take on the values of the Constitution. If you are going to come from a country that does not allow religious freedom, don't come here and try to carry on that tradition for example.

But as we are seeing across Europe, letting people who do not value their new home's culture can and will cause issues.

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I think that the non-dogmatic component of this discussion stumbles a bit on the fact that "Asian" immigration is a far-from-uniform phenomenon. My understanding is that the first, and by far the largest, wave was masses of uneducated, near to possibly actual slaves, who were imported to build the western-based segment of the first transcontinental railroad. Most likely from whence came the western (and possibly Chicago) Chinatowns. I don't know what built the large (and still growing) Chinatown in NYC. What is clear is that there are legacy enclaves of a foreign culture. What is a certainty is that the denizens of such places are not the source of too-successful applicants to Harvard. Those are from later immigrants against whom various "quotas" are considered necessary by Our Betters. Whether this population is "assimilated," by some standard measure, I don't know. But appearance suggests that it's more American than some native groups.

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But for jobs created specifically for add-nothing majors and chronic victims the philosophy couldn’t even exist. That’s the biggest difference since 1960.

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Asians have assimilated. They "act white." However, the Chinese kept to themselves, historically, in Chinatowns, and didn't even learn English. Those who escaped Mao's China lived exclusively in Chinatowns. "Assimilate" shouldn't have negative connotations. I smell an intersectional "woke" rat in your comment. You learn the language and participate in society in some way? That's assimilating.

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I don't think you're being fair. The first generation of Chinese who came to the US were very poorly educated. They had no skills or language skills to get any jobs except within the Chinatown communities. And because they were not educated, they worked in very low paying labor intensive jobs for very long hours. We're talking beyond OT hours allowed by law because within their communities, like most immigrant communities, they operated by their own rules. Then they went home and had families to attend to. They were also adults, who were not very accustomed to being educated in a classroom if they fled from Mao's China. It was nearly impossible for them to find the energy and mental acumen to learn a whole new language. So their jobs and families already tied them down most of the time within Chinatown. Can you at least imagine how scary it must've been also for them to venture outside of it, not being able to speak the language or read the signs, and maybe even find their ways back home during the little off time they had?

I think there was a huge desire to assimilate, but they knew they would never be able to do it themselves, so they pinned all their hopes on the next generation. I know for a fact that back in the 80s there were similar well-meaning liberals pushing ESL classes (English as Second Language). They were all white liberals who decided it was depriving immigrant children of learning other subjects if the science, social studies, etc courses were taught only in English. The Chinese parents were uniformly against that idiocy. They couldn't wait for their kids to learn English so they could get out of Chinatown to buy stuff they need, to fill out tax forms and other government required docs, and to call the phone or utilities companies for services. But they also had language barrier to speak up against those morons, and most of them only had green cards so they couldn't vote or do much to get a representative voice. Their saving grace was most of their children studied hard enough and knew how much their families needed them to learn English quickly. So the moronic ESL project as pushed then died on its own. Some older immigrant kids did fall victims to it though. Kids have a very short window to learn a second language easily. It gets harder once they turn 13, 14 and very difficult once they're adults. Those ESL classes really screwed over those older immigrant kids by depriving them of their last chance to pick up English if they weren't the brightest kids. It followed that they couldn't get into higher education, not even community colleges. And got them stuck in Chinatown like their parents. Or worse, fell into gangs.

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You are explaining why, which is fine, but it doesn’t negate the fact that they didn’t assimilate.

They still don’t, despite arriving here with some knowledge of English. I teach Chinese nationals, btw. See articles by concerned college administrators on how they socialize only with other Chinese. At the same time I would have to agree that most of us just want to be around “our own kind” making the enforcement of diversity as a moral hood a bit unrealistic.

Within races, people self-segregate.

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You sir, can stick your intersectional rat where the sun don't shine.

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Perhaps you need to be assimilated into decent society?

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I was unduly terse. What I'd intended to say was that I'm having difficulty finding how suggesting that the values attributed to "Asians" are more consistent with the America of my youth than are those attributed to present-day American, particularly "elite" college youth, had the least whiff of woke, intersectional or otherwise. A gremlin got the better of me. Sorry about that.

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I didn't read his comment that way. It sounds more like you're presumptively biased. He's saying the Left used one excuse when it was the white people. Then Asians disproved that excuse, and the Left was exposed for what they are. He's saying what the Left said about white people was just a facade.

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I see what you mean. Xu is referring to “their” “excuse” as it pertains to success as a result of racial preferences as opposed to merit.

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Our struggle to overcome the extremist progressive left has no time or energy for racism. Asians, Blacks, Jews and all other American ethnic groups who are citizens who embrace traditional American ideals are welcome to join the march toward restoring our values that honor exceptionalism, entrepreneurship, law & order, objective educational standards (with a choice of where to attend) and individual freedoms. We must embrace each other and counter-balance the insanity that characterizes the progressive, woke left. Good luck to all of the candidates listed in the article, you are well-grounded Americans who are standing up for the values that distinguish our democracy from the world!

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Well said!

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Hear hear

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So glad to see Lily Tang Williams here. Her voice is vital right now. Lots of good interviews with her describing growing up in Maoist China on YouTube.


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It’s about time. Great piece. I always had a hard time understanding why Asian Americans stuck with Democrats despite being more socially conservative in general. The democrats have been making their lives worse with their policies for decades now. I think it may be related to areas that Asian Americans live (large blue cities) and with the more collectivist mindset, especially for Chinese Americans. Or perhaps the belief that the Republicans are anti-immigrant shapes their choice as well? The Republicans will likely fail to take advantage of this possible swing, but perhaps this momentum can at least kick out the far left from these districts.

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Really. Is there ANY identifiable Minority that was not MEASURABLY better off under Mr Trump? I can't think of any.

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Yes. The war mongers

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Democrats, like snake-oil salesmen, wrap their poison in small gifts of other people's money and pleasant-sounding language. Republicans are more direct and lean into 'hard love' more, which scares many, but can be easily characterized as unimpathetic by the MSM.

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It's because the Ds been milking their legacy of the Civil Rights movement. But they're finally milking that cow dry.

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I agree with the sentiment of the Asian American people. They work hard, play by the rules and deservedly get ahead. We’re all playing on the same field. Then the Progressive, virtue signaling, white elites “move the goal posts.” I’ve heard expressed by my white, affluent, now sadly “progressive” neighbors. I’ve even chided my neighbors for getting upset because people in the Asian community are hard working, family oriented people who believe in the American dream. I’m like: “that’s the American way and they’ve earned it. You can go out and do the same thing.” My daughter’s best friend is Asian. That young woman has worked ass off since she was a child and now she’s at a very prestigious law school. This should be celebrated not mocked or denigrated.

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Can you elaborate what you mean that your neighbors got upset? You mean they were upset because you said Asians are hardworking and family oriented? Or they were upset because Asians are hardworking and family oriented?

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

This is the inevitable car crash you get with intersectional and identity politics. Someone's ox is bound to be the one getting gored. Just as the Black population in California is finding out that they're losing out to Hispanics, Asians are finding out that the new, far left Democratic party doesn't have room for them at all. Asians have been declared "white-adjacent" so the far left can discount their successes and push them out of the way.

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Thank you! These are the kind of well balanced, TRUTHFUL, stories that felt commonplace years ago but now are so very hard to find on a consistent basis.

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Just who is attacking the Asians and Jews on the streets of Bklyn and Queens? Rednecks in pickup trucks wearing MAGA hats? I think not. (They are too busy attacking Jussie Smollet.) Why doesn’t the NY Times give us the facts?

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The NYT is too busy telling you that the rapist who was sent to a women's prison is a "woman" and "she" violently punched and took down the victim's adult son.

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The article clearly mentions how it's mostly blacks. We all know this, of course.

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Please, the NYT is too “prestigious” to be bothered to track down silly little things like basic facts. Didnt you know that?

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