'Jillian’s gatekeeping is part of a larger movement among librarians known as “critical librarianship,” which the American Library Association defines as “challenging regressive conceptions of gender identity in cataloging” and “documenting microaggressions in librarianship.” '

Progressives simply couldn't be more f*cked up if they tried. Every time I tell myself they couldn't possibly adopt a more Orwellian ideology, they one-up themselves with something even more demonic and destructive for society and the human race.

So it sounds like we should consider 48 month re-education camp imprisonment for all librarians....forcing them to listen to Douglas Murray, Thomas Sowell, and James Lindsay 24/7/365.

Just sayin......

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Anyone who uses the term dead white men in any position of authority should get fired on the spot. I am in complete agreement with how dumb progressives are, but the ones dumber than them are the old GOP, as they always fold like a cheap tent in battles with them. They have this power as the people against them cower in fear of them and forget to acknowledge that those dead white men mainly have created the greatest civilization in the history of mankind.

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Couldn’t agree more. There is a case to be made that the current education (indoctrination?) system in America is the most dangerous threat to America. Anyone with a brain (an apparently shrinking demographic) is horrified by (mostly) young Americans marching in demonstrations celebrating the horrific slaughter of Jewish civilians, taking down pictures of hostages, designating the animals who committed these crimes and their jubilant supporters as “victims”, and demanding an end to Israel’s response to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Most disturbing is the fact that these same young people will be running things in 20 years. How did we get here? This story provides some insight. As Hitler said: “Capture the children, control the future.”

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Terrifying to think ever that these young people will be running America!

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News flash! Those young people already are running America. Used to be that senior faculty, executives and so on ran the outfit and the people spent years learning from them before they moved into senior positions themselves. The new model is that Gen Z speaks and corporations, public schools, universities, professional associations, churches and every other major organization falls in line.

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It's clear they just enjoy saying the phrase "dead white men" and I also take that as a dog whistle for far-left racism.

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There is NO REASON” to denigrate the leaders of the past. But we should explore and teach about those that have been overlooked in the past. King Philip and his war; Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass I loved Trumps idea for a statuary park honoring the greats of American history

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My kids go to public schools in FL. They learned about Harriett Tubman and Fredrick Douglass along with MLK, Rosa Parks, Obama, Ruby Bridges, etc. starting in 1st grade. They know more about black historical figures than they do for US Presidents.

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Yes; but do they get to know that Parks and King were Communists and can't be said to have had America's interests actually to heart? It is all very well learning about these folks; but if that learning is within an overtly anti-American, anti-Human meta "narrative" it isn't of very much use. We've all internalised lies as truth, swapping "Whig History" (admittedly not much cop itself) for "Marxist History". Even your grandparents.

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Did you not learn about these figures in school? I sure did in 1960s south side Chicago Catholic grade school. You must be a product of public schools.

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I learned about those figures way back in elementary school in the early 1970s. I distinctly remember spending one of my aunt's periodic journeys to eastern Utah (with my mom and I in tow) reading a children's "chapter book" version of Frederick Douglass's life.

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Cheap tents don't fold; they let the rain in and collapse. ;-)

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deletedJan 18
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Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham, to name a couple.

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The thing about conservative ideas is that they are BETTER. They are more intellectually interesting, more factually accurate, and as history has shown clearly, more beneficial to everyone, the poor included.

This means that the only way for left wing ideas to attain and retain dominance is by suppressing competition. Suppressing competition, economically, is a left wing idea. Preserving and protecting and fostering competition is a conservative idea. Why? Because everyone gets better, even if there are relative losers and relative winners.

Not all ideas are created equal, obviously. Not all PEOPLE are created equal, in their backgrounds, native abilities, and native and acquired motivation and creativity. The left wing solution is to put blocks in front of the able. This makes society more mediocre, and lowers our quality of life. The conservative approach is to let the talented win, but to both protect equality of opportunity, AND to work to build up the rest of society so it can compete.

No honest person who has ever embraced left wing ideas who ACTUALLY comes to understand what conservatives think and why will fail to appreciate the value of everything we do; and it is my conceit that full understanding in an honest person will always be followed by conversion, and that there is NOTHING that will ever convert that person back, because there is nothing to go back to. Would you rather live in a desert or an oasis? Do you prefer being forced to support lies and lunacy, or telling the truth and supporting ideas that work to help people?

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From your 1st sentence, "....conservative ideas are better..." 100% agree.

The roadblock is the Conservative 'leadership' in power who are unable nor unwilling to Communicate these ideas in a strong, intellectual, articulate way.

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Republican definitely doesn't equal conservative, much less principled and articulate conservative. Thomas Massie and Rand Paul would qualify, but most folks in Congress wouldn't. For many, it amounts to joining a money making club, and not everybody can join the same side overtly, so they join the R club, where they still get the benefits, but have to pretend often that they believe things they don't.

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Agree, yet the perception of many conservative- thinking citizens will support Republican candidates/representatives because they believe these politicians actually plan to institute Conservative policies. I think people are waking up but are frustrated with not having any alternative choices.

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The Constitution, the Bill of Rights it contains, the American Republic and the free citizen are responsible for the human moral reason that informs the fact of the lives we are leading today. Conservative thought and action doesn't prevent change and evolution it creates order out of chaos. Chaos is the major weapon being employed by fascist criminal finance world wide. But, the real assault here is on the American psyche. Our fight is to overcome the damaging imposition of a hyperrealistic lie meant to destroy the truth/fact based reality America deserves, by psychopaths claiming virtue and vision, who in fact possess neither.

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The conversion doesn’t happen because -- for leftists -- the debate isn’t on the terms you set out.

For the other side, competition is never fair, because some people have in-built advantages. This, then, makes competition a stacked deck and a clear instrument of forced oppression. Once you buy into that ideology, conservative ideas are anathema to the more “empathetic” feelings-based “my truth” version of the world.

This is what makes our society’s polarization so entrenched.

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My hero is the new leader of Argentina who stands at Davos before the self appointed "smart" people and tells them they are screwing up.

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Spitting in their face is a good start.

But let’s wait and see.

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Give him a year - they'll still be in the red. He might talk the talk but he doesn't have a plane to right that ship.

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We have to start somewhere!!

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Then there's the president of the American Library Association (a self-proclaimed Marxist) saying public education “needs to be a site of socialist organizing. I think libraries really do, too. We need to be on the agenda of socialist organizing.”

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Creation of a powerful truth/fact based American national dialogue matters. The conversation matters. But ultimately, the responsibility for change is that of "we the people". See what putting our money where our mouths are (subscription journalism) has created? Again: How about a hundred thousand of us putting up a hundred bucks each to form an organization to promote the classics and literacy? Or a hundred of us putting up a thousand each to form a committee to study and report on literacy and free thought with a signed petition presented to Congress? First thoughts and a litany of reasons why it isn't possible would be an illustration of how effective the fascists have been in convincing the free citizen of his/her powerlessness. The 20th Century was an object lesson in the result of endless lament without action in the face of fascist totalitarianism. Hannah Arendt?

The misuse of power creates a fear of it and sometimes, the unwillingness and inability to accept personal agency in ones life. It is accompanied by suppressed rage and the emotional, physical and spiritual lethargy called learned helplessness. My saying that the American psyche is being battered and manipulated by a well planned and executed psyop may or may not be a true reflection of the Republic's reality. But there is no question that it is being battered. The consequential damage and human trauma of a rigged system is everywhere you look. Of course psyop is just a fancy word for a supersized lie.

Do you feel you're being surveilled and lied to? On your own dime? People who lie in your face aren't your friends. People who incarcerate and destroy the lives of truth speakers are your enemy. When does legitimate expressed concern for the state of the Republic become sniveling. That's certainly the way the DNC/CCP/WEF/Davos crowd views Americans. Helpless ignorant snivelers who can't protect themselves from the criminal financiers looting American treasure and lives. How surprised are we at Glenn Greenwald's report yesterday on this year's escalating wealth and the astonishing ability of elected D.C. political leadership to get rich on the Wall Street market?

Got Constitution?

(This isn't aimed at you directly BeadleBlog.)

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We are using our agency by supporting FP and other independent writing. But I believe we need to go further, and I think that is what I'm hearing you say. One area where I've been ignored or slammed is when it comes to what to do to protect girls and women's sports. I believe in a mass strike, along with the formation of a new sporting body for female sports. I can remember getting irritated by the flapping (sniveling) over the Kaepernick-led "kneeling" at football games, yet the stadiums remained full. If the wallets had remained closed after the first performance, I have no doubt it would have ended right there. We the People have power but don't want to be inconvenienced when we use it.

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True point. --- A Substack I'm sure you're familiar with is REALITY'S LAST STAND which deals with the issues of sex and manipulation being foisted on young Americans by the Trans/DEI/Marxist/fascist alliance.

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I greatly admire Colin Wright.

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Academia is overrun with godless Leftists who are all activists. Teachers, professors, librarians, museum curators, etc, who are all convinced they are on the "right side of history".

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Critical librarianship isn’t actually as popular as you’d think. It’s mostly a thing for young librarians and was a way to get papers nobody reads published. Its moment crested two years ago. Turns out that making recommendations is easy, doing the work is hard.

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Don’t say just do it - re-educate them please!

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The "critical librarian" reminds me of a certain type of ... well, female person...I was acquainted with in the late 1970s in high school and college. We were all actively Catholic in a small metro in Central Florida that had a large contingent of what I would call "GE peeps." The city had a large GE plant that was, at that time, a fraction of its former size: This was a popular beach town and when a lot of those GE parents got pink slipped, their moms and dads found alternate employment faced with the prospect of a gaggle of crying kids (a lot of them were big-family Catholics) upset about the prospect of leaving Beloved Beach Town. My friend was one of them and was part of a family of eight kids. They were not affluent but they lived in a nice house in an upscale town. My own background was more working class; my dad was a civil servant. Sometime in high school my friend began to exhibit an odd, for the time, affinity for All Things Gender-Bending. For instance, she and a bunch of like-minded college-bound girls would spend many a weekend night at a popular gay bar noted for drag shows. She followed the typical trajectory of her class, eventually earning a master's degree and becoming a part of a dual-earner couple in a huge town in the Northeast. She tossed aside the Catholicism for something along the lines of the Unitarians (not that I have anything against Unitarians...). Her politics were always of the knee-jerk left-of-center variety; in one discussion online with our former gang she criticized the notion of school prayer, alienating a whole bunch of our old friends, whereas I was always somebody in what is often derisively termed the "mushy middle." I'm not opining on this topic and I certainly hope my old friend doesn't recognize any of this, but in the process of discussing her hurt feelings about being "attacked" by our old gang, she set it up as a whole college/non-college issue. In other words, "smart" people agreed with her, whereas "dumb" people were like our school-prayer-sympathizing friends. This type of thinking is pervasive - and I would posit that it is almost a requirement among the librarian set, eager to enforce conformity and entertaining a secret admiration for all things drag. (OK, librarians out there, here's your opportunity to voice a thoughtful rebuttal!) I say this from having always spent a lot of time in libraries. I was always bookish, beginning in grade school. Later in adulthood I moved a lot but somehow always managed to have a library card in my pocket. Nonetheless, I tend to be noisy and impatient - something that never endears itself to library staff - and throughout the years there was always a whiff of condescension when interacting with even the friendliest, most helpful librarian. The one exception I might cite is a women with whom I worked at a large corporation who became the director of the local library when she was laid off: I would never have known to read National Review if she had not left it around the office! I agree totally with the thrust of this essay because so many librarians seem to enjoy a secret thrill about poking what they see as the Conservative Monolith - and they most certainly don't like to be called out on their own hidden biases.

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“This week on Honestly: Why we still need to talk about the pandemic”


Is it because the pandemic exposed that we are surrounded by Nazis who are also morons?

That’s why, isn’t it.

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Bret Weinstein has been nailing this topic. The adverse effects, no long term safety data, the fact that the jab is not a vaccine, but rather gene therapy, the fact that it’s still being recommended, even for kids, who have zero benefit from it.

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The kids have the benefit of not having to live through what the Democrat American Unified State will look like in 2040 if they take the vaccine.

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BW is the man.

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Dont forget a shout out to Alex Berentson re covid and his work on exposing the lies. He was one of the early censored writers and he is coming back stronger than ever it looks like. He is a numbers guy and can read the data, such as it is.

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Bret puts things lucidly in language we can all understand. Journalists are fifth wheels when the scientist knows how to put their knowledge over to the public comprehensively.

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it was a good listen. Things like masks and kids, early on every one on TV explains to audiences how mask are useless with charts and demos. Shocked that kids are not getting sick from COVID. Then suddenly masks are a great tool and we have to vaccinate kids....Sorry guess I missed the middle part where we discovered we were wrong about masks and kids and here's the data.

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I learned a lot from his interview with Tucker. He’s so smart, but he said it in a way that even I could understand! :)

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deletedJan 18
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I’m not sure where he went “radio silent,” but he and wife Heather Heying have continued their weekly Dark Horse podcast throughout the pandemic and beyond. Latest episode is number 208. Links are on Bret’s website: https://www.bretweinstein.net/darkhorse-podcast

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Silent in the lead-up to 2020? Unity 2020 was the sanest proposal of the lead-up to 2020! I think you should retire that rock, hiding under it has done you no good. :-) Darkhorse Podcast is up to Episode 208 of the Evolutionary Lens. Put aside 8hrs a day and you might be caught up in a month. ;-) The best thing is all the scientific papers in the show notes. There is usually enough to bury the "citation or reference?" crowd there.

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Anthony "Science C'est Moi" Fauci recently told Congress that the 6' thing never had any basis in science. No shit. I figured that out early, because science is all around us, just not at the NIH and CDC.

It's likely these shots have killed tens of millions of people, and that most or all of those deaths were blamed on COVID. If you die five second after getting the shot you are technically not "immunized"--that takes two weeks--so the way they figure these things your death would not be attributed to the jab.

And the CDC and FDA have very good data on the jabs. They won't release it. We are forced to rely on VAERS, which only exists because it was added as a condition in the 80's (I think) as a condition of exempting Big Pharma from vaccine related lawsuits.

The masks cause positive harm. They do NOTHING to affect the spread of respiratory airborne viruses, but carry their own health risks. If you put one on for five minutes--and we all did--you can't breathe as well, can you? This is obvious. Why would this obviously not create health problems in the vulnerable, like higher rates of stroke and heart attacks? It did. Our System simpy refuses to tell the truth about it.

And they knew at the OUTSET that the lockdowns would kill 2-3 people for every POSSIBLE life saved. Rates of depression, suicide, alcohol and drug abuse, and reckless behavior generally skyrocketed. Why wouldn't they? We destroyed the educations of a generation of children, both academically and socially, for NOTHING. NOTHING. And of course deaths from cancer and heart disease are spiking now, as they were predicted to, because all preventative screening was stopped for surge of COVID patients that never happened.

There is no part of this anywhere that is not riddled with stupidity, the rejection of science, and a callous disregard for human life that would be stunning if I were not a student of history. But as Rand Paul has recently said, Anthony Fauci belongs in JAIL, for being an accomplice to mass murder.

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"And they knew at the OUTSET that the lockdowns would kill 2-3 people for every POSSIBLE life saved. Rates of depression, suicide, alcohol and drug abuse, and reckless behavior generally skyrocketed"

And if you mentioned any of this at the outset, as many of us did, you were labeled a grandma killer.

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Trust me: I know. I got banned many places many times, both on the internet and in a couple instances, from actual businesses (although that feeling was certainly mutual; I still have a shit list). That whole thing was like a really bad dream. Fauci didn't bother me half as much as the simpleton petty tyrants who had always wanted a chance to yell at people and didn't hesitate to use it.

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I still chuckle at the hammerheadedness of some of these folks (folx?). I was cutting my front yard in the spring of 2020 - maskless (clutches pearls). Probably around 50' from the street.

Middle aged white woman driving down the street took the time to stop and lecture me for being outside without a covering...

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True. But Fauci was the excuse they used to do so. He knew it too and did not care.

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I'm a seamstress, so I outfitted everyone I know with well-made cloth masks, so they wouldn't have to wear the Chinese-made masks which were made of who knows what (I envisioned breathing in microplastics!).

The cloth masks were largely a (very dirty) security blanket for most people. I washed mine every day, but most of the people I gave them to didn't bother, but instead breathed in accumulated filth day after day. *facepalm*

Admittedly, I didn't even catch a cold during the whole era of mask-wearing. But it was clear to me from the start that masks could only minimize droplet spread, not block tiny airborne viruses. When I read that a homebound person caught Covid after retrieving groceries left by a neighbor on their doorstep, I knew that there was no hope whatsoever of the virus being contained by ordinary sanitary practices.

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I determined in my own mind early on that epidemics and pandemics come in Bell Curves. Its called Farr’s Law, and dates to the middle of the 1800’s.

If this is true—and to the point I think this is how “COVID” ended—then the obvious strategy was to keep the vulnerable at home and let everyone else get it as quickly as possible, while utilizing obvious palliatives like zinc, HCQ/Quercetin and Z packs. With regard to the last, many deaths seem ACTUALLY to have been from bacterial pneumonia.

The whole thing was farcical start to finish, top to bottom. I could and often have gone on and on.

But I said early on and will say again we need something like Nuremburg Commission and we need to try and jail people fir crimes against humanity.

Fauci is neither stupid nor incompetent: he is a crook who got a lot of people killed.

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If you listen to Prof. Huberman of Huberman Lab, you will learn that masks are useless and cold and flu family viruses are spread infected services and touching ones face, eyes, nose.

This a good episode


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Crimes were committed. We need accountability. BTW they just reported the development of another virus that kills 100% of humanized mice

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You mean Elizabeth Warren is dead?

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That's exactly why, yes.

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Outside of Wernher von Braun, how many non-moron Nazis were there, really?

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Steven Crane Red badge of courage made me think of war blood fear death

To kill a Mockingbird made me think of justice

James Baldwin made me see other people side

Scarlet letter made me understand useless rules

Stranger in a strange land made me realize that is who I am

Is the word think or feel

60 years after reading them I still feel them

30 Muslim countries have been at war against Israel for 75 years

Please tell me why this is not front page new?

Muslims killed 80000 blacks in Nigeria and Obama did not care

Muslims killed 45000 Christians in Nigeria and Obama did not care

So books are useless

When no one has the integrity to care

Btw the Muslim war against Israel is a smoke screen for the actual invasion of America by Muslims

And no one seems to care

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"Bring Back Our Girls!!!" Screeched Lady Obama and the progressive media. As the US Army was sent to hunt down the kidnappers.

Well, unless they're Jews.

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I'm not sure Orwell's 1984 classifies as conservative reading but I suspect it's another book you'll find in few, if any high school libraries. It's absence, and the dire warnings contained in it that are now expressing themselves, is no coincidence.

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I bet Animal Farm isn't in too many libraries, either.

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While 1984 would not be appreciated by any overly pushy government (like ours for the past...decades, Animal Farm does demonstrate that the Marxist utopia doesn't exactly exist either. Maybe it could be in libraries to teach children that, while maybe Lennin/Trotsky had a good idea or two, what came after was not good.

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Scarlet Letter made me think about honestly admitting my faults even when embarrassment might threaten my place in society. Rules and limits always exist. The difference is whether rule-breakers can be redeemed or are forever trapped.

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I think what took from The Scarlet Letter is that it is far better to suffer the results of one's wrongdoing and push through them than to pretend to be righteous as guilt eats constantly away.

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Jan 18·edited Jan 20

About those libraries not carrying books by Republicans but having books by both Obamas….

These are not your grandparents’ local librarians, the female stereotype being prim, air of studiousness, middle-aged and devoid of makeup, conservatively dressed and probably wearing spectacles, very helpful but with a stern glance towards any noise - and, pertinent here, you had no idea of their politics, if any.

No, today’s librarians tend to fit another stereotype: devoted listener of NPR, driver of a Prius with a Coexist or Bernie Sanders sticker, dressed as though every day is Casual Friday, seemingly oblivious to loud voices on the premises - and you have no doubt their politics tilt left, not only because of that unwashed Prius in the parking lot, but because they are products of invariably woke librarianship instruction at school. They’ve never been exposed to conservative viewpoints, unless by relatives they avoid at Thanksgiving. It’s no wonder they don’t want people exposed to Republican books. It’s no wonder they promote books celebrating youth sexuality and the Trans phenomenon. It’s no wonder they pretend they have to get rid of dictionaries because states like Florida have drawn a line at exposing little kids to sexual content. Find a politically conservative librarian and you’ve found a unicorn.

By the way, it’s come out that Barack Obama’s “Dreams From My Father,” ostensibly an autobiography, was significantly fabricated. Dreams aren’t usually factual in content; this one is no exception.

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And America fell for that con.


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Do kids even go to libraries anymore? I'm always shocked when I hear people still go to libraries. The only person I know who still uses the library is my MIL who is in her 70s

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I go a lot. I read books. Shocking I know. And I borrow them from the library which is about the only place I get any value from my property tax dollars.

PS, I see a lot of people use the libraries.

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I go a lot too. Like you, I figure as long as I have to pay library taxes, I may as well get my money's worth. Our library offers great programs, classes, and concerts, too.

I see a number of young families and school-age kids using our local library. Perhaps this won't come as a big surprise, but the demographics of the families I see in the library helps to reinforce a common stereotype -- it includes a disproportionate number of Asians relative to the general population in the community. And these Asian families come to the library with a purpose (not to play) and leave with big stacks of books.

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I used to, for years, until Kindle. I simply couldn't afford to buy all the books that I wanted to read.

But even our small-town library has fewer and fewer books. Usually only the latest and most popular. Very few older books, except in the non-fiction section. Almost no classics.

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Our local library even has some e-books you can "check out". It's been handy a time or two when they actually had a copy of something I could not find elsewhere.

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Although it's possible to check out ebooks at our library, the hassle involved is seldom worth it. Only a limited selection of titles are available, and the most popular books are never available to check out, since the library is only allowed to "check out" a certain number of copies at a time.

When I was in graduate school, I discovered the wonders of interlibrary loan, and for a long time that was a good source for books I couldn't find in local libraries. But I don't know if our small-town library participates, and I wouldn't want to burden them with the expenses involved even if they did.

Honestly, my best source of books has always been library book sales. The public donates books, which provides a wide array of books from various eras and to various tastes. The books have typically been very cheap--generally no more than $1-2 per book. And the proceeds benefit the library. It's a win-win all around.

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I’m in a blue city, so our libraries are essentially an extension of the homeless shelter system. But most library systems allow members access to huge online catalogs of books that can be downloaded to different formats (pdf, kindle, ebook, etc.) for free. You can also download free movies, audiobooks, and music.

I have noticed, though, over the past few years, that the book acquisitions are painfully woke. Gay romance classified as “literature”? (aot ordinary “fiction”) No romance novel should be classified as “literature” by an professional librarian! 50:1 ratio of leftist vs. right wing subjects, constant gross over-promotion of black and indigenous content (what about Hispanic content -- are they, like Asians, too “White adjacent”?)...and trans...lots and lots of trans...

The real book banning is happening at the level of publishing. So many conservative writers were dumped by their mainstream publishers that enterprising right-of-center folks had to form new publishing companies to fill the gap in the market. These publishers are small, but growing. The young DEI-drunk staff at major publishers have bullied senior management into rejecting books with the wrong ideology, and requiring sensitivity readers for all books.

The other challenge for conservative books is distribution. For example, Abigail Schrier’s book “Irreversible Damage” was originally banned on Amazon. Fortunately, there was enough outcry, and Amazon reinstated the book. There have been other similar cases.

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Good points. Rob Henderson is having problems with promotion of his soon to be published book, Troubled. If you have a few bucks to spare, please order it. If you have a few minutes to spare, particularly in NY, SF and LA, please communicate with your local bookstore(s) to inquire about upcoming book tour dates. I think he is an important young writer. His luxury beliefs theory is stellar.

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I think most libraries now have computers connected to the internet. Also lots of videos. And you have to go there for Drag Queen Story Hour. So, yeah, people still use libraries. I myself drop in now and then to read the comic pages in our local newspaper to which I cancelled my subscription decades ago.

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Kids go to school libraries. My kid says the gay/trans books are always front and center in the display spaces. If librarians are liberal feminazis, school librarians are full-on Marxists.

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Library school is definitely not woke. It’s unbelievably boring and has to follow a standard curriculum. You’re talking about public services staff at public libraries but there are plenty of librarians who do not fit the “cat lady in training” mold. And, yes, there are us conservatives, too. Far more than you think. We just tend to be in management or technical positions. The public isn’t likely to see us because when they’re out front we’re in the back working. But we exist.

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Thanks for weighing in. Good to know that some conservatives still work at some libraries.

But how old are you? When did you get your MLS or whatever degree you have? I’m guessing that if you’re in management you’re a bit older than most library employees and perhaps haven’t kept up with what’s happening at college. (I have older teacher friends who remain ignorant of the CRT/woke takeover of education departments and think teachers’ unions are great). And I would be astonished to learn that modern librarianship education hasn’t been infected by wokeness; if so, it would be the only university department that’s remained untouched. How else to explain what’s been going on with the proliferation of Trans and sexual content in libraries, especially at public schools?

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

I’m 45. I finished library school ten years ago, as did my wife. I still sometimes make class visits to present on my job since I work with people who teach classes. My wife, also a librarian, will be teaching a course next fall. Again, she works with people who teach classes. I used to work at a university with a large library school in it, also. I know the administrative staff, still.

The proliferation of trans and general demagoguery is because it is (was?) popular in our culture among a certain set of young people. It’s a fad, like the sub-sub genres of YA novels—who seem to come up with some new fad every three years. And where there’s fad, there’s publishers recommended lists recommending what content to buy. It’s all about demand—from students, from teachers, from patrons. That’s why what’s on the shelves is on the shelves.

One other thing: it depends on your library but the majority of books never circulate. Not once. So the real number is total checkouts. You can put Kaylin the Transphobic Elf Discovers Her Junk on your shelves all you want but what’s actually circulating is The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Cat In The Hat. And at the end if the day, those circulation numbers rule all.

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The most encouraging thing from Fishback's article is that woke is not universal. For example, he only found 40% of surveyed school libraries stocked "The 1619 Project" or "Guide to Political Revolution", 45% for "This Book is Antiracist" or 17% for "White Rage."

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Uh, they’ve been like this for at least 40 years. The rage when computers started in libraries was to push back against them being near the aisles where homeless guys could enjoy all the porn and more. Head librarians were fine with that, employees and parents and patrons not so much. The reasoning from the heads? They didn’t want to censor.

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18

I would like to see Free Press coverage of what I consider one of the most important stories of our time: the forthcoming WHO international pandemic treaty which the U.S. is planning to sign in May 2024. This needs serious investigation as it transfers power for setting our national pandemic policy to an unelected and corrupt organization with dubious funding. As I understand it, US citizens could face vaccine mandates and lockdowns under this shadowy legislation which is receiving virtually no coverage. No time or space for Taylor Swift’s boyfriend or his handsome brother. This is very serious.

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You are absolutely right. They are handing USA policy over to an organization that flatly lied about COVID, whose leadership was disastrous for the globe, who are funded by China and Bill Gates, and have a proven track record of failure.

The globalist plan is to use health care to unite (conquer) the world, and getting governments to agree to follow the WHO is a major step forward.

This is why we're not allowed to question the atrocities of the pandemic, and why we're being prepared for the next one.

This is why they weren't held accountable for lying about "no evidence COVID is transmissible to humans" when they had plenty of evidence.

It's why the media downplays the disastrous consequences of COVID but tells you that anti-USA riots are appropriate because racism.

We're watching our sovereignty and our culture being wiped out in front of us, and if you resist you will be labeled an extremist and a white supremacist.

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From a family member who studied genetics at Cornell… As he stated: a virus that is so deadly that it kills its host, by definition, can no longer spread because it has died WITH the host. For this reason, the most successful viruses are the ones that DO NOT KILL their hosts.

For this reason, a deadly virus that mutates quickly in a way that it is far less deadly is one that can be transmitted to others. All the others die out with their host. Viruses do, in fact, mutate very quickly, as did the original, engineered coronavirus.

The initial, dangerous-to-elderly-with-2-plus-preexisting-conditions version of the coronavirus, i.e. the one that had been genetically manipulated in a lab in Wuhan, mutated into a much less virulent form within a year of it’s release.

Where did all the death counts come from? Well, the legitimate ones came from the elderly with pre-existing conditions and other vulnerable people in the population. Who were the vulnerable? Anyone else who had severe health conditions. That being said, these same people are people who would have been at risk if they had gotten the flu or RSV.

BUT THE REAL REASON there were such high death counts is because the way the governments told people to count covid deaths in the first place. NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE have we ever counted secondary causes of death as the primary cause of death. But during covid, all of a sudden, even if you died of a massive coronary due to years of eating poorly and not exercising (you can’t build up that level of clogged arteries, hypertension, etc over night) AND that person tested positive for covid, then that death was counted as a covid death!!! How ridiculous.

Let’s also talk about how meaningless the covid tests were to begin with! A test that has a false positive 30% of the time is meaningless. So 30% of the time I test myself it will say I have covid, even though I DON’T HAVE IT! In fact, people used to take multiple tests until they got the result they wanted. In TRUE medicine, a person is not tested for ANYTHING unless they have symptoms that warrant their being tested. Secondly, the test must have at least a 95% success rate, i.e. it must not produce false positives more than 5% of the time, and this is also dependent on how prevalent the illness is in the population.

So, with the double whammy of testing everyone for covid, WHETHER OR NOT THEY HAD SYMPTOMS and WHETHER OR NOT THE TRULY HAD IT GIVEN THE HIGH FALSE-POSTIVE RATE, coupled with counting covid as the primary cause of death even tho it may not have even been a factor (like someone dying in a car accident), the covid death counts, of course, went thru the roof. Will we EVER truly know how many people died of covid, and covid alone? Probably not, but I can assure you that given the above malarky, there is no way the numbers were ever as high as the government’s reported.

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Fauci the CDC and the NIH also did their own self-publishing of un-peer-reviewed studies on the use of face masks.

I actually READ the studies that the CDC listed on their website that spoke to the presumed efficacy of face masks. NOT A SINGLE STUDY looked at face mask efficacy beyond 30 minutes of use. In fact, their primary article said that not only were face masks not efficacious, the may actually help to spread disease even more because of the ability of germs to penetrate to the front of the mask, and the fact that people would not handle the face masks properly when removing them, etc. (In fact, most people reused their face masks for hours, days, and even weeks at a time!) The only reason the CDC was recommending their use was because they had been used historically in various settings. There was NO data about how efficacious they had EVER been historically. You have to remember, we also used to bleed patients to relieve mental issues.

DESPITE THIS, the CDC studies said that they would continue to push the use of face masks by the public, and that they would enforce their use through “peer pressure”.

Please be aware that the Royal Society of Medicine in England had already determined some years earlier that face masks were an archaic relic of the past that were doubtful in their efficacy as a method for preventing germs for surgeons and people in the operating room. They finally concluded that though they deemed them to have at best a neutral impact, that they were perceived by the public to be efficacious, and thus, surgeons should continue to use them only as a soothing and familiar sign of cleanliness by their patients.


NIH studies say (see links below): Cloth masks have a 97% penetration rate, “Cloth face masks have limited efficacy in combating viral infection transmission” and “There is lack of strong well-designed evidences on efficacy of cloth face mask in the prevention of viral infections”. So why are we still imposing these draconian masks on our kids???!!! Even the NIH admits: “wearing face masks may give a false sense of security to the wearer, which may contribute to low hand hygiene compliance” and face mask wearers show “repeated touching of nose and face to adjust the face mask, which is against the CDC's strict guidelines for face mask use]. Kids were never at risk for the original covid, and even less so for the delta variant. The only population who were ever really at risk were the elderly with 2+ pre-existing conditions. Making normal, healthy children wear face masks was draconian.


"This study is the first RCT of cloth masks, and the results caution against the use of cloth masks. This is an important finding to inform occupational health and safety. Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection. Further research is needed to inform the widespread use of cloth masks globally. However, as a precautionary measure, cloth masks should not be recommended for HCWs, particularly in high-risk situations, and guidelines need to be updated."

There are many scientific studies which suggested that masks were ineffective, including the following review, as below. NOTE THAT THIS PUBLISHED STUDY WAS FROM 2015, BEFORE COVID AND BEFORE THE CDC DECIDED IT WOULD START LYING TO EVERYONE:


Some studies which are cited as support of masking are actually evidence against it. Many studies focusED on not just masks but also hand hygiene. For example, consider the following study:



The study authors explicitly mention, and the data support the conclusion that

“There were no substantial reductions in ILI or laboratory-confirmed influenza in the face mask only group compared to the control.” This means that masks were no more effective than not wearing masks.

Only the face mask + hand hygiene group had significant differences. Hand hygiene alone was not tested. This, to me, would indicate that it is hand hygiene that is the effective control measure, and not masks. While not in the scope of this study, other studies have shown the effectiveness of hand hygiene.

Then why was this study cited for evidence that masks are effective? A review that included this study concluded that it was because the mask + hand hygiene group was better than the control group, and they rationalized that people should be doing both - so we should recommend both. The fact that hand hygiene and masks were more effective than nothing is true, but two variables were being manipulated: masks AND hand hygiene. Our analysis above, however, indicated that hand washing caused the difference; masks did not contribute.

Kids were never at risk for the original covid, and even less so for the subsequent variants. The only population who were ever really at risk were the elderly with 2+ pre-existing conditions. The Great Barrington Declaration would have been the most humane way to have controlled covid spread.

When we look at the damage done to society: children kept out of school or forced to wear face masks for hours upon hours, suicide rates skyrocketing, elderly treated like caged animals and EVEN ON THEIR DEATH BEDS NOT ALLOWED TO SEE THE FACES OF THEIR LOVED ONES - I KNOW OF THIS HAPPENING AT LEAST 2X DURING COVID AT LOCAL NURSING HOMES, the tanking of the economy and destruction of people’s livelihood, etc etc etc, should all this masking go unpunished or at the very least NOTED so we don’t allow this ignoring of scientific evidence and brainwashing to happen again???

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Check out Robert Malone’s Substack article about the WEF, the WHO and Disease X, which ties directly into this proposed treaty: https://open.substack.com/pub/rwmalonemd/p/disease-x-and-the-corrupt-lancet?r=kq6tr&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18

Disturbing. Any US citizen who talks about “my body my choice” should realize this type of treaty could result in forced vaccination with future medical products and digital tracking of your private health records. Taking away informed consent is basically tyranny.

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Another disturbing story would be the huge increase in the budget towards US debt payment just for interest in the last year, not the principal!! This does not bode well for our future.

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“A day later, Hamas announced—in an appalling stunt designed to torment the hostages’ families—that Itai had died”


I think it was wild-eyed skinhead Ayanna Pressley who said

“There can’t be peace in the streets until we have peace in our lives.”

and the lack of peace in her life was from someone with her matching skin color (oh wow matching colors!! 🤡🤡) dying during his 37th consecutive crime spree.

But with Israel and an actual unprecedented massacre it’s immediate ceasefire or we call it genocide and stomp our foots.

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And let's point out again that Democrats send these vile racists to Congress while labelling every single Republican a racist by definition.

Democrats are the hate. Democrats are the division. Throughout my life, they always were.

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Thanks Kevin, eating breakfast and you bring up skin head Pressley! But at least I ate less calories after that. She is truly a nasty, horrible person. Her and Joy are depriving two villages of idiots.

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Actually, unless they live the same place, they're SUPPLYING two villages with idiots.

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How many idiots does it take to supply a large city with idiots?

Actually, looking at large cities, I suspect they have a surplus of idiots.

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Actually, one could argue a majority of idiots! Look at who most of them elect!

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I wonder if the following day’s announcement that Itai had died in Hamas captivity was prompted by the Free Press article about his kidnapping - in other words, a taunting slap at the publicly grieving sister. I even dare to wonder if Hamas killed him after seeing her grief in print. Wouldn’t put it past them.

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It’s unlikely that whoever remains of the Hamas organization is sifting through thousands of articles in Israel and the West, looking for vectors of cruelty.

But it’s quite possible that there are Westerners reading this material and contacting people in Iran or Lebanon to suggest who should be killed.

How they get the message into Gaza is unclear. Maybe the Hamas leader in Qatar has a way.

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No there were groups and individuals here in the US, and I assume abroad, who fund raised to buy phones and sim cards for those trapped in Gaza. They were explicitly yo use since cell towers there were jammed and/or destroyed.

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Did my own FP investigation. Results are:

1. Border is still wide open

2. Fentanyl is still killing thousands, but the Taylor Swift sighting is more news worthy.

3. Blue cities are broke as always and getting worse, but then they are the Democrats prized example of welcoming and safe places. Just wear a bullet proof vest, carry a gun, and don't go out at night.

4. The world is on the edge of numerous wars, but not to worry Blinken, Sleepin (Joe), Disappearing Sec Def, and Cackles is on her yellow bus to keep things in order.

5. Gas just jumped 50 vents overnight, but hell Trump won Iowa so he did it. Plus Iowa has never picked correctly for a R President.

6. Bidenomics is working so well, looking for another job. That's to help pay for the cost of living help from Joe.

7. EV cars are a bust, but not to worry, Slow Joe, Granholm and Kerry will make it worse, just for us.

8. Tax season is here and make sure you pay up, 34T debt and rising, giving money to everyone, not to worry, your kids can work until they die to help pay for the great society.

9. Fly now before DEI and the mentally ill start becoming controllers, wait, doors falling off, crazy people of flights, administration employees stealing suitcases; maybe just stay home as you can't afford that trip anyway.

10. Windmill farms going broke without Govy funding or truth be told, fund the green crowd (Liberals and China) as they don't really contribute anything anyway.

My in-depth investigation from my chair.

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You forgot to mention the all-but -ignored “excess deaths” and disability stats. Japan recently had a press conference where a group of doctors and researchers demanded the Covid vaccine be pulled from the market.

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18

For anyone interested, watch Del Bigtree’s The Highwire for today (The Unredacted at The Highwire.com). See interview with John Beaudoin Sr. who requested and examined under a federal records act, hundreds of vaccine-correlated “excess” death certificates which he says are purposely being ignored by the CDC.

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Thanks for that. Had similar thought. The endless culture wars are occasionally entertaining but our country is in a serious crisis and it's entirely the result of Democrat misgovernance, with a big assist by the globalist wing of the RNC and its chubby cheerleader. No sugar coating that it - unlike phony climate change hysteria - is the existential issue for our nation

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18

Windmill farms are also killing the whales. Source: Michael Shellenberger's substack. Ao the green crowd can revive the Save the Whales campaign again.

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Hmmm, yesterday I heard Blinken was stuck in Davos because of his plane malfunction. But I'm sure he's on top of things sipping coffee with billionaires at the ski resort.

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10.1 Windmill farms are killing whales. Which you’d think that the ESG crowd would care about if you haven’t already deduced that they’re total hypocrites.

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I've known that Greens are hypocrites ever since the first stories came out in the 90s about problems that, in some cases, make recycling *worse* for the environment. Did the Greens adjust? Nope, they just kept on Virtue Signaling instead of paying any attention at all to the facts.

The reality is that Greens are not interested in science at all. They have no ability to investigate and weigh benefit vs. cost. They latch onto an idea that sounds "virtuous" and never let go of it.

If we all die of Global Warming--as they claim we will if we don't follow their Virtue Train off a cliff--it will be because Greens rejected the only fuel source that can replace fossil fuels on their sky-is-falling timeline: nuclear.

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Spot on.

It's a doomsday cult. And the ultra-wealthy cynically see it as an opportunity to steal money and resources from tax payers.

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Excellent set of issues, each a crisis on its own. May I add one to the list; Expanding membership nations in BRICs,,,and the almost inevitable replacement of the dollar as the world's most important currency. We shall sink to 2nd world status (if we're not already there) soon afterwards.

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Doors are already falling off planes. Boeing ones, at least.

Is Cackles your pet name for Hillary? Please say yes, cause I love that. Awesome.

I've always felt I, you, and other Americans have a better idea about our household budgets than Paul Krugman.

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Cackles is Kamala. Hillary also cackles but is better known for her Cankles

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I need to watch more Kamala tape to hear more cackling. Of course, they don't allow her to be on TV very often. And regardless of her talent or lack thereof, Biden has thoroughly wasted having an African-American woman as his #2.

Hillary is the queen of the cackle.

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“Jason Kelce is the older brother of Travis Kelce, who—in case you’ve been living under a rock—is dating Taylor Swift.”


I would rather hear about slavery again for the one millionth time than hear about Taylor Swift.

Taylor Swift is worse than slavery. There, I said it.

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Taylor Swift is a well known Democrat and a vapid, overly processed pop singer.

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That was said about John Lennon, Bob Dylan, and countless others .

Pity the people who cannot separate art from artist.

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I suppose if I loved her music, I'd be gentler. But I don't, so I won't.

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Dude, I just want to stop hearing about Travis Kelce. I shouldn't even know who he is and now every day I have to hear something about him. I turn on TV to watch a Downton Abbey rerun episode and he shows up. Make it stop!

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I also found this hilarious. I don't know the name of a single person associated with Taylor Swift and I consider our culture's obsession with her another sign of stupidity and decay.

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Are you aware of the National Football League? Do you ever watch games?

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Sports is still a great diversion from the woke, political left out to ruin the life of every freedom-loving American Patriot. My tolerance meter is lowered every single day, and if it weren't for the Free Press and the sharp left hand turn by Fox News, it would be nearing zero.

My niece went to see Taylor Swift and sent me a link to a song which shared the same name as her grandmother, my mother. It's a beautiful ballad, and brings a tear to my eye every time I listen to it. There was a time my mother admitted she actually like music by the Beatles. I don't think she could have admitted that in her circle of friends in 1968.

Digging a little deeper, I found here are some great songs by Taylor Swift, especially if you like country (listen to "Tim McGraw" named after, who else, then get back to me.)

She'll also add more to the local Chicago economy than the Democrat National Convention will next summer, but you won't read about that on CNN or FN.

I have also learned Travis Kelce is a first ballot HOF and a hero to many kids. Oh, he happens to be a single white male, too.

Together, they're a (now) non traditional non mixed-racial couple.....the left's heads are exploding because they embrace left wing political biases.

The cows on The View don't know what to make of them, and I'm enjoying the show.

Go Chiefs!

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I gave up on sports when the NFL went Woke.

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When was that? Last I knew, owners and coaches were saying shit like "we stand for the national anthem around here." Big deal, they wear pink armbands during breast cancer awareness month--or is that too woke for you?

There is virtually nothing that can be described as woke about the NFL. Concussions, shitty pension, non-guaranteed contracts, etc., etc.

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Builttoill, you’re either not paying attention or being disingenuous.

There’s the near-constant “anti-racism” they’ve been pushing since George Floyd, to include wearing the names of Floyd and other various scumbag arrest-resistors on the back of individual players’ helmets, not to mention messages like “Black Lives Matter” on helmets and in the end zone.

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I disagree. If one wanted to, one could make those accusations against the NBA, where African-American superstars have a HELL of a lot more power than NFL stars. And they exercise it. The NFL is run by billionaire, 80-year-old white guys who fondly remember how great it was when Ike was in charge.

And regardless of politics, I think it's a very unfortunate decision on your part to disparage the dead--worse, the murdered--worse, the murdered by cops.

And I don't appreciate the disingenuous comment. Not because of personal offense; I'm more or less unoffendable. Just ask your friends who enjoy multiple sports at the highest level which league is the most conservative, the least likely to be called woke. NFL wins, hands-down.

And can someone please explain to me why so many commenters on TFP (including you, now) never start with a question to better understand, it's always insults. Uncanny. For instance, before you even addressed the narrative of my comment, you announced that I'm either stupid (not paying attention) or deliberately deceitful (disingenuous), as if there would be no other reason for my comment (like, that I am indeed paying attention, and have a truthful perspective).

I don't understand it. It certainly doesn't help with any substantive discussion. I guess if you have fan boys, you may score a style point, but the insults cause free-thinking individuals to tune you out completely. Do better.

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These Swifty-Travisty posts are CRACKING



Hilarious and True- I needed the laughs!!!

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Kinda like the Greatest Generation who despised the Beatles?

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Okay at least tied with slavery.

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Does Travis get reparations for being enslaved by Taylor?

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Yes. He plays for a team with a racist name but he promoted injections to cancel that out. He could play for the Kansas City Measles Blankets and he’d be fine if he sold enough boosters.

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The 2-shot commercial is a bit much.

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Don't you think it benefits him a lot more than her, in terms of pursuing fame and fortune?

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No question about it. She's a world wide icon. He's second fiddle to Patrick Mahomes.

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Kelce is at the end of his career. Dating Taylor Swift is a huge visibility boost. If he’s smart he will marry her. If he’s not smart, I’ll marry her. I love my wife, but I’m sure monogamous marriage is soon to be passé. I’m sure we can work something out.

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deletedJan 18
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One of the great parts of Vivek's political campaign is how he went at the media's underlying assumptions in a straightforward and coherent fashion. What I find so revolting when watching TV talking head shows is how the GOP bows to the left and their media gatekeepers. This flows into the school debates about banning books. The issue is always framed as if you don't like Kendi, you somehow don't like African Americans. If I don't believe the worldview of an LBGTQ+ author, that somehow I hate my cousin. James Fishback is excellent at laying out the diversity of intellectual thoughts. Remember, the old good black authors are progressive ones. Thomas Sowell is not a good kind of diversity. What GOP spokespeople have done for my lifetime is cower from going after the ideological points of the left and give them credence from fear of the "ism" arguments. The preening moral authority of the left must be destroyed to defeat them in the broader culture. Going after the left is the battle of our age, and it's great to read an article that gives a coherent, principled, and factual case against it.

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“Going after the left is the battle of our age...”. YES. But we have to have a clear, better alternative and be unapologetic about it. We can’t keep cowering at accusations of racism. I think Vivek is good at that. I hope he stays active because he’s way better than Trump at it.

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Its the blessing of having your own money, that Vivek can do it. Most of the traditional GOP needs money from those who fund them, and they don't like to aruge with the left.

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Another broken recordism of mine: Having FYou money is a REALLY big deal in present circumstances.

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And McConnell wields that money as a cudgel.

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Conservatives seem to have ceded all the working class jobs that influence minds to the left too. Like why are all the librarians liberals and left leaning? Did Leftists successfully infiltrated all the institutions partly because they take up lower paying jobs like librarians, school teachers, etc? Or are conservative job applicants screened out?

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The last sentence. I'm reminded of the school administrator who Project Veritas recorded saying he wouldn't hire Catholics or any conservatives. I believe this is rampant in K-12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVwfKk9QoP0

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Since my days in school (the Antedeluvian Age) I have noticed that conservatives want to make money and so go into advertising/public relations while liberals want to change the world and so go into journalism.

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Agreed. Abortion is a good place to start. With "[L]ook folks, the truth is an American president can't mandate abortion on demand or an abortion ban. The Supreme Court said the courts can't either. That means it is a LEGISLATIVE matter. Nancy Pelosi must have understood this when when Dobbs came down. Did she act? No she did not. So now the states are hashing it out. Whatever your thoughts are on abortion you are misguided if you punish or reward Republicans or Democrats with your vote. Whatever you believe, if you do not use your vote to elect LEGISLATORS to accomplish your bidding g you have wasted your vote. Which really is a travesty in the face of all the critical issues the nation faces at this point intime." People think a Republican candidate cannot do this because it would alienate the evangelical vote. And while it might a few I do not think so by and large because evangelicals hold sway in red states so it is not a loss. Plus honesty is an evangelical virtue. To not do it plays into the hands of those ginning up a very emotional reaction among voters. I witnessed it first hand in the midterm. Kids registered to Vote Blue No Matter Who. And boy did they.

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I think you bring up a very important point, which is that most people don’t really understand voting. They don’t understand the three branches of government, they don’t understand how laws are passed, and they don’t understand the basics of constitutional law. Instead, elections (to the extent that they are even legitimate now!) are about tribal belonging.

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Maybe books about basic civics are what is really needed in libraries.

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And that's just congress and judges.

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Maybe Pres Milei (sp?) can stop in and ass-whup some of our GOP hacks into common sense...

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We can waste time on Swift et al, or we can listen to the speech the new President of Argentina, Mr Milei, gave at Davos. He dumped on the Klaus Nazi with a 24 min defense of Western civilization and capitalism and repudiated the poverty-generating socialism advocated by the so called smart people. It’s on Twitter. I found myself cheering.

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How long til they destroy him?

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I will have to look for that.

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I love The FP, but maybe stay out of sports. That exchange was pretty cringe.

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Down the road, I wonder if they'd hire a sports enthusiast. Or they seem to be friendly with Nate Silver - he'd be perfect for regular contributions if they could work it out. But yeah. Every time something appears here, it reads a lot like "oh, we should probably say something about sports again because so many people are watching - what's ESPN talking about?" And ESPN is to sports what CNN is to news.

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Been mostly ignoring "sports" most of my life; I can do it here too. (Scare quotes? Quoth (more or less) one Yankee-person name of Reggie Jackson: "It;s a j-o-b." An insanely overpaid one that engenders insane amounts of influence to otherwise mostly unremarkable people.)

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Wait a second.....

Travis is a single white male. He happens to be in a relationship with a beautiful, talented, successful, wealthy young woman..........who is not of color.

They both lean left (I think). They pay their taxes on time.

Heads MUST be exploding on MSNBC. And The View.


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The Kelce descriptions made me laugh! I enjoy it as it brings a different view into it.

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Take your toxic masculinity elsewhere!!!! No really I agree.

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I don’t understand why all of the virtuous social justice anti-colonialist protesters demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza haven’t been pushing the obvious solution. Instead of expecting Israel to back off and hand Hamas a victory, how about Hamas stops the rockets (many of which kill their own people), returns all hostages, and surrender? Instant ceasefire. Same as holding Israel responsible for solving the humanitarian crisis being suffered by its enemy in Gaza. The obvious solution - demand that Hamas share with its own people its stock of supplies stored up in its tunnels. I guess no one thought of it. Funny how the world has a blind spot in recognizing the obvious when it comes to Israel.

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Well, they elected a terrorist organization as their government. They eat sleep and breathe terrorist indoctrination. They have no industry, no economic output, and live off of international handouts.

Their co-religionists hate them.

So who can be surprised they are really messed up.

The population of Gaza is literally enslaved like child actors in Hollywood to put on a show of pitiful helplessness

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Yea, but those guys can dig! Do some math on the quantity of dirt taken out of the tunnels. Impressive!

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The extent of the Hamas tunnel system is greater than London’s tube.

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Very good prose :-D

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There was a ceasefire. Hamas broke it.

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Well said, Helen West.

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As a public library manager, I can second this up, down, and sideways. It astounds me how the ALA and all of these other leftist professional organizations keep their heads from exploding from the rampant hypocrisy seething around inside. A few examples:

I was accidentally copied on a children's listserv message regarding Kirk Cameron and Brave Books. It was a call to action for all children's librarians in NJ to intentionally "book" their public meeting spaces on a certain date Brave Books had planned to use for a nationwide reading of Cameron's new title on the deadly sin of pride. Say what you want about Cameron. I'm no fan. But how can a profession that prides itself on "free speech" not see the blatant contradiction?

My library is one of three - THREE!!! - in a state with over 600 public libraries that has a copy of Irreversible Damage (the book on the dangers posed the early gender transitioning of children). I'm assuming anyway. My boss might have deleted it...which leads me to....

My children's librarian deleted ALL of Dr. Seuss's books after that whole rigmarole hit a few years back about how Seuss was irredeemably racist, xenophobic, etc. etc. etc. Not just the titles that were eyerollingly dated. Cat and the Hat? Gone. How the Grinch Stole Christmas? Zapped. I confronted her on this. She complained to my director. He supported her with the aside of "these books don't help anyone read anyway. Who talks like that? It's just going to confuse kids." I saved and, when necessary, repurchased and recently recataloged them. Come at me, fools.

I can't even begin to tell you what our kids room looks like. It's as if someone squished a leprechaun and smeared him all over the walls. And this isn't just during pride month. This is everyday, all year round. I would also like point out that three years ago, we were instructed to no longer put up Christmas displays as such installations were "divisive".

If I wasn't nine years away from a pension, I'd be out.

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You’re my hero for saving the Seuss.

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Just so you know that I'm not blowing smoke:


Actor Kirk Cameron’s Publisher Brave Books Organizing Storyhours at Public Libraries on Saturday, August 5th.

You may have already heard or are aware, but the publisher Brave Books and Kirk Cameron are organizing a nationwide story hour at public libraries on August 5. They are encouraging the public to request library meeting rooms to host this event. You can find more details in this Book Riot piece - https://bookriot.com/kirk-cameron-public-library-events-august-5/

Brave Books titles have a right-wing ideology and some of their titles are: Little Lives Matter, Elephants Are Not Birds, and Unmuzzle Me, Please. Cameron has published two books with the company.

An excerpt from the Book Riot article includes, “If you’re a public library worker, now is the time to prepare for what could be either an onslaught or a big nothing burger. In hoping for the latter, preparing for the former will ensure that your library is indeed in a strong position to defend the choices it makes in the interest of its purpose, its staff, and its users. This includes reviewing your policies around meeting rooms and meeting with your legal representation on what requirements you can and cannot make of those requesting rooms (specifically around security — someone like Cameron, via his profile, is a public safety concern but also, knowing that increased law enforcement at the public library is antithetical to the tenants of librarianship and is an impediment for the use of the facility by marginalized individuals, what do you do?).”…

Kirk Cameron did a story hour at the Cherry Hill Public Library in April 29th. It got lots of press in the conservative papers. If you have questions, you might reach out to Cherry Hill.

Since it’s during summer reading, I hope that many of you already have library related programs scheduled in your meeting rooms that day.


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Neko, you are a true revolutionary! Your retirement will be a loss. I included a comment earlier in the discussion that referenced Ms. Shrier’s book in particular, and also set out some of the inherent censorship in the publishing industry and book distribution system, as well as the public libraries. Most people are not aware of the multiplicity of ways in which our society is being manipulated through information control behind the scenes.

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Come on Bari? The Kelce controversy? Does it even rise to the level of "sophomoric? " I wouldn't bother except that the sight of that grinning simian Travis pimping for Pfizer's malevolent jab irritates me beyond measure. Playing the stooge for State Farm is harmless. But pushing poison isn't. And if the NFL wants to play the stooge for Taylor Swift fine. They've diluted a great game with show biz since they began making a joke out of the championship game.

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It's not NFL playing stooge for Taylor Swift. She's big enough without them and football fans aren't suddenly gonna start listening to her songs or go to her concerts. It's Travis Kelce duping her into stooging for him. He expanded his marketing empire ten-fold courting her openly. His social media following exploded. All the Swifties suddenly started watching football so the NFL and tv network just got a new audience to advertise stuff to sho who's stooging who?

Maybe there's real love. Who knows. I hope it's real love on his part, or else he's not that different from those fraudulent grifters who scam lonely elderly widows out of their life savings.

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Single white liberal male dating single white liberal female. Both pay taxes on time.

The left hasn't been this confused since Ronald Reagan switched parties.

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The below paragraph is just silly. The Obamas were president and first lady for eight years; the others are not in the same ballpark in terms of political status. There must have been better ways to highlight the point you were trying to make.

"For example: take how easy it is for kids to access memoirs by prominent Democrats like Barack and Michelle Obama, compared to memoirs by leading Republicans. More than half of the 35 districts James surveyed carried both of the Obamas’ books. But how many districts carried books by Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Mike Pompeo? "

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Barack’s book was written well before he was President and although billed as an autobiography, it has been shown to be inaccurate in many ways.

Besides, who writes an autobiography when you’re in your youth and haven’t accomplished anything yet? An egomaniac inventing a mythology about himself.

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He wrote two autobiographies, and also won a Nobel Peace Prize before he had actually accomplished anything (he went on to topple a secular regime in Libya, destabilizing northern Africa, denigrated white police officers, aggravated racism, and continuous bombing of jihadist elements in Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Africa). A real self-aggrandizing fool.

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He killed an American citizen teenager via a drone attack. No consequences

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Shocking to this day. Not a peep from the “left”

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Bios of Donald and Melania Trump? George and Barbara Bush?

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Game. Set . Match.

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I read an annotated biography of BO years ago that presented evidence that BO Sr wasn’t even his father. Frank Marshal Davis, a black communist in Hawaii, was. FMD was married, so Stanley Ann’s parents had to find a black man to take the blame for her pregnancy. BO Sr stood in, but after a couple years went back to his wife in Africa. The book shows photos of BO Jr, BO Sr and FMD. BO Jr looks a lot more like FMD than BO Sr.

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Reading non-fiction about fictional lives is an oxymoron.

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Oh the propaganda goes way deeper than that. I could show you examples of documentaries aimed at young people where they'll get smiling, glowing scenes of Bill Clinton and Obama, with not a single shot of a Republican president. Same for Congress, beautiful shot of smiling Chuck Schumer and not a single positive picture of a Republican.

I mean it's not like Bill was a serial liar and sexual abuser associated with a pedophile ring. Kids should respect him! And Republican presidents don't exist except in nightmares, kids.

Almost every bit of cultural media created by California and New York is packed with hateful subliminal messaging to build division in our country. Nearly everything they do portrays white men as innately bad people.

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My point was not political. Rather, that the comparison the writer chose was both inapt and inept.

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I thought this too when I read that. It would be really telling if Trump writes a book and the libraries won't carry it. But Trump isn't the writing type except on X/Twitter.

I can't think of any conservative equal in name recognition and popularity as the Obamas right now. Would be interesting to see what happens if Joe Rogan publishes a book. Elon maybe? These guys aren't conservatives but the left keeps calling them right wing because we all know to them right wing means evil bigots.

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You think the Obamas actually wrote their books?

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Dear God. Of course not. We all know these books are written by ghost writers. But you gotta admit, Trump is not likely to pretend to write a book. That's theater for the likes of Obama.

Believe it or not back in the days I actually did read the books by Condi Riice and Christopher Warren about their experiences as SOS. I think those two did in fact wrote their books. I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary wrote hers either as she's got a lot of grievances to spew after losing to Trump (her own damn fault but she won't ever admit it.)

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He did write a book long, long ago. The Art of the Deal. Pretty popular as I recall.

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Elon has an autobiography out now.

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If it's the book by Isaacson, it's a biography.....and it's VERY good.

I don't think Musk has either the time or ego to write a book about himself.

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I stand corrected. I have purchased it but not yet read it so I am lending it to others. I am getting very positive feedback.

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Hey, maybe I can help the FP with its dilettante-level foray into sports?

I'm a former sportswriter who also spent 13 years as an executive with a major league baseball franchise. Wrote a book with a MLB Hall of Famer. Taught Sports Marketing (albeit short-lived) at the college level.

Know this: I wouldn't take the "brother-rivalry-working-class-Joe-versus-celebrity-idol" approach to covering sports. Cultural patronizing by the FP. Suzy Weiss? She's young, smart, witty and certainly tuned in to the red carpet "who are you wearing?" world of entertainment. Bless her, but she doesn't know dick about sports.


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