I'm going to throw my hat in with those who are saying the ship was hacked. How good is the internet security on a large freighter? Probably not very good. Not any better than on the servers used to tabulate votes on election day, in all likelihood, at least with a man or woman on the inside, which may well have been the case on this ship.

This in turn implies this could well have been a terrorist attack, from any number of places. Iran, China, North Korea, Hamas maybe even. Cyberattacks are coming. Power plants, internet access itself, lighting grids, water, sewage.

This bridge is trapping all the ships in Baltimore harbor right now. They can probably get the pieces moved or blown up in the next week or two, but if you look at a map and consider the logistics of rebuilding this bridge, it is going to be a HUGE disaster for Maryland, the region, and Baltimore in particular, which was already a bad place to live. I don't think we know the full cost yet.

I would feel much better if we had a President and Administration who actually seemed to be spending at least a little effort protecting America, rather than making sure everyone who entered illegally got a bus pass, a cell phone, and some money from our taxes.

Hell, I would feel better just knowing who is actually running the country. It certainly isn't Joe Biden. He probably needs help with the toilet paper.

I would also feel better if I were not very sure Biden--or his designated representative--takes bribes from anyone who offers them. He's not as clever as the Clintons, but he doesn't need to be very smart when the whole System protects him, in exchange for his protecting the System.

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"Today’s students grew up in the Trump era, in which violent rhetoric has become a normal part of political discourse and activism is as easy as reposting an infographic."

No fan of Trump, I can nevertheless only sneer at this comment. Yeah, blame Trump!

The college students at Stanford, Harvard, and other universities have all their lives grown up winning participation ribbons, harassing teachers for higher grades, extracting extra time on tests, dictating to their indulgent parents what they'd like for dinner, and getting chauffeured to play dates. That they believe they are always in the right is a given.

Those from less rarified backgrounds were also privileged, but differently: Their sad showings on quizzes and tests from middle school on (assuming elementary schools no longer give such things) made teachers grade "on a curve," and they got into colleges in which they could not possibly thrive.

The George Floyd riots and lesser shenanigans showed everyone that violence pays if you attach to it a cause, any cause, no matter how bogus.

One day near Brooklyn College I couldn't cross the street because, as one guy shouted to me, "Back off! I got a thousand bikes coming through!" They were riding for George Floyd.

Such fun.

One blames well-meaning mushy-brained liberals for the real damage they have caused. Trump has much to answer for, but pro-Hamas protests that shut down campuses and cities are not his doing.

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I feel comforted about the bridge collapse because I know that our capable transportation secretary is on the case.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

Will TFP ever do any story about this incompetent administration? Electric vehicles (don't think this admin understands where electricity comes from)? The border and who pays for illegals to live here? Foreign policy, three conflicts deep? Continued student loan handouts? DOJ going after Biden's political opponent? Biden corruption? Over 1 trillion in personal credit card debt, 36 trillion in debt overall and more to come? Or will it be more fluff to avoid having to talk about the disaster voted in by those rubes and fools more concerned about 'how old do I look' Tik Tok videos and white male toxicity?

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Regarding the Huberman piece, I, for once, disagree with the FP’s take. I am a massive Huberman fan having listened to the man speak for hundreds of hours. He’s immensely talented at communicating pertinent and complex scientific information to the masses. But, he also cheated on 6 women after leading them to think that he was exclusively with them. He also had unprotected sex with them and gave his main girlfriend, who he was literally injecting with fertility/IVF drugs, HPV (this latter, particularly disgusting, fact having been omitted in the FP’s take).

I still admire him as a scientist, but I also think that his behavior is morally reprehensible and shameful. With the FP being so concerned about “fixing our institutions,” it’s not immediately clear to me why they are defending a man who is actively contributing to the degradation of one of if not the most important institution - monogamous marriage. The New Yorker is a sorry excuse of a magazine, and they probably wrote the piece with bad intentions. Intentions aside, the facts remain that Huberman’s moral compass is seriously messed up, and in a civilized society that values respectful men and monogamous marriage with stable two-parent households, that behavior should not be celebrated nor defended

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Is Boeing tied to the Clinton's? Asking for a friend as it seems lots of self inflicted wounds dealing with both.

Bridge, why wasn't the pylons built with the island around them in a heavy traffic channel? Not sure it would have helped, but probably couldn't have hurt. Would like to see some stories on the workers who sacrificed themselves. I am sure in a well run, efficient, woke, fiscally responsible city like Baltimore, all the proper maintenance was done. Ship has history of issues, but just make the next run as time is money. Now the lawyers are lining up for their pay day.

How Old Do I Look? Who gives a rats ass! Get a life and stop basing your worth on some phony criteria in your rattled brain.

Huberman, never heard of him and wish now I still had that kind of peace. Why do women chase bad men who crap on them? Well, also guys. What do you think will be gained from being in a relationship with a self loving ego driven user? God people, wake up and stop being used.

Why is there even a debate over shutting borders? How stupid as a nation can we be to even be discussing this? Does Egypt have an open border with Gaza? Does Mexico arrest you without valid entry permits? Walk into China or Russia, maybe lovely N Korea without documents. What is the big problem with Western Society to think we are some how being nice and loving by letting in those who seek illegal entry (really, really it is against Fed Law to do that), don't pay taxes (fake argument of the Libs), send money out of the country, commit crimes, wave their shitty countries flag like they are proud of the lousy hole they left? Damn, we have really stupid elected leaders only interested in money, power, and self.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

Per your statement regarding Huberman, “jacked, attractive, smart, successful men tend to date multiple women at the same time and then lie about it.” Huberman displays narcissistic tendencies, lacking the integrity and respect that good men demonstrate towards their partners, which includes honesty and genuine honor.

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Vanity, a cousin of human nature, lives and now thrives courtesy of social media. And letting us know what Gisele eats and wears , and who sleeps with who or what, adds fuel to the fire. And I thought feminism was going to help women be less vain. And the beat goes on ( a signature song for a now 80 year old who reinforces this point perfectly).

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Hey TheFP, are you a shill for “behind the paywall publications”? How about making arrangements for “free to read” the referenced article in exchange for the promotion of the source?

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Biden very quick to say that taxpayers will rebuild the bridge without a trace of who is responsible. At the same time blaming all Biden’s blunders on Trump. And using tax payer money to bailing out students who took out loans after they agreed to pay them back.

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What does "The US should shut its borders" mean? Accept zero legal immigrants? Do a better job of filtering immigrants before accepting them? Stepping up measures on the border so that no (sic! fewer) illegal immigrants can come in? Deporting illegal immigrants already in the country?

I hope they do a better job of defining the question before the debate takes place.

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My book about a crazy HOA community is now available on Amazon. They Seem Like Such Nice People. If you live in one, you’ll relate.

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Cenk Uygur? Am I reading this correctly? Why on earth would the FP want anything to do with him? I will most definitely NOT be watching. Seriously disappointed.

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Suzy coos "Nicole Shanahan, the ex-wife of Google founder Sergey Brin who is also possibly the ex-fling of Tesla founder Elon Musk, has been chosen as the presidential running mate of everyone else’s ex, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Mazel tov! (WSJ)."

Mazel tov? Why? Mumbles picks a 38 year old Biden supporter to be his running mate. Showing nothing more than his horrible judgment. The more you look at his campaign positions the worse he looks.

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Huberman: white, male toxicity? Sad women doing stupid things? Russian collusion? Trump is definitely involved. Did Huberman work for Epstein? Were any of the women named Floyd? A suggestion for a new cable series, The Women of Huberman! We can guess how old they are or look.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 28

Thanks for the Politico link to Jamaal Bowman, the former school principal who could not distinguish a fire alarm from a door opener. His comments, “There’s still no evidence of beheaded babies or raped women. But they still keep using that lie [for] propaganda¨, can never be walked back. These comments give the true measure of this man. I hope George Latimer ousts him in November. (Bari and Nellie - when you go to vote, remember that these are the people from whom Biden takes his walking orders.)

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