It's really not the social justice mobs at universities that make my blood chill and fear for the future (although they do) it's more the reality that in a free liberal country like the UK the police can show up at the door, for something someone heard you say.

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This is what anarcho-tyranny looks like. No first or second amendment. No border or assimilation.

The police can no longer maintain law and order because they are outnumbered and have no government support. They will only go after individuals who say mean things, not mobs who destroy their civilization. But at least the UK football team kneels for racism, that will fix everything!

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

This may come across as pedantic - okay, it's just straight-up pedantic - but I have to ask: "anarcho-tyranny"?? As I understand them, that's a contradiction in terms . . . or is it deliberately so? I'm genuinely curious, here.

As I understand it, anarchy - literally 'no-ruler' in Greek - means simply a refusal to recognize any political power above the autonomy of the individual, while tyranny derives from the Greek term for a single ruler who exercises power without bounds, and with no regard for those ruled; a tyrant is basically a king who goes bad.

So, "anarcho-tyranny" would be "no-ruler-but-absolute-ruler-ism." Am I missing something?

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as weird as it sounds, that is actually an accurate description of what's happening.

these governments are tyrannically enforcing anarchy and if you don't like it the cops come round to take you away for trying to keep your own culture.

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Yeah and the crazy just gets crazier. It’ll all eventually boil over into a social Revolution that leaves ppl dead in the streets.

I may get flagged just for saying that. The thought police are listening carefully even now. Funny how it’s okay to incite violence as long as it’s against the “right” ppl.

That would be of course ppl who are generally right of center politically. If you’re far right you’re already on a watch list if they haven’t arrested you. These fools on the left fail to grasp that the beast they have created will eventually devour them too. Evil is cannibalistic. This is an evil time, right is wrong, having national pride is a danger to your country, boys are girls and vice versa, child porn is part of elementary school curriculum, Judeo-Christian values are dangerous and evil, etc. etc

Youth in the western world are spoiled selfish brats, so thin skinned that they need safe spaces when they even hear something they deem offensive

which is pretty much everything.

Most don’t know what a hard days work is and their schools are too busy indoctrinating them to teach stuff like math, science or honest history. The grievance driven mind set has highjacked and rewritten history to justify their grievences.

Marx would be proud.

I’m sure God isn’t.

There’s only one way this will end.


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China is not the big bad of this whole story. Nor is Iran or Saudi Arabia, nor is Russia, nor the treasonous US Administration, nor the cowardly woke globocorps and the hedgefunds that own them.

All of these are seriously daunting, all of these are grave threats to Liberty, Goodness, Peace, and Truth. This axis of evil is real (though fractious) that much is true. But the Big Bad is Satan. The Enemy. The Prince of this World.

Unbeknownst to the scurrilous schemers and prideful tyrants in all of these camps, all the vain plots, dripping hatred, and manifestations of evil they conjure- they are really peddling the agenda of one whom they do not see, even as their hands work as his own. Satan is the Big Bad. Christ is the Good King. These are the two teams that exist in planet earth, and sleepers snooze on this reality at their own temporal and eternal peril.

“Those who are not against me are for me”


“Those who are not for me are against me”

Two Teams, two Masters, who are we gonna serve America?

Just my take! Hope you dont mind the theatrics! God bless!

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It is the tyranny of the mob, unconstrained by the forces of law-and-order. People can be "ruled" by terrorism in the streets. In this case, the police are actually doing the work of the mob, tearing down handbills with the photos of those taken hostage by the terrorist group Hamas. The police themselves are afraid to act in any way that will displease the mob.

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like the 2020 riots when the cops stood around and watched arsonists destroy entire city blocks. or baltimore or st. louis or chicago or san francisco or los angeles just on any given day. or portland or


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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

Yes! I live in Portland. The street level windows of some downtown Portland bldgs are still boarded up from the over 140 consecutive nights of demonstrations that included many acts of arson. But in Portland the problem was that, although the police made many arrests, the "progressive" District Attorney refused to prosecute almost all of those arrested, including many arrested for assaulting police officers. And the Mayor, who is in direct control of the police dept, would not let the police in any way impede the demonstrations despite the fact that these were occurring during the pandemic when masks and social distancing were required in all public places by ordinance. So the Portland Police were not permitted to do their job of maintaining order and public safety because the demonstrators and their "cause" were approved of by the progressive Portland political establishment. I say all this as a lifelong Democrat who is disgusted by the refusal of the "progressive" Democratic establishment in Portland to maintain public order in 2020.

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And the few ppl who fight back to protect their homes or businesses are harassed, doxxed and arrested/investigated.

The Proud Boys were started by a black ex military guy and a few of his friends. But since they opposed leftist groups and activities they are a dangerous white-supremacist group.

Anybody who hates on another person just because of race, ethnicity or religion IS a bigot.

I wasn’t raised that way. My parents were very welcoming ppl and we had different black ppl living in our house in the 60’s. Some of our neighbors were southern rednecks who shunned us for it. We didn’t care.

The only kind of person I just can’t stand is mean ppl.

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Evil wins when good men do nothing

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But a government directed mob is not anarchy. It might look like anarchy but anarchy is by definition leaderless.

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What the mobs in England and in Portland did were not government directed. The police just stood back and did nothing OR when the police (in Portland) made arrests, the prosecutor would not prosecute so the bad actors were back on the street night after night doing the same disruption of public order, including property destruction. The Central Precinct police bldg itself had to be boarded up so the mob would not continue to break its windows, throw molotov cocktails into it, etc.

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Right. Anarchy. No tyranny involved.

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I was confounded by the name “Antifa” when they employed fascism as a means of intimidation. My husband keeps saying it’s right out of the book “Rules for Radicals”. I’ve not seen this book but I’d like to get a copy. Written by the sociopath Saul Alinsky and dedicated by him to Lucifer who no doubt inspired every word.

How this mentality is considered “good” today makes it clear that so many ppl, (esp those in positions of power) answer to a lower power.

It sure brings out the worst in ppl.

I still believe that God will hold everyone to account for the poisoning of youth especially.

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Until we start naming the devil in all his aspects, loudly and proudly, he will continue his insidious entrenchment in society. Youre not crazy for thinking Satan is at work, you are factually correct. In fact he works overtime.

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It's the rule of the mob. A mob has no real leadership, and yet its tyranny is unmistakable.

Stop being willfully ignorant.

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

Now, now. I'd never come across that juxtaposition of terms before, and I was genuinely puzzled by it. And, as I freely admitted, I was being pedantic about it.

I'm genuinely grateful for the explanation. I'm not convinced there isn't a better term for it, though. I mean, Plato would have just called it "democracy"! (But Plato was a disinherited royal, so he was really, really bitter about the whole Pericles thing.)

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I appreciated your question, Bob K. It brought about an illuminating conversation. I now have a clearer picture of the British situation, because in this conversation the situation was named as "mob rule." I had not thought of that description, and I think it is accurate. (And it will take a lot of courage, and time, to get out of this.) But naming helps. Thank you.

And I also appreciate the philosophical comments! I'd like to be better schooled in Western philosophy. That will help, too.

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Nope. They're trying to create a one-insult-fits-all but as you demonstrate it does not work.

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Or maybe it's an effort to come up with a term that basically means "mob rule" but sounds more impressive, so it's taken more seriously.

(I'm a philosopher, so I know well how that trick works. I try to avoid doing it, as plain language is *always* more effective.)

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What happened to the British lions and the spirit of Agincourt? Take back your country. It's worth it.

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Agincourt? That was like 600 years ago. I'd settle for Churchill.

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Churchill, who was ridiculed by the same ruling class that minimized the menace of Hitler and then wanted to cut a deal with him. Churchill, who well understood the menace of Islam. Churchill,, the savior of humankind in the 20th Century whose bust was removed from the White House by the same moral midget and poseur that spews lies about the moral equivalence of Israel and the phony "Palestinians" and urges aid to Hamas. That Churchill? Whether Churchill or Henry V, some brave voice is needed to galvanize the British people to retake their homeland.

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Yeah that Churchill

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Well if authorities today are going to act as the tyrants of old, maybe some courage and strength of old is in order of reviving.

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The globalists who are the patron saints of the evil one, are the poison in the well. They are the haughty who are above all else, or so they believe. Like Obama, who ridicules Christian whites who hold fast to both their faith and our constitution. They are not the enemy to black Americans. Real Christian’s (of any color) have the love Christ had for his fellow man.

Christ, who was not white and an observant Hebrew, taught us to BE the love of God, give forgiveness and be brave unto death. I know many have done just the opposite in the name of Yeshua but that does not invalidate what he preached. Even good pastors are human and are therefore fallible.

The institution of the RCC became corrupted beyond all recognition yet there have been faithful followers within that have course corrected to a degree. Now this new pope is taking them back to corruption.

The point is that this world will pass away. If not soon then it will later. It is written and therefore as good as done. That doesn’t mean that those who believe should pack it up, give up and stay home, curtains drawn. If anything it is more important than ever that the truth of the messiah is told.

Yeshua has already triumphed over Satan, who is bitter and wants to take as many souls hostage that he can. The global elite cannot see this as they are blind in ignorance and self centered egoism. They will face the same judge we all will. It won’t be some corrupted judge who seeks to write his own version of the law but a righteous judge who will judge according to his word.

Until then we must fight the good fight, it is against the forces of darkness and not people per se.

Peace to you all.

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And for your thoughts. Honestly, who that has read 1984 or Fahrenheit 451 ever thought to hear a police officer actually say, You need to check your thoughts?

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I think the policeman said, "We need to check your thoughts."

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Which literally makes him the "thought police," in which he sees absolutely no irony.

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No, why would he? Probably never read 1984.

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So terrifyingly dystopian.

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Sadly the true terror is just beginning. With the simultaneous invention of this neuralink and AI they can require you to hook up to check your thoughts. The tribulation will be worse than can be imagined and no, true believers in biblical truth will not be spared. It is for this reason that it will be shortened. They are the “elect” referred to in revelations. The rapture will be 144,000 of the scattered tribes of Israel who have not bent the knee to Ba’al. Interestingly the number of sovereign Israeli’s who have become believers in Messiah is now thousands. They are raptured to fight the fight in heaven that occurs simultaneously with the tribulation on earth, aka Armageddon. This is widely misunderstood due to wildly misleading popular movies and false teachings.

All one has to do is read the Book to know this.

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It truly is terrifying. It 100% reminds me of 1984 and Fahrenheit 451, which when I read both in high school as required reading, I scoffed and tossed both books under my bed, most likely mumbling aloud about the fantastical nature of it and that no such thing would ever happen. Never say never. It’s a motto I live by.

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“… Miller told me he was surprised when the cops called him to say they had received a complaint. “ ‘We need to check your thinking,’ ” Miller recalled the police officer on the other end of the line telling him…”

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Where's my LoL like?

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We don’t have to go back. This is the new inquisition where having faith is bad, God is dead, right is wrong, the red Queen’s in charge so hang on to your heads!

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That’s my fear as well. I feel like it’s only a matter of time before my door is kicked in and my bank account is frozen simply for expressing dissatisfaction with the Biden admin through social media.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

Yes. Conversely we'll see the emergence of a "benevolent" autocrat. A Pinochetan complete with helicopter tours of the litorales. At that point I'll be in danger for speaking up for the misguided leftists because as we all know, no good deed goes unpunished.

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Or jailed for 10 years like Doug Mackey, for sharing a HRC meme!

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Mackey was sentenced to 7 months in prison. (He may well have faced a possible 10 years.) The length of his sentence is irrelevant because the principle of imprisoning someone for creating a meme is now established.

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That was chilling. There is a recent Tucker interview with Mackey that is worth listening to.

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It happened to the Canadian truckers. Can the US be far behind?

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Well we’re not. They’ve successfully used the J6 prisoners as political pawns, treating them as they see fit with impunity. The hundreds of 2020 rioters who actually did destroy peoples lives, federal property and cause physical harm and death were given a pass while the media STILL repeats the completely debunked lies that Capitol police were killed. The only unjust killing out of the whole fiasco was the unnecessary shooting of Ashli Babbitt (apologies if I misspelled her name). Hunting down anyone they could find who might have had anything to do with it was off the charts bonkers. They seriously used having a Lego reconstruction of the Capitol as evidence! That’s as silly as throwing a kid out of school for biting off a poptart into the form of a gun in the cafeteria. That actually happened though I can’t recall where.

We are lost but I can’t encourage anyone enough to hang onto faith. It’s one thing that cannot be taken away. I hope I would have the courage to face death before renouncing it.

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We have the first amendment...at least for now. Britain does not.

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I think the first amendment is on life support. Just read Matti Taibi and other Twitter file coverage.

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True enough. But I can still say there are two genders without the police coming to arrest me. Unlike in Britain.

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We have a wafer thing edge on our friends across the pond. Mostly this is a problem of the west. I don’t expect any Asian countries are woke.

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I posted this earlier today:

"We are all complicit." Is left wing speak for we are just as bad or worse than they are. It is what the US hating left does. According to a Dem/Soc the US is the root of all evil. If I express my disgust in the brutal, misogynistic, murdering, religion of Islam, I am not making an accurate description of Islam. I am an Islamophobe. If I express my disgust over the ever senile Joe's open borders policy, I am a racist. If I want to restrict immigration from Islamic countries because the religion promotes terrorism and I don't want potential terrorist into the US. I don't have valid concerns. I am again an Islamophobe. Well, I am an Islamophobe and we should all be Islamophobes. Because I fear a dog with rabis doesn't mean I hate dogs. It means I am being prudent.

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Obama's statement, suggesting some sort of moral equivalence, was appalling.

No one has done more to unleash anti-Semitism in this country than Obama. And I voted for him twice.

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Obama is an empty suit and you voted for him twice. He was the golfer in chief.

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Loved your post LP beware the knock on the door, you are sprouting hate speech

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In the same sort of way I'm suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome by virtue of recognizing him for the opportunist griffter that he is. Both sides throw around these silly labels that don't really say very much more than 'I don't like you'.

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Aren't they all opportunistic grifters? The ever senile Joe runs his own crime family.

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You have a point there.

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Yeah, but I usually keep it covered with a hat.

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A lot of Jews may hate him (I don't), but if they don't vote for him in 2024, they are voting for their doom.

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deletedNov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023
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"Taking Biblical concepts out of context " where did I take Biblical concepts out of context. Please be specific.

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And they are already desensitized to it.

I am MOFA.

Make Orwell Fiction Again

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

The UK is obviously not a free liberal country.

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They've set up a system where agitated violent Muslim mobs are the norm and therefore the people who provoke them by opposing their behavior are the ones that need to be shut down.

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This is a hard problem, probably only solvable by sending in the military to use machine guns on those crowds. This is what a pre-revolutionary situation looks like people. It can blow up in a day. I guarantee you that muslims have weapons. And if politicians won't help you, then you need to emulate the IRA and be ready to fight.

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Yes. Britain needs to send in the military. But "Londonistan" has a Muslim mayor. Over 15% (and growing) of the city is Muslim. Several terrorist leaders now live in London. Disaster is what diversity brings. It's the Trojan horse to end all Trojan horses.

Let's speak the truth here. Everyone knows the ultimate prize for the mullahs in Iran and Qatar who fund Hamas is for Islam to achieve worldwide dominance. That's why they spend billions of dollars in oil money to fund universities that spread their propaganda to useful idiots in the US and all around the West.

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

We are spiraling into world War. I thought climate change was going to be the principle pressure to war. Instead, it is hubris by Biden (but really by his idiot staff and their backers) combined with stupidity and an all but worthless press corps. The US is becoming a satire of itself.

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It feels like we've landed in a cursed part of the part of the multiverse, and the simulation program is about to end.

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What you are feeling is the requirement to make decisions and take real action for war. War picks you in this case. Lean into it. That is the way through. Make the decisions. Take the obvious actions. Do what is sensible. Accept that we all die, and it may be violent, not peaceful.

Look straight into the dark. Don't turn aside from what is visible that you don't want to see. But do the thing you are avoiding.

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We must speak out. And we must encourage others to find the courage to speak out because what's happening now is intolerable and completely incompatible with human civilization.

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Well, there go my plans for a good night’s sleep.

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You give politicians way to much credit. Michelle Obama nailed it. "I've spent time with world leaders. They're just not that smart." Subtext, she married one...

What's going on is idiocy mated with expediency and, well, evil.

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Ideologies are dangerous. That's why Marxism has caused such horrors. That's why islam has perpetrated such horrors for so long. It's not jumping at shadows to treat this as the war in our nation's that it is.

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In the UK, they arrested a woman who was praying outside an abortion clinic. She was not praying aloud, but in her head. She was not trespassing either. Crazy times.

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All the more reason to stand up and fight back. Cowards are cowed by a show of force and spine.

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Or say they heard you say since no proof is needed or asked before the NCHI is issued.

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Show up at your door and cart you away.

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Before you have the 2nd you get the 1st. The 1st is a warning sign.

Without cultural protections legal protections will inevitably fail.

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Yes. It’s like 1930’s Europe all over again. No clearer example of fascism than this, I’m afraid. What was the line about them showing up and saying it seems he needs to fix his thinking? Scary beyond belief. You’d think it was made up or a line out of a movie except it’s not.

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Here is a direct message - and warning to cops - both in the UK and US. Just whom do you think stood by you when the leftist pukes wanted you defunded, disbanded and all arrested or worse? That's right - conservative and middle of the road patriots. And make no mistake - if you abandon us - and toady up to the the globalist autocrats and repressive state actors, there will be nobody to stand with you the next time. You know they will never have your backs. They will use you and toss you aside like yesterday's trash if you make one misstep. So consider carefully with whom you place your loyalty. And, one more thing. There are a lot more of us than of you.

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I wonder how many people have had second thoughts or failed to "like" this post for fear of being singled out as being hateful... or potentially hunted for in the future?

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

Honestly, how fearful should we be of people who use SWAT teams to terrorize harmless old men or families at their breakfast tables? They can't wear body armor and carry an M-4 everywhere........

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Did you ever imagine you’d see the day when fully armored federal agents would swarm a man’s home for defending his son from crazed abortionists he was praying for? That’s only one of a few of such overkill raids.

And Pelosi called Trump out for sending “Jack booted thugs” to protect federal buildings during the summer of hate.

I refuse to call hate love. If that’s love I don’t want any part if it.

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I say give me Liberty or give me death. Let the demons come. The only thing darkness fears is light, so be one.

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The police that reside and mingle in the communities they police are being slowly replaced with UN officers, like those we saw brutalize the trucker protesters in Ottowa. It was not their neighbors and their fellow countrymen who ran them over with horses. It was the goons called in by the Turd-oh feds.

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Yes but they still live amongst us. They can't hide.

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Thank you for acknowledging those of us in the middle of the road.

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When you've captured the Police, is there much left to do? Coppers were cited for a fear to intervene saying, "there lots of them and few of us"... given the Muslim birthrate (they already outnumber Jews by 20x in Europe), it's pretty easy to see where this is going over the next decade or two. Europe's bleeding heart open immigration policy is destroying Western Civilization and replacing it with violent anarchy - a Trojan Horse of disastrous consequence.

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Th number 1 export of failed Muslim nations is Muslims. They are, in most European nations, a meaningful political force with enough votes to change election outcomes. There is no European nation where Jews are a meaningful political force.

Even in the US, Jews have very limited political influence. A few areas in New York and in Florida where there are meaningful concentrations. Outside of that, not much. On top of which, Jews have rarely voted based on Jewish issues.

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Yes and very few westerners understand how political the religion actually is. Entrenching yourself politically in the new country is very much a goal for many M. The west is weak right now, allowing its own freedoms to be used and exploited against its own interests. Don’t let it happen - complacency is never a way to win what you want for your society.

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All true, Zeke. And speaking of failed Muslim nations, the Middle East - once a bastion of science, learning and tolerance - has fallen into the dark ages since Islam took hold. It's probably just a coincidence.

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Right. Coincidence indeed.😉

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That’s a fair comment, B.S. Still, when I think of more recent history… compare Pakistan and India, for example, or pre and post 1979 Iran (it was always Shi’ite, but run as a secular country much like Turkey under Attaturk). When you think of the Muslim countries that have progressed, they take a more secular and moderate approach - Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Malaysia and Indonesia come to mind. The embedded intolerance of Islam will be its downfall over time.

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I feel Iran was well on the way to moving towards a model similar to Attaturk's Turkey when I lived there in the late 70's under the Shah. Iranians are very proud of their long Persian heritage. They weren't that impressed by the Shah, and they were definitely afraid of SAVAK (the Shah's secret police), but most are pro-western and pro-progress. The Ayatollahs would lose in a landslide today if there were free elections in Iran. But, like other socialist paradises like Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea, they control the military and police, and elections are sham if they exist at all. It's basically a kleptocracy that uses the cover of religious zealotry to justify their barbarism. Islam gives them just enough leeway to get away with their theocratic repression.

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Exactly why Biden announced an Islamophobia task force in response to the Hamas Massacre.

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War by demography.

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China did the same thing with Tibet. Worked beautifully from their standpoint.

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Wow....20X already? That is scary.....

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Welcome to the fold, my brother in Christ. I urge you to study eschatology (both Christian and Muslim since they are mirror images). The end is not yet nigh but we can see how things are trending in that direction. The caliphate will re-emerge, and from it the Mahdi, who will lead genocide against the Jews. I pray for all Israelis that they turn to their Almighty King Jesus as you have. As a gentile, Im just lucky to be grafted onto the olive tree of Israel.

Once the full number of gentiles are brought into Christ, the LORD will soften the hearts of the Jews which have been hardened against the Messiah. I pray all people the world over will turn to Christ but we know that wont happen. However you are God’s chosen people, and I will stand by Israel, and when the Antichrist empire has been defeated, the King will reign from Zion over the whole earth. Amen. God bless you!

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Well said. Just re-watched Munich last night. Powerful depiction of Israel commandos going after the Muslims who took Israeli Olympic team hostage and subsequently slaughtered. Golds Meier says in the beginning something to the effect “I don’t understand these people..they want annihilate us..”

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This is the inevitable result of DEI. You try to be nice to people, and they beat the shit out of your veterans in the streets. Stop being cowards and take back your country. They can't arrest all of you.

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Sir, I like the cut of your jib!

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We tried to protest a fraudulent election and they have arrested and jailed a multitude of people

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It’s also a make-work project for the Professional Managerial Class.

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This article is very shocking to me. The idea that Brits are okay with sending the police over for an overheard political comment should shock anyone. Wake tf up already.

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It’s simply evil that if left unchallenged will consume them. Evil is evil.

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This is why the Second Amendment is more important than ever. It isn't for hunting. It's to defend ourselves from tyrannical governments. It was directly inspired by English tyranny. Apparently nothing has changed.

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No. This is why the First Amendment is more important than ever. Armed rebellion would turn the great majority of the moderate/middle public against you, and our foreign enemies would take advantage of America devolving into chaos. On the other hand, free speech allows TFP to publish an article like this informing us of what's happening. The pro-Hamas protesters in London have been abusing the free speech tolerance in Britten that they wouldn't get in any middle east country (unless it was government approved speech.) We just have to be better at supporting honest reporting in American like TFP. The progressive Left will probably always dominate in the mainstream media and higher education, making it forever an uphill battle. But the Left's excesses are causing more influencers to reevaluate their acceptance of Leftist extremes and speak out. Also there are conservative and moderate publications and substacks which are bringing better information to publics which had just accepted the media's side previously. Support them. It's an information battle and you need to fight that from the middle, where I think most people are, slowly shifting it away from the Left's destructive policies.

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Best comment ever on FP.

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You’re absolutely right that “the left has a very large head start and isn’t going to wait for us to get our act together.” They’ve had many decades to expand. The Leftist radical college students of the 60’s and 70’s got disappointed when Reagan won in 1980 and went back into the universities where their influence has been expanding ever since – turning out larger and larger crops of believers that then filter up into the other institutions of society.

Even with the best strategy it will be difficult, slow and incremental to counter that. But every one person who even hints at violence will cause a hundred in the middle to back away. They become poster boys for the Left to point to of how the other guys can’t be trusted.

But there are hopeful signs now that the excesses of the Left are becoming more indefensible to influencers in the middle who can now speak more effectively to people in the middle. More good writers, avoided by the mainstream media in the past, now are getting exposure in substacks.

And we must start winning elections, and Nikki Haley polls much better against Biden then Trump. She brings in a lot of voters that Trump scares away. Even if elected Trump’s language and style makes him less effective. In the last mid-term election, the Trump endorsed candidates did very poorly despite an amazingly favorable environment. So primary voters must get smart about who can win, and to do that you have to think past the primary to the general electorate.

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All good points!

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The Roman historian Sallust stated, "Most seek not freedom, only a fair master". That is the problem, considering that there is no such thing as a fair master. Power corrupts.

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I’m still reeling from US citizens agreeing to be locked up the better part of two years, having their businesses “taken” without just compensation. I’m not so sure we’re very revolutionary anymore.

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

Good question. We do seem very “soft” to me as well. They were just trying to pass regulations that would allow kids to consent to vaccines in schools without parental consent or knowledge. I mean, these compliant parents would nicely, without a murmur of protest offer their kids to be used as a market for liability free products without their own knowledge? What exactly is informed consent from an eleven year old? That is crazy. Not sure where it stands as of now.

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But parents need to wake tf up. TFP has always found a multitude of ways to diss RFK Jr who at least has the courage to raise questions. Like why do we inject the most vaccines in the developed world and yet rank as having the worst children’s health? Surely these are issues worth discussing.

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I know if I had babies today, I would be much more hesitant when it came to vaccinations.

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Vaccines such as the ones that protect against measles, smallpox and polio, are safe, effective and save lives. Please do not lump them with the anti-Covid vaccines that were developed in a hurry and may or may not be safe. I remember the horrors of polio that attacked children and was relieved when polio was virtually eradicated by vaccines.

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Me too.

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Did anyone actually think that the reason the police also don't want to do anything is that they agree with the proHamas marchers? Just a thought....

Perhaps the police have been infiltrated by cowards who are more afraid of being called racists by Islamo-nazis then for standing up for values and ethics. Think the Pakistani-British grooming gangs and the thousands of Anglo-British girls who were abused. The police knew what was happening but were afraid to be called racist for trying to stop this affront to human decency.

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Don’t ignore the very real possibility that the cops there just plain hate Jews.

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Or just don’t care. But the day the baying mobs come for something or someone they DO care about, all hell will break loose.

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So true. Antisemitism is the policy of The labor party. Antisemitism is as British as fish and chips. It is not by accident that Ken Livingstone was elected as a past mayor of London, and that Jeremy Corbin was the head of the labor party. There is a huge undercurrent of antisemitism in British society. It dates back to the edict of Expulsion of 1290, when Jews were killed, their belongings stolen, and Jews were forbidden to live in England for the next 400 years. Discrimination against Jews is based not only on religious reasons, but an innate sense of British racial superiority. As Cecil Rhodes ( for whom the Rhodes Scholar program is named) said, “I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable specimens of human beings what an alteration there would be if they were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence, look again at the extra employment a new country added to our dominions gives.”

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That very point was stated in the piece (tho not well) .. that in response to needs for reform and person-power, the UK police forces began recruiting first among Brit-Caribbean pops and then among Brit-Indian-Pakistani-etc pops. It’s not a question of “infiltration,” just a natural increase in population, and the police forces beginning to mirror the citizenry.

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I think they are cowed by the same bs as here and defund the police. What happens to a policeman doing their job and caught on video? Which every being walking upright has in their hands w an iPhone. Way too much risk, especially for what they get paid. I’m amazed anyone is still willing to do that job. The policemen do our dirty work for us. Deal w the worst that society creates, and that’s an awful lot of mess.

People are hating on the police because it’s easier to blame them than face their own depravity. Just listened to Andrew Klavan describing this well. The leftists will not acknowledge the harm they cause whether that’s an aborted child at full term, a child’s distorted body after “gender affirming care” or a baby killed in Israel. That’s why they tear down the posters of the missing children.


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People are hating on The police something awful. But if they were truly concerned about public hate towards them they would not have bragged about arresting 100 right wing protesters on Saturday. They are not afraid of the consequences you mention. So it’s something else.....hmmm

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We (Brits) are definitely in a mess with almost complete institutional capture by the cultural Marxists and their gender and race mania. To make things worse we don't even have any politicians or leaders of any note who are willing to do something about it; such as deporting the non-citizens. In fact our courts make it almost impossible to deport anyone (eg the dangerous Islamist who cannot be deported because he might be at risk in his own, safe, country of Albania).

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Then you will lose everything and your daughters will don burkas and suffer under the rape culture of the slavish adherents of the Satanic verses. Or, you could start fighting back. There are more than enough of you to make a difference. Just hang together and as our own dear Benjamin Franklin said, you won't hang alone.

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I believe the exact quote was “we must all hang together, or we will all hang separately.”

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As to the UK - check out Douglas Murray's message to Piers Morgan about the absolute cowardice of the UK ruling class.

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London has fallen.

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Great movie

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Suella Braverman's stance that the London police have a double standard has resulted in calls for her resignation. Why change policing when you can politically kill the messenger?!

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Excellent piece. And horrifying. Thank you for this report.

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You know, I used to agree with the view that police departments in the U.S. were over-armed, with too much military-grade equipment that just becomes an excuse to use excessive force. That may still be so, and it's something to pay attention to.

But after reading this, I think: At least with all that gear they wouldn't have to be afraid of an angry mob, to the point that they knuckle under to it . . .

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Take a second look at the police in the US, especially, the big cities with social justice DAs. The police may have the equipment but they also know it cannot be used/accessed. The pro-palestinian movement is using the same chapter and verse tactics that were used by BLM. Once again we are being told that this is a demonstration with no reference to violence or intimidation by a brutal mob blocking streets, closing train stations, etc. It is deja vu all over again... peaceful demonstrations with burning buildings in the background and a Jewish guy that falls on a sidewalk.

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Yeah, it doesn't help much for the police to stand up to an angry mob if the DA will knuckle under anyway. I pity those who live in localities with such people in charge of enforcing the law.

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Which is why almost all urban US police departments are seriously short staffed. Police are fed up and quitting, with nobody wanting to replace them.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

With social justice DAs, a de-moralize the police movement has developed. When combined with the defund movement, the polices' ability to be the police has been sapped.

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I didn't imagine in my lifetime that British Jews would need to start looking for a new home.

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All of Europe will be without Jews in 10-15 years tops. These recent events make that inevitable.

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England has fallen, folks... We are all so screwed. Thank god for the second amendment in the US...

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I would add that all the citizens that stood by in the US and silently let thousands be fired from their jobs (illegally it now seems in court cases) for not taking a liability free, novel vaccine with zero long-term studies that stopped neither transmission nor infection are cowards, pure and simple. Those presenting their “vaccine cards” to enter a restaurant or concert were willing dupes, not courageous enough to ask any questions and certainly not brave enough to defend others being deplatformed or silenced. So as shocking as this is, it has recent parallels in the U.S. By the way, where is the reporting on documented excess deaths and disability claims?

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I’m still waiting for the crimes against humanity lawsuits.

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