Paying black kids to revel in helpless victimhood, the exact opposite of what they need in order to be strong, self-reliant citizens of a diverse society.

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Which ensures they remain poor, manipulated, uneducated activists for socialism. For life.

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Don’t forget angry. Angry is the most important part!

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In proper doses. Fomented, dormant anger ready to be tapped with the right viral video at a precisely timed campaign moment.

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They were already angry. This just channels it to the majority and successful subgroups. No problems there!

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Not necessarily. It can also be a wake up time. . But it would be revealing to see what schools children of the executives of this organization go to.

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If I'd known ten years ago that you can get $400k a year for a "DEI" job I may have switched careers.

Haha I'm joking, white men can't get jobs as a DEI director

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Not true. I am currently applying for a "DEI" job . Although white at birth, I identify as a person of color. Do you think that will work?

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throw in non-binary and you'll be a golden person of color!!

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Hey teaching them math and science requires dedication and hard work.

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Dedication and hard work are the tools of colonist oppressors.

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That’s true. But it is dangerous for teachers to speak up in California (probably across the country). Even the really good ones are hushed and ridiculed (and involuntarily transferred, or worse) for speaking against any district or administration policy.

I’ll bet most parents don’t even know this is happening and probably aren’t asked to sign a permission form for their child’s participation - or maybe they were, but didn’t bother to read it.

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It's not just California that makes it near impossible for a sensible teacher to speak up. The same thing is happening in Ontario, Canada, and, for all I know, everywhere else in Canada. (Google "Richard Bilkszto".)

Our school boards (especially the bigger ones) have been completely captured by woke ideology: "anti-racist training workshops," near-daily reminders about "Islamophobia," "transphobia," staff meetings to discuss how a student's "preferred pronouns" must be kept from parents, etc.

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Doesn’t their Union support them when they speak out?

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Hahahahaha! Ha ha. Ha.

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Try getting 16 million for teaching math and science or language arts. Does Soros and the othe very wealthy social justice warriors really want the stud;ents to become educated and have an opportunity to step out of poverty and live in their neighborhoods?

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It doesn’t matter how much money is directed towards public schools, none of it ever goes where it’s supposed to. It all goes into the pockets of the union leaders.

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Agree that it is an amazingly small amount that actually ends up in the classroom. The biggest culprits are the consultants who are so expensive and usually requires purchasing a text book or resource that directly benefits them. The other culprit is the small timeline for text books. The high turnover rate of text books means that grade school students starting with program A textbook will usually be switched to program B textbook which is expensive and confusing. In a world with internet connections to text books, why isn’t there addendums to update rather than demand replacement texts.

Union leaders have many faults but their salaries come from union members & with teachers unions being a part of a union conglomerate the funds are generous, but just this time the union leaders are off the hook

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"In the 21st century we might witness the creation of a massive new unworking class: people devoid of any economic, political or even artistic value, who contribute nothing to the prosperity, power and glory of society. This “useless class” will not merely be unemployed — it will be unemployable."


I heard something similar come from the mouth of Soros, but he's coopted even Brave's search engine, and searches can only find links that Soros is a bogey man to the right.

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Do you know if this is directly funded by G. Soros? You do know that your reference to Soros is a know anti-Jewish troupe?

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Ah, found the Russian Bot. Or probably more properly the WEF Bot.

No one has said anything about Jewish, but a subversive WEF Bot has brought Judaism into the picture and starts to wave that flag around in an attempt to squelch criticism of it's master.

The WEF-Bot is throwing out embargo words in order to shut down a thread to protect the WEF story line.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Thank you Liz for your comment. George Soros has been heavily involved in education through Open Society and in CA politics by financially backing Pamela Price and George Gascon and others. My comment made the assumption that this was one more organization supported indirectly or directly by one of his many organizations and as you very politely nudged but did not write what assumptions make of us.

As for Soros being an anti-Jewish troupe, how can a man who does not support Israel and has given money to organizations that support the destruction of Israel claim that criticism of his politics is due to being Jewish? Directing anger at Soros for some of the DAs that Open Society has put in place or the goals of his organizations is a criticism of him for his politics rather than his culture? A cartoon of Soros with stereotype and derogatory features and the star of David on his arm would be an example of antisemitism just as a cartoon of Nancy Pelosi with a Jessica Rabbit body would be sexism, but not liking and criticizing the politics should not draw the "ism" card. The following article covered the nuances of criticism.


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This is a ploy. LIZ is a WEF Bot throwing out the anti-Semitism flag in order to shut down criticism of the WEF.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Thanks Michael! Work experience with DEI training meetings showed the power of throwing out an "ism" to shut down all criticism. After being the quiet person, I want to respond and reply firmly and super politely to "ism" charge, because it is an effect intimidation practice by Bots and real life people. A response to the "ism" is a verbal version of stand your ground.

The benefit was to find the great article about Soros in the Jewish Chronicle that accurately described who Soros and he is definitely no Golda Meir!

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Ha. I'm a real person. Soros has also done some outstanding work in the old Eastern Europe and in the US, which everyone ignores. Yes, he's funded SJ activities that some may disagree with. But you must admit that criticism of Soros in some circles can border on being a dog whistle?

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If it was required that these social justice programs be presented in printed form only, we may have a shot at these kids being taught to read.

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Paying children to parrot scripts to exploit the system for riches accruing to the cynical money grabbers running the organization.

TheFP should be able to get their financial reports. With a lawsuit, get everything.

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In their defense, they ARE teaching them skills which could help them make money later in life. Not make money in a productive meaningful way, but make money none the less ;)

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Could you list some of the skills being taught that will be useful later in life? I will reread the article because I may have missed it. This is a respectful question and not sarcastic.

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Well, basically the same way that the people teaching them make money...race baiting and DEI. They are teaching these kids that winging about racial issues using the correct language will get you free stuff. And look, it is already working, since those kids got paid quite a lot of money.

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$1400 ... minimum wage in California is $16/hour. 11 days at 8 hours per day.

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In n Out. paying 21 to start

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It is a pyramid scheme.

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I apologize! I thought you were offering the upside to the program. I realize now that you were probably being sarcastic in the first post. Did I get it right this time?

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'It’s unclear which students are eligible for the stipends, but the organization’s website states its “leadership development” programs operate “with a focus on low income youth, youth of color, LGBTQ youth, foster youth, and immigrant youth.” '

And in order to help propel black and other 'victim' groups to revel in their grievances - discrimination was used at the very start by not allowing sufficient 'oppressor' children (whites coming from families living in suburbia..) to join in and let their parents know what the hell was going on. If they had this gig would have been up a long time ago..

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“…nearly $16 million in total assets…”. There it is again. Someone getting rich selling propaganda.

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

That is the pivot. Activists became older and more cynical. Stealing from the state using kids to do it. Doing the math, 25 years after founding, during lockdown, the founders looked around and said, "We gotta get ourselves retirement money. F---k these kids and f--- the world. We gotta tell'em what to say or we're gonna be homeless. You wanna be homeless? F--- that."

Either that, or a new generation from Stanford took over, and this generation has no scruples. They are out for power and 💰.

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I wonder what the salary of the “Executive Director” might be?

Likely north of $500,000.

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It would be alarming enough for students to be being openly recruited for this brainwashing program. But the fact that they are being given taxpayer dollars--a large sum that I would not trust the average high school student not to misspend--to entice them to participate is horrifying.

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Whenever I read about the amount of taxpayer dollars being spent on someone's pet scheme, other garbage or embezzlement by a bureaucrat operating under no checks and balances, I remember what I learned about the Boston Tea Party. The entitled greedy won't leave the food trough without a huge fight.

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Interesting that you used the word Trough. I just heard that used the other day as well. The idea being that so many in high level politics are there to feed at the trough and get their friends access to the trough. Which is why neither party generally fixes anything...because they are all mostly there for money/power. Not to actually do their jobs.

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The Boston Tea Party... First, that protest was FOR taxation, not against it. The colonists made good livings as smugglers. The British East India Company lobbied successfully to get the tea tax repealed. That wiped out the colonists income because they couldn't compete with the economy of scale and slave labor.

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You left out a key part. The BTP was for representation, or the taxed people having a say in how the tax $ were spent.

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Nope. That myth of taxation without representation had nothing to do with BTP. Nothing to do with it.

That story is a long after the fact myth. The BTP protesters WERE NOT BEING TAXED. They were illegally selling tea without paying taxes. The British government couldn't enforce the law effectively. They depended on the British East India Company paying its taxes to undersell tem.

The BTP was a response to the tea tax being REPEALED.

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Here are some history facts. https://www.britannica.com/event/Boston-Tea-Party

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

Yep. =>The merchants of Boston circumvented the act by continuing to receive tea smuggled in by Dutch traders. In 1773 Parliament passed a Tea Act designed to aid the financially troubled East India Company by granting it (1) a monopoly on all tea exported to the colonies, (2) AN EXEMPTION ON THE EXPORT TAX, and (3) a “drawback” (refund) on duties owed on certain surplus quantities of tea in its possession. The tea sent to the colonies was to be carried only in East India Company ships and sold only through its own agents.... The company thus could sell the tea at a less-than-usual price in either America or Britain; it could undersell anyone else. <=

It is impossible for the BTP to be about protesting "taxation without representation" because it was their competition that was NO LONGER TAXED, and even got REFUND on previous taxes/duties. Parliament did this for the British East India Company because we were THEIR colonies, and only Britain should profit there, and the BEIC was rich and connected.

The colonial merchants were smugglers and depended for their living on the BEIC paying tax.

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You cn buy a lot of weapons and drugs with that money.

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and fake eyeleashes

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I prefer to call them EYE WIGS.

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I'll bet money that this has been going on across the pond for years! I remember hearing British KOC (kids of color) speaking this whole "Colonist/Opressor-Victim" rhetoric quite "brilliantly" back pre-George Flloyd era. I remember thinking they were well trained parrots.

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I see stories and I ask: "This is clearly an societal attack on our country. 1) what are we going to do about it? 2) how did it get like this? and 3) why are our elected officials attacking us? Are they even for us?"

These are the questions I ask -- curious if there's anything that can be done.

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My grandchildren will never step foot in a formal “school.” Their parents are seeing to it.

Based on the current situation they’ll be geniuses when/if they attend university.

My ten year old granddaughter can do double digit (eg 94x36) multiplication in her head. Meanwhile high school seniors are drawing dots and circles to solve basic multiplication problems.

How does this end? It ends when parents stop allowing it.

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I would love to homeschool my kids, but both me and my wife need our full-time jobs to put food on the table. Unless there’s some sort of community initiative for it or some other solution, it’s unfortunately not an option for a lot of us.

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

My advice? Take the plunge. My ex-wife and I homeschooled our daughter for two years during early elementary school; at the time, we lived in Southwestern Connecticut, which has never been a hotbed of affordable housing! She had gone to a nearby public school; we later moved her to a Catholic school because our little P.S. was 'way too unchallenging. I tried to lobby the edu-crats in our district to provide something extra to our daughter, and the curriculum director (salary 150K) responded: "We are under no legal obligation to offer services to your daughter." During the state's constant budget crises, it had zeroed out gifted education. We became parents late and my ex was a stay at home mom. I drove 80 miles each way to my job; at my peak earnings in 2008 I made 75k. This was not an enormous sum for the area where we lived; we knew lots of people in two-income households who each earned well in excess of that, but ... they needed a lot. We lived in a spacious ranch house from the 1950s, but it needed a lot of work, which never was in our budget. All they built in our area were 3500 sf McMansions that were the number one "need" of all those two income couples. Our food budget rarely included shellfish or beef. We typically drove our cars to the 300K mile mark. The homeschooling regimen worked well until I realized I was going to be laid off from my job, and my ex-wife took a job working P/T for the state because my replacement jobs (note, plural) paid so poorly. My daughter ended up attending a magnet school in a nearby urban district where she received an education vastly superior than anything our "upscale" town's schools were providing. This being 2008 we were just beginning to see the first symptoms of "wokeness" among teachers: one of her HS teachers seemed to be the child of older baby boomers who never got over the 1980 election, because every one of her history assignments had to do with the marvelous accomplishments of the Carter administration.

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Agree that in many places, there is a need for two incomes to keep the family clothed and sheltered. We did public schools with "tailoring". Tutor to plug the gaps in what the child's education is missing. At one point, we hired tutors but most of the time we tutored. Fortunately, there are lots of great books to enrich and support learning.

I read what my children were assigned to read and we had great discussion about the author and the how & why the author expressed their beliefs. While critical thinking is a buzz word, it doesn't often happen. I really wanted my children to think critically and evaluate what was written. Assigned books to read over the summer and went to all kinds of programs and museums.

Never surrender the concept that as a parent you are the most important and enduring teachers in your child's lives.

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Yes it is an option. Many of us middle income folks have done this and you can too. Or you can wait until one of your kids comes home from school asking to “transition”.

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Never compare your situation with someone elses, you don't know enough about them.

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Wise words Herr!!

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Thank, I'm not often accused of that.

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This is why states are adopting school choice programs where funds go with the student not to the school. Too many public schools are just daycare facilities where students emerge with no reading, writing or math skills - or are indoctrination not education centers. Private schools aren't all great but at least parents have more than a single option. Many charter schools also provide meaningful education because they have more flexibility than the public school system. Of course, teachers' unions and school administrators generally oppose school choice and charter schools.

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Start showing up at BOE meetings. Having sat for four years on our town’s board and playing to empty audiences, one evening an month apparently is a sacrifice no one is willing to make.

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Five percent of any organization does ninety-five percent of the work. Change doesn't require millions it requires a dedicated few.

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The path to elected office is paved with money from single issue activist groups that get out the vote for primaries. Some of these groups are self-serving.

Those groups then expect goodies or they go to war to destroy the elected, or at least to support their opponent(s).

Sierra Club after being taken over by Brower's Friends of the Earth (FOE, funded by Standard Oil) got bills passed to pay activists to kill nuclear in the disguise of environmentalism. All those nice people who fight to turn your lights off, burn fossil fuel forever, and install subsidized solar? Those nice folks get paid millions, and if I'm not mistaken, it's tax free.

Firemen cater political events. Cops are deep in politics too. Without that they would be worse off. Prison guards union too.

I'm sure this "educational group" has played that game. TheFP needs to dig.

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Never forget that Justice Jackson warned that "our Constitution is not a suicide pact." There's plenty that can be done.

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What is the "plenty that can be done?"

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Start with common sense. Elect school boards that focus on education not indoctrination. And teach the fundamental values that made America what it is on our best days.

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That is if you can find people with common sense that want to focus on education and have the time and ability to serve on a school board. It seems that most board members are interested in indoctrination and that's why the schools are in the condition they are in. It's like trying to find an honest politician who wants to serve the community/country.

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And what do high school students really need to "fight" for? A Coke water fountain? That was the big deal in my time. Where are the adults saying, "You have two ears and one mouth- listen more, talk less?"

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Once again, the media reassurance that CRT isn’t taught in schools seems just a little bit hollow.

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They aren't teaching CRT to kids, they're DOING CRT to kids.

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Yeah but George Floyd and Jim Crow so let’s throw everything out.

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CRT is the ONLY thing being taught in schools of education now. Subject matter instruction is of absolutely no interest to those who claim to “teach the teachers of tomorrow.”

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I wonder what Long Beach’s student proficiency numbers are on Math and English. $2 million is a lot of money to spend on a single program. Alas, the district will cry foul if someone tries to set up a charter school that is focused on academics because they “take money from the local public school system.”

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This is a really good point. Cash incentives to students to improve proficiency has been done before on a small scale .. and it showed modest gains. But that was piloted a decade ago in NYC Schools.

Social media "Influencer" is the most desired career choice among teens today (yeah, I know). So the lure is easy to see. Parents? Probably thinking how great it is for their kid to be paid for an "internship."

I think they're going into this blind to the real purpose. I guarantee the teachers know.

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But this isn't about "improving proficiency," is it? I wouldn't be opposed to that, especially incentives based on improved performance with being on time (white dominant culture), math tests (white dominant culture), not disrupting the teacher (ooops, see a pattern here?). It's about "restorative justice," which to my knowledge has never been shown to improve academic outcomes... (And of course, academic outcomes isn't really what this group - or others of similar persuasion - wants.)

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No. It's not. I should have made that clearer.

I'm thinking both students and parents are at least semi blind to the purpose of this program. And it's not academic.

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"I guarantee the teachers know." You bet they do. They know BS is happening long before parents smell smoke. Why aren't they sounding alarms? They earned their degree to TEACH not create little SJW's

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Yes, they know. (I'm a retired teacher, so I know the information about this program was disseminated through the classroom).

Their awareness falls in one of four categories (I think): 1) They know and don't care. 2) They know and encourage it. 3) They know and believe it's wrong but are afraid to speak out. 4) They know and a very few are speaking out.

Notes: 1) All after school activities must have an Assistant Principle present at the sessions. 2) There is a pushback against phones and social media in schools. See Jon Haidt's "After Babel" newsletter: https://www.afterbabel.com/

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Jim-- I also think some teachers LOVE DEI/CRT because it is a way to raise their status w/out having to demonstrate merit or effectiveness. Basically virtue-signaling their way to promotions!

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I still substitute teach a couple of times a month (I retired from teaching five years ago), so I at least get an anecdotal feel for what's going on in classrooms. A miniscule "sample size," I'll admit.

So far this year I haven't seen any indication that the teacher is a DEI acolyte. Check that, one teacher had a personal bookcase filled with Intersectional/"anti-racist" books like "White Fragility" (DiAngelo) and "How to be an Anti-Racist" (Kendi). But other than that, nothing openly displayed in the classroom.

In fact, last week I subbed for a PolySci teacher who had several American flags draped across his classroom walls, and two Gadsden flags ("Don't tread on me") alongside. Not the norm, but I must admit refreshing.

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They no longer earn a degree to teach. Schools of education despise subject matter expertise. They teach CRT only.

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Google ED School indoctrination.

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Measuring outcomes is bigotry if it doesn't give the right result.

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Nazi youth camps. Brought to you by lefties.

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Much more like Mao’s Red Guard but your point stands.

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“However,” Craighead continued, “I felt that the benefit of their support for our students outweighed my concerns.” Since we are "weighing" things, why hasn't the support for Gaza also included condemnation of Hamas for the murders, rape, and ongoing sexual slavery of the hostages? Rape and murder and the support of those that commit it is NOT a legitimate form of protest; its depravity.

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There you go again using Rational Reasoning AKA tool of the Oppressor.

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You haven't been to Long Beach. More Socialist than Democratic....

- term limits extended [18 yrs, almost a lifetime-think pension$$$]

- LB purveyor of local utilities. Contrary to any PUC regs up 10% of profits transferrable to CITY's general fund

- attempted to unilaterally expand rent control to all rental housing.

and of course there was

The "mostly peaceful" gatherings(?), which inflicted millions of dollars damage but implicit support of reigning administration.

The only thing missing was a tomb "Political thought of mayor Garcia et. al."

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Restorative Justice is rooted in Marxism.

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Specifically Maoism.

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As I prepare to pay my IRS and State tax bill, which cuts into my own self-preservation, I consider all of the people making over 100 grand a year whose student loans I am paying. I think of the debit cards for migrants that I'm paying for. The cuts to police in response to "defund" that led to a cavalier attitude about crime given it goes unpunished. I think of public schools indoctrinating kids to vaunt victimhood, and revile "whiteness." And let's not forget the "gender neutral" toilets and the transgender clinic just down the hall where these kids can deposit their 1400 bucks.

I cannot, for the life of me, comprehend how anyone can vote for this or any Democrat who mouths this garbage.

Well, at least now, the parrot "friend" who schooled me in what I am allowed to be interested in could be informed that I should have a say in what I am paying for. (How dare you research transgender "affirming care"? What business is it of yours?)

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

You have never paid for legal migrants, you are being billed for ILLEGAL ALIENS! This is crazy making for those of us who have gone through the rigors of immigration and secure the funds to demonstrate that we would not become a burden on the government. When we purchased a house as a green card resident, we were required to make a much higher down payment so that we would not leave bankers flapping in the wind. We never received a debt card, free shelter, or even a free bus ride. We paid taxes to the US government for years before we were allowed to vote or use the benefits that we were paying for . The laws are there and we followed them...stop the nonsense of referring to a person who disregards US laws, an ILLEGAL ALIEN, as an immigrant.

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Not sure who wrote ‘immigrant,’ but it wasn’t me. I appreciate the distinction though.

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"debit cards for migrants" it's debit cards for illegal aliens. Obviously, migrant or immigrant is an incorrect term when people who are breaking the law are grouped with the people who followed the law. Share your annoyance and then some with services being reduced and funds being diverted to accomodate illegal aliens.

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They are mainstreamed labeled as ‘migrants,’ and they are being welcomed with hotel rooms and debit cards. Don’t project your personal issues onto this. Now I’m annoyed with your presumption that I can’t tell the difference between legal, illegal, and sanctioned. THIS ISN’T ABOUT YOU.

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

This is about using the correct words to describe a situation. Mainstream media does use the word migrant and it is incorrect, they are illegal aliens. "Migrant" clouds the issue and justifies sanctuary cities and open borders along with the true cost of allowing illegal aliens into the country. It is not just about me, it is about all tax payers and resources being drained by illegal aliens and it needs to be clearly and specifically called out.

Have a great day!

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Don’t forget the Meatgrinder in Ukraine!

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Good grief! You want some racial justice and equity? Why not pay kids to do math sets after school with a qualified tutor? Provide an hourly rate for reading and writing - maybe a school newspaper? The way to promote a positive future for these kids is to make certain they acquire the academic skills they need. Though maybe I'm wrong, this CFJ grift is certainly making someone wealthy.

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I heard about some educator who did precisely that. Paid kids a small amount for performance and improvement. And it was successful improving attendance and test scores. It was on a podcast but I don’t recall who the educator was

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It may have been Roland Fryer.

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Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I'll try to find it.

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Bari Weiss interview with Roland Fryer.

Here you go:


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Excellent! Thank you so much.

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California teenagers don't care about Palestine until they are fed the script.

This is Kony 2012 shit. Give the kids their activism so they can enjoy the passion, two year later deny it ever happened.

When they say they are helping students speak with their own voices, they know it's a lie.

Tell me, whose voice actually speaks through those students? How shall we name the owner of that voice? That voice is our enemy.

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Another brainwashing program paid with taxpayer money.

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

Those school board members who chose and paid for this crap are elected... time for Long Beach parents/voters to get off their complacent rumps and vote these antisemitic, indoctrinating , propagandists out of their schools... and toss them in the garbage heap of bad choices.

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They got exactly what they voted for.

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What an easy and lucrative scam this is. If I knew some bipocs and teenagers I think I could pull it off here in PA. Honestly think I could sign up a few districts easily- that’s what suckers these administrators are.

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Suckers perhaps, or in on the grift. Or true believers.

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So, they’re parroting these social justice tropes, quoting verbatim from script in numerous statements and publications. And then they get paid. They dumped Claudine Gay but wasn’t she just doing the same thing? (She still gets paid.)

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Yes she does. Claudine Gay was and is an unrepentant anti semite as are all who call for a unilateral ceasefire in the conflict and need an investigation to convinced Hamas members raped and mutilated women even though it was recorded by the rapists themselves

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Kinda think a few men and women with common sense - and a pitchfork - would be useful....

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