If you really want to know what's going on with the campus demonstrations read the carefully constructed explanation of the foreign influences that animate the ridiculous little robots and their moronic chants in the lawsuit filed in the US District Court in the Eastern District of Virginia. The lawsuit shows that "Since Oct. 7, our country has witnessed a shocking rise in anti-Semitism, verbal and physical threats against Jews on our campuses and in our streets, vandalism, blockades, economic disruption, illegal encampments, and hostile takeovers of academic buildings—largely and concertedly directed by Hamas and its collaborators, American Muslims for Palestine and National Students for Justice in Palestine. Until now, they have seemingly operated in a world without consequence. With this lawsuit, we will hold Hamas's collaborators accountable for their actions and show them and those in sympathy with them that no one is above, or beyond, the rule of law." https://www.gtlaw.com/en/news/2024/05/press-releases/greenberg-traurig-national-jewish-advocacy-center-schoen-law-firm-and-holtzman-vogel-represent-american-and-israeli-victims-of-hamas

The only "religion" that practices and justifies terror, murder and rapine is Islam. The cancer that's plagued this Earth since the 7th Century now is targeting foolish American students.

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The second link in the posted article is to the lawsuit, itself. It is both eye opening and chilling. Terror groups literally funding the campus demonstrations. And the idiotic little nitwits chanting robotically, completely unaware that they're being used by malign foreign interests. And I might ask - where is the FBI? Off chasing chimerical "white nationalists?"

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Chasing down J6 protesters.

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The Biden Regime’s alphabet enforcers (FBI, DOJ, DOD) are much too busy dealing with the REAL “threat to Democracy”terrorists! #1) Trump & his MAGA supporters! #2) TOO LOUD, Outspoken parents at School Board Meetings! #3) ProLifers silently praying near Abortion Clinics! #5) Those who refuse, or misuse pronouns!

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The word disgusting doesn't fully encapsulate what is happening in these campuses. The I in DEI apparently doesn't include Jews.

The administrations on these campuses are just as far left as the rioters and in their heart of hearts agree with the rioting scum on their campuses. These administrators and professors participating this these racists acts of violence should be fired immediately and ostracized from academia immediately. And the students should be expelled and never allowed on campus again.

Before some hypocritical leftist criticizes me for being a right wing NAZI, let me remind them that is exactly what the left supported, destroying lives with the vicious PC/Woke movement.

Apparently when the left destroys lives it is noble but when the sane want justice and antiracism, it's evil.

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May 5·edited May 5

FYI, antiracism is a subset of woke. It’s the POV promoted by Ibram X. Kendi, whose book “How to be an Antiracist” is the Bible of Antiracism. The term only applies to racism that targets Blacks. In fact, one of the tenets is that Racism only exists as oppression against Blacks. Therefore, you can’t be racist against whites, and depending on who you talk to, you can’t be racist against Jews. You can be antisemitic, but not racist. You also can’t be racist against Asians. Jews are either white or white-adjacent. Asians are white-adjacent. It’s all very complicated and intersectional…

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It's all very simplistic and idiotic.

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DEI - destroy, eliminate, intimidate

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And concerned parents, traditional Catholics, etc., etc., etc..

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George Soros has been funding the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas'/radical Islam for awhile now

https://thedisinfolab.org/soros-funding-mb/#rb-Chapter-5-MB-Soros-Partnership-in-the-US. Hamas etc has been operational in the US since at least 1987. The Muslim Brotherhood since the 60's. So they have had several generations to get their ducks in a row and thier pawns in place. We are witnessing the infection bubbling to the surface that has long been festering underground.

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I have no idea why Soros has not been stripped of his citizenship and deported to Hungary. In fact, given what he did to the British pound, I have no idea why MI-6 didn't take care of this devil years ago. The West has its enemies. None so nauseating as the Sonderkommando.

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I believe that Hungary has stripped Soros of his citizenship.

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I believe Mr. Orban will know what to do with him.

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I'll bet Soros is useful to them in some fundamental way or maybe just too big to fail. Who knows what devious deals go on behind those awesomely powerful closed doors. A deep dive just makes it all seem even murkier.

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Bruce, Soros is a HUGE donor to the WOKE Progressive Democrats. He, nor his son will EVER be targeted for their anti America funding.

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This is an appropriate reaction. There is a line in the first amendment right of free speech in America. These groups tearing down our universities along with other actions have clearly crossed the line. From words, which are fine, to actions, of which some actions are NOT ok. One more point: These are not spontaneous protests. They are planned and executed by people with ugly intentions.

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The 1st amendment also says the right to PEACEFUL assembly. These little over privileged shits are not peaceful and should be arrested and expelled and forever banned from campus.

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Excellent. Sue the bastards!

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Not before time. Our lawyers have been AWOL for so long that I've long ceased commenting about it.

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TFP forgot to email this excellent piece out and didn’t include it in a morning email.

Abigail Shreier: There are Two Sets of Rules for Speech


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Thank you for sharing this.

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Great article. Thanks for posting this comment Mark.

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Much obliged. ("Forgot?" I suggest that it cuts too close to some sensitive bones.)

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I’m sure it’s a simple oversight. Or, as anyone who’s worked in government knows, “never assume malice when incompetence is a more likely explanation.” 😉

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Ya mean, "Never attribute to evil that which can be explained by stupidity?" Which I've pretty much stopped saying. In this case, though...😉

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Hanlon’s Razor, and the adage technically reads: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

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Close enough for government work 😉

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Even better spoke. Nifty handle, too.

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May 4·edited May 4

Which culture is this digest intended to reach? Like everything else, lately, I feel like I'm reading a piece written through one specific lens and only the author's name is different. It seems like most of the contributors are from very specific mold of 2 or 3 key ingredients.

Each of those factors impact perspective in many ways. It would be similar to attempting a faith-based newspaper and only writing from the Catholic perspective, yet your subscribers are Jewish, Catholic, Mormon, Baptist, Buddhist, Protestant, Hindu, with some who are undecided or committed atheists, sprinkled in. They're all feeling like someone who has no true understanding is writing at them, through the lens of a spectator who comes with many assumptions.

The connections only occur when there is a shared human concern or interest. The paper is expanding. But, its target audience seems to have shrunk along the way. I find I'm subscribing for the perspectives and information shared in the comments. I paid to subscribe to Common Sense and I wonder where it went.

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May 4·edited May 4

Couldn't agree more, Nicole Ann. If I wanted to read the NYT, I wouldn't have bothered subscribing to FP, which is becoming narrower and more culturally parochial with every posting. (Frank Bruni? Really? Spare us...)

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May 4·edited May 4

Frank Bruni writes a regular column for the NYT.

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That's my point -- FP's founders sound increasingly like the publication they fled.

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May 4·edited May 4

True, but read my reply to Nicole. Bari and Nellie wanted to get away from the antisemitism at the NYT, not the POV. Frank Bruni is gay. David Sedaris is Jewish and gay. Ben Kawaller is gay. Oliver Wiseman is Jewish. Suzy Weiss is Jewish and family. The majority of the TFP staff/writers seem to be either Jewish, gay, family or some combination thereof. TFP is Bari’s microphone where she puts out her POV without a boss to get in her way. Like it or leave it. Your choice.

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Of course it's my choice. But you seem to have forgotten that Bari's declared focus for Common Sense was anti-woke -- far broader than a mere safe space for Jews and gays.

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May 4·edited May 4

Center Left is anti-woke. Woke is far left. If you’re anti-woke, it doesn’t mean you’re necessarily conservative or even right of center. Most TFP commenters don’t seem to get that. It’s very apparent that Bari has enacted her anti-woke POV using her friends and colleagues who happen to be Jewish/gay/family. It’s her world. I don’t see it as a “safe space” for these people, but more the crowd she hangs with and the people she knows.

Personally, I’m anti-woke. But I have been accused many times in these comments of being a knee jerk far left liberal. Many TFP commenters define anti-woke as conservative right wing to the point of MAGA Trump voter. They have a very different definition of anti-woke, which is why they don’t understand what Bari is doing, and they don’t like it.

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Is it possible that you may be projecting values onto the FP and some of its writers that meet your expectation? Not theirs. Possible?

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David Sedaris is indeed gay, and was raised Greek Orthodox.

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Really? I could have sworn he was Jewish. Oh well, still one of the three. If there are any straight unrelated gentiles on staff they are few and far between. Personally, I really don't care. But it does seem to be a noticeable trend.

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May 4·edited May 4

It’s been clear to me for many months now that the target audience is not the typical person who writes in TFP comments. Bari has a vision in mind and it’s not pleasing the likes of Unsaint Finbar. It’s not conservative, MAGA or pro-Trump. Bari is solidly center-left and so is Nellie and the rest of the staff. They are not moving any further right than they already are. The other major factor is being Jewish and pro-Israel. From what I remember of Bari’s resignation from the NYT, it had more to do with the ever increasing antisemitism in the office and it being tolerated by management. Thus, Bari leaves and starts her own mini NYT where she’s the boss and she determines the content and the editorial POV. Bari and Nellie do not seem to want to please anyone but themselves and their friends and colleagues, who for the most part seem to all be either Jewish, gay or family members. You can like what they do, or not like what they do, your choice. But you are not going to affect the content either way.

The Prophets series apparently got them 1,000 more subscribers. They didn’t say if these are paid subscribers, however. When TFP announced they were #1 on Substack, what they didn’t tell you is that did not mean #1 overall or #1 in number of subscribers or paid subscribers (that last seems to be Heather Cox Richardson). A deep dive into the stats shows that that particular week TFP was the #1 Substack for political commentary, however Substack decided to define it.

TFP said they had 630,000 subscribers at that time and that they wanted a million. Now they have 631,000 (still only 77,000 paid as far as I can tell). The million is probably a goal for the number of eyeballs to sell to an investor for the capital they seek to raise to expand the business.

I love David Sedaris and enjoy Frank Bruni. But they do follow the trend of TFP contributors being either gay or Jewish or both. It is what it is. Like it or leave it. Your choice.

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Thank you. You really spelled out exactly what I was sensing and alluding to. When subscription renewal time comes around, I'm going to spend my hard-earned money elsewhere. I get enough frustration at my job. I don't need to pay for tone-deafness, as well.

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Yup. And I suspect that many of the more observant commenters will quietly vote with their feet as well.

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The Comments section is the best thing about TFP. And also Rupa Subramanya’s pieces. She is a treasure.

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The opening paragraph summarizes the article by Frank Bruni by using these words:"why living in this country is so wretched." I beg to differ. Strongly. I imagine that sentiment is very accurate for many who live in a large blue enclave where America is often criticized and demeaned but I assure you it does not speak for me or millions and millions of others who love this country and while aware of all the imperfections thank God every day to have been born here or who have immigrated here ( and that includes many illegals too ). The wretched of course are out there. We see them and read about them daily on college campuses and on certain news programs. Many of our politicians also share the feeling of wretchedness. If you want a litmus test on this subject just ask someone if they are proud to be an American. And watch their facial expression when you do so. I will be smiling all weekend long and I am confident many others who subscribe to TFP will be doing so as well.

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The greatest asset I have and one that I did not pay for or can even value is being a citizen of the United States.

I shouldn't make assumptions as to what other people are thinking, but Frank Bruni probably has his feeling of wretchedness because he looks down upon those who don't believe as he does and probably views Trump supporters (who he knows nothing about) as the scum of the earth. That could induce feeling wretched.

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To be born in the USA was to be born on at least second base. (Back then, you couldn't steal first. Now it's being given away. And thus, it's barely worth having.)

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David Sedaris is always a joy to read. He often talks about things we have all noticed but haven't quite crystalized in our head. Thank you, TFP, for not just hammering us with politics day in and day out. Always with that one topic would be boring.

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Small talk is much easier when you're not surrounded by millions of assholes like you are in NYC, Philly, etc.

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"The art of small talk isn't hard to master." --- Anonymous

Is that the art of being interesting while being banal?

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Much prefer the prophet series. How about a column on Saul Alinsky? 'Rules for Radicals' seems to be the handbook for all of the chaos and illiberal messaging coming from the left. Yes, the left.

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"'Rules for Radicals' seems to be the handbook for all of the chaos and illiberal messaging coming from the left. Yes, the left."

And also being used by The Right.

BTW he liked to hang around The Outfit (Chicago Cosa Nostra)

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"And also being used by The Right."

Where is the right using Saul Alinsky's tactics? Do you mean the absurd campus protests? Women are being denied reproductive rights? Biden's 'great American come back' as jobs reports for the last six months have been revised to the downside? Lawfair as a means to crush a political opponent? Not sure what Republicans are doing but Saul Alinsky isn't it.

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His Book 13 ules for Radicals.


"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

*"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

My particular favorite (See Memes)

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My thoughts as well. How is the right using Alinsky's book?

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"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

*"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

My particular favorite (See Memes)

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Ok, Orange man.

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deletedMay 4
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So many 'prophets' worth a conversation. I find it interesting that TFP can't or won't do the leg work. They are in the journalism business, aren't they?

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I suspect the bosses are ready to move on, but if enough 'prophets' are submitted to make another series, or enough people say how much they love the series, I hope the series will be back by popular demand. I really like the educational aspect of it.

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I think the series got a lot of good feed back. The comments confirmed that.

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So now The Free Press, formerly named Common Sense, is going to change its name once again. New name? People Magazine.

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National Inquirer coming next

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You should promote this movie before it is banned - you have the reach and you are uncancellable at this point. It may otherwise suffer the same fate as the Great Barrington declaration…

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'The first step in a fascist movement is the combination under an energetic leader of a number of men who possess more than the average share of leisure, brutality, and stupidity. The next step is to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent, by emotional excitement on the one hand and terrorism on the other.'

Bertrand Russell

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One could say the same for Commies like Russell.

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Did you watch the youtube link to climate change?

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I do not like this feature very much, FYI TFP editors.

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This is but one form of "Small Talk" in the rural Midwest....with two hands firmly on the steering wheel..........a wave to a total stranger. I think this is done, just in case you really do know them [chances are good that you do].

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How To Talk Minnesotan | Full Length Film


Aug 1987

#Minnesota #HowToTalkMinnesotan #TwinCitiesPBS

Even beyond “uff-da,” “you betcha” and “oh, fer cute,” Minnesotans have a distinct way of speaking. How to Talk Minnesotan will help you learn the intricacies of the North Star state's communication style.


Time Stamp


This come from a time when I come watch PBS without a LARGE tumbler of whisky at hand.

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deletedMay 4·edited May 4
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News flash! It's damn nearly everywhere! Particularly amongst older working guys, with or without the trucks.

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Made me laugh, haha! :D

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It's.... extremely true, though. I worked among building superintendents, handymen, and tradesmen in NYC. Even there, far more mutual respect in Harlem than in TriBeCa, NoHo, and SoHo.

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I believe it

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Don’t waste your time folks I listen and it was a complete and total waste. Enough of navel viewing stupidity pretending to be witty.

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May 4·edited May 4

I don't think there will ever be reader recommendations

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deletedMay 4
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Well I did send one and it was to ditch the pinned comment. Which they did.

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We love this column!

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delightful essay by David Sedaris - we do need more small talk, esp post COVID, and he gives many illuminating and oddball examples.

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Proof reading problem: delete the comma after “Vikram”. It’s not there in the Sedaris recording. The athletic blond fellow is not Vikram who wears a turban (how do you know he’s blond if he’s wearing a turban?).

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