The point of this article is not political but civil. I don’t need the authors to identify the political affiliations of the violent protesters - we know what they are. But this behavior should and does concern people from across the political spectrum. The violent students should be expelled and others should be punished. Non-residents/citizens should be deported. Enough of this anti-democratic, anti-liberal, anti-Western violence, which manifests itself as antisemitism. The Jews are just on the front line of this battle for the soul of Western liberalism.

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I agree with all that you say here except that “this behavior should and does bother people from across the political spectrum “. I don’t see the evidence that the left is concerned at all. They feel their cause is righteous, therefore their actions are justified. They are enabled by the MSM, which simply doesn’t cover much less critically analyze these events. Thus, we all here turn to alternative media sources on Substack.

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I do know people on the Left that don't agree with what's happening, however most are in denial. Wake up people! Excellent speeches held in the senate hearings organized by Ron Johnson. The one on the Politics of Compliance was brilliant. Everyone should hear it.

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The only problem with "don't agree" is these same people just yawn after making sure to say "I don't agree" when watching businesses and government buildings destroyed, and people murdered, and then go and glue themselves to the telly to watch every second of J6 and salivating at every arrest.

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True too often.

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You nailed it! The left promotes protestor violence, just look at the cities burned by BLM and Antifa.

The Dem/Socs don't just turn a blind eye to radical left protestors, they promote it.

That is certainly what university administrators are doing. They give milk toast statements that actually encourage these violent dangerous left wing, NAZI, nut cases.

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If you aren't willing to identify political affiliations then nothing can happen. The people who would expel these violent students are Democrats. The ones who should punish them are also probably Democrats.

That is why it matters. Democrats run these schools and have taken over much of civil society and they have done it to the detriment of us all...

The Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project (aka The Free Press) and its allies cannot bring themselves to reckon with this fact.

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It would be wonderful if the Democratic Party could indeed be rehabilitated by people like Weiss, Taibbi, Greenwald and others like them. Next in line would be the rehabilitation of the Republican Party.

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Interesting. So, the Democrats led the Confederacy and Democrats started the KKK. And Democrats were in charge of the Jim Crow south... and so, they should now be "rehabilitated"? Would you accept it if a group of right-wing nationalists wanted to "rehabilitate" the Nazi party and say, "we're not the same as before... we don't hate Jews like our grandfathers did..."?

I think not.

The Democratic Party must be rooted out of the entire landscape.

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Dear Fool, How do you equate National Socialism with the right? If you oppose leftism you must begin by looking at their rhetoric and understanding their use of language. People on the right aren't Nazis. The US DNC is both the Nazi party when more centrist and the commusit party at the extreme. Every US democrat is at least a Nazi or worse. Accepting their terminology is lazy and non productive.

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The violence comes not from the Libertarian wing, but from the Socialist wing. Fascism was National Socialism, Nazism was National Socialism. Socialism is antithetical to Libertarianism.

Communism is the far wing of the Democrat party; Libertarianism is the far wing of the Republican party.

Socialism is the politics of you belong to me. Libertarianism is the politics of you go your own way and I'll go mine. Now someone please point me to the Socialist wing of the Republican party, because it doesn't appear on my map.

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Agreeing with your general premise, I wouldn't characterize libertarians as the far wing of the Republican party, unless you mean that it has many wings. I'm much more a proponent of the horseshow theory that states that the political spectrum is more like a horseshoe than a straight line, with the far left and far right having more in common than people think. Think Hitler and Stalin. Here is a pretty good diagram https://4.bp.blogspot.com/_H2DePAZe2gA/SvELA5RFgJI/AAAAAAAAKO8/Dd4QNG1LlD8/s1600/continuumsocial.PNG

That said, it is clear to me that the problem now is manufactured and aggressively promoted by the progressive movement or the extreme left.

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I would argue the anarchist.

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I don't agree. The Nazis were generally a "rightist" movement but not a conservative one.

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"Nazi" is an acronym for the National Socialist Party. Leftist.

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Dear Fool, Interesting observation. Maybe I'm missing something. What do you base this view upon?

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I agree- to me, it’s no different than bad parenting. If children’s’ bad behavior is not punished, then they will keep repeating bad behavior ( and even escalating). These universities need to quit being so wimpy and discipline these wayward students.

PS- politically, dens are by far the permissive parents

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As you know it's already happened, Nancy. Bad parenting and indulgent K-12 staff produced a crop of youngsters that went to colleges and universities demanding trigger warnings, safe spaces, and Bias Response Teams to swoop in solve the fragile students' problems. These chickens have come home to roost in a very bad way. Some of them are now old enough to be in the systems teaching the same three "Great Untruths" (Thanks Greg and Jonathan) to more malleable minds making them hypersensitive and ready to call out "microaggressions" and rooting out faux-injustices.

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Careful with the "indulgent k-12 staff" generalization. Much of what we teach (yes, I am one) or what are established as necessary programs is dictated by groups higher up and far away from schools and classrooms. For example, massive amounts of funding are now going to "wellness centers" in public schools - not a staff choice - which in turn is creating a culture of pandering to emotion. Teachers and many staff do not necessarily agree with these choices and are involuntarily complicit. This is not an excuse; this is something I and many others in this profession think about a lot.

I will say that some younger teachers may be more susceptible to embracing the coddling effort with our youth, though I don't have stats on that. Working to disband the untruths from the inside is incredibly difficult, and becoming more so.

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You are the same Dacia (high school teacher) who Ted recorded during a premier screening, yes? I am also in public K-12 education. While I appreciate your point that I generalized, maybe even 'overgeneralized', and so I must ask...from where do administrators and periodically school board directors (who usher in or welcome Critical Social Justice) come? They come from the ranks of those of us who work in the classroom. I'm also deeply concerned about our school psychs, counselors, and mental health specialists who have posters of the Gender Unicorn and/or Genderbread person on the walls of some of their offices. I will concede that not everyone in public K-12 education is promoting Critical Social Justice or were/are complicit in bringing it into classrooms and schools, but that far too many go along to get along (and I completely understand the fear folks have for not saying "no" to the craziness) isn't helping. The damage wrought by Critical Social Justice ideologies will continue unless more of us refuse to go along. "[W]orking to disband the untruths form the inside IS incredibly difficult" as you say. That is why I have worked to get more reasonable people elected to my local school board and have been outspoken with my local and state level union.

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Thanks for the response. It's an interesting conversation to have, especially with those of us on "the inside". It's very easy to back away, even hide in the classroom, to avoid dealing with school cultures that promote ideologies that fit with whatever current social narratives are in place (read: school funds going to them).

It would be quite an experiment to have all teachers in a district vote for school board and superintendent hires just to see where they would fall compared to community members. I wonder how fast the "good old boys club" that has been in place for years would be ousted or how many more conservative teachers and staff voices would check the boxes to change the way money is allocated and support for mental health is implemented.

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What an uphill struggle that must be. Discerning parents simply remove their children from the indoctrination system through university. Our hope is that there are enough based youth around after the coming collapse the leftist are feverishly striving for.

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Have you seen( listened to podcasts) about Abigail Shrier’s new book Bad Parenting? She talks about all the unnecessary bad therapy kids are exposed to in schools and helicopter parenting preventing kids from growing up? Highly recommend it!

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Trying to get the book today, as a matter of fact, Nancy! I've listened to Shrier on a couple podcast and am eager to read her book. I think it may corroborate at least one suspicion I've had for a few years - that some school psychs and counselors are utilizing "therapeutic" practices that actually make childrens' mental health worse.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

Alon, the students should be expelled for their violent behaviour, I agree. The problem here though is that Berkeley, like so many academic institutions in similar situations are reacting instead of preempting. They cancelled the speech due to the protests, but (and it takes will and courage to do it) the event should not have been cancelled. There should have been armed security from the onset, expecting the activists. Make sure the event goes as planned, come what may. It can be ugly, it will be angry - but the take away is that if done often it will instill that the right of free speech will not be impugned, will not be denied - and that nothing, absolutely nothing will be cancelled due to anticipated violence. It will go on. Free speech will not be manipulated by the whims of a mob.

Now we just need a university with the cajones and the spine to put that in practice.

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I think you make a mistake by saying we don’t need to highlight political affiliations in this kind of incident. Really, we need more detail if anything, in fact I’d say we need a bullet point list of the political theory and why it enables and justifies this kind of mob violence. We need to bullet point it because it keeps happening. This is a direct result of the “by any means necessary” and “colonization justifies resistance(violence)” mantra that has spread like a virus in the world of education. As long as critical theory, successor ideology, and intersectionality are applied with praxis as if it is the undeniable truth, by activists who masquerade as educators for the sake of “all education is political”, we will keep having these outbursts, and they’ll get worse. They could literally justify ANYTHING, including terrorists attacks under this lens. You cannot give them another inch.

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Then why describe the political affiliation of those being protested against? The reason the violent protestors are "students", "protestors" or simply "people" is because they are protesting against the enemy of the people. Not identifying the political affiliation of only one side rewards the anonymous mob as being main-stream.

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Good point. If only one side is identified by a political affiliation then something is up.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

Agreed. The leftists will not stop with Jews. They won't stop at all--anyone they deem not "woke" is on their list. These people are a malignant plague.

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"The Jews are just on the front line of this battle for the soul of Western liberalism. "

Are you kidding me?

Jews like Weiss abandoned the field a long, long time ago.

No, conservatives have been on the front-lines for generations. And they have been denigrated, mocked and derided for their efforts. Just think of how Christians in the South or people in the Mid-West have been represented by people like Bari Weiss and the denizens of New York.

The Jews in America mostly vote Democrat and they are mostly moral cowards. They cling to Judaism without belief... they are empty, hollow masks with nothing underneath.

The Jews are not front-line fighters for Western liberalism. They are sell-outs, not unlike the Presbyterians or all the other groups who have abandoned the moral project in favor of their own bullshit.

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A Jew does not have to have any belief system to be reviled. Their only qualification for being persecuted is their Jewish identity. Their personal beliefs are not even in the mix!

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Or even just genetics….

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The Jews are late to this party, but here’s hoping they stay to the last keg. I doubt they were screaming when Charles Murray was shouted down at Middlebury College oh so many years ago. To me, that was the canary dying in the coal mine.

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We’re the Jews on the front line against Antifa in Portland?

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Fungible identity groups. You’re just as bad as the Left. Also “We’re”???

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🤣You saved me from being the grammar nerd!

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“The Jews are just on the front line of this battle for the soul of Western liberalism.” THIS.

I keep saying Israel is basically Czechoslovakia. Except this time the other countries aren’t going to get the chance to appease genocidal murderers at the expense of a country.

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On one hand I agree. But if people can’t recognize where this comes from then how can it change? If something is broken you can stand around being sad or you can investigate the cause. If you can’t change the cause of the problem then why not accept that nothing different is gojj in no to happen

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"Since 2014, more professors have lost their jobs for expressing an unpopular viewpoint than at any point in the past 80 years—especially in 2020 and 2021."


Don't you mean "conservative"?

This article contains the word "right-wing" twice. The word "leftist" doesn't appear even ONCE...

Lukianoff is a godsend... but let's call a spade a spade... These "institutions" have been infested by ONE group. Nearly ALL of the people committing this harm to these colleges are Democrats. There are few exceptions. But Lukianoff is or as, most likely a Democrat. And Bari Weiss and the crew at the Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project (aka The Free Press) are or were, Democrats...

There is ONE source for the poison that is killing the tree of American liberty...

We know what it is.

Why not call it out?

American liberty is being hunted down by the Democratic lynch-mob just like they did when they started the KKK...

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Thank you. "Unpopular" should be in scare quotes. In class a student called this an "offensive" viewpoint and when I asked who decided that designation they sat there stunned as if the concept had never occurred to them.

I offer an example of an opinion we're supposed to lap up uncritically OR ELSE:

I've asked grad students to submit readings for other courses. One student submitted something titled "Cotton, Whiteness, and Other Poisons," authored by two "oppressed" Black scholars. The interpretations in this word salad racist monstrosity were beyond rational. For example, a citation on business calculations in the 19th century-- how many bushels, how many working hours minus HOLIDAYS, WEEKENDS, and BAD WEATHER, was deemed "violent."

I pointed out the assertion that making a business plan is "violent." The student (not American) responds that the business plan assumes the Black workers are animals, therefore, it is "violent."

So...agriculture in general is "violent"?

And do animals get HOLIDAYS? If you start a business and come up with calculations on how that business would be run, does that make you "violent" and racist?

The entire essay reads as if Blacks were the only people in the history of the world to endure slavery. It's so myopic, makes sweeping generalizations (Black slavery fuels capitalism, leading to a global "catastrophe" "that persists to this day," and argues that any harsh condition in concert with capitalism is on the backs of Black slaves.

Utterly ridiculous.

And don't get me started on the title.

And you know, if you don't treat this garbage as if it's sacrosanct, you're.....


THIS kind of "scholarship" plays a huge role in the cultural problem.

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Speaking of this kind of stuff, did anyone notice that in the video the chief of police gets on the microphone and calls for all to leave, and since it's Berkeley, it's YOGANANDA PITTMAN!

She's the one who, as a Deputy Chief of the US Capitol Police actually got the intelligence from the FBI that there would be a big problem on Jan 6. No one gave the info to Sund, the Chief, or other key folks who needed it. Then, when he got scapegoated and fired, she actually got the Chief job herself, until that became impossible to maintain when it came out that she in fact was at fault for not elevating the intelligence, and the line members of the force would no longer tolerate her leadership. Presumably she landed at Berkeley with help from Pelosi, which some see as evidence of a conspiracy to hide the intelligence, but I simply see as Pelosi staff doing DEI-minded placement assistance.

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Personally, I hold Bari Weiss and Greg Lukianoff in the highest regard. I do not speculate about what their personal political positions are because that is an irrelevance to me. I judge by what they write.

I have always felt that Bari's journalism was accurate, passionate and unbiased which is what I want to see.

I have read many of Greg's books and other writings and found them well-structured, soundly based and very informative.

I don't care if they vote Democrat or Republican or, for that matter, the 'Monster Raving Loony' party that we have seen in the UK. What matters is their integrity which I hold in the highest regard.

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I also respect Barry and Greg, but that doesn't mean to ignore their bias when its flagrant and slapping us in the face as noted above. They did use "right-wing" twice and never used "left-wing" or "leftist." Call it like it is.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

Bari Weiss, famously and to the point where it's comical that apparently multiple people subscribed to her own substack don't know it, was a right-of-center Op-ed editor at both the WSJ and NYT. She was brought up by Bret Stephens and famously brought tons of right-of-center voices to the NYT op-ed pages, and was run out of the NYT editorial staff because of it.

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A lot of these commenters get miffed when they have even the slightest disagreement with TFP

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She wrote that the reason she left was because of NYT’s antisemitism. It was becoming increasingly clear. She would hear people saying things like “oh brother, not another piece about Israel….”

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Sounds a bit tenuous to me.

Label counting rather than considering the content? Actually, I don't even know what political leaning the protesters had. We get undesirables causing mayhem from both sides of the political spectrum, don't we?

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"I don't even know what political leaning the protesters had."

I'll take a wild guess here and say, the protestors are far left overprivileged little shits who if they can get enough energy to vote, vote for the Dem/Soc Party.

"We get undesirables causing mayhem from both sides of the political spectrum, don't we?" Well, when was the last time you saw a campus demonstration populate by conservatives or conservatives filling these streets chanting Death to Israel.

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Hi LonesomePolecat,

I still don't know that the protesters were "far-left". As you said yourself, it's a 'wild guess'. Which may be true, I grant you but I don't know it is.

In respose to your second point of course I haven't seen far-right protestors chanting "Death to Israel" in the current climate but I have seen far-right protests of a strongly racist and threatening nature on occasions ... they would be more likely to shout "Death to the immigrants" or other such vile sentiment. However, on this side of the Atlantic (UK) we don't have so many of those at the moment, though feelings are starting to run high which is always a danger sign for such things.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

"I'll take a wild guess" as used here is American idiomatic speech for "what is about to be said is completely obvious"

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Didn't pro-Hamas demonstrators fill the streets of London a few weeks back? The mob was estimated to be about 100,000. Now that is one hell of a lot of people.

What part of the UK are you from?

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"Personally, I hold Bari Weiss and Greg Lukianoff in the highest regard."

This is fine. I have higher standards. I don't like people who continue to vote for the party of the Confederacy and the KKK. I think it matters. I think that people like Weiss and Lukianoff who have probably been steadfast supporters of the Democratic Party should be ashamed of their disregard for what that organization does to the United States.

The Democratic Party is the party of hate, plain and simple.

I'm no Republican, mind you. But the Democrats are vile at a level that is hard to fathom.

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I'm not sure how your standards can higher than my 'higest regard'?

I accept that you have different standards, of course, but see no reason to accept that they are in any way superior to mine any more than I can assert that mine are higher than yours!

Even though you are right about the history of the Democrats, surely that's too long ago now to be a serious consideration when voting in 2024? Judge them by what they've done in office and what they're going to do from now on.

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If I were to judge the Democrats by what they do in office now then I would hold them in an even greater measure of contempt.

Inner cities run by Democrats are warzones. Because of Democrats and their policies, African Americans kill each other with greater ferocity than the Klan could even dream of.

If you HATE blacks and other minorities; I mean, really, really fucking HATE them; then vote Democrat. They are the authors of inner-city misery and the collapse of education across the United States.

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OK. I'll agree with that piece!

We have the same issues with our Labour (politically left wing) party but unfortunately our current Conservative government have proved to be inept at doing what they promised - particularly on immigration -so we have no one worth voting for in our General Election this year ...

... and so it all falls apart unless we're very lucky.

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Mike, some folks here are just looking for a fight, big or small.

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Jay, It certainly looks that way to me at times! I'm just trying to grasp how many contributers agree with Greg Lukianoff. I do, very strongly, but many appear to have such fixed ideas that they can't see anything from any other person's point of view - the opposite, I think, from what Greg thinks society needs. Somehow, society has to find a way to talk through our differences and, dare I say it, do that while accepting that we could be the one that's wrong!

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"Probably been steadfast supporters of the Democratic Party". So you're not even sure what their politics are and are making them your enemy based on your own biases, because they don't phrase things the way you want or write all their content in support of your politics. That is the opposite of reasonable discourse as they have the right to believe what they wish, same as you. And by your word choice I'm sensing a lot of hate from you, so be careful not to become what you say you hate. This county was founded on discourse among people who disagree but can talk it over, and your anger is precluding you from talking with anyone you disagree with as well. So while your politics are different, your actions seem to be no better or enlightened than those you think you disagree with (as you do not know if they support Democrats or not as they haven't said and you're simply assuming).

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

Obamawasafool, You don't like people with different opinions? That's disappointing

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There is a non zero chance that preference falsification is at work for some of these public intellectuals and media figures like Lukianoff and Weiss. In other words, people misrepresenting a preference under perceived public pressures.

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You should care. Ideology matters. Wars are fought and lives lost in huge numbers over ideological schism. Nazism is an ideology.

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Too many make the mistake of equating “politics” with a simple vote.

Politics in classical thought is a branch of philosophy, the means by which we implement our worldview in the real world. Ideology does matter.

We have allowed “politics” to be defined only in terms of elections for too long.

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Dear HeyJude, We have been remiss in our responsibility to the Republic in every respect. Liberty has no grandchildren. Our boomer generation has failed future generations. That said our grandchildren seem to be prepared to correct for our deficit. My Daddy believed the United States would break up into a form of North American Union not unlike the European Union. I thought he was loopy. I now agree with that view.

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Obviously, I disagree. The major political parties of the USA and the UK all have good and bad points from my perspective but none of them are Nazis. I respect a person's right to vote for who they decide is the best candidate. I may disagree with their selection but that's another matter altogether. At an individual level, I find that I trust some politicians from all the UK parties though they all disagree with each other. So when judging someone, I look at what they do not who they vote for.

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Dear Mike, All good. I didn't say all leftists are Nazis. Some are worse.

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Dear Hyacinthus,


Except isn't being a fascist (e.g. a Nazi) an extreme right-wing position?

It is certainly viwed as such in the UK.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

Dear Mike, What happens if we observe how a facist regime operates economically and socially. Can the modus operandi of a fascist goverment be considered in any way conservative by western standard?

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Jim Crow is a better analogy, because as a child I saw it in Birmingham. All halls of power led by people such as Wallace systematically beat, falsely convicted and even murdered people because they were black. Today it is very close to exactly the opposite, perpetrated by exactly the same kind of people. Difference is this is faster and people are so distracted they’ve barely noticed it. Our grandchildren will have to fix it, or fall.

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Jim Crow was the product of the Solid South which was 100% run by the Democratic Party. They knew which party Lincoln belonged to. For some reason Obama and his leftist admirers never mention that.

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That historical link ended with President Johnson’s Great Society legislation and, in particular, the raft of civil rights legislation. This change in political positioning set the stage for President Nixon’s Southern strategy and Republican domination since. Put a bit differently, that was the point at which the so-called Dixiecrats began to switch political allegiance.

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No, you're absolutely wrong. The Dixiecrats did NOT switch parties. Go look it up. It was only one or two members of Congress who did so. Ever heard of Sen. Robert Byrd? (I couldn't remember his name so I googled "racist senator west virginia" and his name was the first result.) He filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and remained a Democrat his entire life.

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Jody, you’re right about Byrd! He was a proud & loud Grand Wizard of the KKK, and best friends with Biden! If I’m not mistaken, Biden spoke highly of him at his funeral.

Of course, everyone knows (or should) Joe Biden has always been the true definition of racist. Even Kamala pointed this out during a Presidential debate, before she was forced to drop out. Hence, she was the perfect choice for Biden’s VP to shore up the Black vote.

I’ll also add, it’s well known Lyndon Johnson made statements to the effect (I’m paraphrasing) about the Democrats Civil Right Bill, “IF we push this through, we’ll have Nig*ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years”. HIS WORDS, and he was right!

It seems the tide may be turning, as more Blacks are realizing the Democrats have NOT been the Party they believed it was. I’m hoping Bari and others are realizing that, too.

Democrats AND RINOs are all about Power & Control, NOT about what’s best for America & Americans!

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I've heard that about LBJ as well. When I googled "racist senator west virginia," I was almost surprised Byrd's name was the first result. I just know at some point, AI is going to be programmed to erase the truth.

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Political allegiance, the phrase I used, was not meant to be confused with political party - but it seems that I was naive in making that assumption. The point I was attempting to make is that today’s Democrats are not the “Jim Crow” era ones. While that is their history, the party has moved on. Whether the Republicans have moved in the opposite direction since Nixon is an issue perhaps worth debating at some other date.

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Malcolm X : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiIPig20CRw

Democrats think blacks are too stupid to get IDs for elections; they call it “voter suppression.” But it is the white liberals who are so stupid they believe it.

Democrats have worked hard to make blacks dependent on the government, which is a form of control.

And on and on. The Democrat Party has not moved on.

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Are you really sure they've moved on? While today's Democrats may not be as visibly racist as the Jim Crowe era clan, their bigotry of low expectations has done as much harm to minority groups as Jim Crowe, more harm actually when you consider the insidious nature of it. CS Lewis had it right:

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

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I agree the Democrat Party has moved on, but that doesn't mean that all of a sudden the Republicans became the racists. I'm NOT saying that's what YOU think. I've just gotten tired over the years of Dems I know (I used to be a journalist and have a lot of liberal friends) saying that the Dems and Repubs switched places, esp the line about the Dixiecrats changing parties. That led me to do some research and, lo and behold, I discovered it was a lie.

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Hillary Clinton said Robert Byrd was her friend and mentor. https://2009-2017.state.gov/secretary/20092013clinton/rm/2010/06/143705.htm

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Wow, I didn't know that

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That may have been true of subsequent Congresses, but from what I've read only one or two sitting members of congress that were southern Democrats changed parties.

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Consider the irrefutable historical documentation behind the Senate's resolution:


Apologizing to the victims of lynching and the descendants of those victims for the failure of the Senate to enact anti-lynching legislation.

Whereas the crime of lynching succeeded slavery as the ultimate expression of racism in the United States following Reconstruction;

v Indisputably, the Ku Klux Klan was the primary domestic terrorist group responsible for racial lynchings during and following Reconstruction.

v The Ku Klux Klan was formed by the Democrat Party in 1866-1867 as part of their efforts against Reconstruction. [1]

v In 1871, as lynchings were escalating in the nation, a bill was passed in Congress to punish Klan violence; not one Democrat in the House or Senate voted for that bill. [2]

v In 1893, Democrats regained control of Congress and the Presidency for the first time since 1861. Democrats promptly passed – and Democrat President Grover Cleveland signed – a federal law repealing federal protection from Klan violence. [3]

Whereas lynching was a widely acknowledged practice in the United States until the middle of the 20th century;

v Republicans regularly spearheaded the congressional efforts to ban lynching. [4]

v Republican platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. [5]

v Typical of the anti-lynching language in Republican platforms was:

Ø We proclaim our unqualified condemnation of the uncivilized and preposterous practice well known as lynching. (1896)

Ø We urge Congress to consider the most effective means to end lynching in this country, which continues to be a terrible blot on our American civilization. (1920)

Ø We urge the Congress to enact at the earliest possible date a federal anti-lynching law so that the full influence of the federal government may be wielded to exterminate this hideous crime. (1924, 1928)

Ø We favor legislation against lynching and pledge our sincere efforts in behalf of its early enactment. (1944)

Ø Lynching or any other form of mob violence anywhere is a disgrace to any civilized state, and we favor the prompt enactment of legislation to end this infamy. (1948)

Ø Etc.

v Democrat platforms never called for a ban on lynching. [6]

Whereas lynching was a crime that occurred throughout the United States, with documented incidents in all but 4 States;

v Eighty-three percent of all lynchings occurred in the 11 former Confederate States and the 4 so-called Border States [7] – the states that comprised the "Solid Democratic South" [8] established at the end of Reconstruction. [9] Even though those fifteen strongly Democrat states comprised only 30 percent of the nation, they perpetrated 83 percent of lynchings; other states with high lynching numbers (such as Oklahoma) were Democrat-controlled at the time of the lynchings.

Whereas at least 4,742 people, predominantly African-Americans, were reported lynched in the United States between 1882 and 1968;

v Of those lynched, 3,446 were blacks and 1,297 white. [10]

v Why were blacks lynched at a rate almost three times higher than whites? Two African American legislators who served during Reconstruction – and who personally led the successful fight in Congress to pass civil rights bills to punish Klan violence – explained the reason. According to U. S. Rep. Richard Cain (South Carolina): "The bad blood of the South comes because the Negroes are Republicans. If they would only cease to be Republicans and vote the straight-out Democratic ticket there would be no trouble. Then the bad blood would sink entirely out of sight." [11] U. S. Rep. John Roy Lynch (Mississippi) agreed: "More colored than white men are thus persecuted simply because they constitute in larger numbers the opposition to the Democratic Party." [12] Numerous similar declarations are found in the congressional speeches of black Reconstruction legislators as well as the many congressional investigations into Klan violence. [13]

Whereas 99 percent of all perpetrators of lynching escaped from punishment by State or local officials;

v In the states where lynchings were most frequent, Democrat state legislatures prevented the passage of state anti-lynching bills. For example, anti-lynching legislation proposed between 1916 and 1931 in the Democrat-controlled states of Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, South Carolina, Texas, and Tennessee all failed to pass. [14] If states had earlier passed anti-lynching laws, Democrat-controlled state legislatures (such as in Texas and Alabama) repealed such laws. [15]

v Why did lynchings go unpunished in so many communities? U. S. Representative Joseph Hayne Rainey – the first African American elected to the House – explained the reason during the passage of the 1871 civil rights bill to punish Klan violence: "When we call to mind the fact that this [Klan] persecution is waged against men for the simple reason that they dare vote with the [Republican] Party, . . . [t]he question is sometimes asked, 'Why do not the courts of law afford redress?' . . . We answer, that the courts are in many instances under the control of those [Democrats] who are wholly inimical to the impartial administration of law and equity. What benefit would result from appeal to tribunals [courts] whose officers are secretly in sympathy with the very evil against which we are striving? . . . I will say that in the State of South Carolina, there is no disturbance of an alarming character in any one of the counties in which the Republicans have a majority. The troubles are usually in those sections in which the Democrats have [control]. . . . I say . . . to the entire membership of the Democratic Party, that upon your hands rests the blood of the loyal men of the South. Disclaim it as you will; the stain is there to prove your criminality before God and the world in the day of retribution which will surely come." [16]

v So close was the affiliation between the Klan and Democrats that a number of Klansmen ran on various state Democrat tickets and were elected. [17]

v At the national level, several 20th century Democrat U. S. Senators – both early [18] and recent [19] – were members of the Klan and wore its white hood and robe.

Whereas lynching prompted African-Americans to form the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and prompted members of B'nai B'rith to found the Anti-Defamation League;

v On February 12, 1909 – the 100th anniversary of Republican President Abraham Lincoln's birth – the NAACP was founded by Republicans and women's suffragists (specifically Ida Wells and Mary Terrell). [20] On that same day in 1909, black Republican James Weldon Johnson (1871-1938) penned the song "Lift Every Voice and Sing" to honor Abraham Lincoln; that song has now been adopted by black Americans as the Negro National Anthem. [21]

Whereas nearly 200 anti-lynching bills were introduced in Congress during the first half of the 20th century;

v Republicans were diligent in their efforts to end lynching both at the national and state level. On occasion, individual Democrats also offered anti-lynching bills or worked to reduce racial violence against blacks, whether from the Klan or community mobs. However, they were usually thwarted and sometimes even punished by their own party for such efforts. For example:

Ø Democrat Rep. Emanuel Celler (New York) introduced an anti-lynching bill in Congress in 1934, but his efforts were blocked by members of his own party.

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Exactly my first impressions of this article. Too many labels being used. Snowflakes in California just want to live in their echo chamber and will shout down any other view. Any act of violence or intimidation should be met with a swift expulsion from campus. I guarantee that will slow the protests.

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It isn't just CA, it's all over the country.

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Berkeley is the epicenter.

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“One source of poison killing the tree of American liberty”. I like this phrase overwrought though in my opinion. When a president refuses to accept the time honored method of the peaceful handover of office and instead urges his followers to mob action, I’d say that American tree of liberty isn’t being poisoned. It’s being chopped down. That same man will likely be reelected to the Oval Office within the year. But if he isn’t do you honestly believe there will be no repeats of J6? Yup if you fear for the tree of liberty, then accept some responsibility for what your side does too

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

Au contraire. Trump left office peacefully despite your fevered screeching to the contrary. And about that "free and fair election....." Zuck bucks, FBI meddling, 51 intel former intel officers, people as demented as Biden casting mail in ballots...... And we were freer, more prosperous and safe under Trump than under Biden. And we didn't have a tidal wave of illegal invaders, either.

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"Trump left office peacefully" is just about the most dishonest statement since "Men can become women". His January 6 attempt to overthrow the government was the worst internal attack on our democracy since the Civil War.

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Lurid rhetoric won't help you. There was no "attempt to overthrow the government." Protesting a crooked election is hardly overthrowing a government. That would be an "insurrection." A crime for which Trump has never been charged. And the hare brained scheme to challenge the vote in Congress was no different from Democrats' idiotic scheme to overthrow the 2000 election by using Democrat tools on the Florida Supreme Court.

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Oh fer chrissake. We all saw it on TV so don't tell us that was a 'protest' and don't tell us that it was a crooked election, for which there has never been an iota of evidence. You right wing fantasists are no better or more rational than the left wing ones.

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So the 51 intel agents weren't part of the Biden campaign initiative? The facts counsel otherwise. And what did you see on TV? A few idiots tussling with cops, which happens all the time in BLM and pro-Palestinian protests. A few goobers wandering around the Capitol with Capitol police in tow? And were the FBI and CIA up to their ears in suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story which almost certainly swayed the election? Proven facts. Don't even try to squirm out of that one.

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It has been proved beyond doubt that the election wasn't crooked and the result was fair. Only Trump is crooked and that is proven time after time.

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Keep telling yourself that and ignoring the truth. I know liberals love to delude themselves with the fantasy that they are smarter than the rest of us. But ignoring evidence is not a marker for intellect.

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As you'll see again in 2024. You leftists have stolen many elections. It's a hallmark of the left. The 2020 election was notable in its brazenly executed manner. Naturally the by any means people such as yourself are satisfied with the results.

Your actions will lead to autocracy.

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please do some reading from the other viewpoint re the election. TONS of evidence and attempts to hide this evidence is still occurring. If anyone gives a damn: paper ballots, citizenship and voter id on a national election holiday are what we need for 2024 and beyond.

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No, not even close. There was no attempt to "overthrow" anything. This is hyperbole and nonsense.

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Who attempts to overthrow the government with no guns? I am sorry your media sources did this to you. You must be unbelievably gullible. I bet you proudly proclaim as fact all of the other media hoaxes of the last 7 years. Tell me which of these additional verified hoaxes you still cling to?

1. Russia collusion

2. Steele dossier hooker story

3. Russia paying bounties on our soldiers in Afghanistan

4. Trump called Nazi's "fine people"

5. Trump suggesting drinking bleach to fight COVID

6. Trump cleared protestors with tear gas for a bible photo op

7. Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation

8. Election were fair because no court found major fraud

9. Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of The Beast

10. Border Patrol agents whipped illegal border crossers

11. Trump stored nuclear secrets at Mar-A-Lago

12. Governor Whitmer kidnapping plot

13. Trump mocked a reporter's disability

14. Twittergate was a dud. We learned nothing new.

15. Twitter hate speech got worse under Musk

16. Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd

17. Climate models predict the future

I mean, if even one of these hoaxes seem sketchy to you, there's no way ALL of them are hoaxy, right?

Way easier to brainwash someone than to get them to admit to being brainwashed.

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Jeremy, please do your research. Had Twitter NOT blocked Trump’s “mean tweets” you could very clearly have seen how he instructed his followers to “PEACEFULLY PROTEST, because WE ARE NOT the Party of violence”

Yet, no one on the Left, or RINOs, want this to be known!

Their Stage 5, Trump Derangement Syndrome Infection only allows their hateful rhetoric, “But, but, but Trump & Orange Man Bad”

Goodness, give it a rest, please! Most Americans are SICK OF IT!! We have many more pressing issues to address today!

I was not a Trump supporter before, but I long for Biden to go home permanently!

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Dear Jeremy, LoL. What utter nonsense. Our democracy? That's what you lemmings are looking to create. A tyranny which is what democracy is. Find your cliff. Take a few mates along.

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Plus blatantly illegal mail-in voting acceptance.

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See I would have actually read your entire reply, but when you begin by name calling, nope. Grow up and figure out a reply that doesn’t begin with name calling.

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Done. Now read it.

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LoL. Another bright leftist in here. Aren't you the people who shout down opposing viewpoints?

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Trump won Florida in 2020 handily because of Republican seniors using their preferred method of voting - mail in ballots. But you knew that, right?

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And if they had to go to the precincts they would have gone. You know this, too. Making things easy for people is good unless it facilitates cheating. And given that Democrats have stealing elections in their DNA, why facilitate that? Unless, of course you're an advocate of "by any means necessary."

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I was just commenting on your throwaway one - ie mail in ballots. So you don't condemn Republican voters for enjoying the use of mail in voting, yet you deride Biden Dems for doing the same, considering it cheating. Would that work in front of a judge?

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Roxanne, I respect your right to express your TDS beliefs, “But, but, but Trump” can NOT be blamed for what has happened to America under the Biden Regime.

Too Many people would rather see America fail rather than admit & acknowledge our country was thriving under a Trump Presidency until COVID. Inflation & prices were low, jobs numbers were high, our border was more secure than in the previous 45 years, NO NEW WARS, then Biden took over. All I can ask Biden supporters, “How’s that working for you? It’s been destroying America”

My opinion, and I am not (was not before) a Trump supporter.

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I didn't vote for Trump and I am not a Republican.

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This is the most ridiculous comment I’ve seen on here yet. You negative lot find one thing you don’t like, call out the democrats and the free press then ignore everything the article has to say. Every week in most articles. Stop trying to ruin the only thing that gives us a chance at overcoming so many of these societal obstacles.

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While it is certainly true that some of this crap is conducted by actual Democrats, the majority don't seem to identify as much of anything inparticular, other than assholes.

To demonize a group as entirely responsible for something deplorable such as this, is both inaccurate (think RINO hunting), and unhelpful to moving forward.

And just to really complicate one's thinking on this, since you evoked the Tree of Liberty - Sam Adams would have very much recognized the heckling mobs tactics described in this piece, as his own.

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I don't agree. Democrats and their supporters have been demonizing the right for as long as I have been alive. I am tired of it. I am very comfortable with adopting a posture of unrelenting and implacable hostility to everything they stand for. Leftists have pilloried the right for so long that some people think now is the time for us to "move forward." I don;t want to move forward in any common cause with a leftist. I want all leftists to suffer and I want them to live impoverished lives of cruel desperation.

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Well alrighty then.

Leftist, Democrat, Communist, Satanist what's the difference.

This is all very helpful.

E pluribus unum - except for unrelenting and implacable hostility, in which case we all get picked off separtely.

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There are no differences. When you have a group of people who will deny reality by deluding themselves that even biological facts are a matter of political perspective then you do not have a "point of difference". You have an enemy. It is good to know who your enemies are so that you can isolate them.

Leftists are the enemy.

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Obamawasafool, There are many moderate Democrats and Republicans whose voices are never heard because they speak too reasonably -- and are not interesting enough for the media. As a moderate Democrat, I take issue with you speaking about the "Democratic Lynch mob." Your idea of comparing Democrats to the KKK is misguided and untrue and just contributes to the toxic divisiveness of this country. I'd stay away from hyperbolic statements that do nothing to increase the level of civil debate.

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No. The Democratic Party IS the party of the Confederacy and the KKK in the same way the Nazi party is the party of concentration camps. Both are historical facts. But only Democrats try to claim that they have somehow changed. No one gives Nazis the same chance to "rehabilitate" their political party.

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Your rhetoric doesn't correspond to the reality of the Democratic Party. To assume that all Democrats are alike and think the same is as crazy as assuming all Republicans are MAGA followers. These broad generalizations on both sides are so tiresome. And FYI the Northern Democrats during the Civil War split into two camps.

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Read this if you dare:

On Monday, June 13, 2005, the U. S. Senate approved a resolution (S.Res.39) apologizing to the families of lynching victims for never passing a federal anti-lynching law. As demonstrated by several important facts set forth in the resolution, this apology was both appropriate and long overdue.

However, the unstated causes that created the facts set forth in the resolution indisputably demonstrate that there is a specific group directly responsible for the Senate's egregious failure to pass an anti-lynching law. That group should join with the Senate and offer its deepest regret and humblest heartfelt apology to the families of lynching victims. Which group? The Democrat Party.

Consider the irrefutable historical documentation behind the Senate's resolution:


Apologizing to the victims of lynching and the descendants of those victims for the failure of the Senate to enact anti-lynching legislation.

Whereas the crime of lynching succeeded slavery as the ultimate expression of racism in the United States following Reconstruction;

v Indisputably, the Ku Klux Klan was the primary domestic terrorist group responsible for racial lynchings during and following Reconstruction.

v The Ku Klux Klan was formed by the Democrat Party in 1866-1867 as part of their efforts against Reconstruction. [1]

v In 1871, as lynchings were escalating in the nation, a bill was passed in Congress to punish Klan violence; not one Democrat in the House or Senate voted for that bill. [2]

v In 1893, Democrats regained control of Congress and the Presidency for the first time since 1861. Democrats promptly passed – and Democrat President Grover Cleveland signed – a federal law repealing federal protection from Klan violence. [3]

Whereas lynching was a widely acknowledged practice in the United States until the middle of the 20th century;

v Republicans regularly spearheaded the congressional efforts to ban lynching. [4]

v Republican platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. [5]

v Typical of the anti-lynching language in Republican platforms was:

Ø We proclaim our unqualified condemnation of the uncivilized and preposterous practice well known as lynching. (1896)

Ø We urge Congress to consider the most effective means to end lynching in this country, which continues to be a terrible blot on our American civilization. (1920)

Ø We urge the Congress to enact at the earliest possible date a federal anti-lynching law so that the full influence of the federal government may be wielded to exterminate this hideous crime. (1924, 1928)

Ø We favor legislation against lynching and pledge our sincere efforts in behalf of its early enactment. (1944)

Ø Lynching or any other form of mob violence anywhere is a disgrace to any civilized state, and we favor the prompt enactment of legislation to end this infamy. (1948)

Ø Etc.

v Democrat platforms never called for a ban on lynching. [6]

Whereas lynching was a crime that occurred throughout the United States, with documented incidents in all but 4 States;

v Eighty-three percent of all lynchings occurred in the 11 former Confederate States and the 4 so-called Border States [7] – the states that comprised the "Solid Democratic South" [8] established at the end of Reconstruction. [9] Even though those fifteen strongly Democrat states comprised only 30 percent of the nation, they perpetrated 83 percent of lynchings; other states with high lynching numbers (such as Oklahoma) were Democrat-controlled at the time of the lynchings.

Whereas at least 4,742 people, predominantly African-Americans, were reported lynched in the United States between 1882 and 1968;

v Of those lynched, 3,446 were blacks and 1,297 white. [10]

v Why were blacks lynched at a rate almost three times higher than whites? Two African American legislators who served during Reconstruction – and who personally led the successful fight in Congress to pass civil rights bills to punish Klan violence – explained the reason. According to U. S. Rep. Richard Cain (South Carolina): "The bad blood of the South comes because the Negroes are Republicans. If they would only cease to be Republicans and vote the straight-out Democratic ticket there would be no trouble. Then the bad blood would sink entirely out of sight." [11] U. S. Rep. John Roy Lynch (Mississippi) agreed: "More colored than white men are thus persecuted simply because they constitute in larger numbers the opposition to the Democratic Party." [12] Numerous similar declarations are found in the congressional speeches of black Reconstruction legislators as well as the many congressional investigations into Klan violence. [13]

Taken from: https://www.worldviewweekend.com/news/article/why-democratic-party-should-apologize-families-lynching-victims

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Nothing you said contradicts my "rhetoric". The Democratic Party is the party of slavery and the Ku Klux Klan. The Nazi party is the party of concentration camps and the holocaust. But only ONE of those parties still exists as a legitimate political entity today...

Which one?

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They know the speakers were conservative, they don’t know the persuasions of the rioters (however we can guess w a fair amount of certainty). They are reporting the facts.

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> Nearly ALL of the people committing this harm to these colleges are Democrats.

And ALL of them are Homo Sapiens. Yes, it's the monkeys again. Making trouble like they do. Bothering themselves and everybody else. The worst thing that ever happened on this planet is when their ancestors learned to walk on two legs. There's been no peace since.

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Come on guys ! This isn't like an anti Vietnam protest. It's supporting one side in a conflict that every time I read and hear from vox pops what you believe I find myself gasping at the complete lack of knowledge displayed.

Yes, the Settlers and the Religious Right (who tried and failed to take power away from the Judiciary) are awful but The Supreme Court of Israel has found their land thefts on the West Bank illegal. I'm not going to give a post USSR history lesson but the students in Berkeley need to ask themselves why nearly 1 million immigrants plus some very unsavoury right wing Americans suddenly appeared in Israel and did a deal with Netanyahu that every time SECULAR Israelis (the majority) voted to oust him and he LOST an election, they saved him by a coalition. Their price was ministries which is why they appear to be speaking for Israelis.

The students need to grow up and understand if you don't listen, you don't learn. America isn't Russia so stop behaving like Putin's thugs and study some real history and some current affairs.

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This has got nothing to do with politics or democrats or republicans. Its bigger than that. It has to do with allowing speech to be free whether you agree with whats being said or not. It has to do with condemning violence. Quite simple really.

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This has everything to do with politics. The perpetrators are mostly Democrats. Democrats underwrite all the mayhem that is described in most stories on this website.

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How else would you describe Milo? Especially to someone unfamiliar. It's a standard journalism practice. Professors fired for unpopular opinions? Well, they sure as hell weren't fired for taking the popular stance. This is what offends you?

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Well that's a bit over the top !

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Oh, right. It’s a binary but not the binary narrative you prefer. Got it.

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Nathan Bedford Forrest would be proud!

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Free Press, it’s on you guys to continue follow up reporting to publicize what Berkeley does about this. Don’t let the story die.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

Considering Berkeley's official obfuscating response, under the rug it will probably go. So a follow up is warranted. Good point.

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Free speech is the technology of a civilized society. Vigilante mob violence is its antithesis.

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"Free speech is the technology of a civilized society"

Some would argue that technology is destroying it.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

Why is it stories of violent rioters on the left are just "people", "protestors" or "students". Every time.

Meanwhile any simple protest (like silent praying outside an abortion clinic) is always described as "conservative", "alt-right", "MAGA", "Republican". "Right-wing".

Call these students what they are: "Democrats", "left wing", "radical left wing" or "progressive".

This is how the media, even TFP, lies by slanting and omitting part of the truth.

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Because the writer heads up FIRE. They don’t use that terminology on the left or the right. They are truly non-partisan. Just because other outlets frame the conversation that way doesn’t mean that all have to follow suit.

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I've SEEN protests outside abortion clinics and they're anything but people silently praying. They're screaming at woman, filming them, telling them they're going to hell, etc. If it were just peaceful protesters as you say there wouldn't be a need for escorts to bring the women inside and there wouldn't be a need for court injunctions to keep them x number of feet away from the women seeking care (Planned Parenthood does A LOT more than just abortions--they offer birth control, STD testing, etc.)

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I didn’t say all protests outside abortion clinics were people simply praying. Why did you assume I did?

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People answer questions not asked and make comments about things not implied be a that’s the point THEY want to make. Too many people shouting past each other. Very little dialogue.

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Very true

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Greg Lukianoff is doing some of the most important work happening in the world right now. I’m a big fan. And I 100% agree these kids need to be thrown out. They broke windows to enter a locked building? They threatened the physical safety of other students who had to flee through tunnels? Honestly, how is this even a question? In what other context would these actions receive nothing but a slap on the wrist via a “statement”?

Come on, Berkeley. This is your chance to get it right this time so you don’t have more of these events in the future.

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The police should have been called in and should have arrested them. Why is campus safety left to unarmed administrators?

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They are getting it right...in that they have 0 desire to support free speech. Do you honestly think that this would play out the exact same if the 'protestors' has been part of this huge neo-nazi movement I keep hearing about (yet never actually see any articles of their crimes).

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Those Berkeley folk better be glad it wasn’t the Capitol building.

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Democrat civil war. Absurd how much the media covers up democrat riots like this one and illegal immigrant murders like Laken Riley. College campuses and cities are cesspools of democrat Anarcho-tyranny, proceed with caution.

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I may not live long enough to see it, but my gut says FL to TX and a few more states might secede from the union because many states no longer are American.

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Don’t count on it. Many won’t want to give up the positive federal subsidies that enrich their coffers.

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I believe it will be twelve states. We have absolutely nothing in common with the blue cesspits.

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The lack of expulsion and punishment, as well a silence on the parts of the admin, speaks volumes.

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It is not just on college campuses - it is everywhere. Where one side of the political aisle is allowed to beat the crap out of the other with impunity. And the other side gets imprisoned for stepping a toe out of line. This might seem great until it starts to happen to you. But any moral person knows it is wrong

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I mentioned before - has anyone at the free press watched tuckers interview of the woman who grew up in the Chinese cultural revolution? It is not super long and anyone who hasn’t seen it needs to. But also, anyone who complains about this stuff and votes democrat - I just have no sympathy. This is coming from you and from your party. Until people realize that there is nothing anyone else can do

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I believe FIRE is not a politically based organization. They accept cases that cross the Democrat/Republican lines. The danger to our society is less an issue of political opinions than the loss of freedom of speech. When dissenters on either side lose the ability to express their opinions, we have all lost.

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I agree. The loss of freedom of speech and the approval of censorship for "democracy" is at the core of all that is wrong today.

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While I agree, can anyone recall a right-wing mob shutting down a leftist speaker in the US in this century? It's always lefty mobs stopping conservative speakers.

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No, but we all remember Jan 6th

Violence is usually on the left, but it's not exclusive

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The leaders at UC. Berkeley and the local government are either cowards or they really do want all Jews dead. Either way, they’ve got to go before it is too late. What’s most sickening is that if this has been a BLM speaker there would be burning and looting by now; for Jews, silence. I wonder how many Jews are planning to leave for Israel as a result.

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If the people causing this can get enough voting numbers in this country in places to sway an election then you better believe Israel will not be safe either. It is only a matter of time.

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Some Jews are apparently leaving Israel because the future offers no solution .

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The second most anti-Semitic thing Europe ever did was allow the surviving Jews to go to Israel after the war, to be surrounded by half a billion murderous psychopaths. Saskatchewan is so nice this time of year...

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

These campus protests are organized. Iran and China, among others, target the useful, purposeless idiots at these campuses as part of their Western subversion tactics. They literally have agencies devoted to doing this.

The students, for their part, like students of every generation, are hot to find some purpose to their lives and to do something relevant. They are duped into thinking this is it, even though most know absolutely nothing about the history of the Middle East.

One journalist, I believe it saw this in the Wall Street Journal, interviewed 100 students screaming "From the river to the sea!" and found that 68 of them didn't even know which river or which sea. They had not connected the fact that they were, themselves, screaming for genocide, and most changed their minds once they understood. The other 32 who knew what they were saying were hard core "Kill the Jews."

Thirty-two is a shocking number. There must be consequences for their violence, as well as for the university administrators who coddle these criminals, if we are to survive as a nation.

I used to wonder how a "civilized" society like Germany's could go so far off base as to slaughter Jews, disabled people, the Rom, homosexuals, and other entire groups. How the Serbian Army could kill men, rape women to death, and literally chase down refugee children. How Stalin could starve 11 million Ukrainians to death, stealing their harvests from them. Now I see how it begins.

It is hubris to think the US and other Western countries would not, ourselves, become an Axis of Evil. Crushing free, non-violent speech, is the first step down that path. Not opposing such suppression is the second. It's a short road from there.

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I have heard it said various ways...but people that doesn't understand the monsters that ALL humans are capable of being are the ones that either become the monsters or allow it to happen.

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These rioters DO want to UNfound civilization. That is their entire point. In their minds, Western civilization is the root of all evil.

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This is correct. The islamists tell you as much themselves. The leftists will tell you it's euphemism.

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Berkeley doesn’t want to protect free speech

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I would venture that Berkeley does want “free speech”….their version of it.

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And vegans want meat...their version of it.

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I would like to see some moral clarity from our leaders to reclaim free speech and American values from the evil that is invading our country. Why the hesitation to speak the truth? There is no genocide by Israel--this should be repeated ad nauseum by university presidents, governors of affected public universities, mayors of the cities in which these riots are taking place, etc. It needs to start from the top--President Biden and Vice President Harris must call out these terrorists in our midst and loudly refute again and again the accusations of genocide against Israel. By not pushing back on this egregious lie, the Biden administration and the university administrations are showing weakness--perfect fuel for bullies..

And many of these bullies are not even Americans. This article from Tablet magazine does a good job exposing some of what is going on at university campuses.


The wave of hatred can be turned around, but only by the truth.

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Thank you, Greg and Angel, for an excellent piece. If we don't have freedom of speech and thought, we don't have a civilised society. Equally, if we don't act strongly against violence and physical intimidation, we cannot be considered civilised. The way of the barbarian is unacceptable to the vast majority where I live (UK) as I'm sure it is in the USA.

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Sadly, the UK and the US have been accepting a great deal of barbarous behavior for the past couple decades. It's taken entirely too long for people to push back.

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