Catastrophe vs disaster , that is what the American voter is faced with. Biden would be a catastrophe and the effects are long term. No matter what the media says Trump will be a disaster and that is short term.

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Dr. Bhattacharya is a hero. HE will go down in history as the voice of reason during the pandemic. He’s created amazing content on his “Illusion of Consensus” podcast. Check it out.

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That a justice of the Supreme Court of the Unites States of America should question the purpose of the First Amendment is chilling. To place the government above its citizens is absolutely mind boggling. It also cements my notion that the choice of Justice Jackson was a prime example of the ruination that DEI will bring. She absolutely disqualified herself from any respect automatically accorded these justices.

As Abraham Lincoln was ascribed to have said- "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt".

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I felt a little embarrassed for McNeill when I read his letter. And then I clicked on the link to his book…and it was not any better. But he gets an A+ for loyalty I guess, so that’s something.

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All the Elon-haters will really be pissed when his Neuralink provides greater mobility and independence for those with paraplegia and quadriplegia. That rat bastard! %-)

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What amazed me most about Elon is his unstoppable drive to get mankind to Mars. Every business he started has the purpose of advancing that goal. I was also very surprised by his complete lack of interest in earthly comforts like a big house and fancy car. He just doesn't seem to care much about anything other than the things that advance his goals. It is also one thing to see a CEO drive their workers ragged but it is another thing entirely for the CEO to be out there in the trenches showing everyone how it's done. This player/coach mentality is so rare. I just hope he doesn't burn himself out before he accomplishes his goal of getting to Mars.

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thank you for adding McNeil's perspective whom I agree with 100% although you obviously do not!

Also, is it FINALLY time for you to say the "witch hunt" for Biden is bullshit? Your star witness is talking from jail. PLEASE admit you got this one wrong!!

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Re: Trump criticizing Jews who vote Democratic

Although he expressed it in his usual over-the-top rhetoric, how is that different from Biden saying "If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black"? Frankly, I thought Biden (slipping "ain't" in there as a grammar-defiant way of pretending he's just one of them) was more obnoxious than Trump. If it's not a double standard, can anyone enlighten me?

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Re: the Rural Poor

For a while now, I have queried my liberal Chicago friends to explain how they can have the utmost empathy and compassion for the urban poor yet simultaneously harbor (and express) the ultimate disdain and revulsion for the rural poor.

They have never disagreed....and never offered an explanation.

Maybe they have all seen Deliverance , but not Straight Outta Compton, I dunno 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Donald McNeil ignores the number one factor correlated to Covid deaths behind age -- obesity. US COVID numbers were higher than Europe but about 16% of adults in the EU are considered obese where in the US more than 50% are. Of course, to say that people should lose weight during the pandemic got one blacklisted on social media and, if a medical professional, investigated for malpractice. People outside, exercising, away from other people, were hounded and, at times arrested (recall the Malibu paddleboarder chased by police and arrested while he was alone on the ocean). McNeil takes a shot at Scott Atlas as "a member of Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force" but recall, so was Anthony Fauci. McNeil also defends school shutdowns as not designed to appease the teacher unions but we have seen that the unions colluded with the CDC to get language that allowed schools to remain closed, to the detriment of their students who were not at risk from Covid. We need to learn from the pandemic. McNeil seems to have learned the wrong things.

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Justice Brown Jackson is scary. To say she regards government supervision is more important than our free speech rights tells me she doesn't regard our Constitution as the foundation of our laws. Apparently she considers government convenience to be more important than all of our rights in the Constitution.

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20

I gotta say McNeil was, to me, a bit more compelling in his letter to editor than Nocera was in his response. One point was “how to protect the vulnerable”….Nocera even in his response hand-waves that “of course we could” without ever saying “how”….which was McNeil’s point.

And I think the press about the early Sweden data obscures some of the later Sweden data. Nocera again ignores the issue McNeil raised here.

Now, McNeil does say “travel restriction” without saying how. I can see a travel restriction working, but it has to be absolute and maintained for a long enough time…which itself is rather draconian. Would I prefer an absolute travel restriction in exchange for less local lockdown? Probably.

I’d also say it doesn’t sound like McNeil endorses the entirety of the government response. Like the school closures bit. It’s a bit of an ad hominem for Nocera to insinuate the guy is being a typical journo doing NYT journo things.

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20

I'm SHOCKED! Totally, 100%, in no way expected this from "the Settlers want to see the sea" crowd.


Can't believe he was speaking at pogrom-enabling Harvard.

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I thought the primary purpose of the First Amendment was to hamstring the government. Surprising that Justice Jackson didn’t know that.

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