It’s amazing that we are putting kids immediately into financial insolvency, not so they can learn a valuable skill...but rather so they can take a useless major at a school with an $80,000 tuition, and in turn the University can pay Maoist administrator that teach the indebted students how to be embittered racists.

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I have (had) a strongly progressive friend with whom I have traded many barbs over the years, but it pretty much ended when she told me that she had decided in her late 'fifties to finally go to college.

"What is going to be your major?"

"Gender studies."

I couldn't have held my tongue if the Sword of Damocles itsownself hung above my head. "Victoria, why in the world would you do that? You already hate men."

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Hahahahaha Thank you for the morning laugh!

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Would be funnier if it wasn't so accurate.

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For better or worse (worse), America is obsessed with credentialism. Sad to say, useless credentials count for a lot in the USA. They shouldn't. But they do.

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That’s exactly what happened with my son, who entered the liberal arts college of a top university in 2012 just as all of the woke, intersectional bs was gaining steam. We couldn’t understand how he became so insufferable, to the point of attacking my husband—who grew up in a modest, Nazi refugee family and paid his own way through college—as only having succeeded due to his “privilege”. Only in the last few years, since he started a small business, has he moderated some of his positions.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

I think you have to confront these people directly, but have your arguments ready; it's important you don't lose - or they THINK you lost. You can always say, "Well, I don't want to burden you with any more privilege than you already have; your college debts are your own."

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In fairness, almost every teenager goes through a phase of radical progressivism once they are exposed to deeper and more accurate histories of our country. Once we enter the working world and buy a house and receive a crazy tax bill we tend to moderate our views.

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Yes, but not to this extent. I remember being for liberal causes—against the Vietnam War, for abortion, etc.—but I never attacked my parents or denigrated their successes. There is a real viciousness to the woke agenda.

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Are you really more conservative, or is it that your old radical liberal postiions are now considered conservative, while what is now considered liberal is absolutely cuckoo for cocao puffs insane?

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That’s most definitely true for me! I was once the most radical person I knew.

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In truth, I am still a believer in change. I just don't think the tools that progressives wield are effective.

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You're probably right. Still, I'm trying to avoid becoming the drunk uncle who complains about young people over Thanksgiving dinner ;)

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Dealing with the California Franchise Tax Board will make a libertarian out of the best of us ;)

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Yes, a delusion and utopia. And if anyone is interested in opening a history book, a utopia proven a fiasco where they had tried it. A failure that killed millions and ruined millions of lives and may have turned the progress of their countries back for decades.

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And the University does so on the backs of federally guaranteed Loans- thus no accountability on the universities part, that the product (degrees) perform in helping its customers become productive members of society.

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deletedJan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023
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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

I was reading over the weekend how an art history professor at Hamline University lost her position because she had the temerity to show a painting of, wait for it, Muhammad, done centuries ago. She did not have her contract renewed because a Muslim student complained to the administration of how stressed she was in having to endure the class, since apparently images of him are not allowed in her religion (fatwa, anyone?).

All this after she was told beforehand that a possibly offensive image would be shown. She went anyway, objected, and got a verdict resulting in the teacher's termination.

Be happy you survived, RT, relatively unscathed.

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Yes, it was in the course syllabus in black and white for all to read before signing up for the class, AND the display of the image was announced in class and students were given sufficient time to leave the class for the portion when the image was shown. The students CHOSE to stay, saw the image, and later became OFFENDED. Grow up.

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They wanted to be offended so that they could perform outrage.

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And surprisingly it was a black female professor who was beached

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Oh, but she BETRAYED "people of color" everywhere because all Muslims are imagined to be "people of color". Dontcha know?

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I read that, too. Unbelievable

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deletedJan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023
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Yep. I actively steer people away from college, especially if they're thinking about teaching. It's toxic.

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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023

I am a professor at a big university and what this author is saying is absolutely true. As the author says, the obsession has come on gradually, but it's been on turbo drive ever since George Floyd died. It just keeps on getting worse. My university is considering changing our diversity requirement for undergraduates to a social justice requirement all on the basis of student recommendations. You can't make this stuff up!

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After the last two years, I feel little sense that most large institutions in America have retained much credibility anyway. I have to actively seek out the news from small private sources, because I cannot rely on newspapers or television news. The Twitter files show us that an array of government agencies has been actively censoring speech in the public forum for years, and continues to do so, yet somehow my friends and colleagues have no idea that this is even occurring. I do not trust anything the government says, whatsoever. It all used to make me angry, but now I just feel sad because it sure seems like the unavoidable endgame around this movement will be violence; either from them when they insist on their Maoist policies, or from people like me who will refuse them no matter what.

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Yes but it does explain why our major institutions - government, big business and education - no longer work and produce shoddy work and products, when they produce, at all.

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Boxes checked vs hires based on meritocracy. It explains the actions of our current administration ~> Clueless

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I believe the creation of confusion and anger is the point of the exercise. It is a kind of "..how many fingers am I holding up..?" emotional bludgeon. A passive-aggressive ploy, developed by toxic feminism and co.opted and expanded by totalitarian surveillance state finance.

For instance, I assert some ridiculous statement from a hateful and ignorant false moral high ground ( "..all men are rapist's.." or "..men can get pregnant..") that assails and violates human reason and any response you make other than toady complicity and 'party line' compliance allows me to denounce, 'other' and remove you. It serves the totalitarian aim of the obfuscation and subversion of a healthy national dialogue while allowing the insertion of an across the board commissariat into all vital public institutions. This in turn allows the destruction of the life and career of any potential rational voice of opposition. Meanwhile the self-righteous members of the commissariat are well paid and spend their time fronting their faux idealism, which in fact, serves the totalitarian goal of suppressing free speech and thought.

Applied as a psyop on a national level it creates fear, trauma, distrust and a kind of confused emotional anomie in the citizenship while screening the tyrants looting of resources and the economy. The end result is a battered, impoverished, uneducated citizen completely disconnected from himself and his history, culture, heritage, voice, personal agency or the ability to act on his own behalf. It was perfected in the feminist war on men and family and has simply been expanded to include all American's. It is already largely successful in Europe where arrest's for thought crime and speech, restriction's on travel, mass forced migration to ensure cheap labor and the expansion of euthanasia laws to include the crippled and depressed have been put in place.

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And the saddest thing of all is that there is ample historical precedent for it and, still, the latest incarnation is not laughed off the national stage.

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Excellent post 🎯

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

No, not all of Europe is suffering as much from the successor ideology. The Anglosphere has it worse, in questions of race and particularly sex. In matters of sex, the European languages cannot be easily changed since they are strongly gendered. In Polish, for example, even the verbs are gendered (I'm living in Poland). This linguistic stiffness in my opinion reduces the effectiveness of trans activists. Although there definitely are ideological currents on the campuses of Continental Europe and some signs of illiberalism (e.g. against anti-abortion speakers), and the young tend to support LGBT pride parades, disruptive actions tend to be more by far-Right elements. The pro-Hamas demonstrations appear to be driven mainly by immigrant Moslems.

I don't see much evidence for the whole DEI package being adopted: European countries (excluding Britain and possibly Holland) tend to want to preserve their culture and history, and immigration is rapidly being restricted (again excluding Britain), even by the more "progressive" governing parties, to counter the far-Right anti-immigrant parties rising in the polls. Nevertheless, as the credibility of the Church crashes, I do see a philosophical vacuum developing and I don't know what will fill it, though no doubt a very likely general war will concentrate minds powerfully on sheer survival, as did WWII, with clarity following.

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Nice to hear from someone across the water. In my opinion the world would benefit from an international conversation powered by and reflecting the lives of average men and women across the globe.

My concern is the many reports from Europe about arrests for thought and speech crimes, the averse effect of mass forced illegal immigration and the seeming complicity of its elected political leadership and its service too the EU/Davos crowd.

In America (TFP) there are constant reports on DEI collusion in kangaroo court innuendo powered persecutions of worthy individuals. It is the mal psychology and the method used that infects not only the DEI but corporate fascist/woke organizations in general that frightens me. It is obviously a criminal pathology that pretends virtue in order to rationalize its own greed and avarice. And it is international in scope.

Stay strong. Stay clear.

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Armor up America

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You not wrong Tileman

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Look, we can endlessly research, write about and remonstrate regarding this nonsense or we can give it the back of the hand it deserves. Because if it continues it will tear us apart. The backlash is already growing and, if not calmed, it will be ugly and violent. Let's not kid ourselves. Every Democrat in the House voted for the comical Hakeem Jeffries; a radical who supports slave reparations. The notion that people who never owned or profited from slavery must be made to pay "reparations" to people who were never enslaved. This needs to stop. It is sheer idiocy and lunacy. There is nothing wrong with casting a wide net for talent, giving people a helping hand and treating everyone with dignity and respect. But there is everything wrong with demonizing the white race and elevating others based solely on their lack of "whiteness." And, when you tell me that my children and grandchildren must be made to suffer for "crimes" I did not commit, I will not take that kindly. Or lightly. Do so and I will regard you as my mortal enemy.

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I agree. And DEI doesn’t elevate Asian people either, even though Asians are not white and have faced discrimination. But according to critical race theory, whites must always oppress non-whites. So now Asians are being called “white-adjacent”!

The same is happening to some Latinos too. It’s ridiculous: if you start to do well as a minority, you magically become “white”. It’s a very racist way to look at the world, the irony is that the DEI pushers are the real white supremacists for thinking that white people are so superior that they are always oppressors.

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"White-adjacent." Would be funny if not so dangerously pathetic. When you catch these nitwits in a trap of their own making, they just make up new language terms to escape. Through the looking glass.........Remember the famous lines of Humpty Dumpty about words meaning exactly what he meant them to be? All totalitarians must first control language.

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My wife, an Asian, has expressed her frustrations with DEI at her biz (at best, it is massive a waste of time). As she's noted, she is a person of color, when its convenient for others. When its not convenient for others, she's not a person of color. She's being used by others when it helps them, excluding by the same folks when it doesn't.

The one thing she KNOWS, these people don't care about her.

It is so insidious. So many DEI advocates are willing to use others when they can be used, as opposed to helping people actually achieve what they are capable of.

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This is a movement that will and is beginning to bite itself in the butt

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The sooner the better

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I agree. These leftist nut jobs have more in common with the alt right than we realize. Both center white culture in their arguments. And I think that powerful white "progressives" use DEI as a firewall to contain Asian American ascendence in our country.

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100 years ago, elite institutions began setting quotas on how many Jews could attend. They later reversed course and apologized to Jewish Americans for doing so. Will Asians get our apology 50 years from now?

And yes, radical leftists sound just like neo-Nazi types. They both think white people are superhumans that can control everyone.

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Yes, Amy Chua has written about this. Her books are illuminating. She was almost run off campus for her views too.

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Jews are being run off campuses now, so I guess Asians shouldn't wait for apologies. Even in 50 years

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Did they really "reverse course" re the Jews? And now with the BDS insanity the universities are entering pogrom territory. I wouldn't hold my breath for an apology for Asian quotas, Peng. Worse, the working class Asians in the big cites will never get apologies - or more important, justice - for their kids being subjected to quotas barring their attendance at the most prestigious technical and science high schools. Boy does being "white adjacent" have its price!!!!

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That’s why it’s working class Asians that fight the hardest to preserve merit and oppose the critical race theorists that claim Asians are oppressors.

But affluent woke Asians are the ones that get jobs in journalism, media, activism, academia, etc. and act like they can speak for all of us.

I’m not holding my breath for an apology anytime soon. I know even if the Supreme Court knocks down affirmative action next year, colleges will still find a way to discriminate based on race.

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Agreed, Bruce.

Anyone including Jeffries who supports reparations for the infamy of an institution which ended 158 years ago is making the mistake of looking at the current state of this country through a very narrow lens. A lens through a Critical Race Theory camera - as in slaves then but because of supposedly structured racism endorsed by Whites who remain silent (and thus guilty), Blacks suffer a form of slavery now.

On the surface it looks like quite the American thing to do - let's throw a bunch of money at something and then the whole thing will just either go away, or be fixed. How simple. And catastrophic.

What they don't account for is the resentment of a majority of Americans (white, latino and black alike) who would rightly view this as a giveaway to people undeserving of it. For how can they deserve it? Their present lives are not the lives of their forebears of generations earlier. It will be seen as a handout. And thereby making an issue infinitely worse - a solution causing a much larger problem.

Their answer to a 19th Century problem would result in a very 21st Century schism that will make the present progressive vs MAGA shit storm look like a softball game.

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Great article. Thanks!

Structural stupidity is at least one of the reasons why U.S. colleges and universities are seeing such a precipitous drop in enrollment overall.

Certainly, it's the reason why there's been a 25% drop in the last 10 years in the number of students studying the liberal arts and humanities.

You _may_ resign yourself to putting up with this BS if you have a specific career goal in mind that can only be achieved by putting in your time. But there is absolutely no reason to pay huge amounts of $$$ to learn how to _think_ in RightSpeak.

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I fear that trade schools are next on the Marxist bandwagon. In order to graduate, students will have to write an essay on the impact of structural racism on welding techniques. Plumbing and electrical terminology will have to be completely redesigned - right now, fittings and connectors are labelled male and female!

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Yes, Comrade ALToronto!! In our Brave New World, all fittings and connectors must be labeled "they"! Which may make doing bathroom plumbing a wee bit confusing. But how can the pleasures of a flush toilet compare with the bliss that is ideological purity???

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I laughed out loud at the plumbing joke, that is brilliant!

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It's already happening in computer science. The terms "master" and "slave" can no longer be used to describe a master-slave flipflop (https://www.circuitstoday.com/master-slave-flip-flop-circuit). The primary branch in git is no longer the "master", it's "main". Same with replication: there's no longer a master node. Stanford wants to rename masters degrees.

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"right now, fittings and connectors are labelled male and female!"

Well yes, but that's easily fixed. We'll just have 'assigned (fe)male at manufacture'. More difficult will be requiring anyone who sells white PVC parts to explain how their only task in life is to convert everyone to doing everything with black ABS parts. DIE-for-plumbers.

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At least right now they’ll have their work cut out for them. Most of the trades I’ve worked with seem to have their heads screwed on straight. Fingers crossed

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🤣🤣🤣classic post

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Yep. College used to be fun. Getting away from home, studying something interesting and making new friends were just as much of a draw as being able to find a good job after graduation. Now college isn’t fun and it doesn’t guarantee anything.

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Did you mean LeftSpeak?

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We’re screwed. This country will never be the same. Couldn’t even finish this because this mindset is too insane. Talking about whiteness in the medical field? I’m glad I’m older…just feel sad for the little ones in my family.

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I feel the same sadness for my grandchildren 😢 Unfortunately I have a white light haired blue eyed boy that I feel will be screwed in every way in this country!

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Yep. 10 years when I was pregnant with my daughter I worried about raising a girl in this world. Not because of the progressive feminist trope but because the sexual culture was/is concerning. Now I have two boys and I worry far more about them and what this world will hold for them.

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Yip I have seven all white a mixture of boys and girls. Feel desperate for them Andrea.

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Sadly this is a fact. Where are the white men today that have the opportunity to band together and speak out? They are silent.

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Yeah the kids aren’t going to have careers. They’ll be working for the incompetent or doing the work for those who cannot be fired.

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They will be running their own small businesses, as my son is planning to do. Only the big firms are infected with ideology, the small business will become even more of an economic engine than it already is.

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ESG mandates are intended to force the ideology downwards into small businesses, and it may well work. https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/swift-how-esg-rules-will-kill-canadian-small-business

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That is horrible if it ever comes to pass. I foresee a lot of fudged numbers. I know I will simply make stuff up.

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Trudeau has said he wants to make it mandatory for Canadian businesses starting in 2024. https://www.fraserinstitute.org/article/government-mandated-esg-disclosures-a-reality-check

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Maybe that is why Target and Walmart got to stay open during the early months of the pandemic but small businesses had to close?

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The real discrimination in this country is against the middle and working class.

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I am at the age that I need more medical care. I worked for a major medical system and it is scary as hell. This is just the beginning. The downstream results of DEI practices in under-grad, post-grad, medical schools and residences are coming like a Tsunami. In 5-10 years there will be very few white doctors as the current ones retire. Healthcare will most likely be 75-80% female.

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That's what scares me. Not that they're different races but that they're trained to be racist. I want a doctor who is trained to be a physician. I pick the oldest doctors I can find (who I figure went through medical school when it was sane) and hope for the best. Turning 80 this year and working very hard to stay healthy.

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Please God you do!

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I, too, am older and was wondering how my grandchildren's world will evolve.

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Me to Linda that’s my worry my grandchildren! What are they going to do?

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

I was thinking Desantis was overdoing the anti woke thing, Probably not. Ohio State university with 132 DEI on staff looking to cause racism.. Doesn't their Republican state legislature control the funding in Ohio?

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Asking for a friend.

The population of Ohio is 81% white, and 49% male. How many of the 132 DEI employees at Ohio State are white males?

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You can bet 1. Maybe 2. And they won’t be WASP.

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I would bet zero. There is no chance a “diversity” staffer is white. Male only if they are LCBTQ (I’m sure I have the initials wrong,,,)

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

I like LGBTQ-WTF. "LGB, lose the T". Having a psych disorder should not be an identity. Neither should belonging to a Gender Cult.




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Desantis is definitely not overdoing the anti woke thing, IMO. It is shocking that more politicians are not on this. I hope he can continue to lead and that he takes charge of one of our parties (it won't be the Dems) and wins the presidency.

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You can bet that is a $10-$15M in salaries for DEI. With approximately 4,400 incoming freshman, that could have been a $2,000-$3,000 scholarship for each incoming OSU student. If the scholarships were limited to Ohio residents, it would be even more. If I were an Ohio resident/parent, I would be pissed.

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Yeah, that 132 DEI staff at Ohio State figure is startling. That's an empire, likely larger than the number of profs in most departments. .

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John McWhorter, PhD linguistics (black, liberal atheist) sees DEI and similar stuff as a faux religion. A failed, dysfunctional belief system that creates toxicity, and does nothing positive for black people, except the ones taking elite jobs that promote and perpetuate “woke” DEI type stuff.


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Great book! He and Glenn Loury are voices of reason.

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Blaming, wallowing in victim-hood, tribalism, hatred and resentment. What could possibly go wrong?

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Hmmm......I wonder if there's anyone out there besides black people doing that?

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Yes, plenty of rural white people act aggrieved and victimized too. That's why we need to get away from looking at these issues through the lens of race, and look it through the lens of culture and class. Imagine how this country could change if poor people came together. Makes you wonder if the race hucksters are in service of the status quo. Divide and conquer is a well worn strategy.

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Yes, plenty of rural white people act aggrieved and victimized too. That's why we need to get away from looking at these issues through the lens of race,

- I agree, but politicians find it quite easy to get their votes via 1-800- Blame-A-N*gger.

"and look it through the lens of culture and class. Imagine how this country could change if poor people came together."

- MLK, Jr. tried that. Was assassinated. Fred Hampton tried that. Was assassinated.

"Makes you wonder if the race hucksters are in service of the status quo. Divide and conquer is a well worn strategy."

- Elite/wealthy whites during Segregation, Jim Crow etc. mastered and perfected race hucksterism to keep poor whites from bettering their economic circumstances.....cause yeah.....you may be poor, but at least you ain't a N*gger.

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Yes, you're right. But politicians have always pitted their constituencies against their opponents. Just read about Sulla and Marius, and these were all Romans.

My perspective is that race is an illusion that serves to divide us. Culture is absolutely real. I see the focus on race as primitive, similar to how Europeans obsessed over the difference between being a Frenchman and a Prussian, or a Catholic and Protestant. Millions died for trivial reasons that were promoted by powerful elites who used poor people as ignorant chess pieces. A thousand years from now we will look back at all of this racial conflict as a distraction based on idiotic assumptions.

Now, that said, we have real problems in this country with large pockets of people who are falling further and further behind as a tiny segment of our world advances. Our country is a meat grinder for the poor, the uneducated and the digitally incurious. I want us to attack this in ways that are based on data, not subjective categories like race. I want this because the world isn't only America and Americans, we live in competition with ascendent players like China. If we keep navel gazing we will fail together. I'd rather see us succeed together.

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ARCHIVED. (Comprof-racist.txt)

"Comprof" proves he/she/it is a racist by making extremely stupid, delusional statments about another person being racist even though the other person said nothing about race.


"So you are pretending to not know that we have tons of data on how various demographic groups vote?"

- Nah. Just a set-up to see what you'd do. Turns out you doubled-down and walked right into it.

"And then you look at a picture of the people handling the ballots currently, in pretty much every single state, and it is always a room full of people who, demographically speaking, vote about 95% Democrat. Hmmmmm." - KevinDurant?, 2023

So, the black people are cheating?

Looks like you're judging people by the color of their skin and not by the content of their character. Sad. I'll be discussing this with Fetterman.

Are you even capable of not being racist?

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ARCHIVED. (Comprof-racist.txt)

"Comprof" proves he/she/it is a racist by making extremely stupid, delusional statments about another person being racist even though the other person said nothing about race.


"So you are pretending to not know that we have tons of data on how various demographic groups vote?"

- Nah. Just a set-up to see what you'd do. Turns out you doubled-down and walked right into it.

"And then you look at a picture of the people handling the ballots currently, in pretty much every single state, and it is always a room full of people who, demographically speaking, vote about 95% Democrat. Hmmmmm." - KevinDurant?, 2023

So, the black people are cheating?

Looks like you're judging people by the color of their skin and not by the content of their character. Sad. I'll be discussing this with Fetterman.

Are you even capable of not being racist?

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Yes, I agree. When we are asked to disregard data on race and crime, and instead lean on articles of faith, then it is de facto a religion. And religion and politics are a dangerous mixture.

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“Kendi demands a totalizing approach that means everything must be actively anti-racist, and if you’re not actively anti-racist, you’re racist,” Haidt told me...

...but becoming 'anti-racist' requires that you adopt racism as your personal ethic, deciding who is - and is not - worthy of 'special' treatment according to the color of their skin.

As is the case with the third law of thermodynamics, "you can't get out of the game." The University of Rochester tried to paper this over in the most recent edition of their alumni magazine. A year ago, a Penn State professor was bullied into removing his name from an academic paper over political correctness concerns raised by the campus 'Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Climate Change' committee - no, I am NOT making this up - which had taken it upon themselves to censor the rest of the university's academic research according to the new paradigm.

You can't fix stupid, but you can refuse to support it. That recent fund-raising letter from your dear old alma mater? The two universities I attended were guilty as hell. Neither received a single dime - nor will they, until they clean up their act.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

But did you let them know why? Because they're really too dim to put two and two together if not.

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University presidents are a rather spineless bunch. They'll kowtow to the squeakiest wheel in order to avoid confrontation: principle be damned, and they don't care how much it costs. Their funding model is to pluck at the heartstrings of alumni to paper over their spendthrift ways. Tuitions climbing at twice the rate of inflation is unsustainable: the baby boom cash cow is drying up, the incoming classes get smaller every year, and the college debt burden has made recent college graduates - and their parents - less able to give. In short, the proverbial fan is about to splatter the campus with something brown.

It's 'Equal Opportunity for all who apply', or go bust. Sooner or later, the financial realities of worthless initiatives like DEI will surely bite.

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"… documenting and exposing how many of our most important institutions—medicine, the media, the law—are increasingly being captured by an ideology …"

Thank you, Bari, for your commitment to this. Nothing is more important.

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Today’s McCarthyism

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McCarthy was never this bad. He was also correct. Roosevelt admin was riddled with communists and “fellow travelers”. Harry Hopkins, FDR’s right hand man, preferentially sent military and food supplies to The USSR over the requests and needs of our country.

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Similar to today we have sent nearly $100 million to the Ukraine, our borders are porous here and Brandon has manage his first trip to the border + a terrific photo shoot. These Democrats are something else

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That’s “billion” with a “B”!! I have just moved from Bridgeport CT a burnt out shell of a city. A billion dollars there might do some good. We need a party that represents America and Americans.

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Instead the state of CT let the only real corporate HQ in Bridgeport (Peoples Bank) be absorbed by a bigger NY bank, with the predictable job cuts. To be replaced by ???? Maybe a casino or a pot dispensary.

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Sorry Madjack you right it’s billion. It’s a shitload of money to help a country!s war we not even involved in.

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My instinct is that is a(nother) money laundering op. And my instincts have proven right time and time again.

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💯 correct

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One small quibble: it's not DEI; it's DIE - which better describes their mission and, ultimately their fates.

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I disagree. DEI is the Latin word for "god" and this ideology serves as God and religion for the modern secular youth who believe whatever everyone else believes.

Like Daniel and his friends, do not bow. Stand up against this idol of evil even when they throw you to the lions, which they will.

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Not a problem. The last time the wolf came to the door, I ate him.

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Dei = gods (plural). Deus = god.

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That’s exactly why they changed to DEI for the very reason it spelt DIE - hurt everybody’s poor feelings

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How about IED? Or that too incendiary?

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In Canada, its "EDI". No ied's, Canada lost 150 to them in Afghanistan.

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The cost of tuition has skyrocketed while the education provided has plummeted. These universities are accepting government money in the form of loans to students who are being sold a bill of goods. In the meantime the universities are spending a fortunen DEI officers who do nothing but dumb down education, hire professors based on their skin colors and/or ideas rather than their merit, and hold professors and students hostage to this crazy ideology. Alumni should stop funding their alma mater if they promote this nonsense and indoctrinate their students. Everything is about diversity until it comes to diversity of thought. Hillsdale College does not accept government funding and is one of the only schools that continues to have high standards for learning and debate.

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‘Everything is about diversity until it comes to diversity of thought.” Spot on.

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Great diversity characterization, but your best idea is to cut off their funding - don’t give these universities money for anything including sports, vote for state legislators who will reduce their funding and don’t send your children to these schools for nonsense masquerading as education. Also, tell your federal representatives you don’t support the Biden loan forgiveness program (and vote accordingly) - this isn’t to help students, it is a back door payment to allow woke universities to survive.

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Hi Melissa,

I LOVE what you said.....”everything is about diversity until it comes to diversity of thought.” I’m going to use that one! 😀

Have a great day!


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The major value of those outrageous tuition bills is...(drum roll) status. And the "status" value deflates with each graduating class. Word is out. Steve Jobs had warned against schools offering computer skills as education: he said check the costs for your electrician, plumber, BMW mechanic, etc. etc. etc., when many ordinary Ph.Ds won't earn minimum wages as adjuncts. Get real jobs, most people do, have always done, and soon higher ed. is a female thing.

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DEI is just the most egregious example of the abandonment of principles we academics once considered unassailable. Remember the single-sentence commitment to equal opportunity employment in the want-ads section of professional journals and magazines? Who could object to that self-evident statement? Read the text now and compare. Grade inflation is another example...the "Gentleman C" is extinct. Now the distinction (if any) is between A+ and A. Thus, everybody is "more than excellent" or just "excellent". This trend is long in the making: from, say, 1968 to 2023....that makes roughly 55 years.

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At University of Toronto, the grading scale was pretty stable until about 2010 or so, when the recommended range of grade distributions somehow ceased to be so recommended... there used to be fraction ranges in each grade, and if you were outside them for a bigger class, you had to write a letter of explanation. I retired in 2014, just before the s*** hit the fan (i.e. Jordan Peterson confronted the trans/self-ID activists at U of T and in the Canadian government in 2016).

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I think 1979 was the critical year.

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1968 was the year when universities across the country caved to student demands of various sorts: to end the war in Vietnam, and other more local dissatisfactions. No such thing as the "Twitter Mob" in those days...we had real mobs of students occupying administration buildings. I was a graduate student at the University of Chicago at the time, so I have direct memories. That said U of C handled a dangerous situation more artfully than, say, Cornell which is recounted in detail in the "Closing of the American Mind" by Allan Bloom.

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I am not saying '68 was insignificant, but to my way of thinking the creation of the Federal Department of Education in 1979 was pivotal. And where change needs to occur now. Thanks for the book rec.

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How can I send this article to my “friends” in academia? They are in denial.

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No we are not. We have kids and mortgages, and we are terrified.

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That’s the nail on the head. Justin Trudeau proved how long his reach was, when he didn’t like the Truckers or the donations that went to them, he closed down everybody’s bank accounts plus put them on a list of names to be watched. These people had mortgages they had living costs etc. Looking at America today it is starting to eerily similar to Canada

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Hi Jim - I think your comment summarizes the main crux of the article...some DEI practitioners are ideologically pure; as with any belief system there will be those who truly believe in the dogma and will advance those beliefs on others out of a quasi religious insistence. I believe the majority are simply folks like yourself -- those with mortgages, kids, student loans to pay back, etc. The consequences of not going along with the statements and ideological pledges is perhaps losing your house, the career you’ve devoted your life to, and being ostracized from your friends/peer group. When the risks and rewards are weighed in this manner, it’s often a choice made out of self-preservation; write the statement, say the right things, and perhaps it will go away and you can focus on your work and things can go back to normal...Mahalo

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Same thing is happening in the corporate world.

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I'm in academia right now. A lot of academics silently disagree. But they know that if they say anything, they'll be subject to a struggle session, lose their job, and be blacklisted forever.

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Just forward it widely. Hopefully it is not firewalled for subscribers only.

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Print to a PDF file. Send file as attachment.

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So glad I attended university before the rot set in.

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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023

I understand this sentiment, and sympathize (truly), but I sure do wish people would stop saying this ... "oh I'm so glad I don't have school age children" and "oh I'm so glad I don't have to worry about getting my license now" and "sure is nice that I'm all done and dusted with college".

these things affect us all, at all ages and stages of life. we need new institutions, new universities, new governing bodies. For example, the CDC is now completely compromised and untrustworthy, so we need new research bodies to collect and publish essential data. This is true for every regulatory agency.

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Nassim Taleb’s article about how “dictatorships of intolerant minorities” form is a classic. It describes the psychological fragility of people to having their collective intelligence, sense making, disrupted.

The people disrupting the system with DEI are sociopaths exploiting organizational fragility.

The result is always dysfunction and incompetence. Organizational failure. Dismal morale of employees.

Non-“whites” that dare to challenge DEI hegemony are marginalized, such as Roland Fryer, and:


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This article didn't even touch on the destruction caused by the CDC's ideological capture, when they explicitly advocated for infecting the nation with COVID because "racism is more important."

DEI is not just destructive, it is deadly in its stupidity.

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You sound like another paranoid conspiratard cultist. Lost in an echo chamber. Probably a troll/bot.

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Typical hateful, mindless, ad hominem coming from somebody too threatened to give an intelligent human response. Exactly what we expect from the brainwashed mind slave infected with the "woke virus".

Remember when the Dem propaganda network labeled COVID a "right wing conspiracy theory"? I do, because at the time I was warning every person and institution in Seattle that the CDC was incompetent and we needed immediate action BEFORE we were infected and not AFTER. I have a whole list of people and institutions that took action because of my "conspiratorial" warnings.

I can list at least five other "conspiracy theories" that are now proven true, but the propaganda drones were instructed to repeat "conspiracy theory" and "right wing misinformation" ad nauseum with complete disregard to the truth.

And you are capable of nothing else.

"Troll bot" my ass. What an ignoramus.

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(Banned)Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023

You just proved my point, predictably, with your self-referential, reactionary, paranoid conspiratard narrative.

Seek psychiatric treatment.


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No e.pierce Anthony is definitely not a troll or a bot. You encountered our only moron yesterday in Comprof.

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Based on his rhetoric, he is a delusional, paranoid conspiracy theorist, specifically, he thinks that conspiracies are EVERYWHERE and conspiracy theories EXPLAIN EVERYTHING.

Right wing troll farms are part of a $billion conspiracy industry (Alex Jones, Koch Bros, etc.)

I don't have double standard, unlike the tribalists on the left and right, I apply the same analysis and criticism of propaganda narratives to both "sides".

The tribalists (zealots or paid trollz) on the "left" and "right" usually have no standards and no intellectual integrity.

Most of the insane trolls are probably just memetic replication botz run by troll farms, or hackers using the same tools. (How is that for a conspiracy theory! lol)


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Lol. Nah....99% of this board.

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ARCHIVED. (Comprof-racist.txt)

"Comprof" proves he/she/it is a racist by making extremely stupid, delusional statments about another person being racist even though the other person said nothing about race.


"So you are pretending to not know that we have tons of data on how various demographic groups vote?"

- Nah. Just a set-up to see what you'd do. Turns out you doubled-down and walked right into it.

"And then you look at a picture of the people handling the ballots currently, in pretty much every single state, and it is always a room full of people who, demographically speaking, vote about 95% Democrat. Hmmmmm." - KevinDurant?, 2023

So, the black people are cheating?

Looks like you're judging people by the color of their skin and not by the content of their character. Sad. I'll be discussing this with Fetterman.

Are you even capable of not being racist?

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Lol. Nah..... 99.99999999999% of your comments are psychotic delusions and lies.

And, you are a racist and sexist pig.


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(Banned)Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023

Have never said anything racist or sexist.


You're MAGA.

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Roland Fryer is a stunning example of this entire topic. Black excellence, and not only was that excellence not celebrated, but he was actively and publicly destroyed for daring to step off the woke plantation. A perfect (If devastating) example of the war between the woke religion and truth.

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Stick to morning commenting. This is lucid and spot on.

Your nocturnal musings not so much........

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Your narrow minded cultishness is absurd.

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Stopped clock?

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Your brain stopped when you became a reactionary cultist?

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Truce? Or we can take it off line?

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Stop being an asshole. Simple. Control your your need for ego gratification.

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Fabulous link thanks for sharing

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