I’m Gen Z (23 years old). This social contagion has spread everywhere, and I feel like I’m one of the few people my generation speaking out against it and writing about it.

Transgender identity seems to especially be affecting autistic kids: the rate of autism within trans-identifying people is 7-8 times the usual rate. For a lot of kids who feel weird or left out, they think transitioning will solve their problems and give them a community that affirms them. 20 years ago they’d just be punk or emo.

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You can wash off being punk. Black nail polish comes off with acetone. What is being done to these kids is criminal and it won’t stop until gigantic lawsuits are won.

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70 years ago, people thought lobotomies were the fix to mental health issues. The inventor of the lobotomy even got a Nobel prize for developing the procedure. Yet the effects were horrific for lobotomized people as vital parts of their brains were removed.

I sense that we will look back at these “gender affirming” surgeries the same way.

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In the miniseries Ratched on Netflix, at one point Cynthia Nixon’s character shows off the lobotomy theater with a transparently ironic line about “just what America is capable of!” Meaning, of course, that the US is actually a crap country for having allowed this to happen. In a totally unsurprising twist, Nixon has a transgender child.

This abomination cannot end soon enough. Let those rare people with actual gender dysphoria transition and live their best lives, but for the love of god, can we stop pretending that teenagers in general are anything other than basket cases who shouldn’t be trusted with any decision more important than picking out an ice cream flavor?

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

And it comes down to that: teenage rebellion is normal and observed across generations. What is abnormal is the unquestionable validation of such rebellion in the name of activism or what some zealously claim to be “the right side of history.” It has come to the point where it seems as if an alternative version of reality (one in which there are no biological differences between males an females, where actual science is “anti-science”) is being imposed upon us and this has much to do—not with teenagers themselves—but with the powers that be facilitating the madness by controlling information.

On that note, I suggest everyone read the trans journalists association style guide to get an idea of how information is being controlled and propaganda created, all in the name of activism.

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This reminds me of the Simpsons episode where everyone is pressured into believing Bart no matter how ridiculous what he says might be. "Believe the boy".

In the end its Bart that calls a halt to it.

Maybe we should be playing that episode on a loop for the activists?

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We will look back at this time as a medieval barbaric times

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not in my lifetime. We are nowhere close to a tipping point with this nonsense and the more the right pulls one way, the left jumps further into the abyss.

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Are you quoting Dr. "Bones" McCoy?

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Remember Rosemary Kennedy? Probably not-she was the victim of a lobotomy who was never the same afterward, and hidden away by the Kennedy family.

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Or Frances Farmer, whose story was dramatized (some would say overdramatized) in a movie in the 80s? I cried and cried at that movie. I wonder when the story of one of these kids will get made into a heartbreaking Hollywood blockbuster, with Hollywood never acknowledging its complicity in this craptastrophy.

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Yeah Anna, that movie made a lasting impression on me, too.

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On me too

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What was the name of the movie?

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Same here. What finally brought that horror show to an end? I don't think it was lawsuits.

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Interesting article:

"Downfall of the lobotomy - While the rise of the lobotomy was slow and sequential, its demise seems to have happened all at once. Amid growing doubt about the procedure, Moniz was awarded the 1949 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his earlier work with the contentious surgery. In an instant, the global medical community cast its critical eye on the research of Burckhardt, Moniz and Lima, and Freeman and Watt, and so began the downfall.[6] Critics challenged that the lobotomy did not “confer the greatest benefit to mankind”—a stated criterion for the Nobel Prize—but rather argued that it caused a more grievous harm.[14] An impressive library of antilobotomy literature was quickly formed."


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That won’t happen in the gutless corporate cowardice of modern medicine.

Lobotomy & phrenology too.

afaik every mass shooter has been on serious psychotropic drugs.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

That remark about mass shooters is patently not true. And I have never understood why people think that psychotics off drugs are better than psychotics on drugs.

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Psychology is crap science.

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What was it then?

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Yep. I always ask myself, "what other mental health health condition do we treat by removing or altering healthy body parts? I can think of none.

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I highly recommend the book “As Nature Made Him”. It explains where a lot of this started from psychology world. You won’t believe what you’re reading- shockingly (bc this would never happen today) written by someone from the NYT. Link below talks a little about it


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Name, shame, punish, and sue all doctors who harm children. Follow the money all the way to the top. The billionaire Pritzker family profits from trans drugs, which these kids must take for the rest of their lives. Yet Illinois still reelected Jay Pritzker as govenor. Full receipts here: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-do-no-harm-part-2

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"Follow the money" is always sage advice.

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The Pritzkers also bankrolled Obama. He immediately initiated policies to normalize the trans campaign. And this guy is rumored to be running for President in 2024.

The trans campaign has been thoroughly politicized which has helped normalize it further. My liberal friends still believe this is a right wing talking point. They are unaware of the data and the real world impacts of these drugs on kids.

The movement self perpetuates now as Big Pharma, the gender clinics and gender surgeons push their products. It is disgusting.

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Pritzker is the devil

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NCMaureen, you hit the nail on the head. The liability lawsuits against the hospitals/doctors will be astronomical. THAT will change things.

But where is the ACLU or other organizations that take up the cause of people abused by the medicalization of puberty?

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Someone needs to address the fact that the statute of limitations is far too short for detransitioners. If you, like Casey in the above piece, think you don't want kids, you may feel VERY different at 30. I was ambivalent about motherhood and if I had been dysphoric the thought of infertility would not have stopped me. Yet I chose to have 4 kids, starting at age 30.

Furthermore, kids have a very naive view of adoption. Adoption of healthy US infants is almost impossible, the supply is just not there, and usually done via open adoption so the birth mother can be incredibly choosy (as is her right). International adoption is drying up as more countries choose to ban or strictly limit this option. Foster-to-adopt is a hard road, as the goal of foster care is ALWAYS reunification with birth parents if it can be achieved.

These trans kids like Casey are assuming the mother will choose them instead of a stable, married couple who has struggled with infertility?


"People that adopted through infant domestic adoption had the highest level of education and household income, averaged 35 years old, and 94% were married at the time they adopted."

Keep in mind that most transgender kids are already autistic, then the blocker is preventing crucial cognitive and emotional development, which is not going to benefit their long-term social and economic outcome. Even without these confounding factors from puberty blocking and barriers to employement from trans identity, autistic individuals have an estimated 85% unemployment rate.

Why do they believe they are going to be in a position to adopt, something that can cost tens of thousands of dollars and relies heavily upon your ability to "market" yourself to pregnant mothers as a highly suitable, stable, and financially secure adoptive parent? Also, statistically speaking, adopted children are more likely to experience medical and psychological disorders, like ADHD to behavioral disorders (in theory due to lack of consistent prenatal care and nutrition), and speaking from experience as the mother of autistic and adhd dx kids, it is rewarding but expensive, and it's not something I can even imagine doing without financial stability and a stable marriage. We are selling them an empty promise if we don't strongly challenge their notion of adoption as a viable and easy choice for anyone, but particularly an infertile transgender adult.

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"Why do they believe they are going to be in a position to adopt, "

Because they are just kids themselves and it sounds like an easy answer - which they've been fed by the movement. The Trans Movement has an answer for everything and targets naive kids.

I agree about the statute of limitations. We are going to need a "look back window".

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If only this information were presented to ALL families by an unbiased party. This is like a cult!

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Very much so - and this is just the medical end of it.

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Thank you for putting the word to the sense that I have been getting with the Trans movement.

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We need more stories from detransitioners.

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PITT publishes a detrans story every Wednesday when they can get one.


You probably know that Chloe Cole and Layla Jane are both suing Kaiser in Oakland, CA.

Helene Kerschner is a rock star of course.

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I'd like to see the ACLU sued someday.

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Or just defunded....

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How about a new organization—-“Mothers Against Trans Insanity”

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Yes, like MADD - Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

We do have PITT - Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans - which is a substack. And, there is GenSpect.org

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Genspect is the only of I know publicly speaking out. What is there in the states?

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Please please start it!!

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

No. No. No. The ACLU just ain't what it used to be. They're pushing the whole disgusting, screwed up "trans" program -- down the throats and right up the wazoo of the American people.

Two years ago, the ACLU received 15 million bucks from the "trans" promoting billionaire, Jon Stryker and his "trans" funding horn of plenty, the ARCUS foundation. Next thing you know, the money grubbing ACLU appoints the bizarrely named Chase Strangio, a woman who calls herself a "transman, to be their Deputy Director for Transgender Justice. And that means a bushel basket of lawsuits, lobbying, and new legislation. Got that?

Remember it's only 2023. What do you imagine the next ten years of this Satanesque shitshow will bring? Men gestating fetuses in transplanted uteruses harvested from autistic teenage girls undergoing hysterectomies after their "top surgeries. Yes, the tranny-loving docs at Harvard are already working towards this now. Dr. Mengele clucks with pride.

This is tyranny in real time. We must all band together to oppose the nefarious "trans" promoting activities of the ACLU, universities, medical societies, teacher's organizations, the entertainment industry, and the federal government (hello Joe!). Because if we don't, the evil "trans" program will continue to spread like a metastatic cancer throughout our entire society. And no one will be unaffected.

The only good "trans" is detrans.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

Yup about Stryker and all the rest. Think of the poor confused girl victims.

"Children’s Hospital Gender Program Navigator Touts Uterine Transplants for Trans Men from 'Live Donors'"


"A children's hospital’s “gender program navigator” claimed in remarks last May that healthy women can donate their reproductive organs to biological men who identify as “transgender women.”

The presentation on “Fertility in the LGBTQIA+ community” was unearthed this week and circulated on Twitter. The speaker, Alicyn Simpson, who is transgender, is a “community navigator” for a youth gender program at the University of Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital, according to Fox News.

“One area that had not been looked at before in any serious way was, could the donors be live donors?" Simpson said while discussing a slide detailing a “uterine transplant.” Simpson noted that previous discussions about the topic involved “cadaver-based” donors.

“Live donation has been something the [transgender] community has talked about for decades, it was really thought about as magical thinking,” Simpson added. “This would be a live donation from a person who is assigned female at birth but identified as a transgender man. They say, ‘I have these parts. I don’t want them. You want them. You need them. So, what if I gave them to you?’”

Simpson, who transitioned 30 years ago, claimed that this type of operation would be “viable” and that “one of the main reasons I do the work that I do, is the desire to push us in that direction.” This, along with surgeries like a “vaginal transplant.” Simpson is reportedly involved in the hospital's Gender and Sexual Development Program targeted at children."

"Uterine transplantation in transgender women"


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Yes. And it's not just the poor young girls who will be victimized by this. It's everyone, men, women, girls and boys, who all will pay the price as civilization self-disintegrates into a cesspool, led on by the billionaire class of genderbending freaks.

The only good "trans" is detrans.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

I could not agree with you more, Nancy. I'm done with this.

I am testing out my new language as the freaks have owned it up to now.

This is not “the civil rights movement of our time” but an

Evil Cult Transgender Religion which empowers

Nazi “Gender Medicine”

There is rampant DEI Trans-ploitation of the confused (like that poor United Airline attendant, Scott who recently committed suicide after tremendous affirmation/confirmation/slick ad campaign.)

It hurts the person in the cult and it hurts the rest of us in so many ways including roid raging ideologues who shoot up schools like Hale in Nashville. Those of us not physically affected are gas lit and have our basic rights impacted. And, we have to watch men in woman face be honored "as women".

All this is really hurting people:

Transgender Surgery Isn't the Solution

By Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital


Doctors have been out in front of the politicians in the past:

"Echoes of Eugenics: What the Doctors Trial at Nuremberg Means for Us in the US" https://pitt.substack.com/p/echoes-of-eugenics-what-the-doctors

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You got to be kidding are we still on planet earth.

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Wow you 💯 correct.

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Well said. Citizens, corporations who have any backbone, local and state governments must take a stand. IMO though we must pull this evil out by its roots attacking gender ideology itself not simply address the consequences of it.

If more folks understood the ideology behind this movement and that it is changing before our eyes as more folks are blinded by it, we can more effectively resist the destruction of our society.

Have been researching and writing about this madness for awhile and it is staggering to me that people who claim to support it, do not realize what is being taught to kids. We must change that.

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Amen to that. - LM

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The ACLU is all-in on "trans".

And blue states like Oregon are already passing new laws to indemnify these criminal "doctors" from any responsbility.

Even without such laws, malpractice suits have a high barrier to success, basically all the doctors have to show is that they were abiding by widely accepted standards.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

Ha! The ACLU has long since gone over to the dark side. It's just like the Southern Poverty Law Center now.

There is an Alliance Defending Freedom now.


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And why aren't the LGBs speaking out against this? What happened to being born this way? So....it's better to go through what Casey in this article is going through?

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

A lot of LGBs are speaking out. And what they are saying is that the gay community is being eradicated by the trans movement, with the erasure of sex/gender. In addition to setting back the progress made by the LBG faction of the community, as a lot of what is taking place in "gender affirming care" are the nightmares that provoked fear from people who were against same-sex marriage and the acceptance of same-sex relationships. The fear of erasure in the LGB community is as valid as that of women being told that trans women have become the same thing just by hoping so. "Chest feeders", "uterus havers", it goes on and on to reduce our existence to less than the literal sum of our parts.

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Somehow all the gay rights organizations need to push out the "T".

And, I just want to be clear that I am not against confused people, just the Trans Ideology. I know there is Gays Against Groomers but I have not seen a concerted push to rid gay organizations and lobby groups of the Cult T Ideology. I can't say I really care one way or the other about gay marriage, but I would far prefer a country that simply had a sort of civil union for gay people if it meant we hadn't gone to this particular Trans Cult place.

Some people though - like Richard/Rachael Levine and Marc/Marci Bowers are evil, however.

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It's is curious the LGB community is all aboard the Trans Train. If and when society at large wakes up to the dangers of TQ+ marketing the LGB community will get the blowback as well. Don't they see that?

When HRC (Human Rights Campaign) decided to push TQ+ back in 2007 perhaps their arrogance blinded them to the future. I would bet more and more gay folks begin to distance themselves from TQ+ . I hope so because we all need to band together to stop this madness. The Trans Campaign is coming after our humanity.

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They are in on it or manipulated.

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Worse than criminal. It Is EVIL.

The DARK History of Transgenderism


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The dark history of medicine, itself, is pretty scary. Criminal. Evil. You really can't separate the history of trans medicine from the history of western medicine. It's all based on experimentation using human beings as guinea pigs.

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Or legislation

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20 years ago they'd be committed for mental health treatment. The American Psychiatric Association only in 2012 revised its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ("DSM") no longer listing being transgender as a mental disorder. "Gender identity disorder" had been listed as a mental disorder since the third edition of the DSM more than 20 years ago.

Now the lunatics are running the asylum; providing "treatment" that only Doctors Frankenstein or Mengele would relish. Note the coincidence with the rise of woke and the loss of sanity and common sense - in medicine as well as society in general?

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I agree. I suspect we will look back on this for what it really is - a very cruel social and ideological contagion used to dress-up wide spread sex denialism and child genital mutilation. People cannot be born in the “wrong body” as we are all simply born in a body. The best we can all do is to take care of the body we have.

No amount of semantics gymnastics changes the material reality of what these “interventions” physically do to destroy the human body, and no semantics can cover the devastating long term outcomes. No amount of surgery procedures or big pharma subscription plans will transform a male into a female or vice versus. The movement targets kids because they are still trying to grasp the concepts of material reality and long term implications.

Dylan Mulvaney, for all his condescending mocking of women and girls, will never bleed, never give, birth, never experience a single day of true womanhood (or girlhood). He’ll always just be a jerk in womanface.

Sex is binary and immutable in all mammals. While there are very rare deformities of each sex that cause malformation of genitals and/ or sexual reproduction organs, those deformities do not result in a human “in between” the two genders. They are deformities of the development of one or the other. Reality will win in the end, with much harm and pain caused along the way back to reality.

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More to the sickness of it all— there is a video of the mother of that boy who was mutilated and paraded about on social media as a win for transgenderism. She is talking to a friend about how he needs to use his dilator more regularly. I had to stop it there. I felt like throwing up.

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You should read about what happened to Jazz with the numerous surgeries. Almost died. Literally split wide open down there after the operation. Since Jazz was put on puberty blockers and cross sex hormones so young, Jazz’s penis and balls never grew bigger than a pre-pubescent boy’s. As a result there is not enough tissue to perform the traditional M-T-F genital surgery so they have to use colon tissue, smell and all, to make the faux hole.

Jazz lives in pain everyday, is very overweight despite being young, will never experience pleasurable and true sexual intimacy, will face a life of prescriptions and medical interventions.

Yet - kindergarteners around the country read “I am Jazz” last week to glorify how “happy” Jazz is living as Jazz’s “true self.” Never once does the book talk about the pain, medicine, loneliness, and hurt. Nothing about the infertility. Nothing about smelling like actual 💩 down there permanently. It’s all a fraud. A cruel fraud. Jazz didn’t “chose” this life. Jazz was a CHILD who has been told to live this life since toddlerhood and Jazz is the one who is actually suffering. It’s so heartbreaking.

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His mother should be hung, drawn and quartered.

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Now there's a woman after my own heart!

Not too many traitors around with that sort of punishment.

Now they let off fiends who sell our national secrets with a slap on the wrist. Heck, we even reward politicians who take cash from our enemies.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

And then used as donor tissue in reconstructive surgeries for detransitioners.

The only good "trans" is detrans.

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Munchausen by proxy IMHO.

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Dr. "Marci" Bowers, a "transgender, of course!) is the surgeon who performed the botched surgical mutilation of poor Jazz's penis. On national TV, Dr. "Marci" went up to the unclothed Jazz and told him, "You look like a porn star."

But Dr "Marci" isn't just a reality show star, he also happens to be the head of WPATH, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. Dr. "Marci" should not only lose his medical license, he should be charged with a crime and sent to slammer for the rest of his life.

But yesterday, the New York Times posted the most inane opinion piece they have ever published. "What Decades of Providing Trans Health Care Have Taught Me" was a reality denying, self-serving piece of "transgender" propaganda filled with misstatements and downright lies. And surprise, surprise, comments were not allowed. The Gray Lady must have been afraid that people have finally caught on to the lies behind the "transgender" movement.

The trannies are now running scared. It's time to turn up the heat.

The only good "trans" is detrans.


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I think pedophelia is a factor. Jaron Bloshinsky (Jazz is like a stage name) had doctors who appeared to enjoy the operations way too much. As an aside, his mother has talked about "having to" shove the dialator into his wound when he was in bed and miserable - not wanting to do it.

But, I keep returning to this idea that boys like the one in today's Thefp get to be older and older with childlike minds and bodies. If they can "agree" to all these things when they are children the next step must be that they can agree to sex? There was a terrible situation in Germany that went on for decades beginning in the 1970s.


"The 'Kentler Project' in West Berlin routinely placed homeless children with pedophile men, assuming they'd make ideal foster parents. A study has found the practice went on for decades."

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There is a 20 year old in my town that my kids went through school with. His mother said he wanted to be a girl when he was 3 and proceeded to bring him up as a girl, puberty blockers and all. Never had a date, most kids tended to avoid him because he was acting out what he thought being a girl was like, and it came off as weird. Now he’s on Only Fans with a porn site. His mother is probably proud of what she created.

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That is so sad.

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Kids are not necessarily bullies when they avoid the 'unusual' kids. Like adults, they can tell when things are a bit off.

Bullying is literally a tormenting behaviour.

Avoidance is actually mature conduct to prevent an interaction where someone has to be untruthful.

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Yes, he never feels like himself he says. He was born Jaron Bloshinsky (Jazz is like a stage name). I prefer to call him that and hope he takes it back some day and finds some peace.

I think it is crazy that the Jazz book was read all over the country after a massacre by a confused young woman who thought she was a man and was likely on Steroids (Testosterone). But, have we heard from her doctors yet? Or, read her manifesto? NO. Instead the White House celebrated Visibility for an evil cult, and highly noisy and visible TRAs. This is so crazy far beyond trying to be sympathetic to a small group with an actual mental disorder (rather than the fetished and the confused young.)

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I watched that video, and like you, was,shocked by the entire process and procedures, but mostly by the FACT that a mother who is clearly suffering a disorder of her own is being glorified. Someone somewhere should have stopped her inane behavior years ago, before she was the moving parts in her son’s ruination. I am so ashamed and appalled by the people that continue to think gender affirming care is anything less than criminal. These are adults, doctors, counselors, politicians, parents, community leaders.

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I saw that clip, and while I have never watched the show about that poor child, I imagine those who do watch it approvingly would have nodded approvingly at the Spanish Inquisition: “It’s for the good of their eternal souls!”

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Actually, the mother, threatened her son that if he didn't dilate his surgical wound (phony vagina), she (the mother) would take the dilator and ram it up Jazz's body cavity, herself. Sick, sick, sick!

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> . People cannot be born in the “wrong body” as we are all simply born in a body. The best we can all do is to take care of the body we have.

Exactly! The "Fat Acceptance" people will tell fat people (who can all lose weight without medical intervention by just putting their forks down) to love their body, and that they're beautiful and healthy as they are. This is the wrong advice for obesity--you'll have a shortened lifetime of poor health and you can correct it yourself without surgery or drugs for the rest of your life--but the correct advice for most gender dysphoria. It's especially jarring to hear people who are in both the "fat acceptance" community and the "trans" community! They love their fat body, but hate their natal sex?

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my frieds "trans" daughter is now in the hospital with heart issues.. his surgery ( he is now a "woman")was paid for by Starbucks../think about that when you go to get coffee

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So heartbreaking.

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There have always been rebellious kids and kids that didn’t fit in. But only until now are adults claiming that having a phase is now a matter of life or death.

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And what was the former nation that used psychology and psychiatry to label anyone opposing the regime or its agenda as mentally unfit? The political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union originated from the concept that persons who opposed the Soviet regime were mentally ill because there was no other logical explanation why one would oppose the best sociopolitical system in the world.

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Throughout elementary school my son had a classmate who said he was gay. They are now in high school and live in different towns but they’ve stayed buddies--mostly online gaming but he spent a week with us last summer and came skiing with us this winter. I asked my son awhile ago if this friend was still gay. My son, “Huh? Oh yeah I forgot all about that. No he’s had same girlfriend for a year.”

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It’s all part of the left’s fantasy that they can create heaven on earth. That humans can change reality to suit whatever desires they have. Never mind biology, chromosomes, they are their own gods. One of the left’s fantasies was that humankind could be perfected via eugenics. Man could perfect god’s mistakes. And here we are, again.

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IOW those who do not believe in god soon begin playing one.

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It’s not heaven the Left is after. It;s nihilism.

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Well really, Hell.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

“That humans can change reality to suit whatever desires they have.” Very true. It also applies to other spheres of life- their view of the social structure and laws. That criminals will all of a sudden start walking the streets giving out candy. That social workers can replace law enforcement. That you can bring up kids responsible for the future of our society by providing them with safe spaces and denying them a chance to dispute their ideas if they do not align with the party line. And by willingly complying with children’s fantasies by assisting them with irreversible body mutilation making them mentally and physically disabled for life.

Now I ask the philosophers and pundits: how did we get here? Why is our society crumbling? A tiny group of us here on Substack is telling terrifying stories and making smart comments, but what’s next? I do not see the tide turning. How does this madness end? And will it?

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Simple, we stopped believing in God. And without God, we believe anything.

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I agree completely. I think this detailed article is very good but every time I saw the word treatment I thought it should be italicized or changed to abuse. And I think Casey’s name should be changed to LR 1 because that is what he was. His father’s name should be changed to Wimp and Caroline’s to Heroine.

This article supports my view that gender transition “treatment” of any kind for minors should be outlawed. I believe puberty may be difficult for females but for males it is wonderful. My main concern was becoming a parent long before I was ready for the responsibility.

Casey sounds very intelligent and capable of overcoming the abusive treatment from irresponsible transition “doctors”.

Finally, as an advocate of clear language, I condemn the expression “male infertility”. Males are by definition not fertile. Males who cannot impregnate females are sterile.

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Just as anecdata: I didn’t find female puberty difficult. I was thrilled to get my period, feeling like I was finally a member of the club. My only disappointment with growing breasts was that they weren’t bigger. I was a complete basket case for *other* reasons, but puberty was never part of it.

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Oh mine was the opposite. At first anyway. By the end I loved it, but pure terror at the beginning. My biggest issue with my breast is that I’m pretty sure they never stopped growing. 😩 I never wanted big boobs and I’m a 32DD. It was a 32F+ while I was nursing. My boobs were each bigger than their heads for 6 months. For the few who saw the spectacle it was great comedy. My husband kept a 6 pack laughing. For me it was one of those traumatic experiences, but I still couldn’t stop laughing at how utterly ridiculous and funny it was. I’ve come to believe God, or whatever higher power there is, has a thriving sense of humor sometimes if we can laugh at ourselves.

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My dad, who spent much of his life as an aspiring writer trapped in a social worker's body, wrote an essay called "The Mind of the Maker" that appeared in issue 3 (May 1961) of Saul Bellow's literary magazine "The Noble Savage". In it he argued that God is revealed by His sense of humor. An excerpt:

"Now, in the whole history of philosophy and physics what has been most overlooked about the Mind of the Maker? Simply His wit. This oversight has been a great error, for it is in the subtlety of His humor that He may be found. Approach God through any of His more serious attributes and your way is immediately beset with difficulties--epistemological, ontological, cosmological, and logical. The Maker, however, has given His sign and the sign is in the joke."

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

Sounds udderly ridiculous, indeed.

(Sorry, couldn't resist, though I'm guessing that given your flare with words, you thought of that but decided against it given the serious nature of the topic.)

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LOL!!! I hadn't, but I must admit I almost spit my water out laughing when I just read that................

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Anna, I felt the exact same way. I was really upset because my period started later than my friends' periods. I thought there was something wrong with my body, initially. I was SO thrilled when it finally began. But also, like you, I hated that my breasts weren't growing fast enough.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023


I have 7 sisters. IMNSHO, you and Shelley Bourdon are the exception. Fortunately for them, none of my sisters were not well endowed but their periods were bloody annoying. For everyone.

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I also believe they're simply drugging kids who would be turn out to be gay men or (more common today) lesbian women.

I think some parents would rather have a kid with a trendy medical condition than a garden-variety gay son, which adds fuel to this fire. (I don't think that was the case with the mother here, but it may have been true with the father!)

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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023

When would you mark that change? When is a time you would call us sane? When we lobotomized mental patients? When we sterilized cognitively challenged people? What was this period of halcyon bliss, with common sense and sanity abounding?

I believe you are suffering from what is commonly known as "nostalgia", which tends to obliterate inconvenient truths from memories of the past, especially when comparing those selective memories with the jarring experience of unwanted changes in the present.

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Keep digging, Nona. Have you noticed the mania to transition children? Nobody ever said the past was perfect. But your peers have launched us into a new era of lunacy.

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"My" peers? Do I know you? Have we met? Or are you just another one of those cognitively challenged internet trolls who makes assumptions about others based on nothing more than a comment on a thread?

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Did you just awaken like a Rip Van Winkle in drag?

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I've been engaged in conversations about trans issues for the last, hmm, let's see, better just round up to say, thirty years. So, you, my friend, are shooting blanks.

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A little late to the party, aren't you, Nona. Did you just wake up? Should we put you down as an advocate of Frankenstein surgeries on children? Sort of a modern day Mengele, perhaps? Perhaps get down from that high horse and do some basic research on how many of these surgical "transitions" actually work and function normally?

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May 29, 2023·edited May 29, 2023

You are an idiot, and if you knew anything about me at all you'd know that I am firmly against medical transition for children. But you're too busy leaping to conclusions to read what I said, rather than what you projected onto my comment.

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About 80% of kids affected by this contagion are girls. Apparently many forms of femaleness are now seen as a condition that needs to be cured. And many kids who start out identifying as trans just end up being gay. That's some expensive treatment, financially, physically, & especially emotionally, for something that doesn't need any treatment at all.

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I was listening to a podcast when the interviewer with a transgender pointed out how much she hated female puberty and most of her friends did too. That it was very difficult and confusing and what made that different from transgender feelings. The transgender female (to male) seemed baffled by this revelation. It was as if through all of her treatment no one pointed out that you would be hard pressed to find women who loved going through puberty. It is very difficult and the fact that it doesn't appear counselors aren't even pointing out this fact to pubescent girl is appalling. I wanted to get a hysterectomy until I was in my early 20's but couldn't figure out how to get it done (money and no doctor in their right mind would have done it). I am now a grandmother and would have missed out on the adventure of a lifetime if my young and confused self had been allowed to mutilate my otherwise perfectly healthy body. This whole issue is disgusting.

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You could have been in all kinds of trouble if you'd been born later, for sure.

"Children’s Hospital Gender Program Navigator Touts Uterine Transplants for Trans Men from 'Live Donors'"


"“Live donation has been something the [transgender] community has talked about for decades, it was really thought about as magical thinking,” Simpson added. “This would be a live donation from a person who is assigned female at birth but identified as a transgender man. They say, ‘I have these parts. I don’t want them. You want them. You need them. So, what if I gave them to you?’”"

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Sounds like a growth industry

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Oh it definitely is. Lifetime patients. Half a million dollars each over a lifetime. That was laid out pretty clearly at Vanderbilt, when docs were told to get on board or else. The footage of that speech has been posted in various places. My mind just went to Pfizer's "subscription model" for covid boosters.

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At the executive level, this is exactly how pharma leaders think. More profits for life, and they can publicly declare it's to help people and support the far left. It's a win for them in every way until they get sued.

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And even then. I've heard that risk/benefit analysis means they weigh how much they will have to pay out against what they stand to make. It often makes financial sense to just pay a few lawsuits & keep the status quo.

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Interesting. What I have heard is that, in the generations before transitioning became a social contagion, most of the persons seeking such were men -- Christine Jorgenson, Renee Richards, etc.

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Exactly. The percentages have reversed. It's unknown why. Jamie Reed & Jordan Peterson have both mentioned this reversal.

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The percentages have been reversed because teenage girls, and more specifically autistic teenage girls have always been vulnerable to social contagions such as cutting and eating disorders. And for the past decade the "trans" thing has been promoted up the ying yang by schools, universities, healthcare institutions, social media, and mainstream media.

The only good "trans" is detrans.

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Adolescent and pre-adolescent girls are also especially vulnerable to eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, etc.), which have a definite "social contagion" component and which doctors have little trouble diagnosing as a mental illness (namely, body dysphoria). No minimally competent doctor would ever indulge that mental illness with dysphoria-"affirming" treatment. Instead, the standard treatment is intense psychotherapy aimed at helping the patient accept the fact that her perception of her body as obese is false, as it fails to conform to objective, observable, biological/scientific reality, but to the contrary harms her physical, mental, and psycho-social health. By contrast, the Mengelian practitioners of so-called gender-transition medicine are motivated by ideology, not Hippocratic "first-do-no-harm" principles. They have warped the healing profession, with the imprimatur of the U.S. government.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

Well said.

Adolescent and pre-adolescent girls have always been subject to social contagions - laughing disorders, Salem Witch Hyteria, etc.

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They don't even have to be autistic (black and white thinkers by their nature). They just have to be the socially awkward ones in high school or uncomfortable with puberty (like a lot of teens) and pick up the mind bug.

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I really need to read that. Jordan Peterson interviewed her, you can find it on youtube & it's a great interview.

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Yes, my girl went ROGD in high school before Shrier's WSJ article which preceded the book. She really does nail it. (Daughter is fine but we've been through it.)

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I felt weird and left out when I was a teen (now 55). Who didn't? It never, EVER crossed my mind back in the day that becoming a boy would solve my problems. How has this taken hold? The adults influencing these young, impressionable minds are downright evil. And where are the parents? Or is that the problem - the parents aren't paying attention?

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Somewhere etc

I didn’t feel left out as a teen. They were wonderful years. The propaganda of the trans community should be challenged. Let children be children.

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You were unique. Teenage alienation is a rite of passage.

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Being voted class president every year in elections where there was no campaigning and being either first or second string QB and a B student without doing homework didn’t hurt. But even though I had 7 sisters at home and only 2 brothers and I couldn’t afford to play hockey and I paid room and board for 4 years I never felt hard done by. Perhaps it was because I had a good Catholic upbringing and I knew I was loved by my parents. And I also knew they made incredible sacrifices for all of us. I was not unique, but I was lucky.

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You're right. You were lucky. As was I. And I'll wager I did even less work than you. Fortunately, I had a college prof at the end of my sophomore year who cared enough to read me the riot act.

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A great many sad & upset parents are fighting it but it is very hard when the kids are propagandized at school. Please have a look around PITT.substack.com - Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans. These are suffering parents who are not check-out at all.

Thx, LM

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Yes- I hated the way my body was changing, the way older boys and men leered- I wore a too small bra to bed in hopes of stopping my breasts from growing. If someone had planted the idea that I needed to become a boy I'd have ruined my life. Kids have phases, and for the few who truly are trans I have to assume all this static is just making their lives harder.

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Sheluyang you are spot on. The level of manipulation particularly with autistic children is absolutely disgusting. The ability to influence, confuse and coerce an autistic child developing is so easy. Children with autism need time to develop well into adult hood. There is a large group of medical practitioners, administrators and therapists who have no idea what they are doing with kids who are effected and need time to develop into themselves.

This center needs to be sued into the ground. Each and every person with an NPI number needs to lose their license. The administrators need to be banned from public health. This so beyond abusive and disgusting. It sickens me that there has not been an emergency institution take over by the state of Missouri which is what a state government is supposed to when this type of institutional abuse has occured.

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I appreciate your strong statement, Matt C. As the mother of a quirky kid (not even autistic) who fell into this GI pit for awhile I could not agree with you more. - LM

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So this is everywhere, and you feel like you're one of the few people in your entire Gen Z who is against it, like you're starring in a real life Invasion of the Pod People.

And this is especially affecting autistic kids, and kids who feel left out.

And you made sure you're the first to comment on an article about medical clinics pressuring parents into transing kids.

But all that said, according to you, this is all women's fault, because women, unlike men, are oh so "accepting". IF ONLY WOMEN aren't so soft and "accepting"!!!

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As someone who has been trying to explain to everyone that Democrats are animals for many years, it is sadly somewhat gratifying to see them go full barbarism.

It is much harder to argue against my position that they are animals when they are doing this.

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THIS! I've been afraid to say this to anyone, but it seems like all of these trans kids have autism. They all seem off- and I mean all of them.

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Jen Jen do not be afraid to say what is happening right in front of you. Your eyes are not lying. Autistic children take a long time to develop into adulthood. They continue to develop, long past non autistic people. What the medical profession is doing is Dr. Mengle like in trying to surgically change them to fit the moment. It is just sick beyond sick.

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Thank you so much for speaking up.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

Coastal Elite- Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I am an Oregon resident too- thank you for the OHSU heads up.

Medical professionals withheld information from me regarding my autistic child in MA & did catastrophic damage to her. They used a similar style of lying and deception. I know how terrifying and painful your experience is. I am so sorry your child & you had to go through this. Your courage inspires me tremendously.

The clothes are off the emperor in most healthcare facilities. The lower the tier actors, like Jess, or an administrator who is either protecting the facility or driving revenue for a facility need to be rooted out, prosecuted, sued, and above all things banned from damaging patients and their families ever again. It is flagrantly evil to allow people like this to remain in contact with present and future victims.

Consent under 18 should be ironclad. The slippery slope that healthcare has used to navigate abusing this has been domestic violence claims, and teen pregnancy. On the surface you can see some merit. However, the institution probably used the same legal methodology and practicing rationale to keep your parental rights subjugated from your child's medical needs. The withholding technique they used on you is common practice for violence claims and pregnancy. OHSU's attorneys are most likely hanging their hats on that. They are emboldened to do that with your family because this is a learned & well used administrative/legal practice.

Make no mistake about what happened. You and your child were institutionally abused by OHSU, the Doctor involved, the ethicist and the administration that is driving this profit center. The Catholic Church has nothing on OHSU for institutional abuse based on what you shared. Take it very seriously and I can recommend a great malpractice attorney if you need that.

All the best and much love to you and your family while you heal from this.

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It's exceptionally grueling. You may want to consider finding/hiring a forensic psychiatrist to help you with what they have done. The FP is an expert in mapping out complex medical abuse cases. The exhaustion you feel is very real due to the complexity of your situation. You are getting gaslit, by a care giver who abandoned you and your child's trust. They compartmentalized information & withheld it from you and your husband. It's like a Munchausen by Proxy syndrome. They wanted your child to be sick for treatment that they want to perform. It's very disturbing and pretty damn evil. With the FP working for you, they have the your authority to act as the specialist in charge of your childs case. They recognize and access information that may with held from you in real time. Because they are an MD asking about the patient the administrators or other NPI licensures cannot hide behind HIPAA regulations. i.e. You will hired a doctor to undue sickness that they inflicted on your child/family.

File a complaint with the Oregon state board of licensure for the social workers. There is a separate board for each license type. So admins will be different in a different state agency. Fax your complaints into them and keep your transmission sheet. But I really think the forensic psychiatrist would be really helpful for your unraveling this abuse.

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Yes - grueling and gaslighting are right. This sounds like good advice, but she will need to find a forensic psychiatrist who does not have his or her brains or hands tied by Gender Ideology or Woke Laws. Maybe Genspect.org can help.

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LM this behavior started with parental rights stripping in family courts. Parental alienation based on abuse claims. This empowered healthcare to develop savior like behaviors. The trans movement is just an extension of the same behavior by healthcare and family probate courts. What they pulled on Coastal Elite is a text book alienation of parent from a child institutionally. It's so seemless because they have been doing these abominations for three decades in custody cases. Trans is just another revenue and power pipeline.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

Maybe the political class are too enthralled with the likes of Richard Levine, Sam Brinton, CA State Senator Scott Weiner... Your average Democrat voter appears to either ignore the whole thing or think some small minority group is in need of "gender medicine". There are at least 100 "gender clinics" that "treat" children in the US now. Charts here:


Like where are the mass graves of kids who did not "receive gender affirming care" in centuries past?

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I've spoken to Scott Wiener directly to his face to tell him there is a lack of psychological care for kids struggling with gender identity and eating disorder issues. (Seriously, in California, during the last three years, it has been next to impossible to find a therapist specialized in teen eating disorder or gender identity issues.) What did Scott do? A month after I talked to him, he tried to table a bill so any teenager could immediately get puberty blockers and hormones with no psychological intervention at all. That was about six months ago. Luckily, that bill fizzled away.

It's my impression that he has a narrow base of people that he confers with. He doesn't talk to very many parents in any sort of honest in-depth way. When someone doesn't agree with him, he immediately writes them off as a Trump supporter.

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That bill fizzled out - for now.

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I think that Scott Wiener knows what affirmative medicine means. The problem is that I don't think he knows, or doesn't want to know, the side effects of puberty blockers and hormones. He doesn't care if parents are blocked out of the decision-making process. I suspect he views parents as the enemy if they don't immediately consent to gender transition as fast as possible. I think he has bought into the "your child has a high chance of committing suicide if you don't OK this" argument. The fact that he has shown no skepticism and an unwillingness to scrutinize the evidence raises a lot of questions for me about his basic competence.

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So, it's basically tribal? It's on the Dem list and must be embraced?

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Cult of nihilism. I am happy your daughter is ok, at least for now, and terrified for kids in areas where they still can’t get a tattoo or carry a gun, but they can permanently mutilate their sexual organs and be sterilized medically. At 12........ terrifying.

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Yes. It's terrifying and downright barbaric.

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Which is most places but some states are fighting back.

There's a chart of pediatric gender clinics around the US in this article:


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Your ex-husband is a doctor, and he condoned this???? Well thank goodness, he drove to the wrong clinic.

The only good "trans" is detrans.

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deletedApr 3, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023
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Yes. The one million US doctors who actively practice medicine today are caught between a rock and a hard place.. However, there must be well over one hundred thousand retired doctors, including retired pediatricians, internists, surgeons, psychiatrists and endocrinologists, many of whom look at the current scene with and dismay and horror.

These retired physicians and surgeons can't be fired nor are they financially dependent on their medical licenses,. So they could band together in a powerful new association and speak out freely against "transgender" medicine" in all its forms. I strongly urge them to do so.

The only good "trans" is detrans.

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I am horrified. You are every bit as much of a hero as Jamie Reed and the mother in the article - no comment about the rest of your family.

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I'd honestly like to see if you cut kids off social media and say took them out of their artificial environments and helped them reconnect with nature, if they'd continue to have dysphoria. I now know four kids - one had radical surgery, three are medicalized - here are the circumstances. A) all of their families are "progressive". B) two of the children previously thought they were gay C) the family of one child is generally histrionic and prone to attention seeking. D) another child has a father who transitioned and is now female, something that deeply negatively affected their family when he now she was about 10. E) the parent of another child seems to see this as something that is cool and exciting. F) three of them grew up in highly liberal cities, so there is a social support for these decisions that may or may not be healthy. I just cannot believe that social environment and the internet aren't at play here... if you enabled kids to just find their own way without external influence would they make the same choices.

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I have also wondered if these confused children were to be taken out of their current technological environments and experienced nature-food clothing shelter existences if they would have the same inclinations and self doubts.. I am a huge believer in occupying the mind with the great outdoors. Developing survival skills does not leave much free time to doubt your biological self and teaches a whole lot of self awareness.

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It worked for me. I have always been an outdoor kid (still am for that matter). I was, very thankfully, born in the 1980’s. I was often mistaken for a boy, played with the boys, thought I should have been born a boy. I have a gender neutral name and was always horse from being so loud. My first grade teacher thought I was a boy the first week of school. 🙄.

I started swimming year round at 5, and when I wasn’t in the pool I was playing in the woods. Went on outward bound in high school. Was a whitewater River guide in WV in undergrad. While I was terrified of puberty, as it progressed I discovered I was in love with my muscular and comically female body. I was crazy about the boys and rather enjoyed the amusing ways they’d behave, like little puppies, because of my body combined with a tomboy personality.

Today I am a happily married mom of two. My children are my world. I’m still crazy about my husband. I shudder to think what would have happened to me had I been born a couple decades later. I know I would have bought the gender lie as a child. I also know I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself by 30 when what that lie would have cost me become undeniable. I am terrified and heartbroken for young girls like me today.

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I could not love this comment more!!

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NCMom always brings the good stuff.

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you did not mention your parents..

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My parents are great!!! They both grew up in abusive poor homes and worked hard to give my brother and I the childhood they never had, though they were completely clueless half the time, and I took full advantage. When I would tell them, or really complain, that I should have been a boy when I was a child, their response was "you're a child, go be you, if you feel that was at 25, we'll talk."

When this issue first sort of went mainstream 5-6 years ago and I asked them "what if I had been born now?' they'd say "we'd never let you do that. Kids are stupid. They have no idea what they want to be, much less what it is to be an adult. We would NEVER have let someone try and 'transition' your gender. Never."

In the last year or two, once they began to realize the coercion in place their tune has moderated a bit to "we would have done everything we could to stop you from this, but you've always been good at getting what you wanted. If we had to choose between losing custody of you and this, we don't know what we would have done. Thank God this wasn't the social trend when you were a child and thank God you've never let [my kids'] step foot in our local public schools. This is all so sad. Why can't people just let kids be kids."

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So wait. You think what happens is tomboys (or whatever you think you were) are tricked into believing they're boys, and that's how all this happens? Like, in all cases?

I certainly think it is fair to wonder about what goes through the minds of people who experience gender dysphoria, but it's quite another thing to assume that all the people in that situation think exactly like you do/did. I mean, it's breathtakingly solipsistic and uncurious.

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She was simply stating her perspective; you are putting words in her mouth “about how ALL this happens”. She said young girls like her, obviously she knows every girl is not like her.

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I have the same belief. Take the child out of the current environment and put them in a serious nature/camping program with professional support and no phones and video games. Give them a few months and then see where they are at. Nature and taking away technology would be a game changer for many kids. They don’t know who they are anymore due to social media. I actually think all kids/young adults should have this opportunity because social media and the cell phones are ruining many lives.

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I read somewhere (can’t find it now) of a mother that took a year long road trip across US to recover her daughter

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I love love love what you are saying. Unfortunately, it seems like parents are both working, struggling to pay the bills, and the outdoors and connection to nature is becoming more and more relegated to a “1-week family vacation” (if the parents are lucky enough to have time off from work).

I also believe in travel – get out of the US. But again that’s become hard to do for the lower class. I say lower class now because… The middle class is thinning out to nothing.

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I hear you. I was walking out of the grocery store today thinking how impossible it must seem for many to make the outdoor connection for their troubled teen. The programs I am referring to can be very expensive because the quality of care needed can be expansive and the program itself can be very challenging to put together. I do want to say though, for the amount the hormonal therapy must cost from big Pharma, this may be peanuts in comparison. I do want to refer those interested to an article written two years ago about a school who requires kids to hike the Appalachian Trail. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/25/nyregion/newark-hike-catholic-school.html. The benefits seem to deliver what I am referring to, and I am sure they do this in a low cost structure. We need to get kids off their phones and into nature what ever the avenue.

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The 3 families I know it was all the parents wanting attention on social media. One mom openly bullied her daughter into claiming to be “trans” because she was jealous her brother was getting all the attention when his daughter “became a boy.” I think the second most common is for the child to spend too much time online and demand to transition against the parent’s will. Too often in that case, as in this story, one or both parents lacks the confidence and a backbone to stick up for their kid - especially if one parent is on board with the insanity. As parents it is our obligation and responsibility to be our child’s advocate. We should all be making decisions we can justify to our kids when they are 25 and 35 years old. I’m sorry but “I just wanted you to be happy” does not stand the rest of time.

We are supposed to help our children learn to sit in discomfort and navigate challenges in life, not sacrifice their long term health to coddle fleeting feelings of adolescent discomfort. I feel bad for this mom, but I also want to shake her.

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I don't doubt the sincerity of your remarks, but I fear your assessments of the parent's objectives may be somewhat overstated.

I share with you the distrust of what is going on with the gender dysphoria issues, but I am not sure that I would put myself in the shoes of the parents.

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Interesting analysis VA. I, too believe the current moment has a large role to play in the increasing prevalence of children self reporting gender dysphoria. I believe the largest factor is a marked increase in anxiety and depression in young children beginning around 2012 (see John Haidt’s work) related to the proliferation of algorithm based social media use. It is not illogical to think that an increase in anxiety and re-ordering of social life via social media could cause troubled youths to search for an answer and escape hatch if you will; those with anxiety are often desperate to find the cause of their troubles and gender dysphoria could offer an attractive answer in todays age. I personally believe that the drift away from core human wellness factors such as: ample sunlight, exercise, non-tech based social time, and time in nature has caused society-wide neurosis as we are separated from our evolutionary imperatives. This is particularly impactful for children who are susceptible to social trends and haven’t reached full mental development.

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Wow. Maybe these are the real zombies.

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I would point out the father referenced in D) is not now nor will he ever be female.

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it is female in its fantasy land , some people just don´t live in reality

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I have seen this also in some families in my area. Especially in the arts community.

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Or maybe trans kids in highly conservative circles simply don't get the same support as more "progressive ones." It doesn't mean trans kids don't exist in conservative areas.

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the conflation of "trans kids" and "kids with gender dysphoria" is at issue here. No doubt there are in fact trans kids in conservative and progressive families, but perhaps also a lot of gender dysphoric kids in progressive families.

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Eh, it's splitting hairs at a certain point. While it's true that all kids with gender dysphoria aren't trans, all trans kids are gender dysphoric. The point is that kids aren't gender dysphoric because their parents "allowed" them to be, which seemed to me to be what you were implying. Rather that it's more likely that kids in more conservative families don't feel as comfortable talking about it.

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I don't think I "seemed to be implying" anything. I stated clearly what I meant. If I thought there was some huge number of kids who were simply strangled by their parents I would have said that. I don't.

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"With all this new testing, Covid rates are rising!"

"What's to be done about it?"

"We need to stop testing!"

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I find that analogy to be both disrespectful and rather silly. I won't plan to engage further.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

This must be one of the most gut wrenching articles I have read in a long time.

One of my big fears is, that in 10 year or so, we will have a generation of young adults that will be rendered infertile with serious health issues and myriad of mental heal issues.

We are allowing children in puberty to make decisions that will have life long impacts, at same time parents are forced approve everything with out any objections, or risk having their lives destroyed.

And what fascinates me the most, this entire topic with gender, seems only to affecting USA, even liberal Europe is mostly spared from this (for lack of better word) insanity. Rest of the world entire discussion is unknown, and there no 'outburst" of 100s of different gender identities, neo-pronouns and similar topcs.

I am planning to have kids in next 2-3 years, I honestly hope that things will return to normal.

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We're not far behind in Europe, believe me. We seem to be suffering from some kind of mass psychosis where simple biological facts no longer apply.

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That's exactly what will happen. Right now they're a financial windfall for the doctors and counselors and drug companies. In 10 years they will be a financial windfall for the lawyers as they all sue their former doctors and counselors and drug companies.

And when the lawyers have vacuumed up as much as they can, we'll still be left with a maimed generation of infertile, androgynous people with no hope of a normal family life.

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Unfortunately in ten years, many of these young adults will have serious chronic conditions prematurely brought on by their use of gender bending poisons like Lupron, testosterone, and estrogen. In twenty to thirty years, many of these people will be disabled or dead decades before their time.

If you want to make sure your children don't get caught up in the "transgender" web, you can join the fight against the "transgender" takeover.

The only good "trans" is detrans.

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I agree with your 10 year prognosis. I predict in 10 to 15 years there is going to be a massive backlash. About the time these kids are in their late 20's and early 30's and it really hits home the lifelong damage that was hoisted on them when they were in no position to make life altering choices that young. I think people will end of going to jail over this.

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if you raise them right their normal will be normal

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Very weird and VERY creepy. I DO feel for Caroline, although I also agree with Bash that she ought to have stayed the course and maintained her initial objections to the puberty blockers. Good parenting involves staying the course on _tough_ decisions.

There is apparently a trend, by the way, in the use of puberty blockers for _permanent_ secondary sexual characteristic suppression in young people who want to remain absolutely sexless:


The world really is turning into a creepy science fiction novel.

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The clinic took advantage of the parents' divorce status and pitted them against each other. Very common and very effective tactic, especially when both parties have to agree to any procedure.

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Does divorce, especially a contentious divorce add another dimension to identification?

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It definitely adds to a child's anxiety and self-doubt - many kids blame themselves for the parents' breakup. And if the divorce is acrimonious, the kid can become a weapon that the parents use against each other.

All this can create a general sense of malaise, which some doctors are quick to diagnose as gender dysphoria.

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There is no such thing as non-binary. There is no such thing as being gender fluid. There is no such thing as transitioning from one sex to another. There are ways people feel, but these people need competent counselors who can guide them through adolescence by understanding, teaching coping skills, and many other things. I am appalled and ashamed of the medical community that supports gender affirming treatment. They should have their licenses revoked. Period. Full stop.

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Doctors. All doctors. Are. Quacks. I don’t trust one of them anymore. They have no problem solving/critical thinking skills. They did well in school but never learned to THINK! They get all their info from the NEJM and drug company reps. They ski or golf rather than attend their continuing ed . It’s about the money and prestige. I pray I never am really sick because I’ll be hunting for a tribal medicine man.

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The left has a long history of glorifying and normalizing sexual deviation. Foucault, Kinsey, Goodman, Marcuse.

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Well. Sexuality IS a bell-shaped curve. I believe the transgender phenomenon is quite real. But very, very rare. Nowhere near as common as the creepy staff of the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital might have you believe.

On the Indian subcontinent and other parts of Southeast Asia, hijra are recognized legally as a third gender. Hijira include some castrati and intersex but also many people who would be categorized as transgender in the U.S.

Hijira is a _very_ ancient classification.

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As a Gen Z’er commented below, being trans has become a way to be cool. And maybe a cover for actual psychological problems. Why has a whole medical specialty popped up to enable it? Money, of course. But also because the left in its absurd refusal to acknowledge objective truths vs untruths, right from wrong, enables it. These mutilated kids are victims of the left. But does the left even have a conscience to feel guilty? The left never self examines. It shrugs and moves on, it meant well, so that’s all that mattered.

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I agree with you TOTALLY that whatever's pushing mass trans consciousness right now has very little to do with actual gender dysmorphia.

I'm not sure how to unpack that. I'm more left-leaning than you are, so obviously, I'm gonna have problems seeing it primarily as a Left/Right issue. 😀

It was a kind of throwaway in Nellie's most recent TGIF, but one of her more interesting items was about the mainstream media’s coverage of the recent Christian School shooting: Despite the fact that the shooter identified as a trans male, media outlets consistently referred to the shooter by the shooter's "dead" name and used the pronouns “she/her,” thus leading to the inescapable conclusion that mainstream media takes “trans women are women” a whole lot more seriously than it takes “trans men are men."

To me, this is one of the most fascinating parts of all the creepy stuff that's going on around gender that _begs_ to be unpacked.

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I can assure you, no one on the right supports the ideas that little kids can declare what they are, that parents have no rights, that school teachers can aid and abet kids behind their parents’ backs, and that medical quacks can bully parents. Not. One.

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Maybe the media just figured out you don’t get to be a monster murdering kids then demand society coddle your delusions about yourself.

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I think they just don't want the fact that a trans person did something bad to be put out there.

And FWIW, I am a lifelong Democrat. Long before I heard people from the right taking on this issue there were feminists on the left fighting against the trans movement/agenda ( I have been speaking out against transing kids since 2011). I am very thankful that the right has taken on this issue and has really brought it to the forefront. We owe a huge debt to Chris Rufo and Billboard Chris and to conservative news outlets who cover this issue.

And it' been hard, because if you are a Democrat and bringing this issue up, you lose friends and sometimes become estranged from relatives. I have people who have known me for 30 years think I'm a little bit unhinged at best, and a hateful transphobe at worst.

To use a JK Rowling reference here, we have been Neville Longbottom- standing up to your friends can be harder than standing up to your enemies.

I know I will get piled on here, I just want people to know that there have been some of us on the left banging the drum about this for a very long time. We aren't all nuts. I wish we could find a way to work together to end this barbaric practice instead of demonizing each other. I truly believe that the vast majority of us are in the political middle. We don't want a culture war- we want to end the mutilation of children.

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No. I suspect it has to do with what JK Rowling refers to as the invasion of safe female spaces by trans females.

It's a kind of progressively sanctioned way of dismantling the feminist movement.

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I think it's more a question of relevance. I've NEVER heard the media say "A white heterosexual male shot up a school today" either. They generally just name the shooter. Right-wing web sites will mention the shooter's religion if it isn't Christian.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

That TGIF reference stuck with me too. I also notice that the sports controversy over trans women competing against women isn’t discussed the other way - trans men competing against men.

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You don't hear about how trans men are men in sports is because they, well, aren't. Women who think they are men nearly always still compete against like bodies females. The immutable biological physical differences mean biological men can take women's records and championships with ease, while the reverse doesn't happen. "Lia" Thomas placed or won a bunch of events in the women's events at the Ivy championships last year, after being mediocre for the three years he was on the men's team (times rank him around 385th for the men). Lots of people noticed this. What most people didn't notice was the woman who beat him in the Ivy championships, in the 100 and 400 freestyle, was a woman who thinks she's a man named Iszac Henig from Yale. She has had her breast removed and spent most of the meet with her suit around her waist because she is allowed topless on the pool deck since her breast have been removed. Still, she competed against like bodied biological women, and won against male mediocre Lia Thomas, but she wouldn't have even qualified to race in the meet had she swum against the males she identifies as being.

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So much of this is about money. Trans = Pharma customer for life.

Of course the media is on board! Pharma advertising is how they make money.

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This is from the writer/activist Sarah Haider, a Pakistani American who founded Ex-Muslims of North America:

"For example, South Asian hijras (biological males who dress as women) are regularly touted as “proof” of transgenderism in another culture. However, hijras are not considered “a kind of woman” (nor do they claim to be)—rather, they are believed to be aberrative men in a culture that strictly enforces sex norms, and as such, they are shunned and feared. They live in abject poverty, making ends meet through illicit trades. The hijra is one culture’s solution to the tension referenced above—a way to “accommodate” highly feminine homosexual men who are not accepted in mainstream society. The hijra is not an example of trans acceptance. The hijra is an example of severe homophobia."

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

On the Indian Sub-Continent they also practiced Suttee.

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Ha, ha, ha! 😀

C'mon Bruce, I think better of your analytic abilities than the posing of false equivalencies. 😀

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It was just too tempting to resist.

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In the article, Casey wants to remain a boy just like Peter Pan. Written over 100 years ago, does the play express the same angst of changing into an adult that is being stated by Casey? There may have always been this “becoming an adult” angst. The difference is that society no longer provides the encouragement to bridge to adulthood, but provides a chemical version of Peter Pan’s island.

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Sex is Not a bell shaped curve. Without clear categories of Sex everyone's Sexuality gets erased. Everyone's!

We all need to stop conflating biological sex with socially enforced gender roles.

Sex is in every cell in your body. It is impossible to change it. "Sex change" is magical thinking. It says a great deal about how poor science education has become when kids and adults can be convinced of the sex-change lie, that children are 'affirmed' to be lied to and medicalized for the rest of their lives. We are saying "Sure kids go to war with every cell in your body, heres the chemical weapon to fight yourself." That is so many layers of sick it is hard to fathom. It is impossible to have anything approaching a normal adult sex life following these treatments. The "Doctors" are mutilating the parts built for pleasure and turning them into sites of lifelong pain and distress. How disgusting g is that? The "Panel of Experts" that wrote the WPATH guidelines are ALL making money from promoting this lie! In no way is this "medicine."

And as to why the lefties who have been shouting about this were ignored, it is because they are mostly women, and often lesbians or 'radical feminists' in other words the females who don't suck up to males. Or detransitioners shunned and silenced by everyone and every social media platform.

So most males and females ignore or revile them.

Misogyny kept you from listening. Misogyny is rampant on all sides of all political divides.

Gross leering older men is why girls have always tried to hide themselves. Prior generations were not fed toxic lies about "Gender fluidity" as pretend escape.

The fact that the cartoonish caricature of Femininity is what is now held up as "womanhood" is why girls are looking for a way out of 'womanhood'.

The pornification of all forms of media and the fact that violent porn is ubiquitous online, porn that promotes unreal standards for everyone and normalizes rare and extreme kinks, kids are confused and scared.

The religious beliefs that claim that clothing indicates sex & punish women who will not comply. The fact that there are so FEW positive portrayals of Butch females in any media erases options for girls who do not aspire to be Barbies.

All of these are contributing factors.

All of us who did not stand up are responsible for the generation that has ALREADY gone through this & regrets it.

So all of us need to spread these messages: #1 If You try to stop Puberty you will be Stuck In Puberty Forever. #2 Sex Cannot be Changed!

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Several things can be true. Transgenderism is a feeling, not a separate sex, no matter how many cultures in history have accepted those who “feel” like they don’t belong in the natal sex body. That, in and of itself, does not render it a third gender. Whether the current culture accepts and “normalizes” transgenders is a totally separate thing. Dr. Levine sats transgenderism should be normalized and codified. Well, no, it shouldn’t. Treat people kindly, yes. Be forced to take part in their delusion, no, especially if the person is a child or young adult.

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The difference is that that normal distribution is assumed to apply to people who actually have a sexuality. Kinsey assumed every age group was included in that normal distribution. His entire thesis was that children are sexual from birth & should therefore be allowed to experience it from birth. Here's everything you need to know about Kinsey--> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtElwdfCUTc

Also intersex is a biological phenomenon & doesn't really have a place in a conversation about people with a mental disorder.

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Ordinarily I would say that this is all about money, but when it comes to transgender medicine, it is also about ideology. And ideology is extremely dangerous in the hands of medical providers--it results in medical decisions being made on the basis of something other than science and best practices. It allows doctors to live out their ideological fantasies of altering the world (via their patients/victims) to suit their ideology.

I've experienced medical bullying, although in our case it was very much about money. When we were on our way home from a carefully budgeted, once-in-a-lifetime cross-country road trip, my middle son, age 15 at the time, woke up in the middle of the night with an extremely painful abscess on his cheek. I took him to a nearby ER, where they gave him IV antibiotics and pain medicine.

They said they couldn't drain the abscess; in fact, only ONE surgeon in their entire big-city medical system was authorized to do that. They would have to admit him to the hospital, then *transfer* him to a different hospital in the system, and hopefully the surgeon would be able to treat my son the following week.

I explained to the ER doctor that we had nowhere to stay in their city, could not afford a hotel (we had been tent camping and staying with friends throughout the trip), that our vacation was almost over and we were only a day and a half from home, and that we were expected back at work on Monday. I asked if she couldn't prescribe oral antibiotics and painkillers, with a plan to stop at another ER along the way if his condition worsened. She agreed that this was a reasonable solution and went to make the arrangements.

As we got ready to leave, a nurse came in. She began haranguing me in an effort to get me to agree to their original suggestion. She made threats: our insurance would not pay if we left against medical advice (um, the doctor had said we could leave?), and my son would die if we didn't do as they said (wait, the surgeon won't be able to get to him until next week, but he'll die before then?).

Fortunately, my son realized as well as I did that we were being railroaded for medical profits, so he did not object to leaving with me. We got home safely, and the abscess was already healing--no draining required--when we got home. But I will never trust any provider in Denver's medical ever again.

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Somewhere in a lifetime of raising children, a parent does meet the bully or bullying experience. Mine was with a psychologist who rather than approving intervention for dyslexia wanted to start meds for hyperactivity. I sat on one side of the table and 5 of the school personnel sat opposite. It was gatekeeping at its finest. Parents pay for meds and school doesn’t provide or finance resources to help with dyslexia.

Other parents will have other show downs. What makes a show down successful is a strong belief in knowing that your solution is the best for your child along with spousal support and/ or support of friends or family who have a firm grip on good sense. What Is reported here, suggest a system that thrives on actively and ruthlessly searching for the weak points ie promotes disagreement with ex, threats that your child will die, and only offer one “life preserver.”

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I had a similar showdown, JoAnne.

Funny how ADHD is so often the diagnosis meant to solve the problem, no? 😀 Mine was with teachers and a stepmother. They wanted my oldest son to go on ADHD meds (which in those days meant Ritalin.)

I said, "Absolutely not!" and enrolled him in a chess class and a Tai Kwon Do class.

Guess what? His powers of concentration improved. 😀

But, yeah. I REALLY had to stand my ground and got called some nasty names.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

Your story has been tugging at the back of my mind all day, Patrizia. I think "trans" is the new ADHD. Ritalin did absolutely Nothing to help the child back in the day. The kids were just made listless and pliable. Now, they prescribe other drugs that are not quite as bad (I think?) But the bottom line is that drugs are pushed - not just used where beneficial. Sad because a loved one died? Take Prozac! Your child has a lot of energy and doesn't always concentrate? Lets drug him and put him in a chair instead of sending him to the fields! Uncomfortable with puberty and your friends have an answer? Great! You are the other sex and we have drugs for that fantasy!

That nutter senator in Nebraska who is filibustering has a transID child. I read that she wants to have the $7,000 a month "medicine" paid for by insurance. Lets do the math on a lifetime of that. But, if you choose to detransition no one wants to take you.

I do not think this is primarily "grassroots". There's an ideology promoted by demented narcissist activists and it serves pharma and plastic surgeons, etc.

Now the teachers unions & government are all in. It serves them in some way. I think it must be driven by billionaire doners like Srtryker and Pritker. Dem Voters are just sheep, IMO. I was an Independent all my life and have voted for plenty of Dems and Reps but now I am a one issue voter as this has to be stopped. I would not vote for anyone who does not speak against the Trans Travesty which seems to be all Dems or those like Rep Kristi Noem who previosly sold out in South Dakota - possibly because she takes money from the NBA.

Moms who speak out get in trouble (like Merrick Garland's list).

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I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience. I think most parents do experience bullying like this along the path of parenting - sometimes from the school and sometimes from the medical industrial complex.

I completely agree that this is about ideology as well as big profits.

I think about the similarities to what happened in Germany in the 1930s. How could this be happening in our technically and morally advanced country?

Maybe many of the average people who go along with the GI narrative are simply being stupid like maybe your average German did at one time? It is so hard to understand how people look the other way/just follow the narrative of the state-tech-medical-journalism machine - now as they did in Germany.

In the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was subsequently executed by the Nazi Germans: "Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than wickedness. Evil can be protested against, exposed, and, if necessary, it can be prevented by force. Evil always harbors the germ of self-destruction by inducing at least some uneasiness in people. We are defenseless against stupidity. Nothing can be done to oppose it, neither with protests nor with violence. Reasons cannot prevail. Facts that contradict one's prejudice simply don't need to be believed, and when they are inescapable, they can simply be brushed aside as meaningless, isolated cases." https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/on-stupidity

And: "Echoes of Eugenics: What the Doctors Trial at Nuremberg Means for Us in the US" https://pitt.substack.com/p/echoes-of-eugenics-what-the-doctors

Doctors were actually out ahead of Nazi officials.

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What a horrible experience!

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I want to recommend Jordan Peterson's interview with de-transitioner, Chloe Cole. It's a lengthy but very revealing exposition of her experience and Peterson gives tremendous insight as to how children and their parents are lured into this maze of insanity.

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The Free Press is pissing off all the right people it seems!

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The truth hurts, and progressives hate the truth

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A debate about medical interventions is currently going on in my state legislature. The hearing on the bill was truly heartbreaking. Your heart goes out to the families, many of whom are confused and upset--there expectations have been turned upside down. I must say, though, that the advocates do themselves no favors, and their supporters on the committee resorted to personal attacks against one witness who calmly and cogently dismantled the popular notions about suicide rates, etc., with, uh, facts. But, such attacks are all they have, perhaps because deep down they know they could be wrong about all of this. Thanks--keep up with this reporting.

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A debate is going on in our state legislature also, with leading proponent legislator a bisexual/queer woman with a trans 12-year old son. What a coincidence. (By the way, she stated that the cost of transitioning approaches $7,000 a month and she wants Medicaid (us) to pay for it. Is that a lifetime cost?????)

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The side effects of the hormone treatment and the surgeries suggest huge health care cost as the patient ages.

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They don't know if it's a lifetime cost because there aren't any studies on that.

But the answer is most likely yes, those people will have enormous medical bills for their entire lives and want other people to pay for it.

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We do lack studies.

But, I recommend transsexual author Corinna Cohn :


"The medical leash of hormone replacement therapy

Children who are medically transitioned become permanent medical patients.

"I am leashed to a medical provider. The best I can do is pick who holds the leash. The children who are being transitioned are being put on to a leash. They are typically starting the process with healthy bodies. But then our bodies are deliberately damaged. Why? For aesthetics. I'm unusual in that I'm vocal about my criticism of the system. I have heard from so many trans people that they would like to say something, but they are terrified that the people who hold their leashes will jerk on the reins.

Planned Parenthood is one of the most generous of the leash-holders. "

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Yes, and the lifetime risk of cancer, stroke, diabetes etc is also sky high so you can add in the costs for all of the chronic conditions those $7,000/month therapies cause as well. Plus a lifetime of surgeries.

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Why do we need hearings and "expert" testimony to determine that this is patent lunacy? What's next, a legislative inquiry to determine if the sun will rise in the East tomorrow?

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A joke, but it shows the unifying goal of the progressive crusades- to force people to deny reality in favor of the rulers' pronouncements.

We can alter the climate

We can change men into women

We can produce full equity among all people

We can reduce or eliminate crime by reducing policing in favor of social projects

We are in Orwell territory here. Progressives want everyone to believe that 2 +2 = 5. Then their power will be absolute.

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Haven’t you heard? 2 + 2 = 4 is racist now.

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"We can alter the climate"

Actually we know we can alter the climate.

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We need to have Theaters of Experts now because politicians, judges, etc today can no longer even answer basic scientific question like "What is a woman?" https://twitter.com/OzraeliAvi/status/1642760563548913664?s=20

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Yes! Can you imagine admitting to yourself that you have let your child be experimented on and harmed?

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There's no money to be made in watchful waiting.

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And they have filibustering like that nutter senator in Nebraska who is thoroughly indoctrinated. Hopefully, others won't cave.

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Problem in Nebraska is that the minority can block any bill. Love the crying by the Dems that their bills aren't being heard -- while they continue to support filibuster. Crazy.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

It’s hard to say who is most at fault for this young man’s medical experimentation, but what kind of father would willingly neuter his own son?

It’s trendy to condemn our ancestors as racist, but what’s makes you so sure that our progeny won’t call us, “butchers”?

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I’d like to hear his side of this TBH. How do you justify doing this to your child?

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I've been asking for years now where are the fathers? Except for a few on the PITT substack, fathers seem to be entirely invisible in this entire societal drama playing out.

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Not progeny, but cohorts. I take every opportunity to be open and informative about the grotesque surgical procedures committed on the youth. I just can’t seem to arouse much interest in my small Southern town. I can see the eyes shift way, looking for something more to their liking.

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That's a huge problem in general. I'll tell a lot of my friends about how TikTok is data gathering their info, and how the algorithms made by social media companies are designed to be addictive, and that their phone is passively recording them at all times, and the most I get is "oh, yeah, I guess it does do that".

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We have a medical establishment that presides over a population that is obese, laden with disease, suffers massive rates of depression, and can't run a mile, less a few hundred feet. In other words, fit only for Soylent Green.

Are they proud of this litany of catalogued failure? Why should we listen to a word these educated cretins say? And now we have the twin depravities of their Covid-19 disastrous responses and their Joseph Mengele transgender experiments? These people are lunatics who should be locked up and allowed nowhere near a patient. Hippocrates my ass

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The American Academy of Pediatrics has said that this practice is standard of care. And look up how much the Pritzkers (governor of Illinois ultra wealthy family) has given to medical schools all over America and Canada to teach about this stuff. Pritzkers cousin is trans. Follow the money.

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I think it’s Governor Pritzker’s brother who has become “Jennifer.”

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I think it’s cousin. But yea- Jennifer

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James Pritzker now with alias Jennifer.

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I just saw this "great" Twitter thread about how life expectancy in the US is 5 years below the UK. We spend the most by a country mile and the result is that we're dying more. Bloody brilliant, keep up the good work.

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I believe that number reflects the overwhelming number of people 18-34 dying of the Fentanyl overdoses...... other countries do not have this pushed onto their populations and infiltrating all communities.

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They say it does not. Conditional life expectancies are also down (life expectancy given you are also past various ages). Fentanyl deaths occur primarily below middle age.

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And worse, most of the gain in life expectancy has been accomplished solely by the availability of antibiotics. Now with soaring obesity rates, we are losing ground. All due to the idiocy of our medical establishment and their unholy marriage with big pharma which is devoted to producing drugs that mask symptoms rather than effecting cures.

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" population that is obese, laden with disease, suffers massive rates of depression, and can't run a mile, less a few hundred feet"

most of that isn't the fault of the medical establishment though. It's our own food and lifestyle choices.

People no it's not good for them

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The changes that occur with puberty are terrifying for many people. Where are the adults/counselors that are reassuring these teens that it’s ok and natural. Why is Casey so terrified of becoming (physically) a man?

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I think you have hit on a critical point. Why is puberty so scary for some? Has this changed since when I went through it? Seems to have. My son wasn't scared when it hit, he was relieved because he was later than most of his peers with puberty. Have girls always been so scared of their developing bodies? I think not. Not saying it isn't a confusing and anxiety provoking time, but I never remember it being so intensely dramatic (although I didn't have girls). My wife doesn't remember it as being something to be scared of, although working through the emotions was/is tough on both sexes. Testosterone is a chemical that causes a lot of getting use to for boys and can cause aggressive behavior. But, is the current generation somehow acting differently or being mislead by social media/doctors/radical gender theorist?

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I don't remember being scared at all; in fact, I was excited about it. This was the early 80s, and being a teenager or young adult looked like a lot more fun than being a kid. Maybe that's the difference? Maybe media makes adulthood look like a slog vs. 1983 when looked impossibly glamorous and fun to me.

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Haha- maybe we need to bring cigarette ads back- they really did make being a grown up look like a blast.

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Really good point! You were obviously a well adjusted, glass-is-half-full teen and I’m happy for you and a little jealous!!😀😀 my teen years were in the early 70s and adulthood didn’t seem so appealing.

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Well, I don't know about well adjusted, but thanks! I couldn't wait to be independent, on my own, and in control of my life. My family was a little messed up, you know.

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For some, early childhood may be terrifying and adolescence challenging. But we all went through because we knew this was a rite of passage. How else do you grow up? Looks like left want to ease or eliminate every possible pain or discomfort from human experience. What an utopia.

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That’s an interesting observation. Medicate the pain away is definitely the order of the day. But first you have to be “diagnosed” which involves talking to a psychologist about your feelings

….that’s it. One person can decide you have gender dysphoria or autism if adhd or bipolar disorder and medicate you based on that OPINION.

It’s not like I struggled with puberty you know? But I knew it was a phase and that there was something really cool on the other side. Maybe what kids are missing today is hope.

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My family was great and I was very excited and a little bit nervous about leaving home. But, puberty was something that I was a little late on and it couldn't come fast enough for several reasons. The year was 1975 when

I left for college. My son just left a couple of years ago in year 1 of the pandemic. He was also a little late on puberty, and had the same "can't wait" approach. He was really ready to explode out of the house and we sent him off to college even though that was year 1 of the pandemic which he spent mostly in his college dorm. The pandemic brought on anger and anxiety combined with that need for freedom and socialization with girls/peers which he wasn't allowed to have as much as he wanted. Imagine having all that newly found testosterone cruising through your body and no outlets.................He took a hiatus from school and worked to make enough money to head to Europe for 90 days and then came back and worked out west as a ski instructor. Heading back to school this summer, a much wiser, less angst and angry, individual. Off topic, but what we did to this age group is unreal. Now he is a balanced 21 year old with enough self confidence to succeed in whatever he chooses and much more capable of handling life's challenges. Dealing with his changing body along with the pandemic mitigation was something few others, older and younger had/have to deal with.

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Peter Pan syndrome

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I do think some of this is about wanting to stay a child … on the kid

Side and the parent side too.

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What is baffling me is the number of parents for whom puberty of their child is so frightening

Or have we just given in to allowing our children to have everything they want even though it may have long-term deleterious effects?

Whatever happened to just saying no to a child and sticking to it?

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When did we start believing that the feelings of adolescents are reality?!? Young people embody emotional confusion and lack wisdom. Our job as adults is to be sympathetic and guide them through the most confusing growth of their life, not stop it. How do medical professionals not see that?

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When I was in Kindergarten at The Dalton School (a private school in NYC) in the 90s, I was sent to therapy for gender confusion - I was a boy who drew myself (because this is how I saw myself) in a dress, obsessed with Disney princesses, etc. I ended up growing up to be gay. Andrew Sullivan made a great comment I think it was on Bill Maher, that as a young gay boy, it would have been extremely hurtful if an adult turned to him and said when he was doing these things (playing in mother’s clothes, things a lot of young gay boys do, etc) “well, what if you ARE actually a girl?” I don’t remember exactly how my therapy went, but I grew out of it, and actually don’t have any recollection of going to therapy for this in the first place (it was my teacher who had recommended it, and my parents told me later on that this had happened). I have many Trans adult friends who are out and proud but I wonder what would have happened if I was in Kindergarten today. Genuinely asking because I’m not sure how adult therapists dealing with these issues genuinely determine who to start on the process of transition vs weeding out those, who like me, end up growing out of it

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Your experience is part of the historic norm - gender dysphoria/confusion used to occur predominantly in very young boys, who grew out of the phase and grew up to be gay (or straight), but very much male. The push for social transition and puberty blockers at such young ages effectively halts that natural and normal progression.

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I tend to think it's erroneous to believe that the LGBTQ covers all these people under one umbrella, I don't think there are that many Ls and Gs that necessarily agree with the Ts. Am I correct on this?

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The group gays against groomers is all about opposing this stuff

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Glad to hear it!

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Gay guy here. I have never understood why trans is lumped in with gay. One is a sexuality, the other is completely different. Incedentally I wouldn't identify as part of toxic LGB(T+) "community."

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I was similarly drawn to feminine things as a kid but grew out of it thanks to puberty. Puberty changes everything! Anyone who thinks blocking that natural progression from child to adult is a good idea must be next to brain dead.

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I very much hope that the mother pursues any available legal/licensure actions against the psychologist who told her - in the presence of her child - that not undertaking a medical intervention would increase the risk of suicide. That's a hard sell technique that also qualifies as pure evil.

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Yes, but, she did agree to the treatments n the first place. They’re going to use that against her.

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Documents signed under duress or false pretenses are not binding.

I think very good cases can be made against medical professionals overstepping their bounds in some of these cases. Certainly, there is prima facie evidence of professional pressure demonstrated in the Washington University clinic.

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If you can't recognize when you are harming patients AND you double down on the harm AND you bully the patient's support system, you aren't practicing medicine. You are practicing ideology within the tradition of eugenics to eliminate the "feeble-minded", Nazi medicine experimenting on and killing disabled people first then Jews, Tuskegee experiments, forced estrogen treatments to "cure" gay men of homosexuality like Alan Turing, ovary removal in late 1800s to cure female "hysteria", ice pick lobotomies to cure mental illness, and John Money's experiments that lead to suicide in his patients, boys pumped full of amphetamines because they won't sit still in the gynecocracy of public schools... Welcome to that legacy, corporate gender "medicine".

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There is a special place in Hell reserved for the legion of so-called medical professionals, psychologists and “science” hucksters who are focusing their own twisted ideologies on a vulnerable population of innocent children. If any of these people had actual ethics, they would be looking honestly at the environmental, chemical, social and family construct forces that may be causal factors in the wave of gender dysphoria occurring in adolescents. But it is a travesty to enable, promote, bully, and otherwise superimpose radical body transformations through pharmacology and surgery on children who can’t even choose whether to have pink or green hair from one day to the next. And just like the many fictions surrounding COVID, it is heinous to insist it’s a binary choice between suicide or dramatic body mutilation. Shame, shame on the profit-oriented medical establishments pushing this unholy ideology.

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A nice case study of a practical outcome of the depravity of trans ideology, and the moral bankruptcy of its practitioners.

I want to feel sorry for Caroline. But I don't. She approved the treatment. Just because her son was susceptible to social contagion doesn't mean she didn't have an obligation as a parent. Her psychologist is complicit too - but hey, its not his (or her) kid.

Not all mutilation happens under the scalpel.

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I don’t know... I have followed a Substack of parents of kids who are transitioning and all their stories are pretty much the same .. it’s like they don’t get a choice. They are manipulated and led to believe they are horrible parents... or like in this case have their kid going to the other parent or are investigated to see if they are fit parents. I would not want to be in their situation. And this happens to parents of all backgrounds. The schools do it to them too. Letting kids socially transition (even providing opposite gender clothing) and teaching the kids what to say to their parents to get what they want (doctors who approve these things) and in many cases never telling the parents - who have no clue what is going on.

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I was in this exact situation in June 2021 with my daughter getting a similar talk in front of her. I accused the dr of violating her hippocratic oath and walked out. My husband and daughter followed a few minutes later. I told them I would move out before I allowed this. My child is still unmedicated and my family is intact but to say it's been hard would be an understatement. We fear CPS being called on us by the school. Our relationship with our teen was destroyed. We can't trust any doctors and avoid them at all costs. Our kid has changed a lot and just turned 16. She has a boyfriend (natal). I compassionately hold hope for desistance. I also understand how the families who agree to this kind of treatment get swept into it. What we did was the hardest thing I have ever experienced - the alternative would have been celebrated. I have done thousands of hours of research and feel like the detransitioners are key to changing public perception. There are also good support groups out there.

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I, too, was nearly in this identical position in spring/summer 2020. My eldest daughter had fallen in with a crowd of trans-acting peers (7 kids total in just one grade, in one school, all female born? Hmmmmmm....) at a new middle school (she was 13) who swiftly began exploiting her discomfort with her changing adolescent body and pushed her to also believe she might be trans.

I was - no exaggeration - terrified of what might happen if the school found out I was not in any way affirming. I am a hard no on all of this nonsense for anyone not of legal age and mature mind. So I sat my daughter down and described to her in detail the excessive, expensive, and gory medicalization that awaited her if the situation got out of my hands and into the hands of any progressive 'ally' or affirming therapist. I was very brutally honest. We went over all basic biology again. I described the universality of awkward adolescent discomfort and assured her middle school existed for this moment of self-loathing and in a few years, if she got through it non-trans, she'd be fine. I forbade her from seeing the instigating friend and monitored her social media. And she was furious, and so confused.

At the time, she chose to go live with her father, who thankfully was not going to affirm either, yet he gleefully wrested physical custody from me. And I lost a close friend over it, too - the mother of one of my daughter's (not trans) friends. She got wind that my daughter was trying to socially transition, and had the unmitigated gall to call me to help me understand it all better and assure me she would do everything to affirm my daughter. A progressive white woman in the social work sphere professionally. Ruined our friendship, but she ultimately respected my demand to not help 'transition' my own daughter. This former friend thinks I'm a monster, but her oldest daughter started testosterone not long after...

I'm convinced that, for white progressive women, this is a badge of virtue snd progressive honor, and it disgusts me.

Fast forward to a year or so later, late 2021, and my daughter dropped the charade after dropping those 'friends' (all of whom 'desisted' eventually...), and she's a lovely normal girl, and boy-crazy, as God intended. The whole ride ruined our mother daughter relationship for a year, but like you I made it plain that I would do anything and everything to fight against it - I would have gladly gone to jail, I would have sold everything I own to finance a lawsuit if I had had to fight my ex-husband about hormones and medicalization, I would have given up my professional position and any social standing to make sure that my daughter was not made into a medical experiment. And now, our relationship is better than it's ever been, and she deeply regrets going to live with her father.

It still terrifies me sometimes how close my family came to being dragged under into whatever this evil cultural moment is. So few things would have had to go the other way for me to have lost my daughter forever, and for her to have lost herself. It is abhorrent to me that good parents are not only *not* able to protect and safeguard their own children in regards to this ideology, but there are so many adults actively working to spread and expand it. God help us all.

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I'm going to take you at your word although it seems to be almost too good to be true. On that basis I commend you for your grit and determination. You displayed the kind of courage that often receives a medal. I wish you and your daughter great success in life together.

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I assure you it's all true. It was horrible, harrowing, terrifying, hard. But i was the very lucky one who had everything go right when faced with this in my home - as i said, so few things would have had to go sideways and I'd be in a very different place, as would my daughter.

I didn't mention above, but meant to, that on a spring break trip my daughter and I took together last week, we talked about all of it again, and she said, "I really don't know what I was thinking [about possibly being trans] ... I think I just thought I was an ugly girl." Can you imagine a lifelong medical 'solution' being forced for such a natural, human feeling during adolescence??! It's unfathomable.

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You are the real mama bear. Stay strong. This woo shall pass.

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what an ironic typo.

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Not a typo. I refuse to give up irony. ;)

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You’re a strong person and a great parent.

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Its a mixed bag. But you are right that on a societal level, a significant portion of families would not have the resources (in whatever form) to resist. That doesn't excuse it, and in the end what remains is that the only real and lasting consequences are felt by Caroline and Casey and their immediate family. Everyone else gets to shrug and move on. THAT is the problem, there are no consequences. Its also framed incorrectly. This is a manifest evil that is abuse, coercion and mutilation of children and should be prosecuted accordingly. Not an "oops, misdiagnosed" as some portray where the current worst case is a lawsuit at some point down the line and possible financial or career consequences.

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My thoughts exactly. This does not correlate exactly, but for years I worked in a male prison. I am an R.N. It was obvious that the openly gay inmates received more positive attention from the other staff than the straight ones. It took me a while to understand that the vicarious attention the staff received supplied a social need. The same phenomenon is reflected today with transgenderism. The school staff, legislators, all must think that they get a star in their crown for promoting this. They re complicit in the destruction of the lives of the confused children, and they, indeed, will walk away, unaffected by the detritus of damage they helped inflict.

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What is the name of the Substack of parents of kids who are transitioning?

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The stories are heart-wrenching, and I wish the group got more attention so the full I,pact of this grotesque movement could be appreciated by more people, and hopefully, come to the attention of voters across the spectrum.

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PITT (parents with inconvenient truths about trans)

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A great resource!

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I don't think that's quite fair. We have been raised and educated to revere and respect the medical profession. The doctors who are doing this are no better than the priests who abused children. This is a massive betrayal of trust and of the vows these monsters took.

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Do you think the roots of the ideology are in the medical profession? I would say it spread there but didn't start there

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I agree. The insanity infects medicine, law, the corporate boardroom and, of course, academia, from which it sprang.

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Sadly, the medical profession is going woke in a big way-Climate ideology, gender ideology and race ideology.

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Yeah, he did that during his campaign. I think the girl at the town hall I am thinking of was 8.

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hopefully you will "trans" in the next election. ..LOL

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I can’t stand Trump either, but the progressive power players are all gripped in this terribly dangerous ideological capture and refuse to listen to facts, and have tossed common sense and science right out the window. I watched in disbelief when some good candidates went down like dominoes during the debates with Trump, and I thought, “Surely NOT”, but yes, it was. As hard as it is to stomach Trump’s shenanigans, hell will freeze over before I vote for more of the damage being done by this administration.

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I despair that the loss of trust in experts is one of the support legs being kicked out from under western society. I noted the sentence where "Casey had done research (on puberty blockers)" Like so many people, a few hours on TikTok and some conversations in a chat room had made him an expert. And then we read about the doctors at this clinic and understand why the trust has gone. Disgusting.

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Yeah, the same "experts" who forced our kids in masks, demanded 3 shots of a now clearly useless vaccine into them with scant data, and kept schools closed and then dystopian longer than anywhere else in the civilised world are now to be trusted on gender? We are living in the modern equivalent of lobotomy. Just a tap and it will all be over

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The legislation that demand only affirmative therapy be offered and for the state to be a sanctuary for teens wanting to transition but recognizes the harm of Big Gulps! Let’s have a conversation about who really have harmed citizens and hope for a special place in hell for the legislators.

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I can’t follow the thread, I suppose, so which remark doesn’t seem quite fair?

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I have sympathy for many of them- because they are told- by doctors- that their child will commit suicide if they don't do this. And let us not forget that the child, who is mentally unwell, has probably been beating the parent/s down for months or years with behavior problems and outbursts. Parents are usually at their wits end when they arrive at these clinics. They know their child is suffering immensely and the whole family is being torn apart by it.

I can tell you that Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh has a great reputation. They saved my child's life when she was six and had a terrible asthma attack. I can understand how a desperate parent might listen to an expert at Children's on how to fix this. I wouldn't have! But I try to have some grace for people who are terrified and think their child will die if they don't do this. I also know from Pitt substack that kids go behind the parent's backs for some of these meds.

Now, the parents who use their kids for social media clout? Ugh, no sympathy at all. I had a neighbor I was really friendly with who posted celebratory pics of her daughter's double mastectomy on facebook. Complete with bandages and drains still in. I was sickened and actually deleted my facebook account the next day.

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