It's often struck me a laughable how so many of my peers and classmates have little to no appreciation for how delicately balanced our society really is on a knife's edge when it comes to support systems that keep us all functioning, particularly our reliance on farmers. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I remember reading about how the food service industry, since they couldn't stay open due to the lack of customers, weren't able to buy milk, eggs, and other forms of produce, and so the farmers up and down the Eastern seaboard (and other parts of the country as well) had so much surplus, they had to destroy it because there was no way to distribute the glut that was left over. That being said, it was tragically juxtaposed to the people spending hours in their cars waiting in food lines throughout the midwest (where the article I recall had been written), desperate for something to eat because they had lost their jobs or the cost of food had become too high.

There's a distinct lack of awareness about the effort that goes into our convenience consumption, and having lived in various states of poverty by subsisting on $1,500-1200 or less each month in some cases when I couldn't find work--it makes you appreciate things when you have cash flow as well as knowing how labor intensive the agriculture and manufacturing processes really are.

The trucker situation in Canada disturbed me when these people who generally appeared to be organizing peacefully against restrictions that impacted their way of life were demonized for not "getting with the program" so to speak. You cannot shut down the engines of society and expect things to work without serious consequences and enflaming people's anger as it turns to desperation and despair. I hope by being so visible, people will wake up more to their dependence on the working class farmers and manufacturers and treat them with greater dignity and respect, instead of sneering at them.

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If we have a serious solar flare - or other event that takes away electricity - most of us are going to starve. The US studied the impact of an EMP strike (which destroys electronics) on the US in the 90's and determined that 85% of the population would be dead in year from starvation and violence over resources. Yet the Net Zero people want to shut down farms in Europe and in Canada - and have everyone use electrics cars and electric heating pumps. Ironically the more educated you are - the less likely you are to understand the risk this creates for all of us.

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I saw a photo of a tractor in France with a big sign on it that said, Our End is Your Hunger.

I would love to see NYC and DC surrounded by trucks so no Amazon deliveries could be made.

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There's only one way to stop Amazon and anyone else; don't buy their products.

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I have a friend who demonized Bezos for not paying his 'fair' share all the while purchasing things from Amazon.......the lack of awareness astounded me!

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Lack of awareness is an epidemic, it follows on from inability to think.

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or just the choice NOT to think! I see that all the time!!

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It's an epidemic, like the old saw; "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink." Or, you can lead a person to knowledge, but you can't make them think.

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So the last time I saw thousands of trucks blocking the roadways in France and choking everything up they were protesting the French government's audacious decision to raise the retirement age to 64 from 62. They were outraged..

They sound to me as spoiled as the denizens of NYC who utterly depend on Amazon every day in order to survive (they don't of course, but you knew that..)

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During the 70's energy crisis a popular bumper sticker in Texas was, "Let the Yankees Freeze!"

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... protests that "forced" Justin Trudeau to invoke a state of emergency ...

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Trudeau is perhaps the worst Prime Minister in Canadian history. He illegally invoked the Emergencies Act which was used against peaceful protestors exerting their constitutional rights. Thank you to Judge Mosley who ruled in favor of the truckers. The only violence in those protests was by the police against the people. As usual, these days, the mainstream media spun government propaganda against the people.

This article needs to go a lot deeper in understanding what the global elite today are really trying to do to farming, hiding behind the climate agenda. Don't forget Bill Gates and his lab grown food agenda as a solution to climate change. Don't be fooled that fake food is better for you than farm grown. There does need to be changes done in farming to rebuild our soils and get rid of harmful herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers, but that's another subject.

The farmers need our support. If you really listen to what the WEF and others say on this subject it should make you very nervous.

Wherever there is censorship occurring in the media either completely avoiding a story or diminishing its importance, its a warning to listen and look into why. The protests in Europe are huge and hardly anyone is talking about it.

Thank you to the FP for writing about it, please do more, this issue of farming is a global emergency.

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You should search out More of Michael Lind’s writing. His work is often in Tablet and Compact. He has spoken on much of what you’re suggesting.

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Thank you for the tip about MIcheal Lind!

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Which their courts just found in favor for the truckers that Trudeau DID NOT fulfill the qualifications to do so. Do the truckers get all the money and jobs and time and stress relief back?!?!

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Trudeau was certainly not “forced” to declare a state of emergency. In fact, his actions were recently found illegal in court. The protest was peaceful. Perhaps Trudeau should simply have explained why he felt it was necessary to mandate a vaccine that was clearly known not to prevent transmission and now has a record number of reported side effects including stroke and heart attacks. The manufacturers, despite record profits, were granted zero liability. Trudeau also froze the protestors’ bank accounts in some cases, a strongly fascist-leaning move. Apparently no one watching MSNBC has heard of this because an idiot on SNL just did a skit about “debanking” and how it doesn’t exist.

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"In the years ahead, it seems likely that this new pattern of revolts by the exurban working class and small producers and the self-employed against economic and social mandates imposed by metropolitan centers will be the major form that class struggle takes in Europe, North America, and other developed regions."

I followed until this sentence in the end including the self-employed. As we speak, Biden is about to subject the entire country a national version of CA's AB5. He couldn't convince Congress to pass a law to this effect so he got DOL to adopt a new rule to ensure we won't have a class of workers who are self-employed, freelancers, and independent contractors anymore. Once he reclassified the self-employed out of existence, there won't be any revolts by the self-employed.

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I haven't heard of this. Could you provide a little more context for what he's about to sign?

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Here's the TL;DR: the rule makes it much harder to be a gig worker, because companies will now be required to hire people as employees (with benefits) instead of employing them as private contractors.

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Thank you! I've been sick for a couple of weeks and haven't been able to read much of the headlines lately. You're the best Celia.

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Btw he already signed it. It goes into effect in March.

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Wall Street Journal Article (Editorial) this week, as well.

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Leftists have, for the most part, never been hungry. The elites have multiple fridges and freezers (full of, for example, ice cream), so they are not worried about starving if supply lines are broken. The types that riot think they will just go steal food if they ever need it. The idea that food could run out doesn't enter any of these people's minds.

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I feel blessed that I know the growing, harvesting and storing of food. And even more blessed to have the space (land) to maintain, at least, my household.

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We store food, in accordance with what our church has been recommending for over 70 years. Last year we were finally able to get chickens. We live on a half acre, and although our garden is currently small, if we had to put more land under cultivation, we could.

Personally, at this point, I am more likely to die when I can no longer get insulin (I have type 1 diabetes) than to starve to death.

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I believe we won't get to that point. I think the pushback against the elites is growing, they are going to lose their control of the people. Great that you have a garden and chickens. Nothing tastes better and is more nutritious than home grown food.

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Losing control isn't such a great thing either. Riots and roving mobs?

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Not to mention clean drinking water.

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We had a friend who figured that if things got bad, he could always take one of his multiple guns and go rob his Mormon neighbors. Makes sense.

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His Mormon neighbors will shoot back if he tries to rob them. Asking nicely is a better approach.

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Well he’s no longer with us, and it depends on the Mormon.

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I stand with the farmers.

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No, the Freedom Convoy didn't "force" Trudeau to declare a state of emergency. It gave him the excuse to declare a state of emergency that was eventually declared unreasonable and illegal, but not before he got to exercise his inner authoritarian, including the extraordinary act of shutting off banking services to anyone who gave financial support to the truckers.

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Even though Trudeau's use of the Emergencies Act was found to be illegal, he'll never pay a price for his authoritarianism unless Canadians wake up and vote him out at the next election.

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The dispersal of similar constituencies in the U.S. throughout the vast expanse of the country makes it more difficult for such protests to take place here.

Green policies will see their demise or drastic scaling back when the professional class experiences hardships brought on by the inability of wind & solar to respond to harsh weather conditions thus affecting their normal, everyday activities, such as staying warm in subzero conditions.

The great “unwashed” that keep this country housed & fed will have their day of reckoning when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine.

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Thank you Michael Lind for a history lesson and showing that again we don’t learn from it. Communists tries central control and fails miserably every time.

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Notre fin sera votre faim. -- Our end will be your hunger is the slogan of the French farmers' current protest. They are tired of cheap foreign imports which do not have meet the same standards of animal welfare, particularly Ukrainian chicken. The French farmers have always been known for their protests. And the French government is making concessions including a new 2 billion euro fund for farmers. The protests have spread to Greece, Belgian and Germany.

If you want to know about the problems farmers face watch the Amazon Prime Jeremy Clarkson's Farm. Red tape. Bureaucracy. A drive towards net zero in some countries which make products uncompetitive. And huge multi national supermarkets like Aldi and Lidl who drive hard bargains.

Because of Just in Time stocking of shelves (Paris only has enough food for 3 days apparently), the French farmers felt they can do something.

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It pleases me that the slogan sounds much better in French.

And they're right, of course. Too many people don't think any further than the grocery store, which has always had food for them to buy. They don't realize what is involved in getting that food to the grocery store:

- the land that must be kept clear and fertile (which involves equipment being manufactured, maintained, and fueled, and fertilizers being made and transported)

- the seeds that must be grown the previous year so they can be planted

- the tending of crops to protect them from failure (and then the weather may not cooperate)

- the harvesting (again involving equipment and all that comes with that)

- the transportation to processing plants (which involves vehicle upkeep and fuel)

- the processing (which involves maintaining equipment and getting packaging supplies, which also have to be manufactured and transported to the location)

- transportation to stores (more vehicle upkeep and fuel)

Urbanites are much closer to starving than they realize. When they attack the chain of production and transport (by voting for policies that damage it), they are pressing a razor to their own throats.

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But isn’t the grocery store where food comes from?

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My favorite Lefties-have-shit-for-brains example:

"To all you hunters who kill animals for food, shame on you! You ought to go to the store and buy the meat that was made there, where no animals were harmed."

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Head in hands.

Actually, some of the hunting groups such as Ducks Unlimited have been instrumental in conservation. And right now in the UK, it should be eat more Bambi because for a variety of reasons, there is an overpopulation of deer which is causing ecological harm to the Highlands.

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Deer are very prone to overpopulation (and ultimately starvation) when they have no natural predators. It causes significant problems here in the Midwest.

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It’s out of hand in VA. I’ve alone had multiple deer accidents. They’ll run right into your car door, not to mention running in front of you. Bring back wolves and mountain lions to the Blue Ridge Mountains! Of course I’m kidding, mostly…

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Wolves to the rescue!

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So I've had a lot of very left friends in my day - and I have never heard any one of them say something like that. Maybe it's their kids you're referring to..


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And electricity comes from that little socket on the wall.

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Even the Ukrainian chickens are being mistreated? Quick! Send them a few billion$$. Ukrainian chickens need and deserve our support, no matter how long it takes

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Personally I'd rather have the Ukrainians fighting the Russians than NATO. If you want to see the missteps of the West (including Biden and Obama) watch the BBC series Putin v the West. The second series has just dropped. But the mistakes which have been made including Obama's little red lines...are jaw-dropping. The former French President Hollande is a stand out in the early episodes, explaining his dismay at some of the things. The other thing is how old Biden looked back in 2011.

It is good that Ukraine is starting to export again though as that was part of the reason for the huge Cost of Living increases in 2022. It is just that they don't have the same animal welfare standards (supposedly).

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I second the “Clarkson’s Farm” recommendation. Season 1 really highlights how the vagaries of the weather can make or break a year for a farm; and season 2 shows the absurd bureaucracy that gets in farmers’ way when they try to feed the people. There will be no season 3 because Clarkson wrote a humourous op-Ed a year or so ago about Megan Markle, and he was cancelled for “racism” (even though the piece contained no actual racism). IMHO, “Clarkson’s Farm” was more interesting and useful to society than the blighted Ms. Markle could ever be…

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The release date for series 3 of Clarkson's Farm is 3 May 2024. They are currently filming series 4. Amazon Prime is driven by numbers of eyeballs watching and it is a huge hit.


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GREAT news! I never heard this update…the last I heard was Amazon’s statement that they were not renewing it because of his “racism” towards Markle. This is one case where I’m thrilled to hear that capitalism won out over wokeism!

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Loved Jeremy clarkson’s farm show! Potatoes were his best crop.

OTOH the French are revolting. As always.

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He is filming a new series -- his 4th? Anyway it is a huge hit over here. And hugely enjoyable. He does a good job of showing the madness.

He has sent a message f support to the French farmers.

And of course the French are manning the barricades, it is a national pastime.

Actually people forget how rural France is. One of the biggest farming sectors in France is of course wine.

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Maybe if they'd start using deodorant??

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

The elites and their hypocrisy are becoming more and more apparent. The farms of France as you ride the train through the countryside are Beautiful.

The food even in the small corner grocery stores always tastes trash - never a bitter cucumber, plastic tomato, and mounds of cheese. If you come to Paris or anywhere in France is EASY to go back and think wow they have good food for everyone and it’s cheap.

And now we know. The food is cheap and the land is beautiful because the government mandates the farmer let the land lay fallow and then barely pay them a living wage! So from my perspective it’s all a shame. Just like the “amazing healthcare” - people have no idea the hypocrisy that exists in Europe- the green energy policies while the 140 yo buildings have windows that leak air and use OLD water radiators to heat a 2000 sq ft apt; stores that leave their doors open all the time whether hot or cold; zero insulation to speak of; homeless abound (due to drugs but also the class based society that tells you the type of job you may or may not have and if your an immigrant forget about upward mobility or starting a business). It’s all a sham and the regular people need to understand that those who flocked to Davos ( including our own Blinken and surely Gates) to examine how to tell the billions of us how to eat or drive and live .

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That’s why it’s important to incorporate and hire yourself out as a compa b to protect yourself from this legislation. A simple s-corp will do the trick.

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It would be nice if news articles reported the whole truth. The author mentions “ forced the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau to invoke a state of emergency to disperse the protesters in their vehicles.”, but fails to mention that trudeau’s invocation was unlawful. Maybe the article was written prior to last week? Either way, lazy reporting.

I don’t think the author gets it. The government keeps nudging, over stepping its bounds and spending money it doesn’t have. Sensible people are fed up and pissed off. That’s what this is about. The lunatics are running the asylum.

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From the new statesman, what do you expect?

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Gee. What a conundrum. Do we stand with those who allow, condone and gin up terrorist sympathizing Jew hating protestors, who want us to live like sardines and eat bugs or with the riff raff ruralites who, she sniffed, have no educational credentials and, gasp, work with dirt and fertilizer.


Je suis la France profonde.

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Just so everyone knows, scientists agree that:

CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is 412 ppm. That's 0.04%

Then there's nitrogen:

Methane concentration in the atmosphere is 2 ppm. That's 0.0002%

Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is 0.05 ppm. That's 0.000005%

Nitrogen concentration in the atmosphere is 780000 ppm. That's 78%

How dare those farmers contribute to that 0.0002% level of methane with their cows.

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I'm sorry to say that this article falls well beneath the usual quality. The subject is good, but it's way too verbose, a lot of blah blah blah in there. Slogging through the many words to get to a point is tedious. I guess the author is paid by the word....

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Yep - it could have been distilled to if you're a farmer, a transport truck driver or a port worker, you've got the economy by the balls..

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