So what you're saying is about 18 months after the 2024 election we'll find out from journalists like Matt Taibbi or Michael Shellenberger that Kristofer Goldsmith was a federal agent who was ordered to dress up and play 'lets go find some Nazi's' so that democracy could be saved?

"‘If I Die, They’re Dying with Me’ & 'I have a high threshold for threats' he says with a slight grin and a shrug."

LOL......get the f*ck out of here......the guy even sounds like a fed.

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What got me is that the story exists because there’s ALL THESE Nazis running around. Pretty sure there’s not.

But we DO HAVE people in Congress supporting killing off Israel. And mutilating kids. And spending money on stupid crap when the border is open but let’s focus on all those Nazis. The border can wait.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

There are tons of Nazi terrorists running around. They happen to wear Keffiyehs and vote D, but who’s counting?

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Compost is just jealous of the neo-Nazis because they have cool jobs with the FBI and he is stuck working at a George Soros NGO.

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I think he is a part time instructor at a community college. Probably took over for Dr. Jill.

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Yep. They're all Feds.

Provide your evidence.

I'll wait :)

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Gretchen Whitmer.

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Prove that they're not

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And who else says the same shit in greater numbers?

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No one.

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LOLZ. Harvard's Student Body says hello.

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Nailed it

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So the story claims that about 44 people a year are killed by these white nationalists groups. To put this into perspective Memphis TN had 400 murders last year. Guess how many were from white nationalists groups? Hint: somewhere between -1 & 1.

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Evans W

Make up your mind.

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I think most true "White Supremacists" are in the prison system, a great many of them in California, if memory serves. So are most of the murders. They have race based gangs in prisons, so it makes sense for white people to band together at times and places to present an organized response to black and hispanic gangs. That's my understanding. What is obvious is no details are ever forthcoming. They want to simultantaneously tell us this is a huge problem but also tell us there is no need to ask any questions at all.

These are all silly lies, told by crooks and fools to unreflecting sheep.

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Yes, I don't think there are bands of White Supremacists running around killing all those young Black men in Baltimore, Chicago, Philly and NY.

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If you're looking for logical consistency, remember that's a white man thing and therefore oppressive.

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The Smithsonian says so!

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Oh, well, if it's the Smithsonian, that's a reputable source.

"The World is Flat!" Mainstream media, 1620

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...and Washington DC, L.A., Detroit, Newark, St. Louis, etc., etc. ... thousands upon thousands of intra-racial murders annually. But Black Lives Don't Matter unless they're taken by whites, or by cops of ANY race.

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But Black Lives Don't Matter unless they're taken by whites, or by cops of ANY race.

And those numbers are tiny in comparison.

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A critical supplement, as it's under 1 percent. Thanks, PSW.

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The whole idea is ridiculous. You have to have rendered yourself blind and your mind impotent to take such suggestions as anything but the bad jokes of mentally ill people.

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Maybe we should bring back the fear color levels. Neo-Nazis are around! Code Orange Alert!

It was much easier under Bush, since he told us how scared to be each day.

Maybe we should send this warrior to figure out who blew up the pipeline under the Baltic Sea. Or thwart the new "Be Very Afraid!" threat of Russians deploying nukes in space.

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"What got me is that the story exists because there’s ALL THESE Nazis running around. Pretty sure there’s not".

There’s an election coming up. It’s crucial for deep state corporate media flunkies to keep the “Nazi” boogeyman alive so the inevitable Hitler inferences they direct at America First conservatives will resonate with the mindless fools who’ll then support the real fascists running against them. Apparently, Bari has joined the club.

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That guy who is taking down neo-Nazis should be very cautious since all of them are FBI agents.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

Or state guests of Justin Trudeau

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Nicely done, my friend.

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I have to admit that I was scratching my head in the first few paragraphs with the story about him with a gun coming face to face with a guy outside his window in tactical gear with a gun with a suppressor- how did neither one fire? I didn’t quite call BS, then, but I stopped reading later on when I read about his suicide attempt and decided I didn’t have the time to read about any more wackos.

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Pointing a gun at SWAT (especially in NY where the government views gun ownership with suspicion and prejudice) and not instantly getting lit up? Either nonsense or this is an extremely lucky man.

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Exactly my thoughts

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The white supremacist problem is not a real problem. Watch these videos. They are back to back to back videos on white supremacists:


Candace is correct. The real problem is not white supremacists and Candace explains.

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He didn’t say the border can wait.

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neo-Nazi, quick run hide. All of the maybe 2000 in the US are a terrible threat to Democracy. Maybe the millions of illegal colonizers, BLM, Antifa, , anti Fossil Groups, Green Peace, PETA, and all of the peace loving groups will save us. BS at its highest level.

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My guess is 2000 is being quite generous. Just sayin.

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Even Wikipedia says that Patriot Front's membership is only about 200.

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I have to admit, I'm glad to read yours and other responses. This seems like a made-up non story and somehow made its way into the Free Press. I don't buy for a second that Nazis in the form of white supremacists are running around in enough numbers that some private citizen occupies all his time with them.

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Well, maybe one in need of meds might do that ...

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What does he live on?

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It does seem like TFP has been publishing more and more progressive Marxist oriented articles as of late. Could it be that growth of TFP subscriptions is flattening and that marketing to those "more to the left" is the strategy to drive subscription growth? If so, very disappointing.

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"It does seem like TFP has been publishing more and more progressive Marxist oriented articles as of late".

There's an election coming up. TFP is showing its color by joining the democrat version of Mao's Red Guard.

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The free press is becoming indistinguishable from the msm. I am surprised at the top ten stories you list - not that many of them aren’t important. But there is a whole realm of stories you neither read or comment on. The Free Press is worthless

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Yes, I expected a wider breadth of voices and opinions when I signed up. TFP is starting to feel more and more like The New York Times "lite".

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Wonder where he was on Jan 6, 2021?

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Probably training with Ray Epps in Quantico, Virginia if I was gonna guess.

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LOL...Checkmate for Evan

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Please stop listening to and promoting Marxists. When I see the name Freddie deBoer in your email, I know I have now reconsider whether or not the Free Press is aspiring to be a serious source of news or not. Stop listening to fucking Marxists already. How many times do they need to be wrong about absolutely everything before you understand that it’s a failed ideology that leads to the death of tens of millions of people? Including Marxists like Freddie deBoer with your promoted sources of news diminishes your organization and reduces my trust in your judgement.

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Aside from Marxist Freddie and City Journal, all of the “Ten Stories We're Reading” section is from MSM. All substack writers should stop referencing or regurgitating those sources, except to mock the propaganda. It defeats the purpose of being independent.

Also looking forward to an investigation of BLM, Antifa, and Soros who have caused far more death and destruction than Neo Nazis.

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Thanks, Yuri. My thoughts exactly. Why do these people see Neo- creepies around every corner? I've no wish to censor these stories but I thought Bari and team had higher standards. How about The Free and Interesting Press? Or, The Free and Thought-Provoking Press?

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

I think Bari lost her way and mission when she changed the name from “Common Sense” to “The Free Press.” Most of the readers who comment in this space deliver “common sense” to offset the bias presented in many of the articles (and expressed by Nellie in TGIF. )

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It's a mythology. They see white supremacists everywhere like a religious person sees Satan's temptation at every turn.

We all love having "bad guys" and for leftists, the most inhuman monster in the world is a white racist.

So they can, and will, ignore tens of thousands of gang murders, and focus on a tiny and irrelevant story about their "bad guys" instead.

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This is all true and getting so boring to read. I expected higher quality on this stack.

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Seriously. If you want thought-provoking and entertaining, try mine! (:


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"They see white supremacists everywhere. It's a mythology"

Clearly, invisibility is an essential part of their mythology

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According to Wikipedia, Patriot Front (referenced in the article) has 200 members. And this is a major threat?

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Today it was "Dear God, seriously?" press.

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City Journal is excellent. I just switched from a free e-mail subscription to an actual hard copy subscription. There are so many good articles, I need time to read them.

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True, but highly NYC-focused.

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Bari and her crowd can't help it. They were raised on the mother's milk of hating "right-wingers" or "the far-right" whoever they are... Adoring Marxists and Democrats, even while they burn America to the fucking ground, is the only thing they know how to do. There is a word for this...


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I agree. Despite all the articles pointing out the insanity on the left I still get the sense they are pulling their punches. Growing up hating everything deemed "conservative" has put something deep in their DNA. The article about the Nazi hunter is a joke. Tell mister tough guy to start getting into some antifa members faces and let's see how that goes.

I used to brag about being a subscriber but I am seriously reconsidering. WTF.

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Thank you. De Boer also loses his mind when people tell him men cannot be women. Can't trust what someone says when he can't accept basic reality.

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I wasn't planning to read deBoer's piece until I saw your comment. Did you take the time to read it yourself before lighting the flamethrower? I doubt it. His take here is a critique of the concepts of equity and equality in higher ed - not exactly a Marxist or a "woke" perspective.

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He’s a self identified Marxist, and there is no cover remaining for that position in 2024. Marxism is a failed ideology, it has failed everywhere in the world that it has been implemented every single time. It has failed at the cost more than 100 million lives. It is a failure of the Free Press to include his Marxist bullshit as “news”.

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Did deBoer argue for or even mention Marxism in his piece? Did you actually read it? I could appreciate an argument against ideas and their consequences, but you’re just engaging in an ad hominem attack here.

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It informs his entire worldview. He’s discredited just for believing that bullshit.

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I skipped this piece but I’ve read him a few other times. He is able to articulate some interesting critiques at the heart of wokeness, among other things.

His Marxist beliefs are unfathomable to me but I can take from the fruit platter and leave the main dish. He’s not shoving it down my throat. When I read him I can determine why I disagree without being completely incensed, which is refreshing.

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A broken clock can ring twice. There are other better reporters and op-ed writers who are writing about the same topics. De Boer has a few screws loose.

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You should read it. He is very good and measured on issues like education. A mess with socialism/communism and trans issues.

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DeBoer's kind of interesting, though, in that he's an old-school Marxist, a true believer in the worker's-paradise future. And he's horrified by what the Left is doing today. He hasn't made the connection yet that today's Left is the inevitable endgame of Marxism. But it's an interesting perspective.

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I'm pretty -- no, I'm VERY -- horrified at what those old school types accomplished in body count alone.

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Even a broken clock can be right twice a day, but I’m not gonna look at it when I want to know what time it is. Having that Marxist as part of “the news“ is an embarrassment, and if I see his name again on The Free Press as “news” I’m out of here.

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Words hurt me! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Marxist’s words have in fact hurt quite a lot of people.

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The words didn't do shit. It's the people speaking those words who are violent.

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Other than putting an”e” in “judgment”, that was a fine comment.

Unless, of course , you’re a Canuck.

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He spelled it right. Your spelling refers to a litigated finding of liability reduced to an enforceable form called a judgment.

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“ He spelled it right.” Should be “He spelled it correctly.” You need an adverb there, not an adjective.

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Sorry, missy, you are the one who is wrong. Dead wrong. In America, where this publication is generated, there is only one proper spelling of that word and no "e" following the "g".

Now if you happen to be a limey, and somehow got access to the publication despite the SNP and Tavistock censors or the Parliament members who cower in the face of Islamism, there there are two accepted spellings in the UK, the legal term dropping the middle placed "e"

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

I'll overlook the missy to say that is not the way I was taught in the US either in elementary spelling or when I learned the spelling of judgment in procuring my JD. I do acknowledge that it is now used interchangeably here, at least in common (non-legal) usage. Ugh.

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It is not "used interchangeably" in the US. There is only one spelling, and no middle "e" in it. You didn't learn that in law school. Neither did I. There is no acceptable use of "judgement" in these parts, south of the Canadian border. You never learned that misspelling in the US.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

Well I am glad I am not held captive to the vagrancies of the internet. The 1972 Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary and 2005 Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary both say "Judgment or Judgement". Even autocorrect does not correct "judgement". But you display a significant level of pompousness to be so assured of your opinion as to believe it gives you personal knowledge of my life experiences. At any rate it is the mark of a fool and arguing with a fool is a waste of my energy so I will not engage further.

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It's not press if it's propaganda.

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I suggest that it's a singularity long ago attained.

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Peter Sachon

Why would you trust the judgment of anyone who votes Democrat?

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I am always amazed at how there is a fixation on hunting Nazis. Out of 330 Million people, yes, there are going to be nuts of every kind. The fixation on White Nationalism and these groups seems to be a side effect of being progressive. Yes, they have evil thoughts, but in comparison to the black gangs in the city and drug cartels from Mexico through Central to South America, it's trivial.

This is a form of progressive stupidity we read about all the time. Big evil Bogeymen are all those white guys with big guns rather than the people who kill wantonly, traffic fentanyl, and traffic in people. I often wonder if these Neo-Nazis or white nationals were a drug gang and did the killing that Black and Hispanic gangs do, what would the reaction be? The media is too woke to identify the problem because of race. I know almost everyone sane in the country can differentiate between the gangs and those not in them by race, and at some point, we need to get by this and focus on a real problem and not be inhibited by the leftist worldview.

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I'm honestly much more afraid of the neo-Nazis mass protesting on university campuses and major cities under the guise of "Stop Israeli genocide" and "End Zionism". Can the guy go hunt those very dangerous idiots instead please? I'm not particularly concerned about delusional doomsday preppers isolated in all white rural areas passing Nazi flags among themselves and fortifying their basements getting ready for the Feds to descend upon them (which will not happen our Fed is too busy going after Donald Trump).

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Wow. Disappointing. You say: "Between 2013 and 2022, 444 people were killed by domestic extremists, which include white nationalists, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis."

Why haven't I read about any of these attacks? It's not like they don't go 24/7 if the right sort of person for the narrative commits the right sort of violence.

NEARLY ALL OF THESE ATTACKS HAPPENED IN PRISONS. As far as I can tell the ONLY PLACE Neo-Nazism is popular is 1) the MEDIA, which loves to invent boogie men for which the solution is a weaponized and completely fascistic police apparatus; and 2) long term detention facilities, where white racism is, I assume, a counter to black and hispanic racism that people like you don't want to talk about.

I say wow again. This whole publication just took a serious hit in my view. You just lost a ton of credibility repeating that nonsense.

I will say to all of you: start visiting Tucker Carlson's Network regularly. He has interviews on there that are fantastic with Mike Benz, Steve Kirsch (as he proudly notes: one of the pearl clutching elites most important Public Enemies), and Russell Brand. Russel's interview was excellent. He is both well spoken and intelligent, and to this he adds a direct honesty that is refreshing.

This publication didn't exist in 2016 or 2020. Maybe as we move towards the election old habits of disingenuousness will become dominant. You can't not be a dishonest douchebag and fail to denounce all of the patently destructive and even nihilistic absurdities emanating from Washington.

If you care about the poor in America, vote for Donald Trump. If you value peace, vote Donald Trump. If you value democracy and the rule of law, vote Donald Trump. Him winning the election a third time may not be enough--some Democrats have already said they will use the system again to disenfranchise him--but it's a necessary start.

Ouch, ouch, ouch: I hate this. Why y'all gotta be this dumb? Why?

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I don’t watch Tucker all the time - just hit or miss / but he had an outstanding episode a couple days ago with a lady who grew up in China during the cultural revolution. It is really worth your time

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If you are one of those people who sees this video and still wants to vote for the Democratic Party - what is your point of view? Everything on this video is coming from the Democratic Party - can I ask - do you see it and think it is good? Do you not see what I see? What do you think -

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I watched it and agree with you.

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Of you are supporting and protecting the left then this is what you are voting for. Why do people do that?

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Exactly Finbar. Why isn’t there a story on how AI will be used to cheat the election? Oh, silly me.

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It's sad. These are otherwise decent people who are in some respects literally mentally ill. It's a form of psychotic dissociation, which is the only way any mind can tolerate, much less push willfully, such profound ideational dissonance.

And psychosis is rooted in fear, in my view. Fear and the inability to deal with it in a mature and appropriate manner. People who cannot deal with fear regress and become small children.

And logically, if fear is contextual, then psychosis can be as well. But there is always a split, and that sort of split becomes something that has to be protected, and it thus spills out everywhere else, into all relations, such that those unwilling to protect the split induce hysteria, rage, and violence. And of course we are seeing all these things in public, and have been for some years.

Trump did nothing but make obvious what was latent. He's not a genius, but he doesn't need to be. He made it obvious that just TRYING to do the right thing is enough to improve all of our lives a lot. Most of our Presidents not only don't try, but most of them have been coopted into doing things that hurt most of us, all for the profit of the few.

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Because I can't not play devils advocate...Hillary basically said the same thing about the right...that they are brainwashed and need to be fixed.

Only pointing out that people on both sides think similar things, they just think it about the other side.

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But only side avoids debate through censorship and deplatforming.

Knowing nothing else, you can assume the side using censorship is the side telling the lies. Truth tellers have nothing to lose and everything to gain from the truth.

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While I agree broadly, I have seen plenty of lack of truth on both sides. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say people on both sides often fall back on what they believe to be true. For instance, masking. The data (truth) I have seen says they don't do much. But I also believe that most of the people wearing/using or pushing them believe they DO work and any data I provide must be false or come from untrustworthy sources....which is the same thing I would think if they provided me with some article from Slate or Vox. Now, there are certainly people (mostly 'leaders') that know the actual truth and still push in the opposite direction. And you will find them anywhere there is power.

That said, I am largely on the conservative/anti-dem side currently because I really do feel that the Dems have a far more manipulative and nefarious reason for their lies and that the direction they are pushing is the wrong one (away from the constitution). But I see more and more "My side right, your side wrong", which puts us in positions to dehumanize the other side, which I think is unhelpful. To me, I would rather try to understand that many people that I disagree with are simply misinformed. They think they believe they are following truth, just as you and I do. But 10 years from now we may find out that any one of us was wrong for various reasons...I don't think so, but I can't really know it.

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What party was so associated with mask wearing that, outside areas where you couldn't not wear a mask, like airplanes, you could reliably infer their political beliefs from the mere fact that they CHOSE to wear one?

I still see masks. None of those people are Republicans, or not likely to be. And why not? Because it was never Verboten for Republicans to tell the truth to each other, and the truth--which was obvious from the get-go on the basis of common sense--was that these masks did nothing but create health problems for those who wore them, and did nothing to prevent the spread of COVID, which in any event was just a bad flu for everyone under 65 and less dangerous than an average actual flu for that same population.

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Put another way, I have no reason to say that "my side" is always right, but will say that lies are almost never balanced. It's 80/20 AT LEAST.

And I would say also that there is a huge difference between lies and errors. A lie is when the truth is obvious but something else is being said. Nearly all universities participate in lies right now, particularly regarding COVID. Honest people simply lose their jobs if they speak unwanted truths about, say, vaccines. Listen to the Tucker Carlson interview with Steve Kirsch.

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Or, it could be that any reality of fact isn’t clear right away, that well meaning people are just figuring it out. There is a lot of seeming conflicting information because, as it turns out, the question “do masks work to prevent the spread and of Covid” is not a clear cut question. An engineer can measure how well particular masks prevent aerosols from escaping and based on that we could conclude that masks could be an easy low cost way of reducing the spread. Then over time epidemiologists can try to find ways to track how well mask mandates might have slowed transmission. But this takes time and epidemiological studies are by their nature flawed. Take the Cochrane review meta analysis published a year ago that people point to as concluding that masks were ineffective did not really come to this conclusion. I read the analysis and it was WAY more nuanced and full of exceptions and caveats than the cherry picking coverage in the media would suggest so much so I would call the coverage of that particular study irresponsible and worthless.

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I just think you have to allow a society to be educated with freely available information in order for a society to survive a difficult time. Once one group of people uses their platform to destroy and censor other people a community cannot come together to solve a problem. I think what the msm did to anyone who disagreed with them at that time was monstrous. Those people treated their fellow citizens in a way that was despicable

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Actually, let me put it this way: EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE IS NOW RIGHT WING. And it is probably basically Neo-Nazism, as laid out by the standards set by the Left and their Big Brother ally the FBI. If you don't like masks, you are probably a neo-Nazi. That's the story that is probably virtually literally being told somewhere, right now, in this country.

None of us are safe in such a world.

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Big picture, it is even worse now. If we get a repeat of 2020 we are going to see blood in the streets. Not shed by me, but going through that again is going to drive a lot of people over the edge.

Dan Bongino recently revealed that the Deep State had a list of targets in 2016, and they did in fact target and marginalize many of them, most notably Michael Flynn, but including Ted Cruz and Alex Jones.

We are already in a soft techno-fascism. It's here. Your news is mediated right now, by and large, by people who want you ignorant. What remains to be seen is if the lid will be closed completely. That's certainly the goal.

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Yeah I think a lot of people feel that the mythological hero story about fighting evil white supremacists strikes a new low for TFP.

Any time a Democrat seriously tries to present white supremacy as a serious and ongoing threat, they start to expose and prove just how ridiculous that premise is.

But in California they LOVE stories about killing white racists. Just watch their new television programming!

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Don't miss Tucker's interview with Xi Van Fleet, author of "Mao's America".

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I agree with all of this. Dumb is absolutely the most accurate description

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Unsaint Finbar

Vote Republican everywhere. Shun the callous cretin, smear merchant, who is cheering for Russia.

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If you are referring to Donald Trump, but unwilling to say his name, I see ZERO evidence he is "cheering" for Russia. He is cheering for America, and the only strategic interest America has over there is avoiding war with Russia.

And I think we should leave NATO, completely, forever. Europe now is not Europe in the 40's and 50's.

NATO, as a treaty, seems to exist to provide mutual defense for DEFENSE CONTRACTORS. Why are we required, by international treaty, to never allow our "defense" spending to get below roughly 3.5% of our GDP? The whole is absurd, obscene and stupid.

It's people with money bribing our officials to support things that are not in America's interest.

Trump gets this, and he says this, and has thus had the entire Military-Industrial Complex weaponized against him, illegally, and contrary to the interests of you and me.

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Trump was the toughest President on Russia/Soviet Union since Reagan. He took actions against Russia, not just talking about them.

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We were shocked that maybe the most important tech company in the world could produce something this embarrassing.


“Shocked”? Really? What an amazingly naive, or incredibly ignorant, comment.

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Honestly I for one wasn't shocked. It felt more like product working as designed, as expected. If I'm shocked at all, it's that I'm amazed at its woke performance exceeding expectations.

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Totally agree. This was a feature, not a bug

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Another proof that Science + Politics = Stupid

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If you have any gmail accounts switch over to iCloud email as soon as possible. Protonmail is even better. Google sells content from your emails and you have zero expectation of privacy for anything you do that involves Google, including gmail, search, and YouTube views.

Google’s file on you is for sale to anyone who will pay their fee, including stalkers and law enforcement (despite the 4th Amendment). Trespassing on your privacy is their entire business model and they have become the 7th largest company in the US with $1.7 trillion in market cap using that business model.

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The key to understanding "AI" is that LLMs are giant bullcrap machines. Think of it as cutting up everything, categorizing what the pieces came from as it goes and the relationship of the pieces to each other. Then statistical analysis is done and it is prompted to produce something.

Based on the weighting of relationships Ina huge amount of stuff, it barfs something at you.

Training is when you tell it, "I don't like that barf. I like this barf." But make no mistake. It is all 100% barf. And it cannot ever get to the point where it is "right" all the time.

Performance of LLMs is variable. A lot variable. It doesn't just improve. In tests of hard targets like deciding if something is a prime number, it's documented to get worse, better, worse...

And LLMs are vulnerable to what amount to Harry Potter world incantations. All of them are. Put the right gobbledygook in and it will do what it should not. What are those? Hard to predict, but they're nonsense to humans.

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"Anybody asking for regulation is, in [Mike Solana's] opinion, looking to build a monopoly ..."

That is an excellent point.

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I am a pessimist. What the Google Gemini fiasco shows all too clear is that AI will complete a process that has been underway for many decades now: the encirclement of ever-fragile Western Democracy by the goggle-eyed warriors of the Social Justice Religion. The difference being that AI will entrench the religion as a kind of cosmos - with further SJW argument or proselytising no longer being necessary - alternative perspectives will have simply been AI rubbed out. And electoral pluralism? Well that delicate flower has been withering anyway... becoming just a kind of plaything....part of the media entertainment industry while a (now AI enhanced) techno-bureaucracy grinds on, constantly topped up by 'experts' emerging from its 'one-party' universities. Madame de Pompadour's 'Deluge' is coming....there's no stopping it now. The SJW 'expert' rot is too wide and too deep. And Apres le Deluge? Who knows....

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I'm a fatalist, myself. I figure that, whatever goes on in the wider world, none of my family members will ever put away their clean clothes or wash their dishes.

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Yes but Gemini will enable them to come back at you with a great speech about how bourgeois you're being to care about such things.

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They're a clever bunch: they already came up with that on their own.

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Jobs at Google beckon?

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They could earn enough to support me in the style to which I would like to become accustomed: with an apartment near the library, my church, and a bar.

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We need to remind ourselves the internet doesn't have all the answers, AI or otherwise. And there are still lot of truths to be found in print books, especially those written and published pre internet.

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This assumes all of society’s information will come from AI. I wouldn’t give it that much credit. It’s just regurgitating existing info and - in this case - going completely haywire based on its engineers’ bias. Anyone in their right mind trying to look up pictures of historical figures (especially those who existed when cameras were around) should not use AI.

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Anyone who gets tagged (or self-tags) as an information/misinformation 'expert' will either be a self-important buffoon or a grifter of some sort or perhaps just a plain simple idiot. The downsides of the digital age are just facts to be faced. The upside was an explosion of information... the downside was an even greater explosion of tendentiousness, opinionated ignorance and sheer vacuity.

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Not wrong, but regulatory capture is a thing, too.

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It is and we see it a lot today. Regulatory capture is a great way to suppress competition and keep upstarts out of markets. Although the phrase is not quite right; it's more of a mutual admiration society. Don't forget that Obama asserted that the government has the power to pick winners in markets, and Biden has done nothing to reverse that.

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Good points.

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which is precisely what I was saying!

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Elon is among those asking for regulations.

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He would.

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Task force butler is a fucking woke joke of an “organization” fwiw. Nothing more than trained antifa members pretending to be “anti fascist”. Maybe do the slightest bit of research into these organizations before plugging them like they’re doing gods work. I’m honestly surprised you didn’t.

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I thought the same thing. "Task Force Butler" reminded me of the 'Threat Level Midnight' skit on "The Office" staring Michael Scarn vs Goldenface.

I mean where exactly are all these "neo-Nazi terrorists on American soil"? I'm pretty sure I've seen a few videos of feds dressed up at neo-Nazi's to get us ready for the upcoming 2024 election, but don't think I've run across the real thing yet.


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It’s an absurd grift is what it is. They know there are no Neo Nazis to speak of and the small handful that do exist are where they belong…on the fringes of society being ridiculed and mocked. I just went to their website to see if they actually have meetings and what do you know…? no such luck. But alas, there is a handy “donate” button to support their quest to crush fascism and protect minorities, and some super sweet merch for you to wear to show your friends how antifa you are at the office happy hour.

You and I seem to be in complete agreement on here quite often lol. Probably a good thing we don’t know each other irl we’d probably get arrested.

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It's partly the "law" (of which I've forgotten the name, bit like Murphy's Law) that says that all organizations outlive their usefulness. There was value in tracking down escaped Nazis after WWII. But by now, if any actual Nazis are still alive, they must be pushing 100. So the hunters invented the concept of "neo-Nazi", so they can continue to pat themselves on the back.

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In all fairness there are delusional racist nutjobs who proudly call themselves neo-Nazis. But like you said they exist where they belong and they aren't collectively a threat in any realistic sense. I can't believe these people are what TFP is talking about today. Oliver Wiseman has really jumped the shark if he's why we got this useless piece of info.

What I'd rather see is a piece on the crazy hysteria on "white nationalism". I say this as a minority, or oops, sorry, the trendy teem now is POC. Can't keep up with the woke language games.

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Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy.

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don't worry.......they've got a file on you too :-)

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L.O.L. Given that they’ve changed the definition of fascism to include anyone to the right of Bernie I’m sure you’re right.

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Oliver has way too much influence over the new news roundups. He needs to be replaced. Dude has chugged so much blue Kool aid he can't distinguish it from water anymore.

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Yes. He shouldn’t be censored, but this is not the right platform for his work. Almost every media outlet is in constant gaslight mode, and most FP readers are here desperate for an alternative. The polls all show trust in the US media is the lowest in the developed world. Oliver Wiseman would be a fine writer at WaPo. But FP readers are largely ptsd from the firehose of lies and propaganda we are constantly fed by establishment media, and reading this kind of nonsense here too is a big middle finger to the readership.

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But central casting did a fine job with the main character. Bald, big bearded, pressed shirt but rolled sleeves revealing tattoos and finally, that searing gaze reflected in the glass.

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Yup. It was probably the same casting director who cast Biden as “The President”…😉

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Thanks for saving me a bit of typing. Gotta run.

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At this point, why would you be surprised? Our world is filled with glib and misinformed imbeciles who can be lied to so easily they amount to programmable wind up robots.

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Normally I’d agree with you completely but the whole point in paying for TFP is to avoid that kind of shit is it not? Although tbh wiseman isn’t exactly the free press a team so I suppose you’re right. I shouldn’t be surprised.

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Just so I'm clear, as a wise poet once wrote, Nazi punks fuck off. That said, how many of these woke vets are intel weenies implying they were trigger pullers? Secretary Pete, Malcolm Nance, this guy apparently...

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The main guy is for sure. Got kicked out bc he couldn’t hack it and tried to off himself like a true bad ass.

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Now is a good time to give serious consideration to separating completely from Google. I use both Chrome and gmail. But more and more I realize that I'm the product not the consumer. Which was OK when Google was a relatively benign search engine. But now, having revealed the depths of their leftist and entirely insane mindset, it is time to activate my protonmail account. And search for a new browser. This will be a royal pain. But do we really have a choice when Google has made it patently clear where they stand and how much they despise us?

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I came to this conclusion yesterday when I realized that gmail quit giving me notifications of new episodes Tucker posts (I am a paid subscriber).

My question is who and how? I have a long history and all of my "stuff" is tied to my email and passwords saved within.

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You MUST check the spam bucket occasionally before you dump it. In my case, I found stuff from my oncologist there.

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A couple years ago I sold my Goog (now META) and FB stock, even though they had been fantastic investments in them, and have skyrocketed since.

It was financially painful, but morally cleansing. Conservatives need to stop financially backing groups like this that are out to destroy us.

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In addition, the seven largest companies by market cap comprise about 25% of the value of the S&P 500. If you own an S&P 500 index fund you are not diversified, which is the whole point of buying such funds. There are funds that allocate their holdings such that there is an equal amount of dollars invested in each of the S&P 500 so that you aren’t so overweighted on just seven companies. Disclaimer- that’s not financial advice, just general info.

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It’s like divesting of any stocks or funds with China in them. A self cleansing.

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You're still,using chrome and gmail??? God I left them more than a decade ago.

Protonmail is the most private and secure email service right now but I don't like their app interface. Whatever email service you choose, get the basic paid plan. All normal middle class adults can afford to pay for emails. The price of free email is enormous in these days of privacy intrusions and censorship.

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And those of us who are not middle class?

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Celia, Protonmail does have a free plan. Scroll down to the bottom to find it: https://proton.me/mail/pricing

There is the risk that they can cancel the free plan in the future. Though for now it's an option. There may be other similar paid services that include a free plan. I haven't looked into them all though.

I apologize if I sounded insensitive. People who can't afford paid email services are in a worse situation. The point I meant to make was that too many people who could afford it are much too willing to sell their souls for a bit of "free" perk. They really shouldn't. It's detrimental to themselves most of all, and it enables Google to be so powerful.

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What can I say. They make it very easy.

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When my Firefox-based browser was no longer able to cope with too many websites, I went with Edge instead of Chrome. Surprisingly (considering the past reputation of Internet Exploder), it works well. And this way no one big tech company has control over everything I do online. I also use DuckDuckGo instead of Google, although that is becoming more similar to Google all the time.

I've still got email accounts through my internet provider, but I mostly use g-mail. Getting more and more worried about that all the time.

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Edge works on the same engine as Chrome now, that's why its performance improved.

Pretty much all browsers are now just a company wrapper around the open-source Chromium engine.

I don't expect Microsoft's AI to be any less prejudiced than Google, and I'm alarmed by the ability of these companies to install "updates" with AI, where users have no idea and no way to consent to what the tech does.

Remember a few years ago when they were using the microphone commands to scan your ambient speech for keyword ads?

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I don't use microphone commands specifically for that reason.

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And tape up your cameras when possible. My phone cameras aren’t covered but there’s no reason for me to not cover my tablet cameras, especially the backfacing ( selfie ) ones. Taking photos with a tablet is awkward crap anyway…

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What about Safari? Apple uses open-source Chrome engine too?

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Safari is the biggest exception. It still uses WebKit, which most browsers updated to Chromium.

I like Brave browser, which is Chromium with heavy privacy controls and some integrated pay features for small content creators. Between Brave and DuckDuckGo, I only use Google search for directions and local business information.

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You can still use gmail for junk mail. Like when you have to do one-off sign up for sites you only need once. Let them send all your junk mail there.

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Proton mail was very good when I used it and I'll probably go back to it and just keep gmail as my junk account to buy things and get deluged with their emails. Edge isn't bad. Even though Microsoft is responsible for MSNBC.

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I heard Proton mail was a subscription service. If I'm going to ditch g-mail, I might as well use the accounts I already pay for.

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Celia see my other reply to you. Protonmail is subscription but has a free plan.

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same here Celia! And- I have to use gmail, Chrome and Google drive for work. everything in the NFP where I work is Googly, but I may try to splinter off in my personal world.

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Be brave. Use Brave.

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Firefox and duck duck go

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Brave or Freespoke both work well

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Ken McGuire

I tried Brave at least a year ago. It split the screen on my iPad. Conservatives are living in a technological prison. The Free Press is one of the few places where we get a daily pass. I have cancelled my Facebook page.

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What do you mean it split the screen? It works fine on my iPad. Also try Duck Duck Go.

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Seems to me Apple is the tech prison. And you still had a Facebook page? Really?

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Others here have said that, too. I will check out Brave. Do you use it?

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It's my default. Not the most comprehensive results, but for most queries it's fine and the browser stops a ton of tracking.

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Thanks. I'm checking it out now. Just have to make sure my firm is ok for using it on firm laptop.

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You can download their app on your phone too. DDG also has their own app.

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Ditch Chrome immediately.

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I stopped using the Google search engine when their employees refused to do any work with our Defense Department.

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Kristofer Goldsmith sounds as cray-cray as those he’s hunting. This account sounds as if Goldsmith and Volodzko have written the screenplay for Netflix or Prime’s next Reacher-esque series. Seriously, how does this dude put food on the table, let alone support a growing team of Nazi hunters? The fit of someone’s cargo pants and pink sneakers are enough to condemn? This man, with his serious, documented psychological issues, most grievous being a dishonorable discharge, passed a background check for his pump-action rifle? And if he wants to save America, why not infiltrate the gangs and budding cartels murdering our citizens by the hundreds EVERY DAY. Something doesn’t add up. Either this really is a made-for-tv movie pitch, or, as some of you have astutely observed, this is our Deep State exposed.

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Excellent points! I hadn't considered the gun licensing question.

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Tip of the hat to Hunter Biden. If he hadn’t been busted for a similar infraction, I never would have thought of it.

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I thought so too for a minute but it was other than honorable, which isn't the same as dishonorable and isn't automatically prohibiting.

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Who got a dishonorable discharge? The Nazi hunter weirdo? Where did you see that?

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Good point on the gun issue

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Use DuckDuckGo.

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A little response from Grok, which I mostly use, but still don't trust completely. Certainly better than any of the others:


What are the criticisms leveled at DuckDuckGo, and are they valid?


DuckDuckGo is a privacy-focused search engine that has gained popularity in recent years, but it's not without its critics. Some of the main criticisms include:

Search Quality: Some users argue that DuckDuckGo's search results are not as relevant or comprehensive as those of Google or other major search engines. This can be attributed to the fact that DuckDuckGo relies on various sources, including Bing and its own web crawler, to provide search results.

Limited Features: DuckDuckGo may not offer the same range of features and services as Google or other search engines. For example, it doesn't have a built-in email service, cloud storage, or a suite of productivity tools like Google does.

Advertising: While DuckDuckGo prides itself on not tracking users or serving targeted ads, it does display ads based on the search query. Some users may find this intrusive or annoying.

Privacy Concerns: Despite its strong focus on privacy, DuckDuckGo has faced criticism for its relationship with Microsoft. In 2021, it was revealed that Microsoft trackers were still present on third-party websites when using DuckDuckGo's browsers. This raised concerns about the effectiveness of DuckDuckGo's privacy protection measures.

The validity of these criticisms largely depends on individual preferences and priorities. For users who value privacy above all else, DuckDuckGo may still be a better choice than Google or other major search engines. However, those who require more comprehensive search results or a wider range of features may find DuckDuckGo's offerings to be lacking.


Keez Nuts



Feb 22

Replying to @beinlibertarian

Duck Duck Go also curates what they consider misinformation, and sells your data.

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I use DuckDuckGo daily for research, including science, for my work. Never, ever had a problem.

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"DuckDuckGo may not offer the same range of features and services as Google or other search engines. For example, it doesn't have a built-in email service, cloud storage, or a suite of productivity tools like Google does."

For heaven's sake! This is a criticism?? I consider this a FEATURE! Have we learned nothing from the centralization of all things Google? The last thing I want is for all my stuff--emails, docs, forms, you name it--concentrated in the hands of one single tech giant.

Diversify your information is what we should all be doing in this day and age if you want to protect yourself form ID theft and protect your privacy.

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That was simply a quick commentary from what I consider a reasonably independent source, not a criticism nor my opinion. Your mileage may vary. And FYI, Grok is not a Google product and is in fact a competitor.

re: diversification as a source of privacy. Not necessarily so; search engines can find data everywhere and correlate from various sources, even evaluating one's verbal style and making accurate guesses which of the various aliases are in fact the same person. Serious privacy protection requires not only a deep dive but a certain amount of expertise. Professional data miners know that and take full advantage of the average man's - who may have done a few low-level things - false sense of security.

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I use the Brave browser and DuckDuckGo. It's just a little bit inconvenient but the privacy benefits are worth it.

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I use Brave over DDG. DDG also sells user data.

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Where's the source for DDG selling their user data?

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Feckin' 'ell. Neo-Nazis? There are more congregants in Westboro Baptist Church than Nazi's, neo or otherwise, in America. Check flight arrivals at Boryspil and Igor Sikorsky. You've more chance of finding an American Nazi in a Donbas trench. Once and for all too, Fascists and Nazis just be one of the interminable flavours of Leftieloon Socialism. As you'd quickly realise if you checked A. H. ; Mosely; and Musso's etc. backstories. Domestic terrorist? Checkout your local Dimocrat Congress Critter: we can all name a handful of Islamo-Fascists to be found there.

Fancy a Jewish "news" organisation not knowing what the fuck a Nazi is.

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That Sweeny article bugs me. I don't like the black and white nature of it. Either he is doing journalist or hes a stalker/terrorist. Is it possible that he is using his rights but is also being a jerk? I mean, I have the right to walk up to someone on the street and call them a ****ing ******* *****er, but that doesn't mean I am moral for doing so. Besides I don't feel like he is actually doing journalism. He isn't digging into anything...he just tracks jets and then tells people. Like when he said that Musk and Trump were in palm beach the same day...musta been a meeting! See, a journalist would have actually tried to follow up to see if their suspicions were confirmed before just 'reporting' on it and giving their own suppositions. That is not Journalism...its gossip.

But most of all, even if we count it as journalism, that doesn't make it ok. He isn't digging and finding things that lead him down a trail that he will eventually report on great findings that lead to a revelation. He is just digging and reporting on the dig that he digs up as he goes. he doesn't really have a point or goal. Just "Hey look, I get attention when I post this stuff...I'm a journalist!".

At least that is what it feels like. My test for this stuff is, "Would I be ok with someone doing that to me?" Sure I may not have much to hide, but I wouldn't want some jerk posting about everywhere I go in hopes that I do something news worthy.

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I am inclined to agree. Privacy is important, even for the rich and famous. This was probably the most intriguing snippet in today's Free Press given that the Gemini disaster has already been widely reported and the Witchfinder Kristofer is a man suffering from his own delusions that he confuses with reality.

Where do we as a society draw the line for privacy? Walking down the streets of a busy city does not entitle you to privacy, so why should your flight movements be private and not public record? However, you and I both felt that some kind of line had been crossed.

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See, for me, tracking isn't the issue. It is his decision to share it. I could keep a notepad at my window and record the comings and going of a neighbor. Well within my rights. But posting it in the paper without doing any other research and claiming they must be a drug dealing because of how often the come and go seems like slander and even if not illegal, just sounds like something shitty.

He feels justified because these people are rich. I doubt he would be ok if this were happening to someone he cares about.

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I think the line being crossed here is that this is very close to “doxxing”, which is (for good reason) against the policy of most online entities like X, Facebook, etc.

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Besides the anti-white racism there is an incredible contempt for blacks google has shown . Do they really think the wider black community is that foolish to accept this or they want such stupidity? On a related note If you seen the imagery isn’t amazing most of the images have “aryan” characteristics, it’s as if google has a predetermined view of what the best of any race should look like

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And not just black or white people…why would literally ANYONE use a product who’s only job is to provide you with the most accurate information possible as quickly as possible if you they know what they’re actually seeing is biased and verifiably ahistorical? The shit absolutely defies logic. You had one fucking job Google Gemini…

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Poor judgement on the part of TFP with the Nazi Hunter.

Someone took off the thinking cap. Please put it back on Bari, and restore some common sense here.

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I’m super disappointed in Bari. She seems to be MIA, apparently out conducting worthy interviews and perhaps primarily focused on growing the Free Press brand, but I thought I had signed up to read her take on current events. Instead, more often we’re seeing commenters (not journalists, as far as I can tell from their writing) who aren’t her equal in brainpower or ability to distill complex issues into clear, credible and I might even add compassionate articles. The snark and patronizing attempts at humor in these pieces cannot disguise their lack of intellectual heft, but rather expose it. Today’s offering on “taking down terrorists at home…” is not just disturbing in its premise, it’s also entirely inappropriate to give this amount of space - and readers’ time - to someone so pathetic he actually voices things like, “We wanna fucking take our pound of flesh.” What is wrong with TFP? And where is Bari?? Why am I paying for this miserable drivel?

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So vigilantism is good as long as it is used against Na-a-azzzziiiis!!!! ? How far down the rabbit hole is this going to go?

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there are people working at Google who have psychotic political views that shape everything they do, and they have been allowed to impact a product that is incredibly important to that company --

Sums up the entire worldwide woke movement and all of the mentally psychotic idiots. These people will not be happy until they destroy the country. Of course the rich will assume control and yeah, you have China rules. Speak up and die or just disappear.

Friggin fools and idiots all of them!

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The answer is yes. They really do think that. Just this week it was reported a BLM professor of Cal State LA tweeted she feels liking Taylor Swift is a little racist. Oh, and the Chiefs winning the Superbowl is a white supremacist conspiracy. I kid you not. https://www.thecollegefix.com/slightly-racist-to-be-a-taylor-swift-fan-professor-says/

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Talk about “seeing reds under the bed”… apparently racism (not unlike god) is everywhere!

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