Where are all the US feminist protesters who should be supporting their sisters in Iran?

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They’ve never supported them! Just like they’ve yet to support women athletes. It’s only ever been about “reproductive freedom”, in other words, “abortion is healthcare”, and women's pay needing to be equal to men.

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You are absolutely right! Now does not support female causes. They support abortion. They have admitted as much.

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I believe she said that in front of a NOW rally and the NOW people cheered.

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I think even Clinton would have turned her down

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Bill Clinton would have sex with a goat if he thought he could get away with it. Who knows maybe he already has had sex with a goat and I'm not talking about Hillary.

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You have to admit he looked quite fetching in the blue dress portrait that hung in Epstein's digs.

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OMG! I had not seen that before! I am speechless. How do people not see their hypocrisy?? The female left takes freedom for granted!

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Abortion at any stage of pregnancy it’s bizarre

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I'm attempting to re-think the way I see feminism and the American landscape in general. Left/ right or on a deeper level them/us is convenient but allows a handful of professional distortionist's (who, as in the case of the "trans" horror represent a max of 5% of the population) to capture the dialogue and force the discussion to happen on their terms. I've read that "woke"/P.C. represents Billions of dollars annually in donations and grants nationwide. To keep the cash flowing pretend ideologues need crisis. Their hypocrisy and seeming insincerity in pushing what often seems to be adamant anti-human positions and the immediate "othering" of anyone seen as a threat to their power, the complete lack of introspection revealed in their ability to ignore facts and the similarity of the psychology in the approach to all important American concerns makes me think we're dealing with a hydra. Women deserve better.

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I'm not even sure it was ever about that. American feminism, like American anti-racism, is just an excuse to use seemingly noble causes to keep the Democrats in power.

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Just when you thought things couldn't get worse, the left goes and does this:



I ask again, how can a Jew vote Democrat?

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If G-d created free will, did he have to add idiocy so that so many Jews fail to see the danger of trying to find compromise with the likes of the leadership of Iran. How can Democrats not side with the brave women in Iran? It was women who finally ended the religious war that raged in Ireland so many decades ago. Give peace a chance, remember that song, it means supporting the brave women of Iran.

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The Dems claim to be the feminist party. which they have never been. It does not surprise me that Biden is silent on this. When the Cubans went to the street to protest the lack of freedom and the Commy regime, Biden remained silent. He never supported them. The Dems have powerful Communists in high places, Bernie Sanders, AOC and her gang.

The Dems have always idolized Islam and if anyone criticizes Islam these nut cases, they call you an Islamophobe and their favorite term, a racist. They call this blood soaked misogynistic religion, the religion of peace.

They can't bring themselves to put the words Islamic and terrorist together in a sentence. Obama's wimpy Attorney General, Eric Holder at a senate hearing, couldn't bring himself the call the 9/11 murders Islamic Terrorists.

Don't these clowns read history books? I know they can read. I see them posting to this BBS so I assume they can read. A cursory glance at an Islamic history book will tell you Islam has never been peaceful. It is the religion of slaughter not peace.

The President who claimed to be the "human rights" president, Jimmy Carter, is the root cause of all our troubles in Iran. He sold then, Shah of Iran down, the river and let the Ayatollah in. The Shah was westernizing Iran. He allowed women to wear dresses and ditch the head scarfs and head to toe burkas and allowed them to go to universities. That all changed after Jimmy Carter. Carter was not the "human rights" president. He was the incompetent boob president. (Biden is competing for that title.)

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BLM explicitly supported the Cuban government during those protests.

Given the choice between supporting impoverished black people or rich white communist abusers, they chose communism.

It was never about race, always about revolution.

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Absolutely, the most important thing is the social progress towards "haven-on-earth" state with its complete rejection of individual rights in the new "classless" society where happiness is achieved in its superior collective form and freedom is "one's understanding that one has no choice but to comply". On our way to this "haven-on-earth" they (progressives) may have temp alignment/agreements with the "oppressed" groups: Muslims, blacks, Jews, whoever is susceptible to the liberation propaganda and thus can be used as cannon fodder .

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To negotiate with a Theocracy is a no win game for us and in reality non believers world wide. Understanding fundelmentalist Islam should be the foundation for any negotiations or accomidations for Iran or any other country based on this religous foundation.

Fundementalist Islam belives that non belivers either convert or should be killed. How do we negotiate with a country that has this as their stated goal?

Create and demonstrate a challenge to fundementalist Islam. Show that we will be equal in any challenge on their part. Support the internal recognition in the middle east that there is no winner in confrontation of ideas between cultures.

Just my oppinion. Looks like a bleak future for all of us.

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I believe one of their “religious” tenants is that lying is an acceptable means to an end. How can you negotiate with liars? Clearly Biden is too ignorant and enfeebled to know that but it’s Obama retreads running our foreign policy (and everything else) so the question becomes moot.

Obama is a narcissist. Maybe he really believes he has the power to alter Iranian behavior, or maybe there is something more sinister going on. I’m reminded of another Muslim saying, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Which begs the question, who does Obama consider the enemy?

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Obama denies being Muslim but he is definitely a sympathizer

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Well he did rhapsodize about the beauty of the call to prayer...Well, I suppose lol If you like atonal atrocities.

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You are preaching to the choir.

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I think the Dems and progressives are following “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” principle. Clearly the progressives see Western Civilization as their enemy, as does Islam. Thus progressives have climbed into bed with Islam. They are confident in their power to kick Islam out of bed once they are done using them.

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Exactly. This is mutually hate society but for now they both think that they can use each other. Socialists think they will come on top so do the jihadists.

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I remember the Nasty Women's March had, & maybe still has, Linda Sarsour as one of its directors. Hollywood loved her & was doing "hijab chic." There were hijabs that looked like American flags & Linda telling them how Islam was so cool, you could sign up & have all your credit card debt paid. This was while the epidemics of FGM & honor killing were being exported to the UK & even the US. So don't expect the feminists to support their Iranian sisters any time soon. Because the left knows only concepts & abstractions, not the brutal reality of individuals. They didn't oppose FGM when it meant performing infibulation on a 9-year-old with a piece of broken glass as a "rite of passage" & they don't seem to be able to call young teenaged girls undergoing double mastectomies & hysterectomies the genital mutilation that it is.

It's interesting that 3rd-wave feminists seem to embrace the hyper-masculinity, all the way to brutality, of Islam while turning their own men into eunuchs & their girls into Edwin Page, or whatever the hell her name is now.

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Yes the chic hijab graced the covers of fashion magazines...unreal. I couldn't believe that this practice was being celebrated considering the underline oppression that it represents. I guess all those pink pussy hats are gathering dust in the far corners of womens closets.

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Elliot Page (f.k.a. Ellen) not Edwin, right?

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Very few hooks in my brain upon which I'd waste hanging this sort of thing.

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I just have googled your reference -- want to learn what was it all about. No big deal.

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They're being radicalized over abortion for the midterms and don't have the energy for anything else.

That's the Democrat midterm script and they're not about to lose that important focus on abortion by getting distracted by an actual revolution for womens' rights.

The Democratic Party does not see us as humans. We are tools for enforcing their script, and the script has no principles behind it other than keeping some elderly, dying hatemongers in absolute power. Learn the lesson of the lockdowns. They don't care about people.

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Exactly. They're laser-focused on keeping power in Congress, and Roe's downfall is their only leverage point.

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They are protesting Israel. They tacitly support Iran because Iran wants to destroy Israel. Indeed, Iran's nuclear ambitions are primarily in pursuit of the ability to drop a nuclear bomb on Israel.

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They do not personally benefit from improvements in Iran.

That is why the woke protest injustice at Google, or Berkeley, or Yale, even as those places are the most woke in the world already. It's about self-interest. Altruism is just propaganda.

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The problem is that most of the Left millennials have No Guts. They are working at high paying jobs, eating at fancy restaurants and posting their fabulousness on Instagram.

Those of us who protested in the 60-70’s had very little to lose.

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They are in bed with AOC and the SQUAD: Antisemitism defeats Democracy.

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As a thought. Jews believe in the existence of God. The visionary G.G. Jung felt "ideological utopianism", which in the 20th Century brought about the ascent of the totalitarian states (fascism/communism) that murdered millions, was caused by the unresolved split in the human psyche between the God image and "empirical science" which occurred during the Enlightenment. That healing the split requires the creation of a third alternative that combines the two. The American Constitution and the Bill of Rights it contains, which is in a large part based on Christian human principals, acknowledges the existence of a "creator" and recognizes the sovereignty of individual human personal liberty without demanding obedience to any particular "religious" ideology.

Jews and many Americans catch condemnation because of the polarity. The opposite end of the spectrum, "empirical science", in the quest for perfection denies human spirituality and imperfection. Left to itself it can rationalize a sterile chip in the head, make love to a robot, eat bugs, you'll own nothing and be happy (as long as I'm in charge) reality that completely removes human need, experience and spirituality from the equation. Todays, immense upward transfer of wealth is allowing the exploitation and manipulation of mostly young and uneducated "ideological utopians" to install a new world anti-human totalitarianism. Our elected political leadership, the MSM and our national dialogue (which is why we're here) has been compromised. Our only engine of survival is the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Because, totalitarian utopian ideologues are anti-human and anti-life (I'm being extreme but I'm being serious.) The only legitimate frame of reference now is the Constitution.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

Actually there is an old Jewish joke regarding Christians and the Trinity: "Yes I am Jewish and there is only ONE God and He doesn't exist!" The big question is why do all religions require some kind of animal sacrifice, or human sacrifice? That is the wisdom of the Book of Hebrews in the NT: Jesus is the final sacrifice. I think Freud got that right: We kill something to trade with a Divine Future we like to call God in hopes that God/Future will help us. If I cut off my finger for God or gouge out an eye or inject a tattoo or scar or even develop a psychiatric disorder, the Daddy Tomorrow may not make me suffer so much. So the Capital insurrection was a kind of sacrifice to the odd god of the Proud Boys et al. They actually blew the shofar before the attack, emulating Joshua before he took the Promised Land with a brutality beyond imagination as commanded by God. Yes, only one God and He does not exist.

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The point of sacrifice is to pay for sin. Sin is a person’s distance from perfection as God defines it. If you sin, you have to atone to be right with God again. It isn’t just appeasement. It resets the moral calculus to man being right with God. It’s not to impress Him. If you start with the premise that all humans are sinful, it makes perfect sense.

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They are too busy lamenting their imagined subjugation on college campuses to protest for women you actually live in a society that strips them of their human rights.

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What exactly do you think anyone can do? The Iranian theocrats are going to crush this movement just as ruthlessly as they did the protests in 2009. There is literally nothing that anyone in the West can do to prevent this, short of "regime change," which we've been very bad at.

But it would be nice if American leadership didn't bend over backwards and simply let Iran get nuclear weapons. The fact that Iran's stated goal is to destroy Israel is, unfortunately, the reason that Leftists are so accommodating of Iran.

That's the real reason why Leftist women are not out protesting in solidarity with their Iranian sisters (regardless if whether it would do any good). Protesting Iran's behavior would suggest that something should be done about Iran's overall goals. And Leftists don't want to protest for that.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

Not sure we're entirely powerless. Although we have to move very carefully lest the Iranian freedom movement be conflated with "the Great Satan." But it's interesting that Biden is more interested in calling half his citizens white supremacist domestic terrorists and not saying a word in support of people who are standing up to the real terrorists. I never thought it was possible to despise an American president the way I do this corrupt, nasty, demented geezer.

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Writes LonesomePolecat’s Newsletter

32 min ago

Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, the left goes and does this:



I ask again, how can a Jew vote Democrat?

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He didn't support the Cubans last year when the demonstrated against the brutal Communist regime.

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That's like asking why US feminists supported a serial abuser of women like Bill Clinton, and his enabler Hillary. It was all about partial birth abortion. US feminism is a fraud.

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Don't get me started on Bill Clinton. What an asshole.

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Oct 1, 2022·edited Oct 1, 2022

So so messed up that this is the top comment, and all the pile-on replies. Seriously? Of all the people to blame, You all are pointing fingers at US feminists? Not the men in power in the US government or the Iranian governments who caused this or can actually do something about this?

I have no love lost for today's version of liberal feminism but it's disappointing to see followers of this newsletter to be so misogynistic and blinded by their own biases that when men in Iran are murdering their women, and the US government currently headed by a man is complicit, the first people you're all holding responsible are women several continents away who can't realistically do anything about this.

Shame on all of you. You don't care about the Iranian women's plight. You have no sympathy. You all just want to settle a score.

And if it makes you feel better, there are no US feminists groups anymore. They are all mixed-sex groups now and their number one agenda is to push for men's rights for men in skirts and makeup. They only speak up for "women" who are males. They're busy dismantling all women's rights in the US. So why are you expecting them to care what 's happening in Iran?

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What on earth makes you think we don't care? We absolutely have sympathy for these Iranian women. But we have zero power to do anything to help them, apart from speaking out against the Obama/Biden deal with Iran.

And that is exactly the thing that Leftists--feminist or not--will NOT do.

The silence of American feminists on this issue is part and parcel of their dedication to Leftist power above all else. Calling out their hypocrisy is the best thing we can do to try to turn hearts and minds against the Leftist agenda. (Note that I'm not a conservative; I am a classical liberal anti-Leftist moderate.)

The reality is that the men who are killing women in Iran are the men who want a nuclear weapon to destroy Israel. They are not guided by logic or reason; they are guided by fanaticism and hate. Short of "regime change" (which we've done a monstrous job of before, including *in* Iran), there's not much the U.S. can do to make them stop killing women. And what little can be done is something the Leftists--who are the ones currently in power--are not willing to do.

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I believe you care about the women in Iran. I don't believe men voting the top comment to blame "feminists" give a damn except to settle score.

And as one disillusioned classic liberal antiwoke to another, sister, if it's still not clear, I'll read you the writing on the wall. "American feminism" no longer exists. It is now a men's rights movement. The agenda of NOW, PP, NARAL, and every single one of these "feminist" groups is to advocate for special treatments for men who identify as women. They recognize only one kind of women and that is women born with penises. Beyond that they don't know what a woman is.

So there is no hypocrisy. They don't care about those body parts on legs protesting in Iran.

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I am seeing a rise in the number of proud TERFs and also a rise in "LGB without the T." But American feminism has definitely lost its way.

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Oh take your accusations of sexism and shove them.

Yes, we expect the government leaders who have styled themselves the progressive promoters of women for decades to stand up to this moment. They aren't, because it doesn't help their power. THEY are the ones who have used women as pawns to further their own power.

I am not in a position to help Iranian women. Pelosi is. So why the hell is she supporting the Iranian regime and silent on the protests? This is just like when BLM saw black Cubans protesting inequality, so they supported the white communists.

What else are we supposed to do but demand accountability from our hypocrite rulers? Tweet in support? Criticize some Republicans for saying something?

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By all means, demand accountability from our hypocrite rulers. I'm all for it. But you're not doing that, are you? You're just settling scores with "feminists", aa my reply was referring to the fact that the top voted comment is to blame "feminists" instead of any hypocrite rulers at all. Last I checked, "feminists" don't rule this country. Nancy Pelosi is not a feminist. She hardly ever claimed to be one. You're just changing the goalpost instead of speaking to the point I was making, so I'll just say the same thing to you as you said to me. You can take your sexism and shove it.

As for "Progressive promoters of women", none exists today so not sure who you're referring to at all. In case you haven't gotten the memo yet, "feminism" today is a men's rights movement. All "feminist" groups and organizations, and so-called "progressive promoters of women" today exist to promote men's rights. Their agenda is to fight for and promote men in skirts. They don't even know what a woman is. So why you'd expect them to speak up for women in Iran is beyond me. Get with the program.

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So it's misogynistic to point out that US feminists are silent about this persecution. You're making excuses for US feminists hypocrisy. And no one is holding Iranian women responsible for this. You're just wrong to say that. You would salvage a shred of credibility if you would apologize for that falsehood.

It's not "men" who are in power in Washington. It's Democrats. Hillary Clinton's party. Speaking of Hillary, why hasn't she spoken out about this?

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The misogyny is not "pointing out US feminists are silent". It is the fact that "feminists" are blamed first as the top comment, before people actually in office eg Joe Biden, before Anthony Blinken, or the Congress.

Hillary? Seriously? She's a has been. She hasn't been relevant since she lost to Trump. What difference does it make at all what she says? She's not in office and whatever she says, nobody gives a shit anymore anyway. If she had said something, would you give a shit to anything she says?

As for "US feminism", how many more Bari newsletters and podcasts do you need before it sinks in that there is so such thing as "US feminism" anymore? US "feminism" today is a man's rights movement. It exists solely to promote rights for men in skirts.

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You've got a lot of excuses for Hillary and her feminist ilk for their hypocritical failings. Feminism is just lust for power and they play the victim in order to get it while ignoring real attrocities.

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No one on the left will say anything against anything Muslim. They can murder women, throw gay men off of bridges, shut down the internet -- whatever.

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He said that no one on the left will speak out against Muslims. If that isn't true then show us where anyone on the left is speaking out against the outrageous acts he mentions.

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Christ, take your meds, please, and spare the rest of us the profanities and petty insults spewing from your pie-hole.

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Same with Afghanistan.

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

And what are You doing in support of those women? (I don't just mean You personally, but pretty much everybody who posts in this part of this thread)

You are only using them as a pretext to practice Your partizan bickering in Your own pitiful country. That's shameful!

I don't say that out of sympathy for American feminists. I'm utterly opposed to a lot of their ridiculous excesses myself. But I'm not prepared to accept the struggle of Iranian women against real oppression and not just some sexists jokes someone made getting blacked out by some childish finger pointing, that has only to do with the sorry state of the US and nothing with those Iranian women and their daily struggles.

These women need and deserve our full attention and solidarity, because they fight for some very basic freedoms, we all take for granted, reminding us that our partizan bickerings are not the most important thing in the world, far from it.

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I ask the same question of you, Bernd. What are you doing to support Iranian women?

The people posting here are giving Iranian women "full attention and solidarity" just as you recommend.

As far as substance goes, in the US many of us are fighting the Biden administration's attempt to resurrect the terrible Iran deal that Obama/Biden created. In November we'll vote to remove Biden's party from power in congress. Biden will not be able to make any deal with Iran that involves spending money.

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You're not helping. You're doing partisan politics. You are using these women.

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So you're doing nothing except criticizing the people who want more support for Iranian women.

Are you actively opposing Biden's new nuclear deal with Iran?

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What, precisely, can we--as individuals--do? Getting the Leftists who are playing nice with Iran out of power in our own country is about the only thing that will do any ultimate good.

If you want to see our efforts to turn hearts and minds against the Leftists who are allowing this as "partisan bickering," that's your choice.

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The same place they’ve always been. Hypocrites.

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right?? Where is the outrage? The social media storms of tweets, post, and venom on all sides about this?

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"your silence is violence"

"Injustice somewhere is injustice everywhere"

It was the leftist who told us that failing to speak out against abuse is supporting the abuse.

So, yes. We expected real feminists to rise in support of these women, and the total lack of interest in the Democratic Party reveals how "feminist" they really are. Our feminists are too busy raging that some states have abortion restrictions, to care about international women who get beaten to death over their choice of clothing.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

Perfect response to the alleged straw woman. Though it is still, legitimately, a straw argument.

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Yes please tell us WHERE you have seen this. All I've seen on my Bing news is Trump garbage. This is literally the first time I'm reading and hearing about this.

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Where are you seeing the news coverage? I've seen Lamont nothing outside of Common Sense and no statements from ranking politicians. But it could be I'm just not following those channels.

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I live in WA so I saw this in my news- not sure about other places in US

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Thanks! I used to live right near there so it is great to see. Wish there was action and support at the federal level.

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I lived in Morocco for a month and when I asked the young woman I met if she was Muslim, the answer was a frightened, "yes of course let's not talk about that."

American feminists mostly have not a clue what it's like to live with real religious oppression.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [wo]men to do nothing." If there are any good feminists, they need to be standing up.

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While you might be right, the Feminist Community isn’t going out of their way to point out the absurdity of the Iranian regimes disregard for women’s rights.

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Wow, thank you for pointing out my retardation.

If the Feminist movement is so support of the Iran protesters they’re doing a very good job of keeping it a secret.

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The Iranian theocracy seems consumed by their desire to destroy Israel and a nuclear weapon is the only means by which they can attempt such a mission.

The fact that Israel may well beat them to the draw does not seem to phase them in the least - in spite of the fact that hundreds of thousands of Iranians would be incinerated.

The Obama/Biden policy of ignoring the intent of the religious fanatics ruling Iran is simply ushering the people of that country towards a nuclear Holocaust.

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George Washington warned us about getting involved in foreign wars; Eisenhower warned us about the power of the "military-industrial complex." Now it appears that someone sabotaged the pipelines that could keep Europe from freezing to death this coming winter, which has every promise of being a very cold one. My money is on the globalists, a great many of whom get their mail in Washington, DC. Nobody else has the expertise or equipment for deep-water demolition.

Somehow, some way, we need to get the warmongers in Washington under control; our very survival depends on it. If they brought us sudden death, it wouldn't be so bad, but they are fomenting a long, horrible death from The Four Horsemen.

I recommend a Constitutional amendment stipulating that not a single dollar, weapon, or troop can leave America in support of any armed conflict unless Congress officially declares war. Upon that declaration, there shall be a lottery and ten percent of Congress shall immediately be drafted into the military and assigned front-line duties. If another conflict is contemplated simultaneously, another ten percent shall serve. Nothing like having a little skin in the game to help one's decision-making.

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What you are proposing is the same mentality the US congress had in 1939. Churchill begged FDR for help as he was fighting a death match with NAZI Germany. The UK was hanging on by their fingernails. Britain won the Battle of Britain but it was a very near thing. FDR couldn't give him any help because at that time we were isolationists. We cannot be isolationists today.

If the UK had fallen to the NAZIs, we would not have had a jumping off point to invade Europe and defeat Hitler. We might be speaking German now.

There are no simple answers to complex problems.

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Speaking German. Hilarious

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I'm glad I made you laugh. Laughter is heathy.

Do you care to elaborate on your comment? What made it so funny? The Limeys sure didn't think it was funny at the time.

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Assisting Iran’s nuclear ambitions IS getting involved in the foreign war Islam has been conducting against Jews for 1400 years.

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A war with the Jews and the rest of the world for 1400 years.

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Right on Polecat. Islam is a religion of conquest. From North Africa all the way to the Indonesian Archipelago. The notion that is waged solely - and particularly - against the Jews is laughable, at best.

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In the early Roman republic in order to hold public office you had to have served in their armed forces. We need that requirement today in the US.

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I suggest you read this. I can't vouch for it but it sure reads true.


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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022


Why are you suggesting that anyone read Russian propaganda? It is my understanding that Russia has 5 nuclear submarines in the Baltic Sea. Putin is looking for a way out - without a humiliating withdrawal - of a war Russia is losing. What better solution is there for Russia than to sabotage its own pipelines which will cause Europe to freeze in the dark and abandon support for Ukraine while naive partisans in America blame America.

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Russia can turn off the pipeline- why would they destroy it? Having an operating pipeline gives them more leverage. Destroying it gives them less. None of us know what happened but destroying the pipeline is bad for everyone but especially Russia

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

sabotaging the pipeline will enable Russia to blame it on the United States. Partisans in the United States like Naomi will blame America. She is already proving my point.

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Putin wouldn't do this. You are not thinking.

I am not blaming the US. I don't know. However, Biden and Victoria Neuland are on record saying they would not allow the Nord Stream pipeline to go through. Funny about that. Biden is senile but Neuland is not. Biden may have been repeating something he heard in a briefing.

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Russia didn't have to destroy its pipeline to blame the US. I blame the US for a lot of this debacle but if Russia has ANY hope of getting out of this- it is through Europe's dependance on Russian energy. What is going to motivate ANY European country to bargain with Russia now?

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Russia did not blow up its own 2 pipelines. There is no way you can make me believe that one. The truth will eventually out. Too many people had to be involved in this for it to remain a secret forever.

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It makes more sense than any other theory. Yesterday Donald Trump astutely offered his services to negotiate a settlement. I am not suggesting any collaboration between Putin and Trump but if Putin takes Mr. Trump up on his offer then it will lend credence to my logical theory.

The Biden administration has nothing to gain by an action that if the truth comes out will turn Europe against both the United States and Ukraine. I don’t like Biden and his administration but I am not blinded by partisanship.

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I disagree. Biden & Company (throw Lindsay Graham in there too) have been agitating to escalate the war in Ukraine. They have been trying to provoke the Russians into using nuclear weapons.

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I thought the Russkies had a valve on their end of the pipe. You know, so they could turn it off and back on. Maybe they forgot to put one on....

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I brought this up to my son. I said why don't the Russians turn off the valve and stop the flow? He said, "Mom, even if they do, there is a huge amount of gas in that 18 inch pipe, miles of it."

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At least he's thinking. Unfortunately, if the valve is closed, there is no practical way to suck out what gas is left, and at the prodigious rates the gas flows through the pipeline, even if you could, it might last fifteen minutes.

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Somebody clearly sabotaged the pipeline And it sure as hell better not be the US, under the orders of the senile imbecile.

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Naomi, I’m happy you’re here and still learning from your input.

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Thank you. I am complimented.

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Wow. I would sure like to see some verification from another source. Unfortunately we have Alleged President Asterisk bragging that the "Nord Stream 1 and 2 would be no more," or something to that effect.

Of course, we also have him on video confessing to a felonious influence-peddling, ("Son of a bitch; whaddya know? They fired the prosecutor." but nothing is being done there, either.

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So, how much RDX or equivalent will your toy carry? Best estimate for the pipeline sabotage is "several hundred kilograms" of explosive. Will your toy carry that much? The answer is no. It carries itself.

I see that it will look around, but it doesn't have any remote manipulation capabilities. You going to build and add the controller for that yourself? That is, after you modify it to carry "several hundred kilograms." Better do that first. Then build the seawater-proof manipulating arms? Yeah, right.

How will you control it to apply the explosive to the pipe itself? (No, unlike horseshoes and hand grenades, close doesn't count; water between the explosive and the target will make its damage extent unknowable in advance and unreliable.)

You also ignore the fact that this area is under constant surveillance by multiple national entities with advanced capabilities. Why don't you sail your Sea-Ray over there and launch your toy and see what happens.

So don't YOU make up BS, Hotshot. As (your bad) luck would have it, I had a one-semester blasting class in engineering school and spent three college summers helping engineers blast hundreds of feet of overburden from seams of coal. Learned a lot. Et tu?

The problem with bluffing on the Internets is that there are people everywhere who really do know what they're talking about. Don't do it again.

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Fyi to all the “brave” feminists in America. Wearing a pussy hat on your head in a country with zero threat of reprisal is not bravery. Watch the women in Iran to learn what bravery in feminism is.

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The sad fact is, American feminists neither know nor care what happens to women in Iran. Then there is the way the theocrats treat homosexuality in Iran. Also a forbidden topic among Western LGBT activists who seem hyper-focused on pronouns and getting people fired for "hate speech".

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Hey a person can be a "feminist" and support Iranian women. but like so many things, we don't have a media voice so no one hears about us. Or maybe we have a different version of "feminist"? Suppose we blew off that abstraction and asked "how would we know if women in the US support women in Iran?" Because someone wrote a comment on Common Sense? Where are the NGO's running polls of what US women think?

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Where are all the libs on this one? It is hard to imagine a more spineless and brainless response, but I am sure the Biden administration is working on it and will implement it after getting the Taliban squared away.

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Our politicians don’t launder money through Iran so no one cares.

The big D foreign policy for the last fifty years is one half naivety and one half personal wealth accumulation. Afghanistan is the best example of this - we naively believed they’d let us walk out with no consequences for how we evacuated and we gladly left the mineral mines to China because our politicians are invested in the companies that will profit off those minerals.

We make the world far too complicated when it’s been the same story for all of humanity - the people fighting for what the people care about (sustenance and freedom) while the rulers use them as pawns in a game for the only thing they care about - power.

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Sadly, I fear you are right. I do think the US was briefly a shining example to the contrary though.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

After all "great successes" that we have achieved in Middle East in last 30 years. Could we please stay out of this one? Don't we have enough problems at home?

Iran became mess after CIA together with Brits overthrow democratically elected government in 1953.

US involment in that part of the world have been anything but success.

And if someone says, but women rights, great what shall we do with our good "allies" called Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and other beacons of democracy and human rights in middle east that we supported trough the years. And every time we sponsored regime change, in the end replacement regime was worse than previous regime.

I wish people of Iran all the luck in the world, but that is their fight, not ours. If history thought us anything, is that we (US) cannot bring democracy and change to that part of the world.

And please for the love of god, no more money for regime changes in middle east or nation building, in Afghanistan and Iraq we spent trillions with nothing to show.

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Destroying Iran’s biggest enemy in Iraq was probably the greatest error since Vietnam. The Americans have made one foolish mistake after another.

I agree in principle with Raziel, however the Iran regime is truly a threat and something needs to be done. Israel is trying its best to undermine them from within, but the U.S. is the only one that can deter or stop them from becoming a nuclear state that will cause a nuclear arms race all across Central Asia and ultimately kill hundreds of millions of people.

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Israel has options, too - and they will use them.

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I pray so.

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

Right after the Seven-Day War, an interviewer asked Golda Meir how so few Jews repelled so many Arabs in so little time.

"We have secret weapon."

The interviewer leaned forward, hoping for the scoop:

"We have nowhere else to go."

Anyone who thinks Israel will not act to prevent Iran's production of a nuclear weapon is a fool. They WILL NOT be driven into the sea. They will not be annihilated by any hand - except, if necessary, by their own. Once these cavemen that surround Israel learn to read, they should read the history of Masada. It can very well happen again.

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We have been told same lie that Iraq was somehow treat to US, not only Iraq but Syria, Libya and now Iran is on the table.

Why is exactly Iran treat to us? What did they do? Organized and funded 911? No, that was work of our Saudi firends.

Can we for once do nothing? I mean just to see what happens? Because up to now every single time it was proben to be mistake

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I agree that we should do nothing -- if doing SOMETHING means making another huge mistake like in Iraq or Vietnam. My point is, the Israelis are doing something intelligent which is identifying the real threat in the region--IRAN--and working hard to undermine them.

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Raz - the Iranians have created nothing but trouble in the Middle East for all concerned as they advance their Shia agenda. Moreover, they have the blood of many US troops on their hands in Iraq. Soleimani wasn't offed because he was a choir boy. He was behind terrorism around the world.

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Yes. By God, for once - can we keep our treasure and our children's lives and our noses out of other people's business? This warmongering is Why The World Hates Us.

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I tend to agree. I might feel differently if I had confidence in our leadership but I don't.

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Ultimately the success of 'regime change' depends on the will of the people. See Ukraine to understand the need for that willpower. We could send billions of dollars of weapons and provide satellite intelligence, but without the Ukrainian people willing to fight for their land it would be a failure (like Iraq and Afghan).

The US should support the revolutionaries in any way we can, even with weapons if necessary. But we should not get directly involved.

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I agree with Raziel, but also with others that at this point we are in essence aiding Iran.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

Obama sought to exit the Middle East by appointing Iran as the strongman, loaded with nuclear capabilities. Had JCPOA been in place to its logical conclusion, Iran would have become a nuclear power, and used it. Iran has consistently chanted: death to America.

I’m not ok with with arming a theocratic regime with nuclear power that does not value their their own lives. Nuclear deterrence only works when both parties value their lives and mutually shared destruction means something.

The US is correct for trying to contain Iran’s nuclear capabilities. We cannot ignore this threat.

I do not support the approach to this problem taken by the Biden Administration. Trump’s policy was better. Sanctions until the Mullahs are no more.

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Agree but why limit it to sanctions? We should be working with others to support the freedom movement in Iran. I know it has to be done delicately but it can be done. Maybe the CIA will finally get something right.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

Yes, the US and it’s ally’s should be working to support those who seek freedom. There are two ways to do this, from within and from without. Together seems to me to be the best approach.

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I think your being naïve about the evils of the World healing themselves without a little outside encouragement.

While it’s abundantly clear we’ve made mistakes in the past should we just quit trying to do the best for people living under tyranny?

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

No I am not.

It is just that US cannot bring the change to otehr parts of the world, especially in Middle East. We tried and tried, and beyond trillions of debt there is absolutely nothin to show for.

And if 'best for people living under tyranny" was relevant, we would have instigated regime change in Saudi Arabia long time ago. They are 10 times worse than Iran.

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Saudi Arabia has not threatened to destroy Israel with a nuclear weapon. That’s Iran’s stated goal!

Are you okay with that outcome ?

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

Saudi Arabia has organized 911.

Iran has not.

Are you okay with that

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I believe Jamal Khashoggi would disagree with your statements.

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Check how women are living in Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia

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Iran was a mess before the CIA and Brits got involved. The notion that Mossadegh was an Iranian Lincoln is laughable.

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deletedSep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022
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1. this is absolutely not true. Sadui Arabia has started to open only after MBS came to power. It has nothing to do with USA or West. Even though MBS is not some "democracy inspired leader", see what he did with that journalist.

2. Pelase learn history. US and UK in 1953 in TPAJAX Project overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of strengthening monarchy that was very unpopular


History of Problems in Iran didn't start with revolution, but direct meddling by US and UK in 1953

Please learn history before making statement.

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deletedSep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022
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The greatest mistake of the Carter Presidency (and he made a lot of mistakes) was to drop support for the Shah. Although he was a stern leader with a cruel intelligence service, certainly not democratic in any sense, he kept a lid on revolutionary Shi'ism and built Iran into a strong pro-Western state to stand against the Soviet Union and its Arab proxies.

By withdrawing support, Carter handed the country to an even more brutal regime that has killed thousands of people, shipped deadly arms to guerrilla movements all over the Middle East and northern Africa, and contributed to terrorism.

Anyone trying to defend the Iranian mullahs doesn't know what they're talking about.

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I am not defending mullas, I just dont want to get involved in one more political fiasco.

If we have left Iran alone in 1950, they would have have democratic government now.

That was oir first and biggest mistake in middle east. Every next was just making situation worse.

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Yes but James Earl Carter is now breathing easy as the Senile Imbecile has clearly replaced him as the worst president of the last 100 years - if not the entirety of our history

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In his first 18-20 months, Biden has managed to damage the United States irreparably. As Grace Curley was saying today on her radio show, there's a very good reason why Biden was not elected President during the previous 40 years, despite his several attempts. Sadly, the Democrats managed to install him finally, and with disastrous consequences. A pox on the Democrats!

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

This has been the story of the United States in the post-World War One era. Although it grew to become the world's mightiest military and economy, its citizenry did not become commensurately educated and knowledgeable in foreign affairs and statecraft, unlike the British with their centuries of experience dealing with Europe and Asia.

We are powerful idiots.

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1. This is simply not ture. MBS has his own plans


2. I am not exegarating anything, you simply don't know history, how Iran mess started.

Also i didn't pull anything, I just showered you the facts ;). And they are not always nices and pretty

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For decades, the Democrat establishment has thought it can do business in a rational and reasonable way with Iran.

To paraphrase Orwell: some ideas are so stupid that only an intellectual can believe them.

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Wow! Did you hear the full-throated, universal statements of condemnation of Iran's brutal crackdown on women from almost every feminist organization of every stripe in this country and throughout the world? I didn't. Neither did anyone else.

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Dangerous. "Americans have never been so wrong" sums it all up. This government is sending the world to hell in a handbasket in all possible fronts.

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Conservatives always viewed the JCPOA as a farce. It made no sense to guarantee a path to a nuclear weapon for extremists, to leave out ballistic missile development, and to make inspections so difficult for the IAEA. Only hard core democrats lauded the deal, and then only to preserve the appearance of Obama as a peacemaker. Truth be told, Obama was guaranteeing a nuclear weapon for Iran because he wanted to reduce security for Israel, get the U.S. out of the Middle East, and turn our back on a long-time ally. Trump was mocked for calling the JCPOA the "worst deal ever", but again, he was right. We should not end sanctions, send billions in cash to these extremists, and allow Iran to trade with the international community. Unless, of course, they dismantle their nuclear program and sell their nuclear materials to the west getting them totally and forever out of the business of producing nuclear weapons. And let women show their hair in public.

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Trump’s approach was correct. Sanctions until the Mullahs are no more.

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I’m surprised more people on here aren’t mentioning trump and his stance on this issue.

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On Iran, Trump was steadfast. He simply viewed the Iranian Mullahs for what they are (he simply listened to their words and believed them) and then sought to eliminate their regime with sanctions.

Trump also learned from Jarred Kushner and David Friedman that the framework of the Oslo Accords would not produce results in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, something the US foreign policy establishment would never acknowledge. So the Abraham Accords were invented as a solution, which produced very good results in the short time they were in play.

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Remember when Trump blew up Soleimani and Democrats were outraged? I do.

They were scared we would go to war with a third world country. Oh no. Fast forward to Joe Biden blowing up the pipeline that represents the main source of income for an insane person with 6500 nukes and Democrats cheer. These morons are going to get us all killed.

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Where are the Liberal women screaming hands off our bodies for the Iranian women who are treated as property and simple vessels to reproduce? Why is it Liberals will gladly stiffle any voices from those who think differently? Yet they are unwilling to help others around the world to get the same freedoms.

Brandon much like Odumbo and Kerry are so desperate for another phony deal Iran knows they are like drug addicts needing a fix. The shear stupidity of trusting Iran borders on narcissistic self destructive behavior.

It's sad, as the Abraham Accords were a great opportunity to expand the unity of the region and would help to isolate and confront the evil of Iran.

But Liberals will always battle for freedom where they are protected. Never where they might actually be in danger. It's a deep shame that Brandon and the Hole in the Wall Gang of fools just turn a blind eye. But what else would you expect from Liberals?

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We have more important problems here in the US: we're all racists, some large body of right wing supremacists who nobody seems to be able to find are about to shut down democracy, and nobody knows what kind of underwear they should have on. With all of that going on, we just can't afford to generously pay attention to international concerns in the manner we have since WWII (which attention gave rise to the most outrageously positive benefits to humankind since the Cambrian Explosion). More seriously, Iran's nuclear ambitions, fulfilled or not, will pale as a concern next to the outcomes of the current combo platter of de-globalization and the famines soon to result from pro-scarcity green-energy idiocracy. Whatever underwear you settle on, stock up.

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Speaking of which... the FBI raided Melania Trump's underwear for national security reasons. Good to know they're on the case.

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"...and nobody knows what kind of underwear they should have on." You get a gold star for your descriptive, non-inflammatory (if facetious) rendering of this hot-button issue.

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And make sure they don't have holes in case you are hospitalized over any of it.

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lol just like mom says

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Obama didn’t support the Green Movement in 2009, so it is not surprising that Biden doesn’t support the Hijab Rebellion in 2022. The Democrats, the American fascist Left, is aligned with the Iranian fascist conservative right. Both regimes oppose rationality and individual autonomy and freedom.

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>>But if Americans no longer have the self-confidence to engage in such military action<<


Another war? Isn't the proxy war we're already fighting with Russia in Ukraine enough?

Another MIDEAST war? Like the U.S. hasn't fought enough unsuccessful Mideast wars in the last 50 years?

Mr. Gerecht, a former CIA agent, presumably knows a lot about the "hearts and minds" strategy! Too bad he's using Bari Weiss's Substack to deploy it.

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deletedSep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022
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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

Yes, the Iranian clerics do not value their own lives and take no pause in killing others in their quest to impose a caliphate across the globe.

We have to squash this bug.

We have no choice.

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I believe you about Iran's intentions. But we need to have a reckoning with our own government before we interfere in any others. At this point we cannot guarantee any consistent action.

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You, foaming at the mouth, are not going to get me to change my mind.

In fact, if anything, it's going to strengthen my resolve. 😀

The U.S. cannot be the world's 911 call. It's _that_ simple.

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Wait a minute. The point is, if Iran gets nuclear weapons, we are doomed (f****d). It’s beyond the point of staying out of it.

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Tell that to the Democrats who have emboldened this fiasco. We also can't be baited into foolhardy actions.

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Well, you know. We _could_ sever all ties with Saudi Arabia—that would be strong start, right? I kind of think all Islamic fundamentalism leads back to Saudi Arabia.

But then we wouldn't have any gasoline for our cars. Which means capitalism as we know it in the U.S. would crumble. So, that's never going to happpen.

Look. Despite my facetious tone, I have a world of sympathy for Iranian women, for you, for women in every fundamentalist regime in the world—including the ones in Mississippi and Alabama. But in my golden years, all I'm concentrating on is my own garden (thanks, Voltaire! 😀 ). Because that's the only place where I can really make a perceptible difference.

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I am from Alabama. Your ignorance is on full display. You really ought to tuck it in. I will disregard anything you post from this point forward.

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We have plenty of oil and gas in this nation.

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P- are you really equating Mississippi and Alabama with Iran in terms of fundamentalism?

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Barack Obama said in one of his books he blames the United States (duh he’s a Democrat) for the situation in Iran (and the situation everywhere pretty much).

As such his foreign policy was based on punishing the United States and Israel. He’s still basically President. People are gross and childish and they want free healthcare so they voted for Democrats and now we are here.

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And likes. They want likes.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

Iranians are well educated people, our immigration system should seek to steal the intellectual capital of Iran.

Iranian women could teach young Americans who have disdain for our country a thing or two about how great it really is.

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They'd come here and be so appalled at our cultural degeneracy that they'd go back.

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