To paraphrase a long forgotten character in the Al Capp cartoon, Joe Palooka, the Business of America is business. When you concentrate on other things at work, it gets muddied. Now they need to go back and right the vicious inhuman sacrifices they perpetrated on their former employees.

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Rather than offering employees severance packages, they should have fired them for cause, for disruptive behavior in the workplace. Pour encourrager les autres.

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"As Heinemeier Hansson so elegantly puts it: “What’s the point of having ‘fuck you’ money if you don’t ever say fuck you?”"

Love that!

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These companies and their Woke ideas about DEI and the like are similar to their Market Cap. value. Inflated, somewhat dubious and doomed to reality someday. Seems this article is recognizing this day looms closer.

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I remember breathing a sigh of relief listening to Brian discuss this on the All-In Podcast a few years ago. Kudos!

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It's a hopeful sign of cooler heads prevailing, but there is a long way to go I think before the majority get there.

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I was talking to my GenZ daughter, a graduating law student, about how when I started working you could get into a lot of trouble or even fired for discussing politics or religion at work.

Her response? "That is a first amendment violation.".

I had to explain to her once again that a workplace is not a democracy, it is an authoritarian dictatorship where your rights are curtailed by the whim of the employer.

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If you believe, with Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt, that the political is the distinction between friend and enemy, then it's a very small step to see that politics inside a corporation is a very bad idea.

The only enemy should be the dastardly competitor trying to steal our customers!

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1- Will Shaun ever stop complaining?

2- Those afraid to speak up cowered to extremists. Not my kind of ally.

3- Brian is not a hero; he is "laser-focused" on making millions.

4- Companies that were in solidarity with BLM did the right thing. Not that I ever agreed with defunding the police.

5- Speaking of, thank goodness Cops was taken off the air. Border Police used to have a show as well. The people who enjoy watching armed men (mostly) speak dirt to people with clear trauma are a-holes.

Thank you and good night.

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Brining your professional self to work rather than your whole self…what a concept. It’s called professionalism, idiots.

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Sigh. I’ll take a step in the right direction. However small, it’s at least better than no steps or another step in the wrong direction.

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Great story. It's a bright spot in otherwise dreary day. I'm Gen X and have nothing but contempt for the spoiled brat social justice tech worker in Silicone Valley. Shut up and work is what I'd tell them. I work in the defense industry and we have a much lower threshold for crap like this.

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What a refreshing approach! I remember being so annoyed by all the companies that had my email sending me these gratuitous BLM messages in 2020!

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Thankfully, we live in a fairly free and only somewhat fettered capitalist society. So if you don’t like your employer’s policies, you can leave, going somewhere else, or even start your own company where what you believe can matter. Talent has beliefs covering the spectrum. If your employer’s must match yours and doesn’t, go.

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I'm surprised there aren't more comments on here, but I guess that's typical when its a good news story?

I work in what I can only describe as a hostile EDI-driven environment, and I'm very very relieved to hear the stories of these leaders.

Over my working life, I have worked for various private and public companies, a non-profit and now a local government, I can say with absolute certainty that private sector jobs are ideal.

Non-profits throw away their values to qualify for grants (something I can only really describe as like watching a good organization contract cancer), and government's are extremely vulnerable to activist driven middle managers.

We need strong private sector leaders who are brave enough to just do good work and stop pandering to the left.

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The kids grew up. It was a slippery slope-- give in to demands all the time and then they expect them forever.

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