This is somehow the most heartbreaking piece I’ve ever read on here. You lived a good productive life, did everything right, and the jackals came to take everything.

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I am sure you have read about the Kulaks and what happened to them under Soviet Russia? This is 100% the same story almost 100 years later. Thank you modern Democrats (and I don't say this lightly). The Democrat party, doubtless of what it has been in the past, has been fully captured by Critical Theory (a generalization of Marxism where any group of people can be "oppressed").

Critical Race Theory (Whiteness is the bourgeoisie property and POC are the proletariat), Critical Economic Theory (Businesses are the bourgeoisie property and the working class the proletariat), Critical Gender Theory (Masculinity is the the bourgeoisie property and feminism is the proletariat), Queer Theory (Normalcy is the bourgeoisie property and those ostracized from society for things like liking little children are the proletariat).

When Nancy Pelosi says "our democracy" she is talking about THEIR democracy and not the Republics. We know this now because they openly admit to meddling in both he 2016 and 2020 elections and tech platforms have already started to "fortify" the elections.

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I have read that and I think we are at the start of a similar process where our governing structures are no longer adequate to create order so we have people trying to do it on the fly and it just isn’t functioning. My entire substack is about how to fix that if you’re curious. It’s all free.

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Not only doesn't that function, it is highly variable region to region. Gibson's won their case in Ohio, but if it had happened in Berkeley, CA they would have lost it with the same facts.

When the next GOP President is elected, they would be stupid to move into the White House or perform any job functions in the District of Columbia. There is zero chance of receiving a fair trial from a jury there at this point, and they will almost certainly face some type of prosecution someday.

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Well I certainly hope there is a GOP in one of the three branches of govt, but at this point I doubt it will happen. Hate to be pessimistic but I think we are at the end the legitimate Democratic Republic and headed towards some kind of socialist oligarchy—where ordinary citizens have few rights and zero say in government.

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I agree, we will not see another Republican president or Congress every again. Democrats control the AI now, it’s done. Seeing it in real time now with Roe. Almost everyone I knew was center on abortion, legal with limits. Now most are in support of abortion without limits.

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You're so insightful -- I really appreciate how you distill the (in many ways) delusional power/Marxist dynamic undergirding all these disparate movements. Keen and really helpful! And then I get to the part about stolen elections, and I have to say, it breaks my heart to read that. Because you're the guy I'm counting on to help us steer clear of another civil war and mend the republic and ensure that this beautiful experiment called America persists. But when I read that you, too, put no stock in US elections outcomes and, indeed, are fueling catastrophically destructive conspiracy theories that culminate in the conclusion that the ground on which we stand is no long firm, then I feel that, yes, all is lost and this place will collapse under its own weight. Please, please don't do this. We need you.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

The issue is we know they are not conspiracy theories simply by listening to Joe Rogan’s discussion with Mark Zuckerberg this past week. We know they aren’t conspiracy theories by listening to Sam Harris’s discussion on Trigonometry 2 weeks ago. We know they aren’t conspiracies looking at the court depositions on the origins of the Steel Dossier and the Alpha Bank Server connection.

The issue is the media refuses to discuss these items openly and honestly. Of the 50 press seats in the White House briefing room, 46 are registered Democrats. Do you really think any of those 46 are interested in holding the current administration accountable?

What we have to do is vote. Every citizen has to vote.

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Holy smokes. Brilliant.

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The entire history of the Soviet Russia or rather Soviet Union is glaring in our faces: learn from our mistakes, do not do anything we did, which resulted in almost a century of misery, poverty, moral and physical torture and deaths of millions. Learn how brainwashing with Marxist principles made people live in a collective prison cell where they suffocated because initiative or talent were nipped in the bud in the name of false equality, families ripped apart, lives ruined. And as a consequence, now the whole country still lives in a brain fog with fascists mentality. We may call it differently now: social justice warriors with the newest slogans calling to resist threat to democracy and spread of misinformation. But it is no more than semantics, a necessary upgrade to Stalin’s rhetorics. Let’s learn from their horrible errors and choose a different path.

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The left wraps itself in faux virtue.


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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

This isn't about left or right, in my opinion. It's David and Goliath: pure, raging evil trying to stomp and destroy the tiny family who dares get in its way.

In this case, David did everything right, hitting the monster square on the forehead with three separate court rulings, including the Ohio Supremes . . . but the monster refused to submit. So it's time for the State of Ohio to bring a granite boulder to this rock fight: arrest the officers and board members of Oberlin on charges of grand larceny (refusal to pay a court-ordered judgement) and intentional infliction of economic and emotional harm.

And while prosecutors are at it, file criminal civil rights charges against Oberlin for its racists acts against an innocent family.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

It doesn't work that way. The Gibsons are represented by a very good legal team, head by Lee Plakas. They will know how to execute on the judgment now that the appeal game is up.

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Thanks, RBM. I didn't think it would, otherwise everyone would have filed these kinds of actions against deadbeat debtors. Thanks for assuring the legal team is top of its game and will do well by the family. This is such an outrageous story.

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I think RBM is right, the appeals just ended so really only now does the clock start on whether they are being negligent in not paying or not.

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I believe under Ohio law, they are now permitted to "execute on the judgment", That is as simple as filing a claim in Common Pleas Court in the relevant county. You file the judgment - the original trial court judgment - in the court and against all of Oberlin's assets in that county. Have the sheriff take the judgment and seize sufficient property to cover it - say the Administration building. Then hold an auction to sell the property. You could do it against bank accounts located in the county. You keep doing it against assets until you cover your judgment. Or more simply, you make a demand against the bond issuer and absent payment, levy against the insurers assets. I've oversimplified, but the bond issuer will not want to be a deadbeat insurer - it has financial solvency ratings to worry about.

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This was the saddest sentence in the story, "The family and friends I took care of are all gone." So, Oberlin has extended their legal option through the deaths of her husband, her mother, her employee's wife and her father-in-law. The toll it took on her entire family should garner millions more.

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You're so right about "saddest." This isn't just a business tragedy, it's nearly Biblical in that it involves the deaths of a business, the owners, their family, all the employees, vendors, and their families, and a part of that community. All because a college was too arrogant and Woke to call off the dogs of war and the students wielding the weapons when the "racist" claim was absolutely debunked in the very first hours of the issue.

The individuals who cried "Racist! Racist! Boycott! Destroy!" should also face defamation lawsuits. Criminal speech is not protected by 1A and the courts need to send a message: think twice before dropping those race bombs. After Oberlin is forced to pay up, the individuals involved should see the inside of courtrooms. The family can offer this: Admit your personal responsibility, admit you were wrong, and we'll go easy. Keep refusing and we'll take everything you own.

Anybody in America--left, right, Woke, or MAGA--who does this to innocents should face the full weight of our justice system and society. I'm hoping this is the start of the national legal pushback on the destruction of people by our institutions and "offended" citizens.

Let America pour its heart and energy into destroying actual racism, not "racism" that did not actually exist. We owe that to the poor souls strung up by ropes and across barbed wire to make that separation.

A pleasure agreeing with you, md. Let's do it again.

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Oh my gosh Shane! I've never ever agreed whole heartedly with you that has now changed! Excellent!

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LOL! It's nice to be able to agree on things occasionally, yes? Have a lovely rest of the day.

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There’s a lot of “Witchful Thinking*” in the world right now but I will grant proportionally we are in the phase where it’s the left doing the bulk of it, or at least the bulk of it that matters in our important institutions. History has cycles though and it’s important to remember that.

*this is my own term, where wishful thinking is imagining the natural order of the world is that everything should go your way all the time, witchful thinking is imagining that everything would go your way all the time if only someone wasn’t messing up your life on purpose

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

Dear Gibsons - this is what GiveSendGo is for. Keep your doors open with funds from GiveSendGo, which you can even pledge to pay back upon receipt of the school's millions, if that goal is achieved. Heck, you could even do a different deal and sell shares of the settlement, like sell someone $3M worth of the settlement for $1M, and then they get 3x if you achieve it.

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GiveSendGo. GoFundMe acquiesced to Trudeau and froze Freedom Convoy funds (nearly redirected the funds to charities of their choice , but there was an outcry and they refunded $ to donors).

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They refunded people? They sure didn’t respond to me. I never saw a dime of my $100 refunded. GiveSendGo appears more trustworthy.

This story is indeed wrenching. I wish I could support her in some way.

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Well, they do ship product and merchandise throughout the US


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Yes, they refunded me.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

I'd look into that. Check your bank statements and maybe write to them. https://www.dailywire.com/news/after-backlash-gofundme-says-it-will-automatically-refund-freedom-convoy-donors

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You are correct and I made an edit... this occurred to me after I wrote it but I would have needed to ask the name.

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Gibsons website doesn't appear to offer shipping... just pickup. Maybe this will change with greater exposure through this article.

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Here is how you can help:

gibsonbakery.com - buy a baseball hat or some butter cookies.

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Just bought a t-shirt and they do ship for $10.

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Brilliant! I just bought a bunch of merchandise. I'm going to wear my Gibson's hat and t-shirt with pride and in the hope that I can get the story out there. Such a heartbreaker.

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Yup, placed an order.

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I'm not in the US. Is there any other way to help? A petition to Oberlin? Any funding pages?

Thanks so much.

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I just bought a hat and butter cookies! thank you for the link.

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Great idea! Just placed an order.

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If I recall correctly, the basis for the award was that Oberlin faculty actively promoted the protests. Maybe I read too quickly, but the post didn't really go into the level of participation Oberlin provided in this protest/attack which I read about in earlier coverage.

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You are right the post didn't cover it. More than actively promoted, the faculty printed and distributed false and defamatory leaflets, so there was hard physical evidence they couldn't deny.

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"the faculty printed and distributed false and defamatory leaflets"

No, the evidence at trial is that the only Oberlin official who did that was VP or Dean Meredith Raimundo. But that was enough for college liability. I'd not be surprised if other folks in the admin or faculty did it, but there is no evidence at trial of it.

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You are correct! Raimundo was a faculty member for years before and after the incident, but at the time of the event she was only a high level administrator.

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If you read the article in the WSJ today by a former professor, he asserts that other faculty and admins participated, but the trial evidence was Raimundo.

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While I doubt this was the basis for anything, Oberlin has created an abusive culture which has enabled the woke mob to become judge, jury and executioner in the community -- and sometimes beyond.. To this group, facts don't matter. Independent of how the award was determined, Oberlin's culpability runs deep.

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As a member of the left, this isn't true. Most of us on the left don't wrap ourselves in faux virtue. But there are those who do, they are woke progressives. And believe me, most true liberals despise them more than the political right does.

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I always distinguish between liberals and leftists. While I disagree with them on most issues, there are plenty of decent liberals. Leftists, on the other hand, like the people at Oberlin, have no decency.

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The core concepts of liberalism are solid. Belief in the individual. The belief in freedom of speech. The belief in the freedom of religion. The belief in the free flow of ideas. The belief of private property. THESE ARE THE AMERICAN EXPERIMENT.

The Democrat party co-opted the term but these ideas are NEITHER Democrat nor Republican. They are the founding concepts behind the First Amendment.

The Republic’s fight for the end of slavery was rooted in these principles. The Republican’s fight to change the attitude in abortion are likewise rooted in these principles (I’m almost an atheist). Being a “leftest” is very very very different than being a liberal.

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I disagree with the phrase “most of us on the left don’t”

That was true in 2012 but the Democrat Party (and by extension “the left”) is a fully captured institution.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

so speak up. loudly.

so Your voices are heard.

we only see and hear the insane distractive ignorance.

Remember, we used to say "it's a free country, you can do whatever you want as long as it's legal"?

Well,i don't believe and don't experience that any more.

US was the only country in the world where freedom was truely legalized by The Bill of Rights.

It's heartbreaking to see US joining and now leading the world's oppressive ways.

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No you wrap yourselves in fairy tales, believing them virtuous. And spin them to others. Worse, trying to fill children's head with these lies. The classical liberal was a centrist; inhabiting the continuum that sits in the great middle of America. With a bent toward tolerance a firm defense of free speech. They were not leftists. The leftists were the creatures who read the Forward and believed the Rosenbergs had been framed.

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Julius Rosenberg & his brother in law were guilty of treason. There’s evidence that Ethyl was guilty only by association. The were others equally guilty who received prison sentences but were not executed. I wonder why!

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Ethel was not as active as her husband, but active enough to be rightfully convicted as a conspirator. Whether the sentence was appropriate is another question.

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I see no evidence your assertions are true.

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Moral superiority is their religion.

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Entitled Oberlin students raised by entitled parents. I see this everywhere and is what our society has come to sadly.

We should stop voting for these Ivy League graduates running for office! They distract us with wedge issues while ensuring a warm feathered nest for their progeny.

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It is disheartening that a former Oberlin reporter said in the podcast (and I paraphrase) that even if the "racism" was perceived but not actual, then the Gibsons should be admonished.

The failure of Oberlin students, including those of marginalized backrounds, to see just how privileged they are compared to the majority of American, is astounding.

And the lack of any outside the ivied halls (AKA real world) experiences of running a business or competing in our economy just invites the continuation of this arrogance.

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which podcast

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Sadly, we seem to be out of practical autodidact farmer types, which would be my preferred candidate pool. And our education system doesn’t produce people who are interested in the results of their intentions.

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You are spot on, Linus!

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Off topic but great stuff. I don't like Bill Maher but he at times is a thinking liberal and he is a real liberal. Scroll down to the video. I think he hits the nail on the head. He does this from time to time:


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As a comedian, His jokes are very funny. He is intensely disliked by the left and the right, so that’s my kind of guy. This Covid fiasco has opened my eyes to the BS on both sides of the party lines, and so nothing to defend politically anymore.

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Think exactly the same about Bill Maher!

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now if he would only stop supporting PETA a group that kills about 90% of the animals they claim to "shelter"

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This situation shows how evil comes in the best finery but is utterly lacking in grace.

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Oberlin's continued actions & institutional lies are that of a hate group.

If you have a degree from this institution, maybe it is time for you to get off of your ass and do the right thing Oberlin Alums. This is absolutely disgusting and that piece of paper you have from Oberlin College links you to this hate. Doing nothing makes you complicit to hate.

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Couldn't agree more. I see some silver linings in this piece, nonetheless.

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It’s a relief the jury found in the bakery’s favor. The courts are still fair.

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I get what you’re saying but it doesn’t make me feel better. I think there are so many, many people that are outraged by what happened to this family that no one is going to be happy or at peace about the verdict of there lawsuit until they get their rightful reward in money or be able to make them all sit on the floor in their classrooms, AT THE VERY LEAST!

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Someone ten thousand years ago probably punched a saber tooth tiger in the face so that they could live and I could eventually be born. I feel obligated to try to look in the bright side but agree the most satisfying future is the people who did this feeling a direct consequence.

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"The courts are still fair" - for the time being... Let's hope they stay so.

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Oh, I agree with you, Sheldon. The courts are still fair. However, until that college gets their collective tuchus together and pay-up, I want $36 million dollars of desks, chairs and any other things that might make their college experience better for them, to be CONFISCATED……INCLUDING THE FLOORING!…………Did I mention that I’m a tad upset?!

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I can't imagine choosing to send my child there ---- even if I was a flaming liberal ---- because Oberlin isn't going to dip into their endowment, they're going to pass the costs along to anyone and everyone---primarily students.

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They can also get stuff wrong of course but I still have a lot of faith in the average person.

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It absolutely is.

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Just because it would be a great scene in a movie about this and I think would signal meaningful philosophical resistance to this stuff, I would like her to foreclose on the school and just start taking the computers and chairs and weird art shit out of the buildings that teach the crazy weird Puritanical classes while the classes are actually in session. Then, for good measure, she can auction all the stuff off to the University of Austin just to rub it in.

At the very least it would make her feel better.

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Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes……..I feel better already.

Just curious, question for any attorneys out there, could she foreclose on the school and do what Some Guy suggested. Popcorn for everyone!

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Agreed, this is the saddest story so far. The sanctimony of the “no justice no peace” crowd knows no bounds beyond a vague sense of revenge and misery. They don’t care who they destroy along the way. They don’t know what justice means. They have meaningless lives and want everyone else to lose their meaning too. This woman is a saint. Thanks for sharing the story.

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Not even close. The happy ending is near.

The execution on the judgment and the humiliation of the sanctimonious scum at Oberlin.

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Yes. I agree ( but also the one written by the boy that drowned). Tears shed. I pray she gets her money.

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Ugh I blocked that one out. We just had a baby and I couldn’t take reading more than a few lines.

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Here’s a chronology of what took place between Oberlin College and the Gibson family. The culprits were three students, the Dean of students, who helped encourage 200 students to protest. Two days later, a counter-protest took place supporting the Gibson family, the following day, the college reinstated business with the bakery. Ten days later, the college met with Dave Gibson. I find it quite peculiar that many are willing to condemn the college and some nebulous concept of Democrats using the same type of reasoning, Democrats can condemn the January 6 mob at the capital, and all the Republicans, I mean, it’s evident that all the Republicans are responsible.

Nov. 9, 2016: Allyn Gibson Jr. catches Oberlin College student Jonathan Aladin stealing a bottle of wine from Gibson's Bakery around 5pm, prompting a pursuit down the street. Aladin's friends, Endia Lawrence and Cecilia Whettstone, intervened and a brawl ensued. All three students are arrested.

Later that evening, around 10pm, a group of students plan a protest alleging Allyn Jr racially profiled the three suspects. The students promote the protest via email.

Nov. 10, 2016: Dean of Students Meredith Ramiondo learns of the planned protest around 7am. She helps distribute a student-created flyer detailing the incident and encouraging community members to boycott Gibson's.

Around 11am, approximately 200 students gathered outside Gibson's Bakery in protest. Raimondo helped lead the demonstration using a megaphone.

Later that evening, around 11.15pm the Oberlin College Student Senate notifies school officials it has passed a resolution condemning the bakery. The resolution posted in a display case at school's student center, where it remained for a year.

Nov. 11, 2016: Students assemble around 11am for a second day of protest.

Nov. 12, 2016: Counterprotests arrive in Oberlin to show their support for the Gibson family.

Nov. 14, 2016: Oberlin College suspends placing daily orders for bakery products for the dining halls. All other business arrangements with the shop are permitted to continue.

Nov. 21, 2016: Then-college President Krislov meets with David Gibson and others at the President's House.

Jan. 18, 2017: Dean of Students and Chief of Staff meet with David Gibson.

Jan. 23, 2017: President Krislov issues a statement to the campus community indicating that the college is resuming standing orders with the bakery.

April 27, 2017: Indictments are filed against Aladin, Lawrence and Whettstone, which included felony robbery charges.

Aug. 14, 2017: The three students charged with shoplifting pleaded guilty to amended misdemeanor charges. The plea deal called for them to receive no jail time and to pay restitution.

Nov. 17, 2017: Gibson family files a defamation lawsuit against Oberlin College and Raimondo.

June 2019: A jury awards found the school guilty of libel, due largely to evidence against Raimondo. Oberlin College was ordered to pay Gibson's Bakery $40 million in damages, which was reduced to $25 million and $6 million in legal fees

Oct. 9, 2019: Oberlin College announces its attorneys were filing an appeal in the Gibson's Bakery case.

Nov. 16, 2019: David Gibson dies at age 65 after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

June 5, 2020: Oberlin College files appeal brief in Gibson's Bakery case

Feb. 12, 2022: Allyn Gibson Sr dies at age 93.

March 31, 2022: The court rejects appeals by Oberlin College and upheld the judgment against the school.

April 1, 2022: The court orders Oberlin College to pay Gibson's $33million. The college continues to contest the payout and says it is considering its options.

April 4, 2022: A DailyMail.com reporter visits Oberlin, Ohio and speaks with the Gibson family attorney.

August 30, 2022: The Ohio Supreme Court says it won't take up the college's appeal against the $25 million judgment


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Jury has spoken.

Appeals exhausted.

Just me hates justice.

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Bruce, your immaturity is showing!

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what is your point? Timeline is not in question. But again, your politics are in question. You sprinkle in statements you can't possibly know are fact. Was every attendee of jan 6 protest a republican? You or anyone else cannot answer that question absolutely. Not 1 anarchist in that crowd? Doubtful.

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This still seems bad for the college? Not sure I’m following.

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Some guy, it is indeed bad for the college, but do you think it’s appropriate to condemn the whole college?

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I feel it is appropriate to hold them responsible and let them live with the reputation they earned.

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This may be a generalized time line, but a thousand details are missing. The podcast of this story outlines why the university is culpable. This 125 year old bakery and shop was virtually obliterated due to Oberlin getting involved and conforming with a false, reprehensible narrative. They could have done and said nothing, but instead chose to take the stand of destruction based on rumor, innuendo and wokeness. Oberlin's behavior illustrates all that is wrong in the U.S. today. It looks like the school has lost all their appeals and will absolutely now be forced to pay Mrs. Gibson. Her husband gone, her life blown up, perhaps some money will save her bakery and her own future.

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(Banned)Sep 13, 2022·edited Sep 13, 2022

Wish some jackals would get me 36 million.

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The college is trying to withhold funds until your business goes under. There must be a way to force them to pay. What's the point of the courts otherwise? I hope you get the money soon and you are able to rebuild.

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Here is how you can help:

gibsonbakery.com - buy a baseball hat or some butter cookies.

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I just bought a t-shirt. It would be nice if we can flood Gibson’s with online orders.

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Ordered Tee. Heart breaking story. Best of luck.

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Just ordered mine too.

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I think it will happen Victoria! Helps to be able to do something.

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Great idea. Can’t wait for my cookies and buckeyes. Wishing Gibson’s great luck as they move forward. Maddening story.

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Just did too.

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Just bought a t-shirt, great idea.

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Me too

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Ordered a hat! Thanks for suggesting. This story brought me to tears.

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Ordered a T-shirt too.

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Bought the cap. Will wear it around Seattle. This is a tragic and despicable story. I knew they had won, and did not know Oberlin was trying to stiff them. Repulsive.

These naive young people do not realize that they are the new Brown Shirts. The administrators, on the other hand, though as ignorant, deserve a special place in a hell I don't believe in.

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I would be careful wearing that hat in Seattle. Antifa is shooting people to death with impunity in Portland.

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Just bought my T-Shirt, can’t wait to wear it to a dinner party with my progressive friends! They love a good, friendly jab.

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Done. It pains me to pay $42 for a T-shirt but it is definitely worth it.

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I just bought a tote bag. And will write to cambar@oberlin.edu to register my outrage at what they have done to Gibson's. I urge everyone to do the same.

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GREAT idea! TYTY. Who is this "cambar" person? C. Ambar? What role. TIA.

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Oh, sorry, I realized after I wrote that that I didn't mention who it was so thank you for pointing it out. She is the president of the college, Carmen Ambar.

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I wrote here a letter. It had a subject line of "Make good and PAY UP." It had a lotta all-caps in it. I "said" their behavior was despicable. In that regard, I let them off easy, right?

TY again for the great idea. If only others would put in a few minutes and *flood* her office.

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I’m going to steal your words here, jt! Despicable indeed!!!

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Great article. TYTY, yet once again Ma'am! From end:

"They have frittered away the assets and reputation of a school with a wonderful history and stellar academic reputation . . . all to pursue a small grocery like Captain Ahab and his whale. Indeed, the final filing should just quote Melville to capture the blind rage needed to sustain this ill-conceived effort: 'From hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.'”

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Naw, apology NOT accepted, because none NEEDED! TYTY.

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Thank you for giving this link! Just bought a cartload of stuff. Maybe this will help a little.

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We did that years ago when the story first came out- bought chocolates and a T shirt. We will now do so again!

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Thanks for posting this link; large purchase made! Someone in the comments said this is the saddest of the many terrifying, utterly maddening stories on common sense, and I agree. This is where it all must lead when cancel culture, CRT, narcissism and misguided moral righteousness meet in a toxic stew that will swallow all that is good - such as the Gibsons and their work.

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Can this be commented under the article and pinned to the top.

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Just bought a T, thanks.

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Same here.

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Thanks for sharing. I just ordered a tote bag and a bottle opener. Nothing can fully compensate them for the avalanche of losses they have experienced, but I'm hoping the support they get going forward will restore some sense of peace and purpose.

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Just bought a ballcap, $30 ($10 for shipping)

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Great idea, just bought a tee shirt. Hopefully they get so many orders today that they can't even fill them.

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A hat, a T-shirt and a bottle opener are on the way to my house.

It makes me extremely happy that people here thought the same way, how can I help?

I hope some attention on this gets the bakery some additional business and relief from this court fight.

As for the college, incredibly disappointed in their actions.

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I would order but there's no option for delivery to the UK. We're suffering the same loons as you seem to have there so always willing to contribute to those who try to uphold common sense values

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Thanks to our friend across the pond! I try to keep up with what's happening in the UK as well. Love the common sense of Douglas Murray. Best to you!

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Oberlin College will be forced to pay once its appeals are exhausted and not a minute before. Fortunately, it is not and cannot be made Judgment Proof.

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Isn't that what just happened though? Their appeal was thrown out.

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The college, I have read, could still appeal to the US Supreme Court; but the chances of SCOTUS taking up the appeal are pretty remote. The college is just "running out the clock."

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I would think that the Ohio Supreme would be the final stop, since this case is strictly internal with no federal roots. But that won't stop Oberlin from trying in order to bankrupt the bakery.

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Yes. This is pure extortion by Oberlin, and that's one of the many criminal charges the state should file over the college's refusal to obey a legal court order of judgement. Arrest the entire board and administration and that check will clear by tonight.

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This is the insanity of today. A black adult stealing things he doesn’t need is a public statement of political righteousness. A white person saying, “hey, give me back those things you stole“ is violence.

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I think one of the most shocking things was having three guys beat Allyn in public and still the college insists Allyn is a racist.

That’s such an obvious lie that on its own it proves the university itself, and the students who attend it, are brutal liars.

I haven’t heard stories like this since I was a child in Birmingham, when Wallace openly attacked blacks.

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IIRC, the 3 thieves were convicted of assault.

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Great! Why the college didn’t take Gibson’s side is a travesty. Their “woke”faculty even took part in the protests and fed the protesters! Horrible people, horrible school. Too bad THEY don’t go out of business.

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And the dean responsible for much of this, Meredith Raimondo, was blithely able to leave Oberlin and go to become a senior dean at Oglethorpe in Atlanta. In this new world order, the bad guys just continue to flourish. Those of you with association with Oglethorpe should read up on her and make your displeasure known.

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It's not shocking at all. It's a bad thing, but "shocking" implies that we're surprised.

No, this is as normal as it is bad.

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You have it all wrong. CRT teaches that simply by the color of my shin, I am evil. Isn't CRT racist and the people like Oberlin racist? The racist street runs both ways. The Democrats, the party of compassion, hasn't gotten around to realizing that yet.

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They know.

Wallace and his peers were democrats.

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As was the KKK member Robert Byrd who the Dems elected as Senate majority leader multiple times. Where was the woke on that?

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As were Lester Maddux and J.B. Stoner. The tactics are the same; only the scapegoat group has changed.

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This is non-sense and you know it. The Democratic Party in those days was two parties in coalition. The South’s support of the Democratic Party was a vestige of the Civil War, the South’s loss, and its blaming Lincoln and the Republican Party for the Civil War. As you well know, that ended with Nixon’s Southern strategy when Southern Democrats were welcomed into the Republican Party. What hasn’t changed is the pernicious effect they had then on the Democrats and now on the Republicans.

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The South went Republican as it became less racist. Your belief in 'the Southern Strategy'' can aptly be compared to belief in a flat earth.

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That is incorrect.

The only evidence of a Southern Strategy is a paper in a filing cabinet where it sat, unused and ignored. Nixon did not campaign in the South, effectively abandoning it to the Democrats.

George Wallace took the entire Old South with the Dixiecrats. When he lost, he and ALL the Dixiecrats returned to the Democrat Party where they remained a solid voting block for another 25 years. Senates, Houses, state houses all remained thoroughly and disgustingly Democrat. It was Newt Gingrich's Contract with America that finally broke the thoroughly corrupt Democrat hold on the Old South.

Democrats are the source of very nearly all evil in the United States. Their policies are an unbroken line of degradation, division, and war, from racism to slavery to the Civil War to the KKK to Jim Crow to the cynical destruction of government by purchasing votes through welfare right unto the present day of degradation, division, slaughtering infants, open racism, buying votes with the Treasury, and now even advocating castration.

The history of America is the endless battle by the GOP to cast down the endless criminal behavior of the Democratic Party.

This is a matter of record.

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Yes you are correct!

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Southerners today are not the racists of the Wallace era, regardless of party. The #1 pernicious impact on the Republican Party today comes from a guy from NYC.

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I knew there was someone who would bring up the New Yorker. Sad and so vapid.

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How can one discuss today’s Republican Party without mentioning the lunatic at the center of it?

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That "Southern Strategy" of Nixon's worked so well it was into the 90's before a Republican Senator was elected from a Deep Southern State (La, Ga, Al, Ar, Ms)

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It’s hatred and revenge against all whites who don’t submit

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I don’t think they were adults. They were underage students. It was a double crime. And then triple since they assaulted the shop owner.

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Exactly! So they were convicted, but were they expelled?

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In this bizarro world way of thinking, requiring a black adult to pay for something is systematic racism, if they don't and you confront them it's racial profiling, and if you call the police it's flat out racism.

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Todd, you seem to be suffering from cognitive distortion; this is usually associated with: anxiety and depression, or borderline personality disorder, possibly an Obsessive-compulsive disorder, but it could be typical racist thinking. Your comment is about as logical as saying that playing basketball makes people taller because one can see so many tall players!

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Much obliged for the free diagnosis... I feel better already! Apparently, three courts tend to agree more with my take than with the position of Oberlin and you.

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Todd, I’ll say one thing, you consistently have cognitive distortion!

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Suzy Weiss

Your story absolutely breaks my heart and, as a lawyer, I know how long and incredibly painful the fight for justice can be, although I’ve never been through anything like your ordeal. But you have done your country and your community a great service. Our great academic institutions have become corrupt and intolerant, and have succumbed to a perverted ‘woke’ agenda which seeks to destroy everything it does not understand or agree with; it is a travesty. By standing up to the lies and the bullying you are exposing a huge problem for America (and most of the world in fact). Thank you for your courage and determination. I can only imagine what it has cost you and $36 million won’t come close to paying that price. But I hope Oberlin College does pay you the money and, more importantly, it and others learn from this experience.

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These assholes never learn. All they do is get pissed off and whine about how they have been wronged by a racist society.

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I agree and would like to add specificity to the term "woke."

To be “woke” literally means to wake up from a false consciousness and adopt the unfalsifiable belief that all whites are intrinsically racist, and all men are cisgendered bigots who perpetuate a systemically racist, sexist society. To be truly woke, you are obligated to tear down “the system” and start anew.

Theirs is an unfalsifiable and pseudo-religious belief, because you must accept its premise on faith. Why is it unfalsifiable? Since its claims are easily disproved by basic empirical analysis, the “woke” conveniently state that empiricism and science are tools of the West’s patriarchal, white supremacist culture and thus while they are useful to support almost everything else, they can not be trusted in such matters. Empiricism and science are part of the false consciousness from which they believe they have “awoken.”

The Critical Social Justice scholar/priests openly state that there is no “objective truth” and further, they abandon the rest of the modern enlightenment axioms — that is how they are “post-modern.” These are the strategy and tactics of Marxist revolution, as BLM, ANTIFA, China, Russia, and Iran and our Ivy League Social Justice Scholar/Priests are well aware.

It is near impossible to argue with zealots, as millennia of war show, and yet we must before the law and jury pools become sufficiently perverted as to render them unable to serve their proper function.

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Correct on all points. TYTY.

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As a lawyer, can you explain how Oberlin can simply refuse to pay, if they have exhausted their appeals? Or can anyone on here explain? They clearly have the money. I don't get it.

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It is not Oberlin's choice. They pledged assets to Zurich to post the supersedeas bond.

Oberlin might try to get a stay from USSC; but it won't work. Gibson's lawyers will now got to the court and demand the money. Zurich will pay and then crush Oberlin to get it along with fees that would make your head spin. And here Oberlin would be in a legal fight with Zurich. If you think the Gibsons crushed them wait until Zurich gets finished with them.

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This makes me feel all warm inside.

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Me too.

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Oh that's just the best thing I've read all day. Maybe all year.

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So would it have behooved Oberlin to pay after the first court judgement or rather settle with the Gibson's before going to court?

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This makes me happy.

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Gibson’s needs to take action to enforce the judgment. Take debtors examinations to find out where the bank accounts are and then levy on those accounts. Should be easy to do with a large institution. They aren’t going to go through the hassle of shifting money around from account to account, like an individual would. Oberlin isn’t going to voluntarily pay. The creditor needs to take action to collect. But again, should be relatively easy for a moderately competent lawyer to do. Are you licensed in Ohio? Should be easy for you. Take the case!

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My daughter went to Oberlin and I am familiar with this store. I found it amazing that Oberlin would have acted as they did in this incident. Oberlin has a reputation as a good school and the students I knew there were admirable. But the administration is extremely 'progressive' and sees racism and oppression everywhere, without evidence. Although my daughter loved Oberlin I would not recommend students go there. They have really lost any moral standing that they earned dating back to the Underground Railroad days. Shame on Oberlin.

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My baby sister got a full scholarship to Oberlin.

After this incident…I felt so relieved that she went elsewhere.

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Many Obies from former times when this was an admirable institution are absolutely disgusted with what the school has become. I know several. All giving has stopped and planned giving has been canceled. I personally know of millions of dollars they will now never see. I have rarely seen such anger over an incident like this.

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That’s very encouraging—because alums are part of a small group with some leverage over Oberlin’s Administration. I’m afraid that the most leverage is exercised by the Federal Government—whose permanent bureaucrats are very Woke regardless of the current Administration, and probably a few influential Woke mega-donors.

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Any leverage applied to the Administration is wasted. So far, they have even refused to apologize to the Gibsons. The leverage should be applied to the members of the Board of Trustees. Surely, they would have to have some approval for an expenditure of this magnitude. The Board needs to be made to care about the school's reputation, which is fast becoming garbage.

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The board backed the administration in this legal action. Now the school will pay. There are some rich and woke folks on the board. They may actually raise the money to pay the judgement. I know the begging cup to the alumni is being shaken pathetically right now and often. That all goes into the trash now fr many normal alumni. There are trust documents, wills, and planned giving documents being reassessed as we speak. Some alumni no doubt will continue to support this wretched place; but it is polarizing now and I know they are losing support among many.

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So alums that do give will end up effectively paying the bakery. Funny.

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Say hi to Geoff and Marcia for me next time you see them, Marjorie!

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I would not hire out of Oberlin, I would risk hiring an overentitled lawsuit machine. Fortunately I have never heard of an Oberlin grad in a technical field, certainly not in medical tech.

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I'll bet there's not a single MD or biologist in Oberlin's no-doubt elaborately funded Women's Studies faculty--and their syllabus desperately needs a purifying dose of medical tech!

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All you need to know is where the current President was indoctrinated and what knowledge base her studies and degrees are based on. She’s an idea genius who most likely can’t change a light bulb without help.

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This is disgusting. I read the original story months ago. What was done to these people was horrible. And the instigator refuses to pay damages. This should be a nation wide story that brings the college to its knees.

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There should be, except many news sources were complicit and won't want to draw attention to that. It might open them up for liability, a la Sandmann.

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I want them crawling on their knees, never mind on their knees! I want them hurting so bad they don’t know they on planet earth!

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Progressives are a hate group, and it's time we recognize them for what they really are.

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Biden will say the opposite tonight.

He will screech and snarl that Republicans are racists and white supremacists.

That this abomination is president is unthinkable. What has happened to America?

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Doublespeak is Biden's and the Democratic party’s tool and students are the useful idiots who attack those who dare recognize the deception they are blind to.

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Leftists project. They always, only, ever project.

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This was happening before Trump and Trump saw it. I saw it starting in 2012. Obama put fuel on the fire by not out-right condemning Black Lives Matter with the entire "Hands up don't shoot" lie that kicked off this madness.

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dont let a crisis go to waste.. The motto of the Obiden administrations.

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It was already happening in the universities by the early '00s.

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You wrote that like it’s some kind of magic excuse. Trump didn’t start this. You can’t just blame everyone’s bad behavior on Trump. He wasn’t even close to that bad.

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You are. Blind as well.

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Why are you calling me names? You think Trump did this? He did not. A school administration did this. It had nothing to do with Trump. Folks like yourself have a sickness and that sickness is that you seem to think Trump is an excuse for all evil. As if more evil is the answer to evil. I’m not suggesting Trump is good and this is bad. I’m saying Trump is bad, but this is worse. Don’t be worse than Trump. Be better.

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Your hatred reveals your blindness

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That honor belongs to you. No one else is even in the running. You falsely accuse. You are depraved enough to be on the faculty of Oberlin College.

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Ah yes, you’ve called your opponent a name. That clearly means you won the argument.

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Oh, I’m so glad you said that. Perfect.

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I have a friend who never criticizes anyone who has a D after their name. He or she could be a baby raping murder and she would defend them. It looks like you are the same as she is.

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The sedition belongs to the Democrat Party and the media. They conspired to lie to the American people (repeatably) to attempt to over through a duel elected president. Do you remember the entire Trump/Russia collusion thing? 100% manufactured by the Democrat Party and their allies in the media.

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I will not defend The Donald. The regulars on this BBS know how I feel about him and it is not good but I will never defend a far left Democrat (that by the way is a tautology). Trump is history. He's toast but the lying, senile, idiot in the WH is in the now and he and the socialist party are bent on destroying this country.

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You won’t give equal time to Hillary. You are too dishonest and stupid. You are an irredeemable Democrat. The current unrest began with the false accusation of Russian collusion.

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Don't forget Hunter's laptop was a Russin plant.

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Wow I feel sorry for your blindness and hope for a miracle you regain your sight.

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Jesus, supposedly spit on some mod and placed it a blind man's eye and the man could then see. I believe he'd have to do much more to make RT see, like piss on his eyes.

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Hillary is not irrelevant. She's been out there shooting her mouth off ever since she lost the election. The media for some bizarre reason still takes her seriously as a political player and she's reportedly entertaining yet another futile run for president. She, like Trump, needs to go away.

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Your kind would stumble upon an escape attempt at Auschwitz and conclude (very smugly) that the Jews were the villains. You demand that "history" starts with the pushback, so that the victims are cast as the aggressors.

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Are you saying a baby raping murderer is a victim? Did you just go there?

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Trump has the unique ability to make other people act just like him. But he is not responsible for progressivism, CRT, cancelling people, acting with outright hatred and unfairness, or anything that happened to this woman and her family. The left alone did that through their own morally bankrupt choices.

Trump is a gadfly and serial provoker. The fact that so many people think he is evil is proof. It’s also a hilarious overreaction to a mouthy politician who is clearly not a dictator in any conceivable way.

But yeah, it was Trump.

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Progressives aren't progressive and liberals aren't liberal.

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You nail it with this comment. You really do. Progressives just love to hate. Too many of them are just stupid idiots. What is it in these people that they are so self-satisfied with hating? Is hating the new pathway to self-actualisation? It certainly is easier than using the brain to reason.

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Hate is the foundation of their identity. Their rhetoric's primary obsession is justifying that hate. Rather than being monsters for being so hateful, they want the targets of their hate to appear so hateworthy that not only is hating them acceptable, but rather it would be immoral to NOT hate them!

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Yes, we should.

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Dave, here’s a definition of a hate group: An organization whose goals and activities are primarily or substantially based on a shared antipathy towards people of one or more other different races, religions, ethnicities/nationalities/national origins, genders, and/or sexual identities. The mere presence of bigoted members in a group or organization is typically not enough to qualify it as a hate group; the group itself must have some hate-based orientation/purpose.

So tell me, what are the goals and activities that the Progressives have that are a shared antipathy towards one or more other different races, religions, ethnicities/nationalities/national origins, genders, and/or sexual identities? Please provide as much specificity as you can!

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The Democrat Party. Biden will explain it all to you tonight.

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Bruce, you’re a Prat with a phobia of thinking or, to put it in one word, phronemophobic!

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You always return to form, troll. It's bad enough, but You're a whinging, pompous troll to boot. Isn't it time You grew up to at least Your chronological age, troll?

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Says the resident coprophiliac…..

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Bruce, how appropriate, the word coprophiliac coming from your mind; the idea of associating feces with sex would never have occurred to me!

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Which he did in spades!!!

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Your party has no platform except abortion and Orange Man Bad, how pathetic is that

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Dumb and Dumber connect.


A marriage made in…..

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What would you call them when they lie and physically attack, surround and ruin people?

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

No I'm talking about our current one. The senile imbecile. The corrupt scumbag who raked in Chinese Communist cash as he betrays our nation. The pervert who showered with his daughter according to her own diary. The one who calls American patriots "white supremacists" and "domestic terrorists." The one you voted for and probably will watch giddily tonight.

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Don’t engage with this human/bot Bruce I wouldn’t waste post space

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I don't worship Trump, at all. And hope he doesn't run in '24. But if you think America's better off under Biden - as you clearly do - you're as demented and delusional as your leader.

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If Trump goes to prison, he can share a cell with Hunter and the ever senile, child molester Joe Biden.

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Trump was a monumental liar but so was Obama and Clinton. OH, don't get me started on Clinton, what a scum bag!

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I don't recall Trump claiming to have smote Corn Pop or rescue Mandela from Robbin Island or any of a host of fantastic lies that Biden spouts by the minute.

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I really believe when Biden tells a lie, as soon as it comes out of his mouth, he actually believes it to be the truth. And that is no because he is senile, it is the way it always has been. He has always been a lying moron. He has been that way all his life.

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Answer the question. You diverted as most leftist do when confronted with the truth.

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That would be our current president.

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Who did Trump physically attack?

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R T.

You defend a lie by telling another lie.

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Which one? The one that shouldered on through multiple hoaxes ("lies" in layman's terms)? And some video of him performing crimes in which he committed these acts: "physically attack, surround and ruin people." might be helpful to answer the "Are you talking about our former president?" question.

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No one’s saying Progressives are the ONLY hate group. You’re right. They’re one of many. BLM. ANTIFA. LGBTQ. Southern Poverty Law Center. The list is long. Just curious, where did you go to school?

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Don't feed the troll, and especially don't agree with the troll!

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Mostly because the Left currently owns hate and resentment. Every thought, every decision and every action of the modern Democrat is guided only by those two emotions.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022


There isn’t one conservative college in the nation that would do what Oberlin did. If you don’t vote Republican until the Democrat Party is reformed or ceases to exist then you are complicit.

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I have been able to deduce, based on the quality of the logic, reading comprehension, and writing skills displayed in this thread, RT is a member of the White House communications team.

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Excellent assessment

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Yip that’s the closest description of this thing!

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You are beyond help. What Oberlin College did to Gibson’s Bakery wouldn’t happen without people like you.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022


Oberlin organized the protest, dummy. The name of the most active professor is Meredith Raimondo. She was outside Gibson’s with a bullhorn. Like you she lies and votes Democrat.

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I don’t like Trump but the criminal attacks he faced by an out of control bureaucracy shocked me. Biden’s embracing this criminal opportunism is a threat to us all even you think Cuomo.

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They do come in both left and right, this particular one happens to be left, that doesn’t change its core characteristic.

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Your statement "Hate groups come in many different flavors..." is inconsistent with the statement your are attempting to refute. Your statement relates to an entire population, the original statement refers to a subset of the population.

You have an assumed an error that does not exist.

Who is the dumb ass?

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Yep, you're a progressive. You deflect and attack rather than address your own logical fallacies and delusions.

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Read a dictionary why don’t you!! Dumbass!!!!

Also. There’s no such thing as ANTIFA. Oh…you think it’s a ‘real’ organization because a group of black masked jack-booted thugs attacked you on the streets??

OMG. How dumb and backwards can you be?

Where’s their corporate office, then? Take me to their website!!! It doesn’t exist!!! Ergo, ANTIFA doesn’t exist!!!

Also. ANTIFA just means *anti* fascist so if you’re against ANTIFA (which doesn’t actually exist) that means you’re FOR fascism.

Are you for fascism?!?!

You know my great-grandfather was in ANTIFA back in the 40’s. It was called dropping bombs on Nazis.

OMG. Are you FOR Nazis?!?! Are YOU a Nazi?!?!

Where do you work?!?! I need to tell ANTI…I mean, 300 of my closest friends…so we can protest outside your business and record and violently attack your customers as the Nazi- supporters they really are!!!

If ANTIFA actually exists (which it doesn’t) it’s ONLY in response to vile racists and white supremacists like you…and I know for sure that you’re a vile racist and white supremacist because you’re *against* ANTIFA (which doesn’t actually exist).

If you’re ANTI anti-fascists than what does that make you? A fascist.


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PS - this is meant as satire but I’m not entirely sure that will come across…since I’ve had “conversations” almost exactly like this with “woke” progressives.

For some reason “Read a Dictionary” is one of their favorite comebacks…

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That had nothing to do with progressivism, huh?

Except that all the students and administrators involved are likely progressives, the school is progressive, and they all used progressive language and followed the well-worn progressive playbook: Invoke an incident, call people racist and white supremacists when they defend themselves, gin up public scrutiny…lather, rinse, repeat until target is destroyed.

But other than that…absolutely nothing!!

I believe I’m speaking for millions of “ordinary people” when I say: “Hey Progressives!! Quit trying to ‘help’ me before you ‘help’ me right into the poor house and ‘help’ our nation right into a depression. We can look after our own ‘interests’ just fine, thank you.”

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You can tell when someone is a progressive because they get mad at you if you refuse their "help".

Progressives are afflicted with pathological altruism.

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It wasn't just uneducated youth, it was the administration, and they were held responsible. Did you even read the article?

Progressivism is a lot like communism. It's a nice idea, but the real world results are misery.

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The judgement that the Gibson's won was the direct result of Dean Meredith Raimondo libeling and slandering Gibson's as a voice of Oberlin College. The lawsuit actually had nothing to do with the student protests.

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A closer look at the actual judgement will give a reasonable person the information needed to conclude that the Oberlin administration was culpable in the ruin of the business and the Gibson name. The parties that stole from Gibson's and beat one of its namesakes weren't parties to the suit if my recall of the suit is sound. Just providing context here.

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If that is your takeaway from the article, you have reading comprehension issues, in addition to logic issues.

Yep, progressive...

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Yep. Just as I observed "delusional and demented."

I'm sure there's a rock somewhere that you need to crawl back under.

But do enjoy your "president" tonight, whom I know you'll be watching, giddy and swooning and jumping up and down with the delight of the young schoolgirl you channel.

Amusingly pathetic.

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Hatred and vile attacks reveal your blindness

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Well, I guess you didn't study Logic at your own college. "All X are Y" does not imply "If not X, then not Y."

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Just passing through, but that was a dumb response to Dave from the getgo… His statement was not exclusive of anyone else, only descriptive of one group…but you made yurrself look like you were just aching for a fight… Why here?

I expect more from trolls. Bye

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How can anyone who is a true liberal be a Democrat. Your party has betrayed you and will never come back to the party of JFK.

I'm a conservative and I am more liberal than most Democrats. I am a conservative not a Republican. There is a distinction there. It is beyond me how any thinking human being can tie themselves to any political party and like a lemming at every election vote straight party line.

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I consider myself to be a "JFK Democrat", ie...far right conservative in today's environment.

I don't tie myself to any party but have voted straight ticket R for the last two election cycles. I know voting D will end up with increasing government power, and I don't want that. I may like a D in my geography, but I know a vote for an individual D is really a vote for "cabal D" since D's are kept in line by their leaders and vote nearly lockstep. It's a crappy situation...

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"Reagan Democrat" is another term for it. As Reagan himself used to say, "I didn't leave the Democratic Party; it left me."

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I quote him all the time……..truer words……..

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I agree. Even a "good" Democrat will vote for Pelosi to be speaker and Schumer to be majority leader, and will support Biden at least 90 percent of the time. So they will contribute to the ruination of the nation. I vote Republican, somtimes Libertarian, but never Democrat.

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JFK Dems are as uncommon as Reagan conservatives these days. Or should I say as useful given the lack of evenhanded application of law these days? But soldier on. We need more of both if we are to survive as the republic envisioned by the virtuous and religious people who formed this union. Not seeing much of either from the Oberlin crowd.

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Very good.

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Lonesome I used to believe the same thing about the straight party line voting. I never got it; I voted for the best candidate. In the past 5 years I have grown to despise the Democrats and everything they stand for so intensely that I won't vote for a Democrat for dogcatcher. I will vote the straight Republican ticket, not because they're impressive or cohesive as a party which they're not, but just because they are the only viable alternative to the Democrats. In other words, I now get what I never used to get. When you believe the alternative is pure unadulterated evil--which I believe the Democrats are--you can be a lemming.

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LonesomePolecat……..Oh, I love the word lemming.

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Penny, you are correct. I'm a classical liberal.

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I agree, Penny. Although I do not consider myself liberal, I do have great respect for some liberal values and classical liberals who walk their talk. I've yet to find a progressive, or progressive value, that I can respect.

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Thank you. As a black man, I am particularly disgusted by the behavior of the Oberlin administration and its students.

Is there any way we could put together a public relations drive to shame the school into honoring its obligation to you?

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You could send an email to the President of the University asking her to pay the judgement. The attached has the contact information. Let’s keep it civil. Gibon’s Bakery has already won.


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Thank you!

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I wasn't able to keep my email very civil. I "said" they were despicable, for one thing. And it had some all-caps for another.

(Mebbe I should-a counted to ten. ;-)

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Yes, always get up from your computer and walk around a bit (my counting to ten) before you send a nasty email.

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Good advice. A little late, but good.

And calling them despicable was the light-hearted part-a it!

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You were being too kind.

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It would be great if we could but these people are without shame.

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As a start, I will post this story on Linkedin.

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Yes! I’m wondering why people haven’t started protesting at Oberlin.

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Thank you Sam please do it I will support you!

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You have just paraphrased MLK. Way to go! MLK was one of the most powerful speakers of our time.

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Amen. Cannot be said often enough.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

It’s really foolish of Oberlin not to pay up and put the issue to bed. The incident sullies Oberlin’s name & reputation as well. It comes across as intolerant and insensitive to its surrounding community- and who wants to live in that atmosphere? Why would a young person want to attend & then graduate from such a mean-spirited institution?

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I'd say they're too afraid of their own students' reaction if they pay up.

There might also be wrangling between Oberlin and its liability insurer, over whether the policy covers Oberlin's conduct and the resulting jury verdict.

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I don't know about Ohio law, but it seems like there ought to be some way now for the Gibsons to seize Oberlin assets to pay the verdict. At this point, Oberlin deserves to have its bank accounts seized and its buildings padlocked. Didn't Oberlin have to post an appeal bond? It seems that that should now be forfeited. Or did the court let them slide on that?

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The bond was posted for the judgement. Zurich is going to pay the Gibsons, and soon. Then they may need to put Ambar's nut in vice and start turning; but they will. Oberlin will pay that money and a lot more to Zurich. This is going to cost them north of 50 mil all in.

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Wouldn’t it be great if Gibson’s outlived Oberlin?? (I hope Oberlin alums are putting the pressure on!)

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I read about Oberlin’s loss on appeal the other day and read the article to my husband. I was so relieved that the college lost. But we often don’t know all the details on a personal level. What a nightmare for your family. I hope the college will forced to pay through the threat of sanctions, and that your lawyer can do this.

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Boycott Oberlin College.

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Thank you Lorna, I believe every word of your story is Truth. Thank you for writing it. Our society is becoming devoid of all reason and justice and I am afraid we might have accept this as the norm

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No, we must not accept it. We must label these woke cultists as a group obsessed with destroying lives and livelihood. Every progressive in 2022 has been complicit in some way. School lockdowns, child transgender craze, firing people who wouldn't get vaccinated, etc.

All progressives have one thing in common: they are angry and absolutely filled with hatred.

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...and obsessed with total control of your life, down to the way you think.

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Please let’s vote them out in November

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Biden's speech today said otherwise. lol It's so disgusting to see what is happening to this country due to loony leftists. Shame on anybody who continues to vote for Democrats.

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Get Tim Ryan involved and some other political people.

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Never accept it! Vote! Speak up!

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Spread this story!!

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And to help even more in a practical way buy a Gibson's Bakery baseball hat or t shirt! https://gibsonbakery.com/product-category/merch/

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Anyone remember the movie Mr Smith Goes to Washington? While I cannot remember the details of the movie I am reminded of the Jimmy Stewart character and his quest for fairness and honesty. Oberlin has long been viewed as the quintessential small liberal arts school with high academic standards. Many of us have known for DECADES how far left they in fact are ( faculty especially but most students and graduates too) . They have shown over the past five years how truly vile and disgusting they are and the fact that those on the left have not roundly condemned the school and its supporters shows their hypocrisy in bright bold colors. Time to pay up deadbeats.

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These seems like a perfect opportunity for a fundraiser to cover expenses while waiting for Oberlin to exhaust appeals.

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A multiplier set up by the CS crew would send a nice message of support

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Most expensive t-shirt I’ve ever purchased (especially in Canadian $), but totally worth it to show my support.

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Lorna -we are here to support you. Ill

Look for you on Gold Belly. Time to go online. Academia is the next doomed industry. Its only a matter of time. My college (adjunct here) is cutting costs fast and furious. I wont be teaching for long and thats ok. Academia’s purpose is going away. Fine arts degrees no longer make sense. The only reason to go to college is for a STEM degree and my guess is Oberlin isn't top notch there either.

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gibsonbakery.com - buy a baseball hat.

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Thank you! We do t shirts as I look like garbage in a hat but going straight there!

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I just bought a hat too!

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I just ordered one. THANKS!

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Thank you Elizabeth--great idea! I've just bought one!

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They have their own website with about four things on it. I ordered from it today.

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I got some butter cookies. They look good!

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Are you in Ohio or outside the state?

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Same! I just ordered a T-shirt.

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Got tote and cookies :)

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Foreclosure on Oberlin -- attach every asset you can find. They will quickly see the light when the sheriff is walking them out of their buildings and the bank is blocking their funds...

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Don’t think that’s a scenario that will happen today. Do you not remember Canada’s (Justin Trudeau)blocking of bank accounts and naming and shaming protesters and truckers for standing up. The only entity thats got paid was the Floyd family and that was because the police had to pay the bill and they had Mr Crump representing the family. The battle is 3/4 overs when the police are involved. The Gibson’s are just some white family. It’s a disgrace what’s happen in America and of course it’s the MAGA crowd that’s responsible. When Hillary was running it’s was the deplorables not much has changed with this administration

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It’s hard to argue with your logic. It’s the price of privilege, I guess…

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