
God bless Bari Weiss and all the members of the free press for publishing these deeply depressing stories. This is so important. Christians need to stand up in support of our Jewish brothers and sisters. I stand with Israel.

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And Jewish brothers and sisters everywhere need to stop voting for liberals! When they show you who they are believe them !

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Agreed! But there is no way Jessica Tarlov, a Jew and a Democrat on Fox News, would ever think of voting for any republican. She is always complimenting Biden and team. And if this doesn’t make Bari think harder about voting differently, nothing will.

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Where are the Democrat/Socialists on this? Oh, I know. They are out protesting in support of Hamas and the killing of Jews.

I have asked this over and over and over again and never get a good or valid answer. "If you are a Jew, how can you continue to vote Dem/Soc? A vote for the Democrats is an antisemitic and antizionist vote."

Keep up the good work guys and continue to vote Democrat and then ignore it when the Democrats betray you and vote for them again.


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You really need to get your head straight.

An aircraft carrier battle group is now parked off Israel in the Mediterranean.

Many Republican members of Congress would turn the US into an isolationist nation.

Don't conflate progressive or liberal with the individuals affirming murder at the hands of Hamas.

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Who are out in the street and college campuses calling for the slaughter of Jews, conservatives or the loony left?

Which members of congress who are supporting HAMAS, Democrats or Republicans?

I think my head is on straight.

I tell you what. Don't insult me and I won't insult you. OK?

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You are generalizing and missing the point. A small handful of Democrats (and you know their names) have expressed anything even remotely suggesting a support of HAMAS: Rahida Talib, Cory Bush, and Ilhan Omar are the ones you should direct your wrath at.

Biden has sent weapons and at least one aircraft carrier battle group to the Middle East. The Democratic Congress and Senate will absolutely support Israel.

The great risk here is Israel making the mistake the US made in Iraq. Bin Laden laid a trap and the US stepped into it. The same must not happen for the IDF. You are seeing a very different reaction on college campuses compared to other times. I've never seen this much animus towards Israel.

The enemy of the Palestinians are the radical groups within the Palestinians. They are the same enemies as those who want to see the destruction of Israel. Do you seriously think today's GOP would do better?

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You know I could just as easily respond that all White Supremacists are Republicans. But I know better than to conflate the two. And what exactly is a Democrat/Socialist? Is it like a Repulican/Facist? Because that's what you sound like to me.

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How about this lying, hypocrite:


Bernie Sanders is a communist millionaire. Pocahontas is a socialist millionaire who is constantly screaming "Tax the rich!"

Don't you research anything?

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Well let's see, Bernie Sanders, AOC and the squad and there are a few others in the House. If you did a little research you would know who the socialists are. It is public knowledge. AOC and some on the squad belong to the DSA. In the 1970s Bernie voted straight communist ticket.

Keep up, will you.

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Don't you on the left research anything before you make wild, inaccurate accusations?

Like the protestor who denied Hamas was killing infants and children. You guys believe anything some whacked out leftist says.

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That was rhetoric, I wasn't accusing you personally of anything. But I do question your terminology. I know of a handful of Democratic politicians at the national level who are avowed socialists. Most are not. I know of more that a few Republican leaders who express sympathy for, or solidarity with, White Supremacist groups. But I wouldn't try to smear anyone to the right of me with that sort of label.

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Motivation to vote Democratic: one word: Trump

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I despise Trump but I would vote for this megalomaniac over a Dem/Soc any day.

I won't go into why. I have posted my reasons too many times on this BBS. Besides, I have a feeling no matter what I say will sway a yellow dog Dem such as yourself. I apologize if you are not a yellow dog Dem/Soc but you sure sound like one.

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Oooo. Calm yourself, LP. But not likely to sway a Never-Trump Republican such as myself.

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It is the Democrat party, not the democratic party. There is nothing democratic about them.

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LP—you stew around about this stuff too much. It’s not good for you. I’m sure you’ve heard that from others. I’m not suggesting you adopt some kind of permanent chill mode, but life is short. You won’t look back and wish you had spent more time tied in knots with political angst.

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She also gushes over Medhi Hassan of MSNBC, formerly of Al Jazeera, who’s on tape denigrating, Jews, Christians and gays.

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Bari provided us with excerpts of her appearances on MSNBC and Fox. On the latter, there was an actual exchange between her and Dana Perino but I would have loved to hear the responses from the hosts she was speaking with on MSNBC.

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I saw most of that interview with Dana..my heart broke for her.

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Your heart broke for Dana or the antisemite?

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I think she means the interview of Bari by Dana Perino. Bari did a fantastic job. Dana is certainly no antisemite

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Jessica Tarlov is a compensated sacrificial Democrat for Fox. Much like Kirsten Powers she'll dance whatever role she's paid to perform.

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I don't think that's fair. I think Jessica's views are honestly held if not fully thought out.

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While Biden has rightly condemned the terrorist attack of last Saturday, he also (1) is trying to tie aid to Israel to more billions for the corrupt regime in Ukraine and (2) has urged Israel to delay its response despite the fact that Hamas holds both Israeli and American hostages. Fortunately, I'm sure Israel will ignore the old fool.

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Respectfully, it's not the liberals it's the so-called progressives.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

It’s liberals who don’t speak out about progressives ruining their party. They love talking about inclusivity that excludes Jews and Asians! My goodness they hardly speak up about transitioning kids! I’m tired of this excuse.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

In my city, Minneapolis, we are fighting the DSA very hard and working to oust their colonization of the local/state Democratic party. We are hoping this situation wakes up more liberals who sleepwalk to the polls and vote for the candidate endorsed with a D. In my city the DSA have gamed the endorsing process but if you look at Ilhan Omar's numbers, for example, she receives fewer and fewer votes over time. The vast majority of people I talk with want her out, it's low information suburban voters who keep her in because they vote for the endorsed candidate.

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Think again , I left “your city” 2 years ago because they continued to let progressive and far left liberals rule the metro. The classic liberal is gone and not coming back. Wake up!

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So good to hear, thanks for sharing. That’s a hard task to take on. I’m just glad I don’t live anywhere close to Tlaib’s district. I think they still love her there.

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Michigan has its own terrorists to worry about and reject. It was Michigan where Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols hatched their baby killing plot of blowing up a Federal building. And where there was a plot by a militia to kidnap the Governor.

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The Squad has had it's ten minutes of fame-- I think even New Yorkers are fed up with AOC.

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No, they're not. AOC will continue to win elections without much work. Her district is so solidly democrat that if Bob Smith-R and Houseplant -D were running, the house plant would win hands down.

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For a group of "decolonizers," they're sure good at it, eh?

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DEMOCRAT party. not democratic. BIG difference\\

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Unfortunately it is the "liberal defaults" as I call them who are the enablers of all of this, with their robo-voting and empty-headed virtue signaling. As some of the replies explain. The liberal defaults are easy marks for the progressive con artists who know they just have to wrap a certain kind of flag ("marginalized" "rights" "justice" etc) around whatever hideousness they are selling, and the standard liberals will lap it up, put the requisite signs in their yards, and vote accordingly on election day.

I think there is a little bit of head exploding going on as some of those "liberals" realize they are actually supporting people who cheer on gang rape and baby killing. But I don't know if this will really change anything, or they will just go back to sleep and keep pulling that D lever without another thought.

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This is true.

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One of my sisters is a "liberal default". I haven't spoken with her about this (gave up talking politics with her decades ago), but I'd be surprised if she adjusts her thinking even given what's transpired. It's who she is.

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They are not progressive, but regressive.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

I used to be a liberal progressive when it actually meant something. Now liberals and progressives are more interested in censoring language (by the way, the word "female" is now considered misogynistic and racist accord to the 2023-2024 AP style book) and promoting trans issues and giving needles and cans of Narcan to addicts. And BLM is now a complete joke.

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BLM was always a complete joke, if you were paying attention

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My son is a recovering drug addict. Try not to combine issues. My son survived his addiction, but many heart-broken parents of children who ODed wish narcan could've been more freely available in the past

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I'm sorry. I just wish instead of giving out cans of Narcan they would increase money for services for addiciton. One of my friends heads a program and he is stressed because he doesn't have enough money to support all the recovering addicts.

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I hear where you're coming from, and I guess we do ultimately have reasons for how we feel. There isn't enough money for anything, it seems (some people go to 12 step programs, that's free :-) , and it does work for some people). The problem with recovery is the immense amount of relapsing, I wish I had less experience with this, but I digress. The goal of recovery is not just to beat the addiction and live a full life, but to help people not die from their addictions. If my son had died, he'd never have made it into a recovery program in the first place. I know too many people whose kids never made it.

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Liberals created this monster

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Liberals aren't liberal. They are tyrants.

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Democrats are neither liberal nor progressive. That is what their propagandists put out. They are hard core socialists in sheep's clothing.

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Polecat-- It lessens your argument when you paint ALL in broad strokes. What you are saying tis hat ALL Democrats are socialists (untrue) and suggesting that ALL Republicans are on the right track (untrue).

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But enough of them are and they are in positions of power. Bernie Sanders a hard core communist, is a committee chairman in the Dem/Soc controlled senate. I believe Elizabeth Waren is, from her speeches, a closet socialist.

There are multiple avowed socialists in the Dem/Soc side of the House.

I have said many times on this BBS, if the Reps allowed a NAZI a position of power in congress people would be up in arms and I would be one of them.

In the 20th century socialist leaders in socialist country killed far more of their citizen than Hitler did and are continuing to slaughter them to this day. Where is the Dem/Soc outrage of having socialists in their party holding positions of power in the US Congress?

So yes, I use a broad brush. I find socialism to be wicked and disgusting. The Dem/Socs don't. They embrace it. They embrace evil.

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I agree. I find the students I know who embrace socialism (and now communism) are ignorant and naive. Bernie and Elizabeth should know better than to spout out ideas that do not-- in real life-- ever work.

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Democrats sold out Israel years ago, starting with Barack Obama who is a big Palestinian supporter. As long as the Progressives are in charge of the Party, Israel doesn't have many friends there.

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That is such nonsense.

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It only nonsense to those who close their eyes and refuse to look. The truth is out there for all to see.

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Obama is a DNA Muslim

Jewish religion take the religion of mother

Christian religion take the religion of father

Muslim religion take the religion of father

Obama is a Muslim

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I don't care about the former President's religious affiliation. He has the same right to practice the faith of his choosing as any other American and it's nobody else business. My point is that the Progressive influence in the Democrat party took off with the ascendancy of Obama as the parties leader with increasing support for Palestinian and other radical issues and spotty, tepid support for Israel and other traditional allies like Britain and other Western European countries. Bad foreign policy exacerbates the problems we face around the world today and that is a legacy of the Obama-Biden years.

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I don't think attending a Christian service for years (as Obama has) makes you a Muslim. And not even sure why it matters if Obama is a Christian or a Muslim. Unless you are suggesting that all 1.5 billion Muslims are terrorists.

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The left lies and says the vast majority of Muslims are moderate and only a small fraction are radicals. If that is true, how come the "vast" majority don't crack down on the "small" minority. We pursue and jail terrorist in the US. Why don't Muslim nations? You know, the vast majority.

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I try (try) not to make sweeping generalization about all people like some do on this site. (ie. Muslims bad. Catholics bad. Christians stupid. Democrats awful.) Maybe it's because I grew up with a father who was more of a Socialist and a mom who was a Republican and (believe it or not) lived happily-ever-after. Or, maybe it's because I've traveled extensively to Iran, Turkey, Israel, etc. and have spoken to people from all over the world. Some have more radical views (mostly due to ignorance and, yes, propaganda) but there are many who are nuanced thinkers who often do NOT agree with their government, though they can't say anything for fear of retaliation (a more extreme situation than in the US where if you say the wrong thing now you can be let go from your job). Muslim terrorists ARE bad but that doesn't mean that all Muslims are bad. Pedophile priests ARE bad but that doesn't mean the entire Catholic Church is bad.

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I always saw Obama as not a big fan of Israel. And he signed a treaty with Iran, that gave them billions of dollars and effect let them back into relations with the west. Tragic mistake. The Iranian regime is evil towards its own people and a major backer of terrorism. The Arab wold understands this. And Iran certainly is anti Israel to put it mildly. Trump came in and I undid that treaty, went about securing peace agreements between Israel and Arab nations, Saudi Arabia for example. Iran was very threatened by that. The Saudis see Iran for what they are. Iran is the main backer of Hamas. So what does Biden do? Inexplicably, renews the deal with Iran. Days before attacks, the country providing Hamas with weapons and technical support, was $6 billion richer. Forget religious leanings, or for now political leanings. Just focus on what actions leaders take. And let’s examine our own responsibility for what has transpired. We have been making peace with the wrong people. And it’s so odd for the left to spend every waking hour focused on gender rights and then make a deal with people who throw them off of buildings. Either they are unable to follow a set of principles or it’s about money somehow. Since Clinton we have seen president after president enter office with little financial means and exit wealthy. How is that?

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YES!!!!!!!! 🙄

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

I am glad you make this point. In reading on another matter this week I stumbled upon something I find very curious. There are 48 highranking members of the Biden administration that are Jewish. 48. Including Majorkas, Yellin, Garland, Blinken, Haines (DNI and boy is she chilling), Cohen (CDC, as was the former head, Walensky), Gentler (SEC) and a host of regulatory agency deputies requiring presidential appointments and ambassadors.

Edited to correct the "autocorrect".

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Who You want them to vote for? For those who chant "Jews will not replace us!"?

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Sounds like another Charlottesville.

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Do you write in crayon?

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Ignore him! His moms doesn’t let him have crayons because tags the bathroom wall.

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Lol. No, some of those "snowflakes" probably do. I "own" in text.

Sounds like Columbia had their own Charlottesville.

People expressing THEIR opinion on an issue. The horror.

Amazing how quickly the unrestricted free speech and "tough conversations" crowd changes their tune, isn't it?

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We’re not advocating for restricting speech. We’re happy to have these lunatics show us who they are.

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Ignore this fool notice he never condemns the beheading of babies.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023


People are getting canceled/fired. People are taking down names....

People are being told they have to make statements in support of Israel.

People are getting in trouble if they support the Palestinian people (who are not all Hamas) or refer to Israel as an apartheid state, or bring up any of Israels massacres, etc.

So, no, while you may claim that you are happy for these "lunatics" to show who they are, the majority are not.

It seems Nellie and Bari have finally found their line that shall not be crossed.

So, much for "tough conversations."

Looks like we've got Charlottesville 2.0s breaking out all over the place.

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After Charlottesville all mainstream media was foaming at the mouth. Now they’re busy publishing articles putting the atrocities in “context”. Keep posting, Comprof2.0 . You are the poster child for woke lunacy, it’s good to always be reminded how that looks like.

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In Comprof's case, I think it's called "composting".

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Lol. Yeah, blah, blah, blah..."woke"

whatever the hell that means.

No, the "context" being discussed are the various public protests/gatherings on college campuses, not the attacks themselves.

So...let me know when people get killed/massive violence on these campuses, ok?

So, that'll be when the foaming starts, alright? Until then, it's people's right to engage in free speech.

And as Bari has made clear, "Words aren't violence."

So, nice try. You are poster child for strawmen arguments, it's always good to be reminded that there are disengenuous interlocutors on this discussion board. Keep posting, Andy.

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It is hard for many non-Jews to understand the existential threat that Israelis and Jews in diaspora feel when atrocities of WW2 and others in the past surface. It’s not a balanced equation, it is survival. Jews get it. Here, the liberal, left Jews joined the conservatives. In Israel, they formed Unity government.

Today, Jews in big cities are staying home. Last night my wife’s sister got a leaflet in NY nice suburb telling residents not to open their doors to people asking to pray with them (pretending to be rabbis).

This is today’s America.

Open borders, BLM, our universities, Democrats got us here.

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48 high-ranking members of the Biden administration are Jewish.

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Time for them to wake up!

It is a mystery to me. About 50% of German Jews did not believe that their advanced society would do something like what Hitler described in Mein Kampf. They were the first to perish.

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Yes, what could they possibly be thinking?

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There are a lot of Jewish people who don’t support Israel. Kamala is married to a Jewish guy. Jewish does not equal Zionist.

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That was kind of my point. 😉

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Define Zionist

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Can Zionist atheists get in on this "standing" thing?

Don't let them depress you. Demoralization is an essential part of the plans of those who hate the West. Don't watch Lamestream news. Don't watch any of the videos of the Arab attack; that's why they made them. Make plans, arm yourself and PRACTICE so you can make your first shot count. I'll be armed today and for the foreseeable future. Use the brave Israelis as an example; they have never coiled up in a ball in the corner and never will. There's too much at stake.

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Solzhenitsyn in his "Live Not By Lies" wrote the following as a way even the most timid can take this least demanding step toward spiritual independence......

"From this day onward you will at once walk out from a session, meeting, lecture, play, or film as soon as he hears the speaker utter a lie, ideological drivel, or shameless propaganda."

For the full text see


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The Solzhenitsyn text is amazing. How interesting to live in these times in America where we look to the history of the Soviet Union to see our condition, and the way out.

Everyone should bookmark this and send it to a few friends. It could start the revolution.

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If you don’t have arms, you are a victim in waiting.

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These people say that the Jews deserved it because they are colonizers, and they also say that all of us in America are colonizers on stolen land. I'm worried when I think that they're on their way to continuing the hijacking of our institutions, but less worried when I remember that as individuals they're idiots with no experience of hardship, who are allergic to guns.

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And in Australia too.

Today, Australia is holding a vote (referendum) to change the Constitution to include a body (Voice) which would make representations to both parliamentary and executive government about matters pertaining to Indigenous people.

Sounds reasonable, until you remember that 3% of the population will have additional resources and influence - simply by virtue of their race.

Why, because Australia was colonised, and reparations must be paid, in whatever manner can be arranged.

The good news for our liberal democracy - the population has seen through the rouse - and the vote is likely to be lost.

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The colonizing bit kills me. Whose living on land their people controlled since the dawn of time? It’s a leftist trope that mindless people will chant at rallies. It’s the rampant ignorance that is killing our country

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Roman Catholic here! My parents immigrated from Italy, became citizens. My parents visited the holy land a few years ago and will tell you it was one of the best trips they ever had. My father loved it. We all stand with Israel. My father will shed no tears for Israel to do what they have to do I assure you.

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My Catholic church also.

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Remember to stand with Jews because Islamic faithful want all infidels subdued or dead.

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Thank you! ❤️🇮🇱❤️

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How true, because after the Jews you know they're coming for the Christians.

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Our Catholic Church has shown support for Israel.

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Yes, and not just Christians... all normies.

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I think the sick reaction from higher education, and our young people should be our greatest concern. We are morally bankrupt society. It took decades to get here. I frankly don’t see a way out.

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This: “My grandparents did not survive the Holocaust for me to be silent,” she said. 

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I stand with Israel

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I also stand with Israel!

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I don't know what to say about all these people cheering the slaughter of Jews. I've never thought I would live to see this. I'm ashamed of being human.

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The same kind of fuckers who cry "I don't feel safe" because a conservative judge or Riley Gaines show up to speak at their campuses are now ok with the world literally killing Jews.

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The American Left: Creators of the Micro Aggression and Trigger Warnings 🙄

Meanwhile they’re entirely silent while babies are being beheaded, old ladies are being burned alive, and women are being rapped and murdered

You just can’t make that shit up!

And of course we hear NOTHING from the influential Taylor Swift (with her 250M followers), or any other cultural icons, to speak of

Since they open their pathetic mouths for every other ridiculous cause - like hamas’ new BFFs, the BLM folks - I can only assume they’re totally down with all that Israel is going thru right now

Our culture is beyond repair, and it’s the “Progressive” left we have to thank for it

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I take the opposite view about celebrity. I am relieved when they stay silent about anything not themselves. Their positions are generally self-promoting and not serious. Who needs it?

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deniro did enormous permanent damage to Hollywood

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Deniro? Not sure what you mean.

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lots of people were chattering about politics in the entertainment industry in the '90s and '00s but it was background noise until deniro threw it over the top.

he wasn't the only one, by any means, but he carried a lot more weight than the rosie o'donnells and that kind of trivial voice

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Ooh I’m with you on that 100%! I would like nothing better than to know nothing about any one of their politics!

But when they ram their bullshit opinions down my throat like taylor swift does *constantly*(BLM, abortion, trans’ing kids, blah, blah, blah, blah), and then she doesn’t use that same megaphone to call out monsters that are beheading babies, that tells me everything I need to know about her

... and all of her pathetic buddies in Hollywood, music industry etc, obviously

They’re ALL effing cowards

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I've never really gotten this- my clients never knew my politics. It always seemed like bad business sense to alienate half of my customers. And it's not like new customers come because they agree with me politically.

I guess the Dixie Chicks learned this the hard way.

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That’s for sure - I’m 1,000% with you! Exactly the way I operated, too

Of course I was a conservative in Los Angeles who owned a technology company, so it would have been an existential move to even *think* about outing myself like that

The democratic party is the party of feelings and emotion now; logic, reason moderation and common sense, have been completely abandoned

Now it’s simply about pandering to the intersectionalists, and adding more fringe elements to their pathetic little “coalition”, regardless of how vile and deviant they are - Pedos have now been rebranded, “Minor Attracted Persons” - are you fucking kidding me?!?

And they betray 60+ years of hard-fought Title IX for women’s rights, for the sake of a transparently absurd gender-contagion that they themselves engineered??????

And yet your average democrat is so asleep at the switch, they have no idea that these are the people they’re voting for - it’s pathetic

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They come out of their safe rooms to cry “gas the Jews” and then go back. That’s the reality of our higher education institutions in a nutshell.

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Well for what it’s worth, Alex Bergman is wearing a hand drawn Star of David on his baseball cap! I’m pulling for the Astros to win the World Series for that one simple reason.

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Ya know, I think I just might join you in that!

I don’t have a dog in this year’s fight since my team didn’t make it thru the playoffs

I ordinarily despise cheaters (Astros/2017) and write them off for good, but this is an exceptional year given the Israel situation, and Alex definitely seems like a morally upright dude, with a lot of integrity

So Astros it is! 🙏

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Bregman. But yeah, I'm with you.

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Yes! Bang a drum! Wait, no.

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God bless Catholics! (and I’m not even religious 🙏)


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There's no contradiction there. They are consistent advocates for their own selfishness.

The Left has always been this; many of us have always known. The rest need to wake up.

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They're shown that they know how to shut people up. That they don't shut up celebrations of butchery is telling.

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The people on the left, including a Democrat party, are contemptible hypocrites. I recommend not voting for anything, that is, if you want things to change.

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Not too long ago we had the majority of our population wish death upon people for not taking a COVID shot . It’s easier than people think to rally humans to wish death upon “others “

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Not humans so much as useful idiots. Most with advanced college degrees.

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Indoctrination, you mean.

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“Not human…” Who does that sound like? Think hard now….

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Sadly true. I have lived and worked in countries where genocide has taken place within the last 50 years, or others that have taken in refugees from those countries. The common denominator is human DNA.

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Wearing their masks, sunglasses, hats and sweatshirts over their heads- they are no different from the KKK. Unbelievable that this is happening in the USA

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They're just following Antifa's example.

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Gotta admit. I didn’t see this coming.

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Well, I DID see it coming! From my first experience of witnessing the 1967 war till now, antisemitism lives and thrives. The only difference is that it is the "tolerant" ones who are the ones calling for the death of the Jews. Getting fired for an off the cuff comment if you are conservative is common. Getting fired for making anti-Israel statements is ignored. The world is a shit hole!

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25+ years ago I attended a service at the Unitarian church in town. During that service two elderly men wanted to bear witness to the atrocities they saw at a concentration camp where Jews were murdered. There was increasing talk at that time in the US and the world, promoted principally by Iran, that the holocaust was a lie told by Jews. The two men did not know each other during the war, having served in different units in the US army, but learned later that they entered the same camp (I don’t remember the camp, one in Germany I imagine) on the same day and saw the bodies and the starving. They wanted everyone to know that the stories and photos were true.

Nearly every eyewitness is gone now. There will be more of this depravity to come I fear.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Yes. These reactions towards those celebrating the death of Jews are new to them. These individuals are used to doxing, harassing and silencing others, calling it “consequences.” Now that the shoe is at least halfway on the other foot, and they are experiencing “consequences,” it’s become “harassment.”

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!!! 🙏

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It shouldn't be a surprise from people who say that oppressor vs oppressed is the only important moral dimension, that political violence is the language of the unheard, that colonization was one of the worst crimes, and that the west is rotten to its core.

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One of the unspoken lessons of the Holocaust is that people love dead Jews. Alive—and God forbid with their own country, tiny as it is—not so much.

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Why won’t Hamas let innocent Palestinians evacuate the area? Why do they insist on using women and children as human shields? Why won’t Egypt let them into Egypt? Why won’t Saudi Arabia airlift Palestinians? Does the rest of the Middle East only care about Palestinians if they kill Jews?

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I am no scholar but as far as I can tell no one wants these Arabs we now refer to as Palestinians. No one. Not Egypt. Not Jordan. Not Syria. Not Saudi Arabia. Not Iran. And not Israel. Nor has the UK or the UN been able to deal with them. They seek martyrdom. I say give them what they want.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

It's a long, complex and sad history, and I don't blame anyone for feeling sorry for Palestinians who suffer through no fault of their own. But the Palestinians, often led and/or egged on by their Arab pseudo-allies, have made the wrong choice at every opportunity since 1948. Every time, they choose war and their hatred of Jews rather than peace, cooperation and prosperity. Every. Single. Time. So while individual Palestinians may be worthy of compassion, as a people, the Palestinians have made their own bed.

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It is a long history. They do not even have an identity really. They are Arabs without a homeland they embrace. But that is their choice. Over and over and over again.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Yet, they could have had a homeland. Had they and their Arab neighbors accepted the partition of the British Mandate, a partition in which the Jews got mostly desert and uncultivated empty spaces, they would have had their nation since 1948. Instead, they, Syria, Jordan and Egypt decided to invade and try to wipe infant Israel off the map. The Israelis won that war and additional wars in 1967 and 1973, all fought defending against invasion. In each of these unnecessary and unprovoked wars, the Palestinians lost more land. It's a history of stupid piled on top of stupid.

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The only countries that will take these terrorist in are jihadist. Anyone that thinks everyone should believe their religion or die is a terrorist!

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I looked it up and apparently some countries tried in the 60's and 70's and got severe instability for their pains (attempted coup against Jordan's king, Lebanon torn by religious strife even now).

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I don't remember the details, but I recall they were such a thorn in Syria's side that Syria basically engaged in a massacre at the Palestinian refugee camps on their territory. The Arab states rally round "the cause" to keep their populations in check, but they sure don't want them on their own lands.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

"...rally round "the cause" to keep their populations in check, but they sure don't want them on their own lands"

Just like Martha's Vineyard.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Then you were blind to the idiocy of liberation theology and all the lunacy and stupidity that accompanies it.

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Why do you find this surprising? Do you forget the slurs of the MSNBC star Al Sharpton or when Jackson called New York City "hymietown?"

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Worse than slurs, Sharpton fomented two deadly anti-Semitic attacks. That is one reason why I don't take the left's lectures on bigotry seriously.

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The difference is those were traditional race-card hustlers ramping up local racial tensions between blacks in the ghetto and traditional NYC Jews for their own benefit (fame, influence and fortune).

What we see today are the decadent, morally bankrupt idiot children of narcissistic liberals taking on a "cause" where they are rooting for genocide, cheering murder and rape, hoping for a "final solution" to the "Jewish problem". We've come a long way since the 1930s and 1940s apparently.

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Noga--you don't have to be ashamed to be human. They aren't human or people in any meaningful senses of the words.

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Unfortunately, they are human. And they can teach us how easy it is for humans to be indoctrinated to barbarity. I think that we need to understand that this is humanity's fate unless people stand up to the lies and hatred. Unfortunately, evil is real and it is committed by human beings.

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I think we look at what's human differently. But I respect your viewpoint. Genes are one thing. How you use them is another. For me, it's less what you have and more how it gets deployed.

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Oct 17, 2023·edited Oct 17, 2023

Believe me, I understand how you think and feel, at least I believe I am interpreting your thoughts and feelings correctly. I have been sickened by what's happened and also the reactions of celebration. I really don't understand it. I don't know how anyone could celebrate such horrible acts. It's been hard to go about business as usual after seeing the images of women being taken hostage with bloody pants. And I know there are other just as horrible pictures that I haven't seen. I don't know how to respond. I really don't know what to do with how awful it feels.

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I'll tell you what to do with it: learn how to defend yourself. And if, God forbid, the need arises, remember that you're shooting mad dogs, not rational human beings.

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I would ask the same thing. Since when did so many peace loving individuals call for the genocide for innocent civilians in Palestine.

Not Hamas -- but Palestine residents:

You Can Support This or You Can Stop This:


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I also don't know what to say. I've been trying to think of how exactly I'm ashamed - of being American, of being Western, or as you say of being human. I don't know. I just know I'm ashamed. And angry. Very very angry.

I also never thought I would see this in America. The amount of moral decline - collapse - just in the years since 9/11 has been extraordinary. Truly I feel we are doomed. I thought all of this rampant anti-Semitism and hate was much worse in Europe than here. But I was wrong, apparently.

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I understand your pain, I think that is the goal Noga. Because emotional people, and shame is a powerful emotion, do not make good decisions.

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Babylon Bee is no longer satire. Recent headline:

“Harvard Student Leaves Lecture On Microaggressions To Attend ‘Kill The Jews’ Rally”

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Our "best and brightest".

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“Feeling safe” and creating “safe spaces” in college has mostly been theatrical farce.

This is reality.

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It hasn’t been satire it’s always been irony.

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No one my age stands with Israel. It's not popular or cool.

I do though.

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I’m glad to see someone was paying attention when his teacher read Martin Niemöller’s poem during the Holocaust unit in World History. Stand tall and strong, Lars.

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It certainly seems that way. But how absurd for college students to side with rapist murderers of babies? It’s literally insane.

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Product of the simple-minded race essentialism that's infected brains in the West.

Darker skins vs. White skins = Whites bad. Nevermind the idiotic idea that Israelis = White. But alas...

I think it's really that simple.

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Not just skin color (so many Israelis are as dark as many Palestinians!) It's the victim mentality- over and over again. People who like to see themselves as victims like to identify w/ the "perceived" victims. Israel has ties to Europe and the West (evil colonizers.) Palestine is small and culturally "exotic" (to these losers) therefore gotta love and support them! I wonder how this mindset will play out when the Chinese CCP invades Taiwan?

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Well, we have a preview with Ukraine/Russia -- zero color factor applicable there. It’s basically their warped version of David vs Goliath. Big = bad; capitalism (or economic success) = bad; White = bad. Wash, rinse, repeat.

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But the weird thing here is that the Israelis and Palestinians look interchangeable. Both groups come in the full range of skin colors.

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Asians to though. Which demonstrates that it is not about skin color.

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My daughter is a college freshman. I’ve been worried about what she’s hearing at school. She knows effectively nothing of the Arab Israeli conflict and so I’ve been speaking to her about it. I sent her Ben Shapiro’s 40 min video on the history of the conflict which is very enlightening (for her and me). I’ve also sent her a couple Free Press articles. Education still can come from home!

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Can you please post a link to Ben Shapiro’s video? For our college kids many are seeing antisemitism in person for the first time. Very sad.

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You Larz are what’s called a critical thinker.

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Frightening comment. I guess many of your age do not read history.

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I studied history many years ago (I am an old man now...) in differing institutions of higher learning across the country. What I see being taught today bears no resemblance to the study of history as I know it. Rather it is an unapologetic framing of cherry-picked events for the purpose of supporting fringe, theoretical ideologies that have uniformly failed, and failed violently and brutally, when attempted to be put in practice in the real world outside of the ivory tower.

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Just like science, history is not about facts anymore! History text books have likely changed drastically over the decades. And that’s where we’re at!

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They don’t teach it. For decades Arabs have spent billions on investing in indoctrination on college campuses and it’s worked.

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Wow. And this is the very first I’m hearing about this. What a stealth operation!

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Apparently you haven’t been looking for it. Unreported foreign donations by Arab countries total in the billions. The takeover of the next generation has been well funded and going on for quite some time at all of our major universities. This is not news and is easily googled.

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Then perhaps you’d care to cite something real instead of a Grimm’s fairy tale for the gullible. “Unreported foreign donations” are easily googled, huh?

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There is none so blind . . ..

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A provocative claim that no one (so far) has even remotely substantiated is more likely to be a wish than a fact.

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Said the blind man to his deaf wife.

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And reported on by Bari.

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I'v read the op-ed about Qatar and other countries giving money to U.S. universities and the underreporting of those funds. I oppose any country anywhere doing this, as the intent is obviously transactional instead of scholarly. I am certainly an opponent of Islamic fundamentalism, as I am of fundamentalism of any kind. I don't doubt that Qatar is just one of a number of countries mesmerizing university administrators with cash, and all of it should be stopped and made completely public. The best way to resist such temptations is for state schools to receive the public funding they need to carry out their missions; private schools are free to go to bed with whomever they like, and people are free to support and/or attend them or not. (Along the same lines, I believe in public funding of elections and radical overhaul of the practice of lobbying. Until we do that we will continue to have representatives who are wholly owned by corporations, certain countries, and special interest groups.) I understand that most people right now are not interested in hearing views that oppose their own, but to paint me as a "typical leftist" and other such facile labels is silly. My politics lean largely left but I reject wokism and identity politics. I've been accused here of fomenting anti-Israel sentiment, but I'd like to see the comments I've made that do so. They're simply not here. If anyone would like to actually hear my thoughts about what happened in Israeli on Saturday, as opposed to assuming they know and insulting me, I'd be happy to oblige. Peace

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Please link. I haven't seen it. Also, who else is reporting on this? One source is not enough, especially one so partisan as Bari Weiss.

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Well read the link above provided by Nora…the US government is the source via Department of Education and US Justice Department. Good enough for you?

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Haa! But you're not "partisan" at all, are you Megan??

Of course not!

Typical leftist

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Young people tend to favor the underdog.

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Even when the underdog kidnaps and rapes children and women?

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Actually, young people tend to be naive AF 🙄

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Or, they tend to parrot their teachers.

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I am unmanned by the brilliance of your riposte.

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Yyeeaaah, denying that the Palestinians are the underdog in their fight with the Israelis is TRA-level unreality. You should know better ma'am.

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No dates for YOU!

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I think the only answer right now is to stay away. I know the Israeli people for the most part of been demonstrating in Israel for an end to Netanyahu and his pro Zionist faction. I think you can stand for Israel but maybe not for Zionism?

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So it's OK to be Jewish so long as you behave Gentile in public? And don't dare ask to live anywhere near -- let alone in -- your historical homeland?

Last I knew there were something like 60+ Muslim (and mostly Arab) nations recognized by the U.N., most along a contiguous geography. There is precisely one tiny Jewish nation. Before 1948 there was zero. Zionism is called "apartheid" and the Jews called "invaders" while the overwhelming Arab majorities surrounding (and ceaselessly trying to murder) them are "victims"?

Arabs: We want it all and we want it now. And we will slaughter the innocent to get it.

Harvard: We have a degree program in that.

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Why is it that Zionists remind me so much of MAGAts.

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Because you’re not bright at all!

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When all you have is ad hominem, you know you've lost the argument. Trump would be proud of you.

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Because perhaps your parents didn’t raise you properly to understand respect and empathy? Perhaps because you don’t understand that Zionism IS NOT A POLITICAL PARTY? Wow. Just wow.

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Your hand-waving non-sequiturs would make a MAGAt proud.

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I don’t know

Why is it that you’re a champion of beheading babies, and burning old ladies alive??

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Thanks for illustrating my point.

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Well, you call fellow citizens “MAGAts,” so maybe it’s your bigotry?

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Come on, you can do better than that.

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Because you are of severely limited intellect "hon".

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Love it when the responses prove my point.

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What do Zionists stand for?

What do Republicans stand for?

Why do you call them MAGAts?

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It's that particular combination of tangents, nonsequiturs, and pure batshit handwaving that y'all share.

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how do you know?

have you ever met any?

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Perhaps because both inspire rabid hate from ignorant, self-important pseudo-intellectual poseurs?

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lol, you're screaming at someone that they are screaming.

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Why is it I think you believe the moon is made of cheese?

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When you're seizing on autocorrects or deliberately mis-reading, it's time to pack it in, you've lost the debate.

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Anti-Zionism is antisemitism. And antisemitism is rebellion against God. God is a Zionist. He gave the Land of Israel to the Jewish people because he wants them to engage in the process of creating a just society under His authority. In that way, Israel will be a light to the nations. And that project requires the Jews to have their own land. In a play on like-sounding Hebrew words, the rabbis say that “Hatred comes from Sinai.” The Jewish people were witnesses to the limitations that God put on human behavior. By getting rid of the Jews, people think they can become their own gods. On the wall of an exhibit at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum was a quote from a high Nazi official that said (paraphrasing from memory) “When we get rid of the Jews, we’ll get rid of their ‘Thou Shalts’ and ‘Thou Shalt Nots’”. There’s only one question at issue here: Do you accept God’s authority?

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I don't defend Israel because of a story in a 2,000 year-old book, but because they're the only Democracy in the Middle East. Being gay, I would be killed or beaten anywhere in the Middle East and Israel is the only place I could have some sense of freedom and peace (though the latter is in doubt now).

I've seen the barbarism of Islam against gay people in the Middle East and it's reassuring that there is a tiny country in the middle of all that hatred that offers a beacon of hope.

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I'd give multiple likes for your comment Scott, if I could!

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Yeah, the MAGAts say that non-MAGAts are un-American too. It's not any more true than your version.

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Repeating MSNBC/leftist talking points do not correspond to reasoned arguments. Come up with something better than "orange Man Bad" if you want to be taken seriously. And just come right out and say "Gas the Jews"!

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And the "Magats".

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How does that make sense? Zionism is the belief in and commitment to there being a Jewish State. What that state should look like has lots of variations.

One cannot "stand for Israel" and not for Zionism unless by definition, Israel ceases to be a "Jewish" state and becomes something else.

Certainly there are people - Israelis among them - who are in favor of dismantling Israel as a Jewish State.

But just as the US has its suicidal tendencies, the majority of people would be against national suicide.

Unfortunately, this type of masochistic rhetoric is trending.

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As a Jewish state, Israel offers somethings that no Moslem state does; freedom of religion and its public practice and full participation of its citizens in a democratic government regardless of your religion.

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Designating a big chunk of your citizens as second-class is a dead end policy. Face it, Israel will never, ever have peace until they're willing to accept justice.

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Do explain. Gaza is its own political entity, and has been offered the opportunity to be its own state, living in peace with its neighbors. Residents ARE NOT citizens of Israel. They live in a society of their own creation.

Arabs and Muslims living in Israel have full rights as citizens, in no way second class, participate in every level of society, and I hear wouldn’t trade that for life in any Muslim nation.

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Can you support that with some example articles or videos? Would love to hear from them.

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Support what? Hazel said there are second class citizens, imprecise language, but assume she means Israel. Muslims in Israel are full citizens, serving in the legislature, in courts, as doctors, lawyers, engineers, in every part of society. Gazans are not Israeli citizens. If they were, and Israel had sovereignty over Gaza, Hamas would never exist. There are no videos or articles to prove otherwise, and I don’t think you’d believe them anyway.

The onus is on Hazel to provide examples to her point.

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Yeah, and my closet is a house. Really. You'll be fine living there.

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Btw Hazel- there are no Jews in Gaza. It is Hamas only. 8,000 Jews were made to leave Gaza, a place with thousands of years of Jewish history so they could have a Jew-free place to live. THEY do not want to live side by side and they will tell you that. They do not want peace and they will tell you that. They elected Hamas. Are they brainwashed? Possibly? Have they been sold a lie, I’m sure they have. The Arabs who live in Israel hold positions in their congress the Knesset, are judges, doctors lawyers. The ones who choose Hamas and live in Gaza are not the same. By the way, Hamas isn’t looking just to take over Israel. Like Iran, they’re looking to death to America, all Christians, and even death to Muslims who don’t keep sharia law. What YOU are, is a Chicken for KFC.

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It appears compost has a crazy aunt that's escaped from the attic.

Call in the cavalry

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Yeah, the only people who buy your insane international-slumlord logic are the people who already agree with you and don't care how crazy you sound.

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Justice ? 2 million Arabs live in Israel and are citizens of Israel. The ones living in Gaza and electing Hamas - terrorists - to represent them DO NOT REPRESENT JUSTICE. They indoctrinate their kids to hate Jews and put on plays killing then. The mothers dance in the streets when their children die as suicide bombers. They were handing out candy in the streets celebrating the rape, kidnap and murder and beheading of women, babies on Saturday. The Arabs who chose a death cult over life, are making the Israelis choose themselves first. I’m sorry for you that you believe Israelis should line up to be slaughtered. HAMAS is no different than ISIS and the mullahs in Iran.

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^^^Like I said, Israel and Palestine are not capable of EVER working things out. It's perpetual war, for as long as their respective patrons allow it.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

you lost any credibility when you use the term MAGAt.

not that you've got any, based on the rest of your views; Jews will never know peace / israel is apartheid / etc.

Second class citizen? What is a dhimmi? What is a kafir?

What was on the ground of Israel before 1948? Were there improvements? How many people lived in that empty space?

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What is lame hand-waving? Are Zionists or militant Palestinians capable of making a logical argument, ever?

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Hazel and Comprof.

A match made in .........

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I'll bite Bruce: Pyongyang?

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Every bridge needs a troll or two living under it.

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The Pride of Zionists and Hamasists alike! Keep goin', Bruce! Give 'em hell.....FOREVER.

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Try practicing Christianity or Judaism in Gaza. You are willfully idiotic.

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Bruce about 2% of Gazans are Arab Christians and they live in fear.

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Hazel, I don't know where you get your information. For the record, it's wrong. All Israeli citizens enjoy the same rights and privileges, which is exactly the opposite of just about every arab country.

A little more homework wouldn't hurt.

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Face it—your ignorance is breathtaking. You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. Come back when you get properly educated.

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Face it - Israel is practicing apartheid. The consequences are permanent war, and enemies who are no longer human. The Palestinians have no Nelson Mandela, more's the pity.

Rabin might have been the last chance to solve the issue yourselves, but you took care of him didn't you?

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I earlier advised that you needed to educate yourself, but I now see that you are simply a hater; facts are meaningless to you.

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What is YOUR version of "justice"?

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Wiping out the Jews, no doubt.

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It starts with not taking clowns seriously.

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Where can so-called second class citizens vote, sit in parliament, operate successful businesses and even volunteer to serve in the army? Hint: it’s not an Islamic country.

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How many other countries have disenfranchised a people they have governed for 75 years and counting?

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I already noted to you Arabs in Israel have rights. Hamas has not allowed.

elections in Gaza since 2006. It was the Arabs and so-called Palestinians who rejected the 1948 two state solution and the attacked a new country of 850,000 people over half women, children and elderly. The more numerous Arabs were then easily defeated. Israel has been invaded four times and won each war. This was a massacre, a pogram not an invasion. The Arab/Palestinians are about to lose a fifth time. Maybe the Palestinians will finally see their corrupt politicians don’t care about them.

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As usual your point is hard to follow "hon" but if you are referring to the people in the Gaza Strip they are not citizens of Israel. Those people in Gaze demand the land from "the river to the sea" meaning everything. That is their, and your, notion of "justice".

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You can't always get what you want, hon.

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Israel “designating a big chunk of your citizens as second-class” is a lie. If you’re really concerned about the mistreatment of minorities in the Middle East, there are over 20 countries, besides Israel, with appalling records on that score. Maybe you should turn your attention to them. Israel is not perfect. No democracy is. Your double-standards are showing.

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Whattabouta whattabouta what now?

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These people are blind with rage. This is a hopelessly irrational time and I suspect we can do nothing but wait for it to pass.

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These people? To whom are you referring?

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The people on this thread.

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I don't disagree, but we're not talking to them really. As always it's the folks whose minds aren't made up and hardened.

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There are lots of other states/provinces/counties/territories/regions in your country, just move to one of them while we take over the one you and your ancestors have lived in, what's your problem? Don't be selfish.

Zionist arguments are like a house of cards that comes with its own minifan.

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Zionism is Jewish self determination, which is Israel.

Not to be confused with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. That is deadly hoax propaganda created by the Czars, used by the Russian revolution, adapted by the Nazis, quoted in the Hamas Charter and possibly unknowingly by antizionists.

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Just straight denial that many of your countrymen disagree with your goals. Now who does that remind us of...

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I'm sure that there is a medication for your problem.

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Time to stop feeding the troll.

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Troll: someone who has the utter gall to disagree with you.

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When your attack dogs are attack clowns, it's time to re-evaluate.

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You "hon". It reminds me of you.

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Go ahead. Call me a doody-face. You know you want to.

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So, what the hell is anti-Zionism but a denial of a homeland for Jews and, thusly, anti-Semitism! You cannot stand for Israel as well as standing for anti-Zionism.

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Perhaps it's used to distinguish it from anti-Semitism. After all, Arabs are Semites.

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Look into the mirror if you want to see what complicity with evil looks like.

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Are you insane? Please. Learn something factual about Zionism, and stop listening to the haters who will smear anything that works to keep Jews safe in this world.

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Who are you? Zionism isn’t following one politician or anyone? Being antizionist isn’t the same as being critical of a particular govt administration. Zionism is the right of Jews to decolonize their ancestral homeland. Wow. Coming here and saying that.

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Nope. Not gonna do that.

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I don't know how old you are, but my son is 21 and he told me 95%+ of his friends stand with Israel...................let's not exaggerate the size of the antisemitics.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

It's not so much the size of the anti-Semitic population in the U.S. as it is their outsized influence. With perhaps a tiny handful of exceptions, nearly every so-called "university" indoctrinates young minds with rabid anti-Israel sentiments and the outright lies of the Arab narrative. Most of these places have seen demonstrations over the past week celebrating the barbaric slaughter of innocents, with some of those demos even featuring a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

They graduate, go out into the real world, and spread the hate and lies they have learned. Then they reproduce. And that is how it begins.

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Somewhat agree with you. But, what I have seen with my son and his peers is that this is an awakening experience. Lies are easy to overcome when their phones are filled with Palestinian savagery. My wife was pregnant with him when 9/11 happened, so he doesn't remember and gets it from history books and 9/11 remembrances, which is not the same as seeing it at this age. For me, it was Munich. That stayed with me. I also had prepped him a couple years ago when he asked about my views. Told him the history.

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If I may inquire, is your son working or attending school? That almost certainly presents a stark contrast in political and social views of Israel. And while SLC is predominantly Mormon of course, I can't imagine there is much if any anti-Semitism on display (though I may be wrong).

You mentioned New England. I'm a Live Free Or Die son of NH myself, so I'm quite familiar with the region. And I am quite confident saying that that (The People's Republic Of) Cambridge, Mass. -- and in particular the Harvard campus -- is the epicenter of American anti-Semitism. Einsatzgruppen recruitment center. You never come out the way you went in (like the city of Lynn, MA).

I'm just old enough to remember the horror of the '72 Munich Olympics, though at about 9 years-old, not old enough to fully have comprehended its significance. Without Stephen Spielberg's brilliant (and horrific) movie, much of America and the world would have forgotten completely that it ever happened. The opening scenes, which were just news footage of real time events as they unfolded, is still difficult to watch.

The horrors against the Jewish people are as perpetual as they are real.

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He works, but is a full time student.

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Where? I think different parts of our country vary quite a bit.

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No evidence of this.............but he grew up in New England and now lives in Salt Lake City attending the U of Utah. So his friends come from all over the US.

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Yes but they all chose to go to Salt Lake City which is indicia of like-mindedness.

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You aren't wrong though, the University of Utah has a small population of out of state students compared to a lot of schools. (I know, I went there) So despite this guy's son being from NH, a good chunk of his friends are probably from Utah.

The school has a higher LDS population than most schools about 35% and they are always pro-isreal.

It's also not the most politically active campus I've heard of, but when I was there there was a little protest about Ben Shapiro speaking there.

That all being said, since a lot of my friends/acquaintances are from SLC, all of them are pro-palestine.

SLC had a giant BLM march with cars on fire and everything.. There's definitely going to be a 100% overlap of the people who supported that and the people who now support Palestine.

My family however, which is LDS are pro Israel. So it depends on who you're talking to there.

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You won't find a more pro-Israel, pro-Jewish group of Christians than the LDS. But the percentage of LDS people in SLC is getting smaller and smaller and smaller.

When you see this shit happening in SLC, you can be sure that the people involved are non-Mormon (frequently anti-Mormon) "colonizers."

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I went through SLC this summer. I was surprised at how modern and vibrant it is.

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What are you talking about????????????? My son has many friends who never been to SLC. Most of his HS friends still live in NE.

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Sorry for the misassumption.

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And you have more courage in your little finger, than they have in their entire bodies

God Bless You Brother 🙏

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But you are getting an education.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

This is because

1) We’ve been too lax on immigration (lots of people that don’t share our values)

2) We’ve let the prisoners run the asylum. The college students that are supposed to be learning are doing the teaching and the teachers the listening.

That’s the sad truth.

The great country of America was built on Judeo-Christian values; the very values that we are now being chastised for supporting.

It’s almost like I no longer recognize the country I was born and raised in.

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| We’ve let the prisoners run the asylum. The college students that are supposed to be learning are doing the teaching and the teachers the listening. |

This started about a two generations ago when these kids and young adults were in grade school. There was a seismic shift where, if you did something wrong in school, your parents backed the teacher and you were likely to be punished at home. Now, many (most?) parents back their kid over the school, threaten to sue, etc. so schools adopted the stance that little Billy and little Sally are always right and it has extended all the way to college.

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And now it's highly likely that if there's a disagreement between parents and teachers, it's because teachers are shoving Alphabet nonsense down kids' throats and parents are objecting, so.... yeah, parents ought not to back teachers anymore.

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I remember parents rebelling against my grade school for teaching the "new math" where we learned about binary, octal numbers, sets, etc. Parents said knowing these things would prove "useless." They were wrong--we all had a leg up in computer science because teachers knew better than parents what kids need to know to go out into the world. As I get older, I remember this as a lesson that the things *I* needed to know and survive in the world, get a ob and be successful aren't the same things kids today are going to need.

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Please point out to us where in the Declaration of Independence or Constitution it mentions "Judeo-Christian values". We'll wait.

The great country of America was built on the separation of church and state, and don't you forget it.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Declaration of Independence

“Law of Nature and Natures God” (with a capital G)

“endowed by their Creator” (with a capital C)

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Well dang. Whoever changes their deity's formal name to "Creator" first gets exclusive rights to the Annual Prayer Breakfast!

On a more serious note, see my link below for the story of what Thomas Paine meant when he wrote "Nature's God" in the Declaration. (Hint: it wasn't the Judeo-Christian one)

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Read the surrounding documents before you say something as slanted as that! "separation of church and state" is NOT in the constitution, as I hope you know. And the founders' believed that the government should not interfere in religious issues, nor should they limit religion's influence. But you don't care for that fact, do you?

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True! But only clowns don't know that an "establishment of religion" is aka a church.

In contrast, there has been a lot of healthy debate over what they meant by "Creator". But given their religious propensities, it's not surprising that the interpretation that has prevailed was that it was meant in the broadest sense possible:


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You are conflating “church” (“establishment” in the actual language) with “values” (“religion” in the actual language).

The difference is all-important.

Approximately ZERO of the founders did NOT embrace Judeo-Christian values.

For discussion: How do the political history, culture, and legal structures of the Middle East differ from this?

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Sorry dude, that argument was already tried by the Confederates and white supremacists. All the Founders being pale was not justification for anything either.

Many of them actually did NOT embrace the J-C values of their time, see the link above.

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You know what he means Hazel....and he’s right.

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Mmm hmm, and all the Founders were white too. Are you absolutely sure you like that argument? Please let ALL of us know.

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And skin color is relevant because?......1. White people are racist 2. The founders were racist 3. You can read hearts and minds. 4. All the above.

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I'm not sure why, but I'm going to explain it to you. Just for the sake of variety I suppose. Even wittily torturing idiots with words gets boring sometimes.

It's relevant, because it's analogous. All the Founders came from a Judeo-Christian background, though most by the time of the Founding were actually Unitarians or Deists, who tended to categorically reject Christianity and explicitly embrace all religions as different ways of expressing the same sentiments:


All the Founders were also white. But no one except sumpremacists argue that is reason to assume they meant only white "All Men". By the same token, only Judeo-Christian supremacists try to argue that "All Men" meant only "All Judeo-Christian Men".

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You are drinking elitist KoolAid. The Encyclopedia reference you give says the following. “Most were Protestants. The largest number we’re from the 3 largest Christian traditions”. (See the list). “MOST (participants) invoked divine assistance”. Very much like typical churches today. It refers to Franklin and a few others who were considered deists. This has been exaggerated by the left because we wouldn’t want to acknowledge These guys might have been inspired by the Lord. Considering our incredibly unique Constitution…. And not having been there…it may have.

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By accident of history, the culture that first had an enlightenment happened to be Christian.

They are justifiably proud of their enlightenment ideas, but ascribe to their Rationality the term "Christian" (& now "Judeo-Chirstian").

The Jews actually have one of the strongest claims to a rational epistemology. I think these Christians should admit that they're more "Judeo-Greek" with a verneer of Christ.

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"By accident of history" does a lot of work there. I don't think so. Would be an interesting discussion.

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True. A neverending discussion too, because one would be arguing for a counter-factual.

Aristotle et al, were known to both, and both had philosophers with rational leanings. At first glance, change a few prince-sponsors and we have an opposite history.

There's a strong claim that Islamic philosophy is handicapped by the fact that Mohammed was a ruler, making mosque-state division difficult.

But OTOH, historical "accident" sees Christianity adapted (not adopted) by Rome. This makes Christianity a Roman religion, where it otherwise could have remained an obscure Jewish sect.

But even this isnt enough, because maybe we still need Henry VIII to not have a son, for a German prince to protect Luther, and Aquinas not to have succumbed to a childhood disease. (Now, getting less funny.)

But, accident or not, one would be hard-pressed to justify the term "Judeo-Christian"

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"My culture had the first Enlightenment - as defined by my culture, of course."


Alas.....I believe other cultures have a different take.

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Christians believe in Jesus Christ. Jesus was Jewish. .

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You know the debate about whether Jesus or Paul was the most important person in Christianity.

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I do. But it is a no-brainer for me. Jesus is the source, Paul was the salesman. So Jesus it is.

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What’s “a verneer?”

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Ikea's new line of water-resistant Dutch Masters.

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Lol. Google finds the right answer is veneer, but Bing shows Vermeer's paintings.

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While the separation of church and state is very important to the US legal system, that system is also openly based on the culture and philosophy of its founding people. As my constitutional law professor used to say, “law is applied philosophy.”

The mention of “god” is found throughout American laws, oaths, and even on the money (“In God we trust”). The pledge of allegiance, which is no longer recited in schools (but used to be) says “one nation under god, indivisible...”, in courts of law we swear on the Christian bible... there are many examples.

And in the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson uses the term "Nature's God." Later, he uses "Creator" and lastly "Divine Providence."

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Neither of the documents you mention are historical treatises "hon". Familiarity with history requires reading some.

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Yes, you can find rationalizations for every prejudice under the sun if you go back far enough. Congrats!

Here's hoping you're not American!

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Don't try to argue that here--huge numbers of commenters here are hard-core right-wing Christians. All religions are evil to some extent but there are degrees of evil. A religion that calls for wiping out an entire culture/other religion *is* unequivocally more evil than one that requires women to carry an unviable fetus until she goes into septic shock (hello Texas).

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The Bible calls for murdering non-believers as much as the Quran does. Christians and their history are in no position to claim moral superiority.

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There is a difference between the Old Testament and the New. Jesus (he’s the one in the New, FYI) never advocated for murder of enemies. Christians, those who follow Jesus, again, FYI) follow the New Testament, as the final chapter of salvation history. Don’t be obtuse.

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Where in the New does it say to ignore the Old? Oh right, it doesn't.

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If you studied salvation history and Jesus, you would understand better.

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The difference is that Christians have generally moved from violence to other tactics (book banning, name calling, ostracizeation, yelling and screaming in peoples faces, etc.). All of these things are bad, I agree, but not as bad as being beheaded, stoned, thrown from a roof, etc. Islam seems to be at least 200 years behind Christianity.

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You mean Christians have progressed further in pretending their Holy Books don't tell them to kill unbelievers than the Muslims have, huh?

Yyeeahhh, there are a lot of Christians (and Jews) that would have a problem with that take. It is the literal Word of God, ya know.

And we still have some killing in the name of Christianity in the US. Best not to cast too many stones.

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I don’t recognize it. I feel like an alien in my own country and among my own people. But in order not to succumb to depression and despair I work at feeling gratitude for my blessings and focus on work that I can do to benefit others’ lives. I don’t have any other answers.

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That's the beauty of America: E Pluribus Unum. It will likely always change and evolve, and will bear little resemblance to your gauzy memories. That's the way the Founders WANTED it. The country is based on an ideal of equality, not a race, religion or creed. Deal with it.

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So glad you’ve got it all figured out! I just wish everyone would listen to you! Surely the founders are so thankful for your explication of what they thought and wanted.😉

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I feel like your first point is getting lost in the general discussion of this topic, and shouldn't be. If you watch video footage of these demonstrations, it's not the pink hair brigade demonstrating.

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America is two continents.

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When I was a child in school, we were taught that the Holocaust was the most unimaginable atrocity ever committed. I can't comprehend a world where schools now ignore or worse cheer on terrorists. Hamas is very clear that what it wants is a second Holocaust, the utter destruction of all Jews.

But this is not where United States stands as a Nation. We stand with Israel. No propaganda from media organizations or universities can hide the evil and gleeful barbarism we saw with our own eyes. The latest FOX polling showed support for Israel near 70%. It should be higher, but I feared it would be lower.

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Hamas senior official Ali Baraka quoted in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal: “We made them think that Hamas was busy with governing Gaza, and that it wanted to focus on the 2.5 million Palestinians there, and has abandoned the resistance altogether. All the while, under the table, Hamas was preparing for this big attack.”

There are simply no words.

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Translation: “we don’t give a damn about the people, just our ideology.”

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Most of the people support them unfortunately. Just as most Israelis are going along with the process of slow ethnic cleansing happening in the West Bank.

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You’re still a moron!

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She is Comp Prof’s inner child just ignore and block

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Wow! Cogent argument, lol!

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(But accurate.)

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^^^Ladies and Gentlemen, your Israeli MAGAts! Give them a hand!

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Populations in Gaza and West Bank seem to be steadily increasing.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 14, 2023

Correct. Most Palestinians support (70%, consistently, in polls) support Hamas terrorism. That is a statement on Palestinian culture. There was a “fast” ethnic cleansing of Jews from Gaza, where Jews were dragged from their homes so that Palestinians would be “free” to build the state they claim they want. We see what came of that project. As for the “slow ethnic cleansing happening in the West Bank,” again, you use this space to post lies, and it is repugnant. The PA controls all aspects of Area A, it controls all administrative aspects of Area B, while collaborating with Israel on security. Area C is under complete control of Israel. Show some integrity, and stop spreading lies about “ethnic cleansing” in the West Bank.

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Best to save the extremist rhetoric for the people who already agree with you. Those of us who live in the world of reality can see how unworkable it is.

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Have you read the Hamas charter?

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Have you looked at Israeli maps?

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Populations in Gaza and West Bank continue to steadily increase.

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"Their population is increasing, so it's fine for us to bulldoze as many neighborhoods as we want".

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Hamas’s so-called leader live lives of luxury in Doha’s six star hotels.

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Six stars? Is that like your speaker going up to 11? (:

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Thanks for the info - I'm not sure they realize that some Americans' first thought on this would be satire!

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Looks like, though, from the article they didn't do that themselves

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I had read of one in Dubai.

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Stop seeking Ivy League education. Hillsdale and the Cardinal Newman schools offer a classical education. Give up the prestige and instead acquire wisdom, courage, moderation and justice in a civilized setting. You'll achieve both personal and professional success.

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Of importance: Hillsdale takes no government funding, and therefore cannot lose government funding.

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I remember when I was a little girl and I went with my parents to a candy store in Beverly Hills the women there would always give me a piece of candy. The thing was they had numbers tattooed on their wrists. Even at 7 or 8 years old I knew what that meant.

Fast forward some 65+ years and I was blissfully unaware that this sentiment was still alive and kicking, just wearing a different costume. I’m gripped with fear and sadness.

My dad didn’t talk about the war much, but my brothers and I instinctively knew why. When he visited Germany when he was in his 60s he refused to visit the Nuremberg Gate. I don’t think he had a very good time there. The point is, my brothers and I grew up acutely aware of the Holocaust and what it meant. So to see young American college students behaving this way and urged on by their professors it breaks my heart. For us the Holocaust happened just a few years ago. Our dads went and fought a war to stop the people responsible.

When the various civil wars broke out in the Middle East during the 70s we were protesting the Viet Nam war and weren’t exactly cognizant of what was happening there. The flame had been lit but we didn’t even look to see it.

The fighting in the Middle East got worse and worse. We were raising our families and trying to get ahead in our careers. Again, the flame was lit but getting larger.

Finally the shit hit the fan. There were hostages. There were bombings. There were hijackings of planes full of Israelis. An old Jewish man was pushed off a cruise ship. This caught our attention, but not enough.

Time went by. We were attacked in our biggest city and the home of our military. Some brave people crashed their plane in order to save even more lives. Then we woke up. Sort of.

We slept through the alarm. And while maybe we should have seen this coming, many of us has not a clue that our grandchildren were completely ignorant of a brutal past against people for who they were, we never would have seen this coming. Our own grandchildren raising protests on their college campuses calling for the extinction of a culture that formed the bedrock of our society. The people who suffered 40 years in the desert in order to not be slaves. I simply cannot understand this. I truly fear the coming months that will in a large part determine the future of an ancient and beautiful culture. And our own grandchildren will take a side. We have to get to them now and show them the grave error they are posed to make.

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My son took a break from college last year to work/travel. Among the places he went was Krakow, Poland. He went to see Auschwitz. Going back to the hostel he talked to some Australian girls who told him that Auschwitz was a work camp and that the Jews volunteered to work there.....................he told them to go visit and maybe they would learn how stupid they were! Don't think he got any action that night.............Great Australian education I guess.

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When I visited Auschwitz about 15 yrs ago, I was walking by the elevated towers of the SS guards who had their guns fixed on the area should someone make the wrong move. It was located between the campus and the gas chamber/crematory. As I was walking toward the crematory, I happened upon an American High School group guided and chaperoned by, I assume, their 30 something history teacher. He was speaking passionately to them. I paused to listen in...with his finger pointed up toward the guard towers” look there! imagine the guards with guns pointed down on your head”. After he pointed toward the crematory building. “inside there are the ovens where human beings were incinerated and disposed of like trash. You are walking on the path to death as human teens like yourselves once did. If you aren’t sickened enough yet, you will be when we walk into that building. Don’t ever ever ever let someone try to tell you that this didn’t happen. I want you to look and remember this forever.”

I proceeded toward the same building as them. My body shivered and my stomach rolled, but I looked at ever nook and cranny inside and walked out impacted by the remnants of very real evil.

I wish I had asked this teacher for his name. I was impressed with his passion and the fearful serious look on the student’s faces. I know he and they are out there somewhere and I wonder what they think of this past week.

I’ve thought of him through the years, but never so much as this past week. He is the kind of teacher I would want my children to learn from.

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We have not taught our children well!

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What a beautiful, heartfelt comment. Pretty kitty!

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What more can I say? I'm I'm truly horrified. As a retired, elderly historian, I can hardly believe what I am seeing around me on college campuses. I am NOT Jewish, but I have always loved and admired the brilliance of so many Jewish people and I've read dozens of books about their suffering. What i've seen on campuses these days makes me grateful to have taught history on a second rate campus with first generations of college students and I have always 'seen through' the adulation of the so-called great universities. Things in this country are at a tipping point. This kind of behavior HAS to stop. College leaders--presidents and administrators, profs. who are not part of the hatred groups need to organize and speak out against this behavior. Otherwise, silence is murder.

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Their donors need to turn off the faucet.

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Higher education has a rotten core - who’d have guessed?!

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It’s ruined. If you got kids consider “ get a trade”. They will be working for life and making a good wage and not being programmed to be whiney social warriors demanding the government cook their breakfast every morning while they try to smear anyone and everyone they come across for not having their programming .

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Saw a sign at a shop hiring diesel mechanics for $45/hr. And doing honest work.

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"Higher education" is neither.

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More like Lower education.

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If we could get anti-Semitic genocide classified as a microaggression, perhaps it would be greater cause for concern in progressive circles?

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!!!! 🙏

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What kind of sickness cheers the killing of babies? These are the same people who watched and ridiculed Jews as they were gathered up and loaded on trains for the slaughter. As much as it disgusts me to watch and read about this unhinged hatred, I'm glad sites like the Free Press are covering it. The only way to make Jew hatred "uncool" is to keep exposing it to the light of day.

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Think about your first sentence again when you're in front of the TV watching the bombs destroying residential block after residential block in Gaza.

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Pro tip for you:






See how that works?

Y’all are separate for war, so war is what you’re going to get

Good luck with that

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I do see, thank you for illustrating why the Jews and Palestinians are hopelessly engaged in forever war - until those who enable them decide they've had enough.

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We leave the cheering to Hamas and their supporters.

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I don't think anyone is cheering that, especially the Jews. Just overwhelming sadness at what is happening.

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Bombs do kill babies too and that's never what I would wish, however, there's a distinct difference between bombs and bullets used in a military action to destroy a murderous terrorist threat and wantonly killing babies and people for the fun of it, then loading the pictures/videos on social media. That is sickness!

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It's not for fun, it's expressing hate. 75 years generates a lot of hate. It turns people inhuman. And both sides use social media.

The real difference is money. Hamas would happily kill with planes and smart bombs instead of motorized parachutes and rifles if they could afford it. Israel can afford it. They've already killed far more women and children than Hamas did. By the time they're done with their offensive no doubt the Gazan death toll will be 10x the Israeli.

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Hazel, I'm certain you mean well, but hatred and the expression of it is fun and exciting for many of these people. Sadly, a self-destructive and dangerous element of human nature that MUST be faced and dealt with.

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If you think that Palestinians and Israelis are any different in regard to their hatred and bloodlust, you're just poorly hiding your bigotry against fellow Semites.

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Yes, they are different. It is Hamas who continually calls for the extermination of Jews. Continue to wear your blindfold--someday that thinkiing might come for you.

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No thank you.

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‘Never Again’ rings hollow in the modern world. Never in a million years did I ever think I would witness this

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Respectfully, you should get out more.

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Yes. Sadly I have over the years, witnessing the death camps in Germany and Poland and naively believing that ‘Never Again’ actually meant something

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Interesting to note that from the pictures most if not all of the pro Palestine students are wearing masks. Why don't they show their faces?

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Anonymity has been the hiding place all along for these infants and their moronic cancelling of each other. When do you hear that a specific individual has demanded anything? It’s always this or that group, so the idiots running the show can avoid responsibility and repercussions. Being forced to take responsibility for your hatred is now called “being doxed”. I say dox away.

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Spinelessness, what else?

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Same reason the KKK didn’t show theirs. It’s gross.

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To avoid identification, maybe?

They would say to avoid doxxing.

But while I would oppose publishing their private addresses and other information that could lead to harassment, I think their identities should be made public.

Make their allegiances public.

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They see job opportunities drying up.

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Amazon was sold out of white hoods, so they improvised as best they could!

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I think Fauci was there

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They’re taking lessons from the KKK.

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Looking back to my college days, I never got involved with the kids that protested whatever caused them unrest. Basically I thought they were all a bunch of nuts and was too busy hurrying from one class to another. I was raised by two wonderful parents who instilled great love of country and God. We were a military family living four years in a little military base in north eastern Japan and several assignments throughout the US. Dad was a fighter pilot in the Vietnam war…..he had great disdain for the likes of Hollywood and all those protesting the war. He was very well read and not afraid to speak his mind to us kids and our children. I can’t imagine Dad and Mom being alive today witnessing what is happening across America….a land he loved and risked his life to defend.

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