Who knew that covid 19 would be the woke mob’s Reichstagsfire. New era, new players, same playbook, same bullshit.

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Thank you David for speaking out and saying it like it is. With attention like this, maybe Trudeau will be voted out in a no confidence vote, of which he only had a slim lead previous to these events, so too for political leaders here

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Having already lived 26 years in a totalitarian regime (communist), I don’t want to have to learn how to dodge this new totalitarian madness. I don’t want to learn how to maintain a virtual wallet of cryptocurrencies. Besides, believe me, if this is allowed to continue, no virtual wallet will protect us and our families - it’s an illusion.

We simply need to take back our country - whether it’s Canada or the US. We need to organize politically, as long as elections still exist, and wipe out this cancer at the ballot box. If anybody believes this is too dramatic, they don’t know how fast things move once you start sliding in the slope.

In the mid ‘90s, before deciding to stay in the US, I had all the paperwork ready to land in Canada. I would have never guessed that in less than 30 years that pillar of western democracy would sink lower than a post-communist country in the clutches of former communists.

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It turns out that when the ruling class finds a way to dehumanize a whole group of people (in this case, and with Jan 6 “white supremacy”) they can get away with anything. Look at the silence on the Left, the side that used to care about human rights, freedom of speech, civil liberties and protests as “what Democracy looks like.” What a load.

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How do you stop it? You demand a stop at the ballot box, for God's sake!!! When, oh WHEN, is this obvious solution going to sink in??

Justin Trudeau has been an execrable, craven, cowardly dipshit since long before he entered politics, yet the Canadians seemingly can't get enough of him. Don't argue that he only received a plurality in his latest election--the fact is that the Canadian people elected him. Do you see what happens when you ELECT people like him? Or don't you care? Because if you do care, do something about it--no one has taken away your right to vote (yet)

I have a little more hope here in the U.S. because half the voters literally cannot stand the people currently in charge and feel that November cannot come soon enough. It evidently is not that way up North. Canadians/Australians/New Zealanders are largely timid, cowardly citizens who actually like an authoritarian form of government, so long as it's not actually called Fascism. Personally, wild dogs could not drag me to any of those places.

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Thank you Mr Sacks. Remember a few years back when one could not get a copy of 1984 because progressives were convinced that Trump was Big Brother. I wonder if 1984 and Orwell (Animal Farm too of course since some pigs must wear masks while others do not :-)) is no longer assigned reading in our public schools. 1984 depicted a technological surveillance state where government would severely punish ( or worse) all who refused to submit and conform. Hmmm.

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Unfortunately, I do not share the optimism of many of the commenters here.

People need to wake the F up because shit just got real in a hurry. Sure, it’s been incremental for years, but going after the financial means of peaceful protestors and doxxing donors is a gigantic leap. The pathetic “media” is complicit, with only a few exceptions.

I’ve been growing increasingly irritated as mandates like wearing a worthless mask have dragged on, and the development of children has been needlessly destroyed. Add in CRT, being told I’m a racist by people who don’t know me, a porous border through which non-citizens and (just as importantly) massive amounts of fatal drugs flow unabated, all of this is turning me into an activist, or at minimum someone who is starting to push back against all the bullshit. It’s necessary to have any say in what kind of world we inhabit the rest of our lives.

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Trudeau is just ramping up what the democrats are doing with their J6 tribunal. And only a handful of republicans have even spoken of the tyranny going on there.

Holding people in jail without bail for a year, solitary confinement, charging them with terrorism charges for decades unless they cop a plea. Hiding THOUSANDS of hours of video. Shielding cops who killed two unarmed people, one by shooting blindly, the other beaten to death.

And of course Trudeau is cheered on by the typical democrat media AS well as our president and the democrat party.

It’s here, now, just waiting for the next non democrat protest to occur.

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Trudeau has behaved like an embattled tin pot dictator. We Americans often think of ourselves as leading (whether true or not) but this is a case where our good friends in the North have to stand up and protect their freedom from Trudeau’s out of touch progressive putsch. It’s a scary moment for both countries.

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Canada has become a STASI State, and the mass of Canadians will become good Canadians, just as Germans became good Germans in the DDR and the Third Reich. When the state gives rights, it arbitrarily can remove them, as recent events in Canada demonstrate. Yesterday, a writer in Town Hall said it couldn't happen here, because our rights guaranteed in the Constitution come from God. I believe he is wrong. It can happen here, and it will happen here. I grew up in the 50s and 60s when pre-adolescents and adolescents played pick-up sports in schoolyards and playgrounds. For organized sports, you had to survive tryouts. For my children, now in their 40s, everything was organized for them. They never bad to demonstrate initiative to amuse themselves. Everybody got to play in youth leagues whether they had ability or not. My boys never experienced a tryout until high school. In my opinion, many, if not most, of that generation and later generations are passive and will let the government walk over them, if it chooses to do so. Independent-mindedness and self-reliance has been bred out of a significant portion of our population.

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Please give to the CCLA and support their fight against the government overreach and breach of human rights https://ccla.org Leave a message indicating your support of the convoy protesters rights

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Get your cryptocurrrency off the exchanges and onto your private wallet. Think about it: if the government doesn't like you, they just shut down your bank accounts and you - and your family - could literally starve to death.

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Excellent article. This is very scary. Trying to criminalize political dissent.

I have one small quibble, however with "Those of us in the free world have been asked to suspend many of our freedoms for the sake of our collective health during this pandemic. "

I don't recall ever being asked.

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Trudeau's insanity should serve as a wake up call for Americans Neither the electric company nor the water company can shut off your power or your water because they do not agree with your politics. The airlines cannot refuse to transport you because you are a registered R or D, not can hotels deny you a room.

Big tech companies have become public utilities and they need to be regulated as such, immediately. It now appears that banks and payment processing companies must also be required to treat all customers the same, regardless of politics. Just as those offering public accommodations should have to abide by regulations that govern hotels.

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The states can save us. Ban NSG scores at the state level. Create equal access rules at the state level to prevent wild swings at the federal level.

Our free markets are no longer free because of consolidation. T the federal level we need meaningful anti-trust and rules around competition to prevent capital consolidation - break up the big banks, blackrock, big pharma, big tech media, the whole thing. We also need to tax endowments and limit private foundations to 15 years or less.

The issue isn’t billionaires. It’s that a few billionaires control enormous segments of the economy despite very minority ownership.

We also need to massively reduce proxy voting and cronyism on corporate boards and allow direct secret ballot voting by shareholders. We have the ability.

Canada is now living under authoritarian fascism. Unless we severe federal control of the private financial market and return free markets to our economy it will be when, not if, this happens.

Oh, and everyone should go to their local coin dealer with cash and have at least some genuinely untraceable physical assets.

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Little Hitlers in charge and many fascists egging them on. We all better wake up. And the elites better get scared because you can only push people so far.

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