I will ask again: why are you rooting for Joe Biden? In my own view, none of these polls are honest, but if they WERE: why? He plainly doesn't know what day it is or where he is. He makes no decision. The evidence is strong and growing that he has taken bribes from Ukraine--to which he has diverted a hundred BILLION dollars or more on a war that could have been prevented at the outset, and ended again over a year ago. He takes bribes from China, which is a global rival with whom war is conceivable and on some accounts even likely.

Our border is open to every terrorist and member of every foreign military on the planet. If China wanted to attack us, they could have armed battalions on the ground all over our nation, ready to enact a detailed plan instantly. So could Iran. How is that possible? How does anyone support a President who has ordered our Border Patrol not to enforce our laws?

And I don't think any morally sane person can watch the videos of Joe Biden creeping on little girls and not get a little sick, particularly knowing that he took showers with his eight year old daughter.

Where are your standards? What can you honestly say you stand for? Working class Americans? Working class black Americans? Not if you are adding ten million competitors for jobs and social services.

Global warming? Global Warming is a bad joke that all people with integrity and actually effective educations figured out years ago is as fraudulent as COVID. It's a scheme for money and power. It has no scientific validity of any sort, and this has been obvious for at least 15-20 years.

Who all of you were when you were young was understandable: you were naive, gullible, idealistic, and surrounded by indoctrinators and indoctrination. But you are ten years or more down the road. Is it not time for you to wake up?

Trump is probably not the genius he says he is, but he is really smart. He is not a rapist--that would be Bill Clinton and Joe Biden--and his chief qualification is that he actually wants rank and file, normal, non-monied, non-elite Americans to succeed.

Who, nowadays, is a Democrat when you know it is the party of the arrogant rich elites, who don't give a damn about most of us?

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Re: Jennifer Sey: kudos to her and every other sane person with the ability to influence the fight against the morally indefensible promotion of men in women’s sports. Perhaps the pendulum is beginning to swing back toward truth and reality: men do not become women. Ever. Not with wishing, not with grotesque makeup, not with disfiguring surgeries. THIS IS MENTAL ILLNESS—NOT human rights.

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Andrew Sullivan can flat-out write:

“The younger generation — the most fucked-up and miserable of our lifetimes — knows everything about white supremacy in bird watching, but they have no idea what basic manners are.”

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To solve any problem you need to acknowledge the problem: Democrat policies over the last 70 years. Establishment republicans = democrats.

Drugs = homelessness? Democrat policies of Chinese partnership and open borders.

Education going to shit? Democrat policies of woke and race.

Everything. Democrats run everything and everything is failing. They just passed a spending 'bill' of $7,000,000,000,000 of which 30% is new debt and NOT ONE F*CKING PENNY IS SPENT ON AMERICAN CITIZENS...

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It was a hit job from the very beginning. Christine Blasey Ford's own "witnesses" could not verify her story, so why is anyone paying attention to her now?

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Keep the positive stories coming, people building things. We all need to hear more of that.

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I love the idea of featuring those who build. I also favor shaming all those who embrace " you didn't build that".

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I am a cancer survivor. I don't get the secrecy about Kate's diagnosis beyond first needing to tell the children. I absolutely don't get the secrecy when it comes to Lloyd Austin. That you are in shock, been there done that. But after you get over that you have cancer, so what if other people know? Besides these are very prominent people (and this privilege comes with obligations whether they like it or not) and by mentioning their diagnosis they may prompt others to go and get checked and hypothetically save a life. Where is the horror in that?

I wish them both and anyone else who is in this battle GodSpeed.

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On the classical education movement. Hey hey ho ho,DEI has gotta go. Maybe the Stanford professors need to go take a look and make it a field trip for all of their anti western civ kiddies

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Monica Lewinski was a mere awed youngster, wowed by being attended to by the President, when her behavior - BJs under the Lincoln Desk for Bubba; cigars in the woo woo for him to later sniff - was revealed, against her will. She has tried to "come back", with mixed results.

Christine Ballsy Ford vol-un-fucking-teered to expose her teenage behaviors (CHOOSING to hang at a party with teenage drunks). She thought her memory was important for America to hear. In service of Bork-ing a Republican SCOTUS nominee. Even if something happened, there were so many holes in her story as to make her testimony incredible. Who has not paid for her narcissistic indulgence? The Democrats who brought her to testify on camera. "Who turned her trauma into a political football", Kat? Democrats. A decent respect for civility and for, well, decency would have counseled to keep her away from the hearing. Her hippocampus is warped. She needs to go away.

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Good for Sey. I hope she gives others the courage to stand up for common sense.

There are 5.2 million registered Republicans in California. Sure, they're a minority, but that's a lot of people. I'd love to hear more about how they deal with living in such an authoritarian "progressive" state. We've seen how small numbers of motivated activists can influence politics. Maybe they are ready to engage, starting with public safety.

Commenters from CA?

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I wish Jennifer Sey the very best in her endeavor. The fact that cowardly, mediocre male athletes can compete against women is abhorrent and should be fought every step of the way.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

Even if the SAT is getting easier, the teaching profession isn't attracting the brightest and best.


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On the Andrew Sullivan story about public “music”, otherwise known as NOISE….I agree 💯 with his comments. Few things in public irritate me more than being forced to listen to other peoples crappy music or their entire phone conversation. People of all ages have no manners anymore or any respect for others.

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Anyone here started watching the 3Body problem on Netflix? All you need to know what is coming is just about few minutes from the beginning of episode 1. Crazed masses are conducting “struggle session” with an esteemed professor of physics denying all common sense and screaming nonsensical slogans. How do you brainwash masses? Slowly and steadily. We are witnessing the insanity. Everything we consider normal is abhorrent to them. The old mummy pretending to be a president who represents everything what’s wrong with this country is hailed as our savior. Unfortunately this is not a sci fi novel. It’s becoming our life. Unfolding live and I feel helpless. And btw. Growing up in a communist country I also took Latin

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I feel terrible for Kate as a fellow mother, and I agree people should give her privacy. Unfortunately though, I think she had no choice but to make a statement once the Palace absolutely bungled things by releasing that weird photoshopped image (and blaming her for it)! At the very least, the Palace needs to hire a real PR team.

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