Do Harvard, Columbia, or UPenn have exchange programs in Dagestan?

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With a little incitement the crowds in every major city in Europe and the US and across the US college campuses would look the same. We've already seen Western protestors screaming "Gas the Jews." So far we have not seen any of the neo-nazi, right wing that we have heard was so much of a threat from Joe Biden. It's all on the Left. Sadly the Left thinks the new Speaker of the House's fundamentalist Christian views are a bigger problem.

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One of the major complaints from angry Leftists is how the deaths are lopside, to which my response is: "You're only upset because not enough Jews have died?"

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Very timely film right now recently came out, the Golda biopic starring Helen Mirren. Has many eerily familiar elements - surprise attack on the sabbath, American pressure not to fight back, catastrophic Israeli intelligence failures, and more. But one of the most upsetting moments is when Meir/Mirren recalls her childhood in Kiev, hiding with her parents as the pogrom mobs wreak havoc, hoping the mob won’t find them…

The family fled Ukraine to escape the murderous Jew hatred, and then a few decades later she was leader of Israel dealing with it all again.

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Seen on Twitter: the same people who don't want Jews living in Palestine are failing miserably at making Jews feel welcome and safe *outside of* Palestine.

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Come to Texas, is it safe? Maybe, but you can protect yourself here and there are lots of us who won't stand by and watch the antisemites run wild.

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As a first generation immigrant from one of the Central Asia republics of the Former Soviet Union... why did I just say this, like I need validation for what I'm about to opine? Well. I suppose I do. This article is so shockingly, so unabashedly true and right to the core, it made the goosebumps appear on my arms in this 81 degree weather. All I can say is - I wake up every morning and grab my phone to see the updates from family and friends and the news too, and every day I find that the bells are tolling everywhere for me and for my people. Will we fight till the very last drop? Sure. Will we win? Unknown.

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These are terrible people. Why are the Muslim leaders so silent as their flocks behave like undedicated animals with blood lust. Why are US Muslims in Congress supporting terrorist and loathe to condemn kidnapping and murder? The Muslim faith is corrupted by politic and always has been at least so far as that which remains tied to the middle east and has corrupted leaders that dismiss biblical teaching. Several leaders in the USA are seriously disgusting liars as they pretend to be civilized. So sad. We should close the southern border and welcome all 400 families form this region to the USA.

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Everyone needs to admit that it is somewhat humorous that there is finally a legitimate danger coming from Russia and it’s because they have Muslims, the people Trump wanted to ban from entering the country.

Admit that it is funny. You will feel better.

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Thanks to the miracle of social media, the jihadis have useful idiots all over the world to spread their hate. Most of the rioters have no idea about what they are cheering for. They just revel in being "on the right side of history", which of course makes no sense. The answer to the question posed in your headline is simple. When the Jews are gone, they will start killing the next largest minority. Perhaps Christians, LGBTQ people, or some other non-radical, non-muslim minority.

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“the Jews first came to Dagestan via Persia in the fifth century CE”

So the Jews were there at least a few hundred years before the Muslims and their bloody conquests.

Radical Islam is a cancer in the world. Everywhere the radical expression of it arises, in the Middle East, in Asia, in Africa, violent atrocities ensue.

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“Russian press Secretary Dmitry Peskov has wasted no time in redirecting the blame and declaring that the airport attack was “Western meddling” intended to “divide Russia.””


I am now peeing my pants laughing because the Russian Press Secretary is the exact same as ours. Is “western collusion” a thing over there??? Holy shit I need to google this……

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To sorta quote James Carville - “It’s the Muslims stupid.”

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Holding Jews everywhere responsible for what’s happening in the Middle East is Jew hatred pure and simple. The mobs shouting “gas the Jews “ are vile and have nothing to do with the conflict. The war gives them cover to spew their ugly hatred.

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Were I living in Russia, Jewish or not, I'd take any opportunity to leave, at least until Putin is gone.

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Well I hope the Jewish people get out of there. This is why we have the Second Amendment! Are you getting this?! Finally! It is my understanding a lot of Jewish people are Democrats, trying to take our guns. Not a chance! We have a fighting chance when it matters. And a few trained German Shepherd dogs go a long way as well!

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