
Its deeply ironic that the millionaire “fighting for little guy” ends up getting in a fight with the janitor. That encapsulates this strange elitist rebellion against the working class we’re living through.

I just donated to the guy. I hope others do too and he keeps his job.

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Time for Mr Torres to sue the wanna be revolutionary. In a court located in his neighborhood. And since NY judges and juries love huge damages let's hope Mr Torres and Carlson can trade places.

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Definitely! Sue those bastards for false imprisonment and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Sue the school for negligence.

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Alan Dershowitz said he'll take any case involving a suit against Columbia pro bono.

Give him a call, Mr. Janitor.

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I just read that his union is suing Columbia.

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Good. And hopefully also named are the hamas profs and administrators

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Sue Hamas as international lawyers are suing other terrorists groups and winning…see Prager U. website for great information!!

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Hurray for the local union and may they persevere against certain leftist movements in the AFLCIO & UAW that are circulating petitions against Israel ie refusing to manufacture or load any products being sent or received to/from Israel, support divestment, and condemn Israel for committing genocide.

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Unfortunately, Democratic judges and juries in NY and other blue cities no longer support working people in low wage jobs. They are the party of the rich and are owned by them.

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That's why I want a jury of those on Mr Torres neighborhood to be jurors. To send a message. A big one

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That would indeed be sweet to see!

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YES! Great idea!

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Media outlets and social media trolls are definitely going to come after him. Even in their bubbles, they'll realize this is an unsustainably bad look for them. It's only a matter of time until we get a story with a title like "The Janatorial Face of White Supremacism" to explain why we shouldn't believe our lying eyes.

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George Zimmerman, white hispanic

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For real

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Even though the janitorial face is a POC!

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Being a "POC" is always conditional to how well you reiterate leftist talking points

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Not so different to being Jewish.

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Schrodinger’s Race.

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Exactly! He will be considered white Hispanic, because that's more convenient!!

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And the leftists are overwhelmingly white people funded by their affluent families, as well as by ultra rich white subsidizers of anti American movements.

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This is nothing new. Just like the Weather Underground murdering a Brinks security guard and two police officers in the name of liberating the working class.

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Deep irony indeed. They want to be a “revolutionary” for people across an ocean and don’t care who they stomp on right here in front of them. And yet, the same types tend to be against any “meddling” of US in foreign countries, telling us we should care more about what goes on in our own country. Our really? How can you tell me that when you can’t even think about how your little building takeover affects janitors, affects the community, affects the people responsible for cleaning up after you make a mess? And who is going to pay for all the damage you create?

How can you claim to care about the lowly Palestinian when you can’t even see the common man standing right next to you?

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What is even worse is that the "revolutionary" walked away with his teeth intact.

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These morons are pressing their luck like Moe Greene.

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“40 year old trust fund kid”. Translation-Scumbag.

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It’s this simple: Carrying the oppressor / white privilege / equity argument to its logical end, said “trust fund kid” can only live the principle by distributing 100% of his inheritance. But since that’s hard, jetting on to campus to play comrade is both exhilarating and helps ameliorate that pesky guilt.

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People that inherit wealth often end up having self-esteem problems. Whereas when you must work to achieve something you respect yourself more. A generalization naturally.

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Why is he a scumbag? Someone else gifted him money. He had no choice in the matter. His status as a trust fund recipient had nothing to do with who he is or his decision making, did it?

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He's a 40 year old protesting at a college campus, breaking into buildings. Though the protests are nominally about Gaza, they've also slipped into a whole variety of "settler-colonialist" and other Marxist complaints, which paints this patrician as something of a hypocrite.

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May 7·edited May 7

Agreed. I just don't like people jumping to conclusions about who a person is based on their wealth.

All too often people start from a position of negativity or assuming malicious intent. We would all be wise to begin treating our neighbors as friends, not enemies.

Of course, the guy in question has gone beyond that and proven he isn't a friend.

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Good point. I always hated the term "the 1%," an attempt to "other" a class of people that have hardly any similarities beyond their income.

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What planet are you from? He’s a scumbag because he’s not using his money to help good causes…instead he’s abusing his money to play at caring about others. When a jury divests him of all of his money we’ll see how much time he has on his hands to play political games…

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Audrey, your comment is a great example of what I'm talking about.

What planet am I from? The same planet as you. We're "neighbors".

You called him a scumbag because you don't think he is spending his money to help good causes. A reasonable person could think that means he's not spending his money how you want him to spend it.

1. What insight do you have on how his money is spent? Do you know what he buys? Do you know what charities he has donated to?

2. Does he have the right to dictate how you spend your money? Of course not. Therefore, do you have the right to dictate how he spends his money?

Look, I think the guy is just as much of a toolbag as everyone else here. But before we work ourselves into frenzy, let's pump the brakes a bit. We know very little about this guy other than what we read in these stories. I bet he thinks he is "doing the right thing" and his actions are noble and justified. We just disagree with him. If he is doing what he thinks is "right" does that make him a scumbag? Maybe. Maybe not.

In the end, he should be punished for any laws he broke, and held accountable for his actions.

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Regardless of how he spends his money (which he hopefully won’t have for long because he’ll be sued by the janitor) he’s wasting his time promoting anarchy, when he’d be the first to call the police if someone broke into his home as he’s doing to another’s “home” on the Columbia campus and will be among the first to cry foul when Hamas takes over his property and money.

The irony here is that these useful idiots are the very people Hamas will want to get rid of first….by firing squad or worse….they’re either the idle anarchistic rich (who will be unable to adjust to an authoritarian regime) and/or lesbians, gays, women etc all of whom will have no use (except perhaps as imprisoned slaves -or in the case of women, imprisoned in burkas) to a regime that will see some as immoral infidels to be killed or to be used as idiot slaves or baby breeders to those in charge.

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Bro, I hope he gets enough donation money to quit his job, go to school and get a better one.

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Or SKIP school and start his own business.

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I just donated. But who is David Cohen and how do we know this is going to Mr. Torres?!

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Well, that's a good question. But there IS a button on the Go Fund Me page called "Donation Protected". And I have funded through the site before, with positive results. Personally, I'm going on trust. If you've got a better way to verify, go for it. And let us know!

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I don't trust GoFundMe after what they pulled during the Canadian truck protest. They are all too likely to decide the recipient is too "evil" (not Leftist enough) to deserve the money.

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Sadly, you have a point.

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There is also a contact form on the page to send to David Cohen directly.

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I wonder if there is a way for the interviewer to find out from Mr. Torres whether he 1) knows of the funding, and 2) is getting the funds -- ?

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It's also ironic that Mr. Torres earns $19 an hour. The average salary of faculty at Columbia is about $178,000 a year, or roughly $90 an hour. Many of these faculty members are wonderful teachers and world class researchers, but a significant number of them contribute far less to the university, or anything else for that matter, than Mr. Torres. You can find a lot of those faculty participating in the latest round of "student" demonstrations.

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I donated as well. He was absolutely right to be concerned about losing his job in a month when this has all exited the news cycle- but we need the voices of people like him in our public conversations.

Great interview, Francesca.

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I donated too

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Me too

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You nailed this perfectly.

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How can I make a donation?

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Someone give this man a better job. He's got a good head on his shoulders.

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more than that, some attorney take his case Pro Bono to make sure he isn't retaliated against and is properly compensated for Columbia's failures to protect him and his coworkers.

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It’s a travesty that Torres should need a funding campaign, given that his employer is culpable for not protecting him in the first place.

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well, the union is already representing him so he doesn't need money for that, but an attorney should take his case Pro Bono for a civil suit. Legal representation isn't free (unless you're a socialist).

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Most people who work in the janitorial and property management do. What Mr. Torres and others in those professions should get is a living wage. Which is not $19/hr, especially in NYC.

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But someone has to clean up after the elite toddlers. They should all have their salaries DOUBLED.

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Also, everyone should shun the 40-year-old trust fund protester named James Carlson!

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The 40 year old is not a 'kid', he is an adult with immense resources but prefers to behave like a hooligan, knowing that he can afford the best lawyers and will suffer little consequences.

Compare and contrast that person who enjoys behaving like a spoilt toddler instead of a responsible adult with the man he assaulted.

The janitor who is only 5 years older than this so-called 'kid' behaved with far more sense of purpose. He defended Columbia against the mob. He appears proud of his job and presumably the university where he works, making a mostly unseen and overlooked contribution. In short he is a responsible adult, the sort that America used to pride itself on producing.

Hopefully Columbia will stick up for him and ensure his safe working environment as he stuck up for Columbia in its hour of need.

It would be to Columbia's shame if it failed in this simple task of sifting the wheat from the chaff.

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If Columbia fails this basic test, it has no more claim to exist as an institution of higher learning.

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They've already failed.

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He's a kid like Hunter Biden is a kid.

Their immense privilege means they never have to do any adulting even as time is coming for them to qualify for AARP membership.

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There are reasons why the Founders of the US did not want an aristocracy. Many had come to the US to escape this sort of over entitlement.

People should stop excusing the behaviour. It is not a good look after the age of about 16 (not sure it is a good look even then but you have to allow proper children to make mistakes and then clean up their own messes). It is actually pathetic.

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Don't confuse the issue, and don't make false comparisons.

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Columbia stick up for him? Puuuuleeeease. They got $90k/year clients they're too busy coddling.

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And that should be the Columbia's administration's shame. The only way they will be shamed is if the so-called Fourth Estate starts exposing the way they treat the ordinary employees when things like this occur.

Columbia should also be making the students involved in the trashing of the campus materially assist in cleaning it up -- not only in dollar terms, but also manual labour so they can start to understand what they did. Some will get it. Most won't.

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May 8·edited May 8

They have failed their students and faculty in exactly the same way. They may help this janitor - and only because of this FP article and because his union is suing - but they won't condemn or punish the pro-Hamas mob (thugs) for it. Shafik lied under oath and the university has already capitulated to the mob over and over again.

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The faculty and administration at Columbia may be mostly chaff.

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Notice how organized he said it all was. This is not “peaceful protest”. This is planned insurrection and destruction.

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And unlike January 6th, directed by malign foreign interests whose aim is the destruction of the United States of America. If we had a real FBI, who viewed its job as protecting American citizens, we'd have the answers pretty quickly.

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For better or worse, we've got to get Trump elected. Even at the worst, we'll be the ones to feel good, and they won't.

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Don’t worry, Alan Bragg is right on the case. Not.

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Then they wonder why blue collar workers of all races are voting republican.

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Columbia U Trustee Jeh Johnson was interviewed on Morning Joe. When asked why Columbia didn’t call in the police the way Ben Sasse did at U FL, Jeh admitted that the faculty support the students’ law breaking and violence. So, this is what diversity hiring gets you. Diverse, as in American haters, Islamists. No, we don’t need this kind of diversity.

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I'm not sure it is diversity hiring that gets us here. I think it is conformity hiring.

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Astute point. Diversity means conformity in these Alice in Wonderland days. The left just didn’t think you were smart enough to figure that out. Keep calling them out. They hate that some of us have great hypocrisy radar.

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In other news, MIT today stopped requiring diversity statements from new hires.

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We call it “diverse hiring “ but it’s really just intellectual nepotism. If the janitor has grounds to sue, he should IMO.

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That’s just evil

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This is a guy working a graveyard shift so he can take care of and be there for his kids. With the purest clarity, after being held hostage by an elite mob while he was trying to just do the job he loves, he says,

“to get through this mob just punch into work, why are they still there? This is CRAZY.”

That about sums up what the chattering class that is dismantling and disrespecting those that put boots on to work every day, is at its core.

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It sounds like they have some sort of training and organization. Groups of "protestors" don't usually carry duct tape and zip ties. They don't cover up cameras first. They don't coordinate attacks from two sides. Someone planned and organized this, and wanted it to turn violent.

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The “protesters “ didn’t even think to pack lunch. You think they thought about cameras?

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Oh, they thought it through. They just assumed that they would have access to their normal resources while destroying their campus

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yes beacseu they knew someone would send pizza ( gate)

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Agree!Antifa’s participation during Berkeley protest suggest that these are not a group of “crazy kids.” They came with weapons, took positions on roof tops, etc. and are ready to deploy their techniques for trees, BLM, or Gaza.

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this article explains it (oh what would be do without FP and Tablet?) Now we know, we have to do something


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What a contrast! A multi-millionnaire trust fund baby v. a blue collar working stiff. The left does love its social agitators, and snidely stands behind them while pretending they don't. A privileged elite pretending it's fighting for the masses. Power. They are simply seeking power. No better place to find it than on the campuses of our failed academic institutions.

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Time for a group of janitors to occupy a 2.3 million dollar Brooklyn townhouse?

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I hear if you squat for awhile you get to keep it.

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Yes, and it's coming time for much worse than that, sorry to say.

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A case of REAL Oppresser vs Oppressed! Not that the Columbia geniuses will get the irony.

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So this was all planned and funded. Funded by whom? Follow the money. Right up to the top. Then arrest them for felonies. And publish their names. Wanna bet whose involved? These people are the enemies of America. Start treating them accordingly.

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Hasn't it been reported that Biden's biggest donors are some of the funders? Let's see a deep dive into that story!

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Let's see who has the courage to do that? Certainly not any of the left leaning "journalists" with whom we are afflicted.

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To be fair, Politico posted a story about it. Now who will pick it up and amplify it?

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Including Bari Weiss and the Free Press.

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May 7·edited May 7

See this article on Tablet: "The People Setting America on Fire," by Park MacDougald. It was posted yesterday. Trigger warning: It made me feel hopeless.

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ha! i just posted that (3Xs) - great reporting!

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Patrick Bet-David revealed in a Podcast that under 10% of colleges are funded by tuition. The big money donors, like Soros pull the strings. They don't care if students are hurt. They care about the money. It doesn't hurt that the teachers are leftist fools that don't live in the real world and will go along.

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Qatar and China funnel many billions to US university programs…

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It's not protest if the administration supports it.

These cowards with the hoods and masks are following the same playbook you can see for yourselves if you rent Birth of a Nation from the public library. They know, just like the animals featured in that movie, that there is no way in the world they will be held accountable for their acts.

As soon as the media goes away, every single "protester" will be back on campus, no hint of discipline or suspension of any kind.

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Great interview!

"So I’m taking a big risk doing this, but I think that they failed. They failed us. And I think that’s the bigger story. They failed us. They should have done more to protect us, and they didn’t.”

Hey Bari Weiss!

That quotation above pretty much describes every sanctified minority who was bullied into voting for the fucking Democratic Party over the years... I bet that every single "they" he refers to is a registered Democrat. All of them. 100%. Without exception...

How much more will it take for you to declare a fatwah against the Democratic Party?

You're starting to look like Bret Weinstein... a really smart guy who can't admit that he was wrong for about the last 30 fucking years of his life...

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Why do you assume he's a Dem voter? Did he say he was? Reality is most working class black guys in cities like him don't vote. They gave up on government doing anything for them long ago.

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Just consider the framing of your question... "they gave up on government doing anything for them"...

The notion of "government doing things for me" is a sickness.

But I don't presume this guy voted Dem... in my comment, I propose that the "they" in his remarks would only refer to people who, if it were investigate, would turn out to be registered Democrats.

All university failures are failures of the Democratic Party since they have a nearly complete stranglehold on these institutions.

The Free Press keeps trying to frame these issues as "social" problems. They're not. Most of American society is healthy enough. Nearly every single problem, failure or issue highlighted in this publikation stems from one source: Democrats.

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May 7·edited May 7

because the far right and far left together believe all minorities vote the same way. Of course, the far right is hostile to them which overshadows the far left being patronizing to them. The left believes more immigration means more Dem votes so we must bring them in, and the right believes more immigration means more left votes, so we must keep them out. Classic horseshoe theory on display.

If not for the right's overt racism and bigotry more minorities (especially legal Hispanic and Asian immigrants) would recognize the left's covert racism and bigotry towards them, but the far right and Trump just can't help themselves (poisoning the blood).

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Please give us an example of "overt racism and bigotry" from the far right.

Who are they? Name them by name and specific proof.

My bet is you cannot.

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Yes, yes , yes, but oh God, please don't start using their language.

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I am a profane person. It does not change the substance of my critique. Only its flavor.

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Okay. I've always liked you, anyway.

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During riots in ‘68 bf I’d met my husband he was Orthopedic Resident on call at Columbia infirmary. Saw lots of students w contusions and scalp lacerations from encounters w police. Lots of dramatic photos w no one seriously hurt. Only two serious injuries a police officer w spine injury and janitor who had been thrown down stairs in Occupied bldg by students. They required hospitalization w multiple fractures. Story never reported

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Thank you for giving him a safe place to share his story. Mr. Torres does what most of these ignorant, entitled “protestors” wouldn’t consider as a career. Will definitely donate & share the Go Fund Me. Let’s show him the love he deserves!

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