There is zero chance Biden debates Trump, or any political opponent for that matter, ever again. We all know the lazy excuses they'll use, the sames once CNN is already using to censor Trump. The only mystery, and it isn't much of one, is what percentage of Democrats will swallow the lie. Over/under is at 95%.

No only did Trump conduct almost 4x as many interviews as Biden up until this point in his presidency - 273 to 74 - Trump would eagerly go toe-to-toe with journalists who proudly boasted about making it their mission to take Trump down. Conversely, Biden's interviewers' sychophancy is stomach-turning. Setting him up for a lame one-liner and then cackling at his jokes, and asking softball questions that essentially boil down to "explain why criticism of you is misinformation".

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An Islamist making a threat on someones life is more than speech. It should be treated and punished as a crime until publicly removed by the threatener.

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Tracy Chapman stood unadorned and joyously open with Luke Combs, clearly humbled and honored to be blessed to share this powerful performance. Two humans with such varied identities that I will not label because it was irrelevant, joined in presenting Chapmans art which entwined them emotionally/deeply by representing a life anthem for both. This performance stands as the gold standard of what can be.

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The only thing jihadi Islamists understand is deadly force. If we can’t do that, we need to mass deport.

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Joe Biden was born in 1942. He is not a "boomer." Best wishes to King Charles III for a full recovery.

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Chapman and Combs ❤️


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"Fast Car" is such a refreshing song in today's context. A song about personal responsibility, working hard to make a better life, pitfalls of addiction. And with a focus on beautiful vocals For the last couple of decades, music has promoted heavy drug use, crime, violence and treating women terribly. All set to blaring music and a singer screaming obscenities.

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How many teachers across America share the views of the woke kindergarten princess? Would love to hear a reaction from Grand Master Randi?

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The problems with immigration in the US are vast, but children play to that of Europe. The historical and intellectual stupidity of the left is on prime display throughout the continent. Anyone who is historically minded understands that along with race and ethnicity, Religion is a dominant driver of violence and oppression. There are battles of the tribe but also the battles of how one thinks and behaves.

Europe has purged itself mostly of organized Christianity, with the state taking over responsibility for the poor and allowing its citizens to be protected from the consequences of the state. Thus, rules on behavior are not something that many think about until you start letting people whose Religion is all they think about. The modern left in the US detests the religious right for their rules but is so blinded by their obsession with race that they don't see the threat the Isalm poses. They are the religious right on steroids.

It's not that they are people of color, but instead, they believe fervently in Religion and have no clue nor care about the tolerance that comes from an Enlightened world. Any test for immigration must have a religious test, not one of what you believe but rather one to tolerate what others think and behave. Europe did not do that, and the problems they are going to face will be stagging. Left-wing stupidity at its height, and it will be terrible to see how it continues to unfold.

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Feb 6·edited Feb 6

Woke Kindergarten isn't new.

When my son was 5 back in 2001, his lifelong friends were a Chinese girl "S," a Mexican girl "M," and a Jewish girl "E." I was good friends with their mothers, and we were just friends and Americans, not races or religions. Literally NEVER came up.

He started kindergarten at a bilingual Spanish/English school. Half my son's class was comprised of kids from south of the border who couldn't speak English. They were just kids, and they played together.

His kindergarten had a "Reading to End Racism" day where a Mexican-American came in and read a story to the children about white kids attacking a little Mexican girl by throwing paint on her, and he talked about white oppression in America. My 5-yr-old son came home and asked me, "Does this mean I can't be friends with M anymore?"

How heartbreaking is that? Even worse, those kids in his class never played together the same way anymore.

I'm sure the man who came in and read that to the kids thought he was making the world a better place, but he was just dumping his baggage and creating the very problem he said he was trying to solve.

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Blacks don't get enough music awards. Talk about crying wolf. Could we please collectively agree to ignore these people?

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Joeys handlers don’t trust him to do a three minute Super Bowl interview. How in hell could he do a 1-2 hour debate. Although it would be hilarious to see him stumble on and off stage, probably poop his depends, start yelling profanity then whispering creepily, and no doubt taking his clothes off. It would certainly be instructive to the oblivious left and the dem plantation denizens

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Over 42000 Christians have been killed in Nigeria

Why nothing

The assassin's veto

Over 80000 blacks have been killed in Nigeria

Why nothing

The assassin's veto

College campuses do nothing to stop the Muslim hate of Jews on campuses

Why nothing

The assassin's veto

Thank you I now have a name

UK Scandinavian countries eastern Europe the EU south Africa. Harvard Yale MIT U Penn

The assassin's veto.

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Can we expect these mini-TGIFs each Tuesday? I noted Nellie’s comment that she’d been criticized for making TGIF overlong. I just want to say I love a big honking Christmas-sized TGIF every week. Although I like this Tuesday amuse bouche as well. Is something else going on? Is Tuesday now a New Haven run for Friday’s Broadway?

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The west's approach to radical Islam has been appeasement and this misguided guided view that they will assimilate if given the chance. Islamists understand one thing, death. I say give it to them.

I didn't watch the Grammys but I did watch that clip. Love the song. It's an anthem to those that are born into dysfunction and want to "Be Someone". Always brings a tear to my eye.

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If you want to know how to deal with these, Islamist freaks, google Pamela Geller.

No civilized country should put up with these barbarian ghouls.

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